Democrat COVID lockdowns are having disastrous effects on Americans' health, disproportionately affecting people of color

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
Much of the opposition that Conservatives like myself have voiced regarding the unconstitutional "temporary" emergency orders intended to "flatten the curve" have focused on the economic impacts and the insult on fundamental freedoms and personal liberties. Occasionally, I have also mentioned how we are destroying what are supposed to be some fo the best years of our youth's lives, increase in mental illness and addiction.

The American Psychological Association issued a report today, describing the significant physical and mental toll the tyrannical lockdowns are having on people's health.

Our leaders are killing lots of us. I am sure China is delighted....

Key survey findings include

  • A majority of adults (61%) reported experiencing undesired weight changes since the start of the pandemic, with more than 2 in 5 (42%) saying they gained more weight than they intended. Of this group, adults reported gaining an average of 29 pounds (with a typical gain of 15 pounds, which is the median).
  • Two in 3 Americans (67%) said they are sleeping more or less than they wanted to since the pandemic started. Similar proportions reported less (35%) and more (31%) sleep than desired. Nearly 1 in 4 adults (23%) reported drinking more alcohol to cope with their stress during the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Nearly half of Americans (47%) said they delayed or canceled health care services since the pandemic started.
  • Nearly half of parents (48%) said the level of stress in their life has increased compared with before the pandemic. More than 3 in 5 parents with children who are still home for remote learning (62%) said the same.
  • Essential workers were more than twice as likely as those who are not to have received treatment from a mental health professional (34% vs. 12%) and to have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder since the coronavirus pandemic started (25% vs. 9%).
  • Black Americans were most likely to report feelings of concern about the future. More than half said they feel uneasy about adjusting to in-person interaction once the pandemic ends (57% vs. 51% Asian, 50% Hispanic and 47% white).
  • Gen Z adults (46%) were the most likely generation to say that their mental health has worsened compared with before the pandemic, followed by Xers (33%), Millennials (31%), Boomers (28%) and older adults (9%).
Full summary here:

Here is the reported weight gain for those who reported undesirable weight gain....


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