democrat insanity, siding with criminals over the police in Chicago...again


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The new mayor of Chicago has decided it is a good idea to attack the police....the same policy that created the Ferguson Effect on the national level under obama when he and other left wing asshats decided to attack the police.......

As Summer Shooting Season Commences in Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot Picks a Fight with Police

Appearing on a local cable news show on May 30, Lightfoot made the astonishing allegation that the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, the union representing rank-and-file officers, had instructed its members to be passive when dealing with crime over the Memorial Day weekend. “But you know,” she told interviewer Ken Davis, “there were rumors floating around about — and I didn’t verify this — but rumors floating around that they were telling their officers, ‘Don’t do anything. Don’t, over Memorial Day weekend, don’t intercede. If you see some criminal activity just lay back, do nothing.’ I hope to God that wasn’t true because, man, oh man, if that happened, there’s going to be a reckoning.”

There’s going to be a reckoning, all right, Madam Mayor, it just won’t be the one you thought it would be.

As Rudy Giuliani knew, and as Lori Lightfoot does not, it takes a motivated police force to take the steps necessary to drive down the level of violence seen in Chicago. “Cops count,” as William Bratton has preached for years, but in order for them to make a difference, they have to have the expectation that if they act within the law and department policy, their superiors and their city government will back them when controversy arises. Cops in Chicago have no such expectation, and it appears unlikely Mayor Lightfoot will even try to instill one.

Will he go out and do his utmost to detect and deter wrongdoing, placing those responsible under arrest when called for? Or will he simply handle his assigned radio calls and take reports when called to do so, but otherwise not exert himself in the pursuit of lawbreakers? Either way, the pay is the same.

What every cop knows, most especially in Chicago, is that when he drives down the street and sees signs of trouble, he can choose to do something about it or drive on by and ignore it. Those 1,043 shooting victims depicted on the map above, they were shot by people whose fear of the consequences was insufficient to deter them from carrying a gun and using it when they felt the urge. Opening the summer shooting season in true Chicago fashion, at least 43 people were shot in the city over the Memorial Day weekend, seven of them fatally. So far in June (as of this writing), 147 people have been shot, 16 of them fatally.

When a cop notices someone whose behavior suggests he’s carrying a gun – the way he walks or the way he tugs at his clothing or any of a number of indicators a good cop can recognize – the cop knows if he gets out of his car to confront the person, he may have to chase him, fight with him, maybe even shoot him, all of which will be captured on the camera he wears, the one in his car, the ones that installed throughout every neighborhood, and the ones that are carried by nearly everyone on the street in the form of a cellphone. And the cop knows that even if his actions are unambiguously legal and perfectly justified, if those actions result in an injury to the suspect they will be criticized by his superiors, politicians, the media, and of course the “community,” some of whose members believe that an armed and resisting suspect has the absolute right to an injury-free arrest, a belief
that is seldom if ever countered by those same superiors, politicians, and media.

The new mayor of Chicago has decided it is a good idea to attack the police....the same policy that created the Ferguson Effect on the national level under obama when he and other left wing asshats decided to attack the police.......

As Summer Shooting Season Commences in Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot Picks a Fight with Police

Appearing on a local cable news show on May 30, Lightfoot made the astonishing allegation that the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, the union representing rank-and-file officers, had instructed its members to be passive when dealing with crime over the Memorial Day weekend. “But you know,” she told interviewer Ken Davis, “there were rumors floating around about — and I didn’t verify this — but rumors floating around that they were telling their officers, ‘Don’t do anything. Don’t, over Memorial Day weekend, don’t intercede. If you see some criminal activity just lay back, do nothing.’ I hope to God that wasn’t true because, man, oh man, if that happened, there’s going to be a reckoning.”

There’s going to be a reckoning, all right, Madam Mayor, it just won’t be the one you thought it would be.

As Rudy Giuliani knew, and as Lori Lightfoot does not, it takes a motivated police force to take the steps necessary to drive down the level of violence seen in Chicago. “Cops count,” as William Bratton has preached for years, but in order for them to make a difference, they have to have the expectation that if they act within the law and department policy, their superiors and their city government will back them when controversy arises. Cops in Chicago have no such expectation, and it appears unlikely Mayor Lightfoot will even try to instill one.

Will he go out and do his utmost to detect and deter wrongdoing, placing those responsible under arrest when called for? Or will he simply handle his assigned radio calls and take reports when called to do so, but otherwise not exert himself in the pursuit of lawbreakers? Either way, the pay is the same.

