Democrat Biden, the Afghanistan/Iraq Hawk, 2002


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Democrat President Biden, has had his hands dirty in Iraq and Afghanistan long before he became president or even vice president for that matter.

Even before Obama announced his run for president, Biden was warning that Afghanistan, not Iraq, was the "central front" in the war against Al Qaeda, requiring a major U.S. commitment. "Whatever it takes, we should do it," Biden said in February 2002. "History will judge us harshly if we allow the hope of a liberated Afghanistan to evaporate because we failed to stay the course."
Joe Biden emerged as one of the Democratic Party's chief foreign policy spokesmen, a strong proponent of the idea that U.S. military power could be used unapologetically for altruistic purposes. He was a strong advocate for military intervention in the Balkans, for instance, and, despite some doubts, he supported the 2002 resolution authorizing the use of military force against Iraq and even defended the wisdom of the invasion for several years.
Soon after Karzai took office in December 2001, Biden traveled to Kabul and, over lunch on two successive days, clicked with the new leader. "They took to each other very well," says a former Biden aide. Impressed, Biden argued that Karzai deserved America's full support, even as Bush officials questioned whether the Afghan was capable of establishing a strong central government.

I used to think of Vice President Joseph Biden as a nice guy. Good old Joe. Down-to-earth, nice sense of humor, great family man. But last year I read the Bob Woodward book on "Obama's Wars." His account of Mr. Biden's meeting with Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai in January 2009, was a shocker. Mr. Biden was rude and arrogant, humiliating the Afghan leader before his own cabinet ministers.
He also complained about Mr. Karzai's public protest over civilian casualties from American bombing in his country. According to Mr. Woodward, "Karzai's tone sharpened. Civilian casualties were a public matter. The Americans seemed to believe the death of, say, 30 Afghan villagers was insignificant." Mr. Biden finally suggested the U.S. "can and will do a better job on this." Then he threatened, "But if you don't want us, we're happy to leave. Just tell us."
Mr. Karzai continues to protest bombing of civilians. Mr. Biden and his boss, President Barack Obama, would do the same — and a great deal more — if an allied nation were bombing American homes in "targeted killing" efforts.

It is very apparent, Biden holds a grudge for a very long time. Bob Woodward is certainly no GOP supporter, the reporting must be accurate. Biden was a thuggish buffon insulting and threatening the leader of Afghanistan. Biden got his long awaited revenge, tragic as it is to the life of Americans and the Afghanistan people.
MR. RUSSERT: I want to go back to 2002, because it’s important as to what people were saying then and what the American people were hearing. Here’s Joe Biden about Saddam Hussein: “He’s a long term threat and a short term threat to our national security.”

“We have no choice but to eliminate the threat. This is a guy who is an extreme danger to the world.”

“He must be dislodged from his weapons or dislodged from power.”
Tough guy Biden, as Senator was advocating for war with Iraq, before Bush went to war! Now, Democrats play dumb, actually no, they do not play dumb. They lie through there teeth, in the news, on facebook, on twitter. Where ever the public has a voice, the Democrats are here repeating the lies.
Tough guy Biden, as Senator was advocating for war with Iraq, before Bush went to war! Now, Democrats play dumb, actually no, they do not play dumb. They lie through there teeth, in the news, on facebook, on twitter. Where ever the public has a voice, the Democrats are here repeating the lies.
No Democrats LIE it's about the only thing those idiots are good at and Joe Biden is the #1 liar in the Dem party. Fox dug up video of Biden from 2001 and 2008 that 100% contradicts the lies Biden told last week.
Democrat President Biden, has had his hands dirty in Iraq and Afghanistan long before he became president or even vice president for that matter.

Remember JOey Xi Bai Dung as Senator was all for going into Afghanistan to oust Al Qaeda teach the Taliban a lesson and voted for the Iraq War before he was against it. Just as most Democrats did.
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It’s evident to some of us that our presidents don’t serve the people. They serve Goldman Sachs, Raytheon, Exxon, Google, and big pharma.
Democrat President Biden, has had his hands dirty in Iraq and Afghanistan long before he became president or even vice president for that matter.

Xiden has been more involved with Afghan then any of the last four Presidents.

Literally the only time things improved there was the four years he was out of Govt, but it only took 7 months for him to lay that to waste
It’s evident to some of us that our presidents don’t serve the people. They serve Goldman Sachs, Raytheon, Exxon, Google, and big pharma.
And with his son Hunter Biden obtaining million dollar jobs in the Ukraine and China and with Hunter selling his paintings for hundreds of thousands of dollars to obscure Russians and Chinese. etc, who else is Biden serving do you think?
And with his son Hunter Biden obtaining million dollar jobs in the Ukraine and China and with Hunter selling his paintings for hundreds of thousands of dollars to obscure Russians and Chinese. etc, who else is Biden serving do you think?
Biden is merely your typical self-serving corrupt politician. We have lots of them in DC.

