Democrat Inflation Means Families are Spending $709 More per MONTH than Two Years Ago


Diamond Member
Sep 30, 2019
Thanks alot DEMOCRATS! This is even written by your good buddy go ahead and trash the source!


US inflation has had a snowballing effect on family budgets.

The typical American household spent $709 more in July than they did two years ago to buy the same goods and services, according to Moody’s Analytics.

That figure underscores the cumulative impact high inflation has had on consumer finances — even as price growth has cooled considerably in recent months.

“High inflation of the past 2+ years has done lots of economic damage,” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, wrote in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Most of that increase in spending is driven by housing costs, which have surged, Zandi told CNN in an email on Friday. He added that families are also spending more at the grocery store; on buying, maintaining and insuring vehicles and on recreational services like cable.

But...but...but...what about the POOR PEOPLE? :crying:

Well, ronald mcdonald pee-air said if they can't afford gas...they should buy a tesla :auiqs.jpg:

My wife and I are retired. We mostly have a fixed income.

We do budgeting and in the past we allocated $800/mo for grocery shopping. We are spending more like $1400 a month for the same amount now thanks to Joe Potatohead. That is on top of price increases for everything else.

Fortunately (unlike most retired Americans) we have the ability to increase our income but Potatohead's inflation is stealing from our children's and grandkid's inheritance.

Of course these Leftest Democrat filth don't believe in inheritance. They want all of our earned money to go into the goddamn ghetto Negro and Illegal Aliens welfare fund.
Thanks alot DEMOCRATS! This is even written by your good buddy go ahead and trash the source!


US inflation has had a snowballing effect on family budgets.

The typical American household spent $709 more in July than they did two years ago to buy the same goods and services, according to Moody’s Analytics.

That figure underscores the cumulative impact high inflation has had on consumer finances — even as price growth has cooled considerably in recent months.

“High inflation of the past 2+ years has done lots of economic damage,” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, wrote in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Most of that increase in spending is driven by housing costs, which have surged, Zandi told CNN in an email on Friday. He added that families are also spending more at the grocery store; on buying, maintaining and insuring vehicles and on recreational services like cable.

B-B-B-But Biden created a bazillion jobs!!! And the inflation index when measured against GDP per Capita is uh um really uh good!!! :spinner:
Fortunately (unlike most retired Americans) we have the ability to increase our income

Like you...I've planned for garbage like this. I'm currently on plan B...but I also have a plan C and D (just in case).

But my concern is not for myself...but the actual poor who are literally starving right now. And I know a few of them. Unfortunately my planning does NOT include paying for them.

It's always been the democrat filth who say "THINK OF THE POOR" and "REPUBLICANS ARE TAKING THE FOOD OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF CHILDREN".


Now go out and buy a tesla! Presidential spokes thing pee-air told you to!
Sigh...this thread is living proof that the members of Alt-Right Nation have absolutely no idea how things work economically in this country.
Just another political football punt to salvage the legacy of their savior. :)

It really does make me sad.

Oh fill us in on what we don't know, oh anointed one.

Educate us mere righties. Tell us why we are just too stupid to understand how paying more for everything is better for us. Please go into great detail so we can learn.

This is EXACTLY why people late fucking liberals. They think they are smarter than everyone else.
Oh fill us in on what we don't know, oh anointed one.

Educate us mere righties. Tell us why we are just too stupid to understand how paying more for everything is better for us. Please go into great detail so we can learn.

This is EXACTLY why people late fucking liberals. They think they are smarter than everyone else.
Sorry. I don't preach to ideological morons on this board anymore.
You have your marching orders of who to march. :)
Sigh...this thread is living proof that the members of Alt-Right Nation have absolutely no idea how things work economically in this country.
Just another political football punt to salvage the legacy of their savior. :)

It really does make me sad.

Whine harder.

Sorry. I don't preach to ideological morons on this board anymore.
You have your marching orders of who to march. :)
Well stupid, since these increases are entirely the fault of your God Joey Xiden, you don’t have any legitimate argument.

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