What every cop knows, most especially in Chicago, is that when he drives down the street and sees signs of trouble, he can choose to do something about it or drive on by and ignore it. Those 1,043 shooting victims depicted on the map above, they were shot by people whose fear of the consequences was insufficient to deter them from carrying a gun and using it when they felt the urge. Opening the summer shooting season in true Chicago fashion, at least 43 people were shot in the city over the Memorial Day weekend, seven of them fatally. So far in June (as of this writing), 147 people have been shot, 16 of them fatally.

When a cop notices someone whose behavior suggests he’s carrying a gun – the way he walks or the way he tugs at his clothing or any of a number of indicators a good cop can recognize – the cop knows if he gets out of his car to confront the person, he may have to chase him, fight with him, maybe even shoot him, all of which will be captured on the camera he wears, the one in his car, the ones that installed throughout every neighborhood, and the ones that are carried by nearly everyone on the street in the form of a cellphone. And the cop knows that even if his actions are unambiguously legal and perfectly justified, if those actions result in an injury to the suspect they will be criticized by his superiors, politicians, the media, and of course the “community,” some of whose members believe that an armed and resisting suspect has the absolute right to an injury-free arrest, a belief
that is seldom if ever countered by those same superiors, politicians, and media.

They are drowning out the real stories. They know that Chicago cannot stand Obama. They know that Rahm and Obama is playing the system. But the media is showing the things that the left wants them to show. And manufacturing fake protest to drown out the real ones.

Yea, as long as, the police are shooting and killing black men right wing fools like the OP are happy. In the eyes of the right the police should never be held accountable for killing someone black.
Yea, as long as, the police are shooting and killing black men right wing fools like the OP are happy. In the eyes of the right the police should never be held accountable for killing someone black.
Nothing brightens my day more than hearing about a violent criminal who got smoked by a good cop. Race is never a factor. Show me a violent white criminal, and ill chuckle upon hearing the news that he got shot. Now if only you guys could do the same, but as we all know, you guys hate law abiding whites more than black criminals. Hell, youll burn down your cities for dead black criminals. The racism is strong in your community.
Yea, as long as, the police are shooting and killing black men right wing fools like the OP are happy. In the eyes of the right the police should never be held accountable for killing someone black.

Moron......Black men are killed by other Black men.....attacking the police makes sure that keeps happening.....
Yea, as long as, the police are shooting and killing black men right wing fools like the OP are happy. In the eyes of the right the police should never be held accountable for killing someone black.

Moron......Black men are killed by other Black men.....attacking the police makes sure that keeps happening.....

Shit for Brains white men are killed by other white men......white men attack the police and they leave in handcuffs.
The new mayor of Chicago has decided it is a good idea to attack the police....the same policy that created the Ferguson Effect on the national level under obama when he and other left wing asshats decided to attack the police.......

As Summer Shooting Season Commences in Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot Picks a Fight with Police

Appearing on a local cable news show on May 30, Lightfoot made the astonishing allegation that the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, the union representing rank-and-file officers, had instructed its members to be passive when dealing with crime over the Memorial Day weekend. “But you know,” she told interviewer Ken Davis, “there were rumors floating around about — and I didn’t verify this — but rumors floating around that they were telling their officers, ‘Don’t do anything. Don’t, over Memorial Day weekend, don’t intercede. If you see some criminal activity just lay back, do nothing.’ I hope to God that wasn’t true because, man, oh man, if that happened, there’s going to be a reckoning.”

There’s going to be a reckoning, all right, Madam Mayor, it just won’t be the one you thought it would be.

As Rudy Giuliani knew, and as Lori Lightfoot does not, it takes a motivated police force to take the steps necessary to drive down the level of violence seen in Chicago. “Cops count,” as William Bratton has preached for years, but in order for them to make a difference, they have to have the expectation that if they act within the law and department policy, their superiors and their city government will back them when controversy arises. Cops in Chicago have no such expectation, and it appears unlikely Mayor Lightfoot will even try to instill one.

Will he go out and do his utmost to detect and deter wrongdoing, placing those responsible under arrest when called for? Or will he simply handle his assigned radio calls and take reports when called to do so, but otherwise not exert himself in the pursuit of lawbreakers? Either way, the pay is the same.

What every cop knows, most especially in Chicago, is that when he drives down the street and sees signs of trouble, he can choose to do something about it or drive on by and ignore it. Those 1,043 shooting victims depicted on the map above, they were shot by people whose fear of the consequences was insufficient to deter them from carrying a gun and using it when they felt the urge. Opening the summer shooting season in true Chicago fashion, at least 43 people were shot in the city over the Memorial Day weekend, seven of them fatally. So far in June (as of this writing), 147 people have been shot, 16 of them fatally.