Don was elected in part because many thought he wasn’t owned and controlled like the rest. But then, we found out he’s a dumb ass incapable of thinking.
And with his son Hunter Biden obtaining million dollar jobs in the Ukraine and China and with Hunter selling his paintings for hundreds of thousands of dollars to obscure Russians and Chinese. etc, who else is Biden serving do you think?
That makes me wonder, with Biden shaking down countries, did Biden try to shake down Afghanistan?

We do know that Biden uses threats of withholding billions from a country to protect his son Hunter who has corrupt financial dealings with said country.

It is possible Biden got angry, being a hot head, and walked out of a meeting with Karzai, cause Biden did not get something he wanted, either shaking down the country, or something legitimate.
Senator Joe Biden. Biden’s strong criticism of corruption in the Afghan government was made at dinner with Karzai and the Afghan cabinet. Karzai fell

back on unconvincing denials. The dinner ended with Biden putting down his napkin—some said throwing it down—and leaving the dinner. Biden’s criticisms had a great deal of validity, but to attack the Afghan president in front of his cabinet was offensive. Worse, in an Afghan context, no friend would attack a friend in this manner unless the attacker were signaling hostility. Thus, the fact of the attack, and not its substance, created deep suspicions in Karzai and among many Afghans.
Democrat President Biden, has had his hands dirty in Iraq and Afghanistan long before he became president or even vice president for that matter.

Bush and Cheney were managing ALL the intelligence on Iraq.

Why do you think all the Arabs, oilmen, diplomats and historians opposed the war? The Europeans, Prince Bandar and most of the military brass opposed the war.

And now YOU want to pin it on Biden?
That makes me wonder, with Biden shaking down countries, did Biden try to shake down Afghanistan?

We do know that Biden uses threats of withholding billions from a country to protect his son Hunter who has corrupt financial dealings with said country.

It is possible Biden got angry, being a hot head, and walked out of a meeting with Karzai, cause Biden did not get something he wanted, either shaking down the country, or something legitimate.
yea it appears he threatened the president of afghan into lying about the perception of the conditions prior to his withdraw.

It should be noted the Afghan president’s son was a DNC political operative in the 2020 election and knew the flee the country during xiden’s midnight surrender to the taliban
Bush and Cheney were managing ALL the intelligence on Iraq.

Why do you think all the Arabs, oilmen, diplomats and historians opposed the war? The Europeans, Prince Bandar and most of the military brass opposed the war.

And now YOU want to pin it on Biden?
I am not pinning the war on anyone, I started a discussion with facts. You are bit emotional, you should calm down and actually contribute something other than something CNN has regurgitated so many times you think it is your original thought.

Bush and Cheney were not President and Vice President when Afghanistan became a problem, during the Clinton administration and before.

Joe Biden was a senator during the 1970's when our ambassador to Afghanistan was murdered.
Joe Biden was a senator during the 1980's when his colleagues in the Senate armed the Afghanistan rebels fighting the USSR.
Joe Biden was a senator durning the 1990's when Al Qaeda declared war on the USA and Bill Clinton responded to their attacks.

Your idea that only Bush and Cheney knew the intelligence on Afghanistan is pure political propaganda. You should be ashamed that, that is the depth or your knowledge.
yea it appears he threatened the president of afghan into lying about the perception of the conditions prior to his withdraw.

It should be noted the Afghan president’s son was a DNC political operative in the 2020 election and knew the flee the country during xiden’s midnight surrender to the taliban
I did not know of the Afghan president's son being a Democrat operative/employee. Another angle that can be researched and enlightening.
Biden deserted tens of thousands. Thank you Mr. Tiedrich for confirming that fact.
Biden deserted tens of thousands not at Disneyland, but in Afghanistan which was being rapidly taken over by thousands of terrorists, many with the weapons Biden left behind.

Thank God Biden rescued our women and children for the terrorists that Biden literally gave our weapons to. It would of been tragic to hear of those thousands of women and children dying from American bullets fired by Afghanistan terrorists.

I would ask Mr. Tiedrich to give up his freedom of speech, as he with his vulgar mouth demands of us, but I am not a member of the American Marxist Democrat Party.
Bush and Cheney were managing ALL the intelligence on Iraq.

Why do you think all the Arabs, oilmen, diplomats and historians opposed the war? The Europeans, Prince Bandar and most of the military brass opposed the war.

And now YOU want to pin it on Biden?
Xiden was cerainly in favor of regime change in iraq and had been before Bush was even President

Some military brass was against it, not most. But speaking if military brass. most actually opposed xiden’s afghan blunder and he ignored it. Just like he ignored the intel, and attempted to manage it, as the phone differently to promote a lie…as the phone call with the afghan president highlights

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