democrat leader Maxine Waters inciting an insurrection against the courts and the rule of law !

No he didn't. He was too much of a pussy. But he did incite the crowd.
Sorry, he owns that...forever. :)
not true he said to peacefully let your voices be heard ! its dem leaders telling their marxist shock troops to defy the rule of law and the courts !



there is no hidden message or dog whistle [a term dems use against opponents to twist the meaning of words spoken ] NO ! she is calling for an insurrection against the courts and the rule of law !

How can she incite violence when no one ever listens to her?

there is no hidden message or dog whistle [a term dems use against opponents to twist the meaning of words spoken ] NO ! she is calling for an insurrection against the courts and the rule of law !

I guess she forgets what a congress woman is all about. She thinks shes a social activist. A congress person is supposed to believe in passing legislation right? Doing the work on the ground.. getting the votes to pass what you want or need to be passed right? Seems these activist congress people who dont want to do the work, find it either
easier or more glamorous to intimidate for what they want, from a completely different branch of government. Of course its partly due to the fact they live inside a bubble, protected by a media who helps ensure they get all the praise and no accountability for their actions.
Oh please Auntie MaxiPad is hilarious. She's going to fight, what? Abortion is legal in California. She's going to defy the court. What is she going to do, tell states to defy the court and not make any decision at all.

What a dolt.
there is no hidden message or dog whistle [a term dems use against opponents to twist the meaning of words spoken ] NO ! she is calling for an insurrection against the courts and the rule of law !

So the double standard of the Jan 6 committee is highlighted nicely here by the unabated call for violence.

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