When a cop notices someone whose behavior suggests he’s carrying a gun – the way he walks or the way he tugs at his clothing or any of a number of indicators a good cop can recognize – the cop knows if he gets out of his car to confront the person, he may have to chase him, fight with him, maybe even shoot him, all of which will be captured on the camera he wears, the one in his car, the ones that installed throughout every neighborhood, and the ones that are carried by nearly everyone on the street in the form of a cellphone. And the cop knows that even if his actions are unambiguously legal and perfectly justified, if those actions result in an injury to the suspect they will be criticized by his superiors, politicians, the media, and of course the “community,” some of whose members believe that an armed and resisting suspect has the absolute right to an injury-free arrest, a belief
that is seldom if ever countered by those same superiors, politicians, and media.

Black privilege.
The new mayor of Chicago has decided it is a good idea to attack the police....the same policy that created the Ferguson Effect on the national level under obama when he and other left wing asshats decided to attack the police.......

As Summer Shooting Season Commences in Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot Picks a Fight with Police

Appearing on a local cable news show on May 30, Lightfoot made the astonishing allegation that the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, the union representing rank-and-file officers, had instructed its members to be passive when dealing with crime over the Memorial Day weekend. “But you know,” she told interviewer Ken Davis, “there were rumors floating around about — and I didn’t verify this — but rumors floating around that they were telling their officers, ‘Don’t do anything. Don’t, over Memorial Day weekend, don’t intercede. If you see some criminal activity just lay back, do nothing.’ I hope to God that wasn’t true because, man, oh man, if that happened, there’s going to be a reckoning.”

There’s going to be a reckoning, all right, Madam Mayor, it just won’t be the one you thought it would be.

As Rudy Giuliani knew, and as Lori Lightfoot does not, it takes a motivated police force to take the steps necessary to drive down the level of violence seen in Chicago. “Cops count,” as William Bratton has preached for years, but in order for them to make a difference, they have to have the expectation that if they act within the law and department policy, their superiors and their city government will back them when controversy arises. Cops in Chicago have no such expectation, and it appears unlikely Mayor Lightfoot will even try to instill one.

Will he go out and do his utmost to detect and deter wrongdoing, placing those responsible under arrest when called for? Or will he simply handle his assigned radio calls and take reports when called to do so, but otherwise not exert himself in the pursuit of lawbreakers? Either way, the pay is the same.

What every cop knows, most especially in Chicago, is that when he drives down the street and sees signs of trouble, he can choose to do something about it or drive on by and ignore it. Those 1,043 shooting victims depicted on the map above, they were shot by people whose fear of the consequences was insufficient to deter them from carrying a gun and using it when they felt the urge. Opening the summer shooting season in true Chicago fashion, at least 43 people were shot in the city over the Memorial Day weekend, seven of them fatally. So far in June (as of this writing), 147 people have been shot, 16 of them fatally.

When a cop notices someone whose behavior suggests he’s carrying a gun – the way he walks or the way he tugs at his clothing or any of a number of indicators a good cop can recognize – the cop knows if he gets out of his car to confront the person, he may have to chase him, fight with him, maybe even shoot him, all of which will be captured on the camera he wears, the one in his car, the ones that installed throughout every neighborhood, and the ones that are carried by nearly everyone on the street in the form of a cellphone. And the cop knows that even if his actions are unambiguously legal and perfectly justified, if those actions result in an injury to the suspect they will be criticized by his superiors, politicians, the media, and of course the “community,” some of whose members believe that an armed and resisting suspect has the absolute right to an injury-free arrest, a belief
that is seldom if ever countered by those same superiors, politicians, and media.

Black privilege.

Black privilege. :abgg2q.jpg::bsflag:
Racist mofu' plain sight too! They dont even try hard anymore.....minorities in these area's get what they deserve by electing these crooks who dont give a flying fuck about people killing each other like it's a sport.
Yea, as long as, the police are shooting and killing black men right wing fools like the OP are happy. In the eyes of the right the police should never be held accountable for killing someone black.

Moron......Black men are killed by other Black men.....attacking the police makes sure that keeps happening.....

Shit for Brains white men are killed by other white men......white men attack the police and they leave in handcuffs.

They learned at a young age that you put your hands up when told to do so. Duh.....when you dont do that, you become a slice of swiss cheese and end up on a slab. Duh.....and nobody cares.

Blacks a taught at a young age to hate "whitey". Sad as fuck.....
Yea, as long as, the police are shooting and killing black men right wing fools like the OP are happy. In the eyes of the right the police should never be held accountable for killing someone black.

Moron......Black men are killed by other Black men.....attacking the police makes sure that keeps happening.....

Shit for Brains white men are killed by other white men......white men attack the police and they leave in handcuffs.

They learned at a young age that you put your hands up when told to do so. Duh.....when you dont do that, you become a slice of swiss cheese and end up on a slab. Duh.....and nobody cares.

Eventhough, they have just shot and killed 2 or 3 of their partners.

Blacks a taught at a young age to hate "whitey". Sad as fuck.....

No, that is what you are taught at a young age.
The new Mayor of Chicago is a Racist, Communist, America hating, Lesbian. She checks all the Democrat boxes. They will run her for President eventually.

And I thought Rahm Emmanuel was bad.
Yea, as long as, the police are shooting and killing black men right wing fools like the OP are happy. In the eyes of the right the police should never be held accountable for killing someone black.

The police don't have to shoot and kill the black man.

The black man is doing a damned find job of that without police help.

How many murders in Chicago this year???

Most are black on black crime.

You really are stupid.
Yea, as long as, the police are shooting and killing black men right wing fools like the OP are happy. In the eyes of the right the police should never be held accountable for killing someone black.

The police don't have to shoot and kill the black man.

Of course they don't, but they do.

The black man is doing a damned find job of that without police help.

Yep they just turn a blind eye to the drugs and guns.
How many murders in Chicago this year???

Most are black on black crime.

You really are stupid.

You are showing how stupid you are by the bullshit you are ripping off to me.
Yea, as long as, the police are shooting and killing black men right wing fools like the OP are happy. In the eyes of the right the police should never be held accountable for killing someone black.

The police don't have to shoot and kill the black man.

Of course they don't, but they do.

The black man is doing a damned find job of that without police help.

Yep they just turn a blind eye to the drugs and guns.
How many murders in Chicago this year???

Most are black on black crime.

You really are stupid.

You are showing how stupid you are by the bullshit you are ripping off to me.

You just prove your stupidity with each post.

Stupid much??
Yea, as long as, the police are shooting and killing black men right wing fools like the OP are happy. In the eyes of the right the police should never be held accountable for killing someone black.
Try dealing with the TOPIC of the thread for once
The new mayor of Chicago has decided it is a good idea to attack the police....the same policy that created the Ferguson Effect on the national level under obama when he and other left wing asshats decided to attack the police.......

As Summer Shooting Season Commences in Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot Picks a Fight with Police

Appearing on a local cable news show on May 30, Lightfoot made the astonishing allegation that the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, the union representing rank-and-file officers, had instructed its members to be passive when dealing with crime over the Memorial Day weekend. “But you know,” she told interviewer Ken Davis, “there were rumors floating around about — and I didn’t verify this — but rumors floating around that they were telling their officers, ‘Don’t do anything. Don’t, over Memorial Day weekend, don’t intercede. If you see some criminal activity just lay back, do nothing.’ I hope to God that wasn’t true because, man, oh man, if that happened, there’s going to be a reckoning.”

There’s going to be a reckoning, all right, Madam Mayor, it just won’t be the one you thought it would be.

As Rudy Giuliani knew, and as Lori Lightfoot does not, it takes a motivated police force to take the steps necessary to drive down the level of violence seen in Chicago. “Cops count,” as William Bratton has preached for years, but in order for them to make a difference, they have to have the expectation that if they act within the law and department policy, their superiors and their city government will back them when controversy arises. Cops in Chicago have no such expectation, and it appears unlikely Mayor Lightfoot will even try to instill one.

Will he go out and do his utmost to detect and deter wrongdoing, placing those responsible under arrest when called for? Or will he simply handle his assigned radio calls and take reports when called to do so, but otherwise not exert himself in the pursuit of lawbreakers? Either way, the pay is the same.

What every cop knows, most especially in Chicago, is that when he drives down the street and sees signs of trouble, he can choose to do something about it or drive on by and ignore it. Those 1,043 shooting victims depicted on the map above, they were shot by people whose fear of the consequences was insufficient to deter them from carrying a gun and using it when they felt the urge. Opening the summer shooting season in true Chicago fashion, at least 43 people were shot in the city over the Memorial Day weekend, seven of them fatally. So far in June (as of this writing), 147 people have been shot, 16 of them fatally.

When a cop notices someone whose behavior suggests he’s carrying a gun – the way he walks or the way he tugs at his clothing or any of a number of indicators a good cop can recognize – the cop knows if he gets out of his car to confront the person, he may have to chase him, fight with him, maybe even shoot him, all of which will be captured on the camera he wears, the one in his car, the ones that installed throughout every neighborhood, and the ones that are carried by nearly everyone on the street in the form of a cellphone. And the cop knows that even if his actions are unambiguously legal and perfectly justified, if those actions result in an injury to the suspect they will be criticized by his superiors, politicians, the media, and of course the “community,” some of whose members believe that an armed and resisting suspect has the absolute right to an injury-free arrest, a belief
that is seldom if ever countered by those same superiors, politicians, and media.

So you want the cops to not do their jobs?

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