Dem Projected Winner In Key Gubernatorial Election

there was like zero difference between earl and bill. they are both con. in their outlook etc.

I guess they're both advocates of "clean" coal. I grew up in the country, and I've never seen clean coal. Have you?

"Clean coal technology" describes a new generation of energy processes that sharply reduce air emissions and other pollutants from coal-burning power plants.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the U.S. Department of Energy conducted a joint program with industry and State agencies to demonstrate the best of these new technologies at scales large enough for companies to make commercial decisions. More than 20 of the technologies tested in the original program achieved commercial success.

The early program, however, was focused on the environmental challenges of the time - primarily concerns over the impact of acid rain on forests and watersheds. In the 21st century, additional environmental concerns have emerged - the potential health impacts of trace emissions of mercury, the effects of microscopic particles on people with respiratory problems, and the potential global climate-altering impact of greenhouse gases.

With coal likely to remain one of the nation's lowest-cost electric power sources for the foreseeable future, the United States has pledged a new commitment to even more advanced clean coal technologies.

Building on the successes of the original program, the new clean coal initiative encompasses a broad spectrum of research and large-scale projects that target today's most pressing environmental challenges.

The Clean Coal Power Initiative is providing government co-financing for new coal technologies that can help utilities cut sulfur, nitrogen and mercury pollutants from power plants. Also, some of the early projects are showing ways to reduce greenhouse emissions by boosting the efficiency by which coal plants convert coal to electricity or other energy forms.

In January of 2003, eight projects were selected under the first round CCPI solicitation, of which two were withdrawn. Of the remaining six projects supported by the first round of the CCPI, one was discontinued before award, two were discontinued during project development, and three have been completed.

In October of 2004, four projects were selected from the second round CCPI solicitation. One project has since been withdrawn. Of the remaining three projects, two are under development and one has been completed. The two projects under development will demonstrate advanced IGCC technology. One of these projects (Southern/Kemper County) has begun construction.

A third round CCPI solicitation is underway and is focused on developing projects that utilize carbon sequestration technologies and/or beneficial reuse of carbon dioxide. Due to an additional $800 million of funding added to the CCPI Program through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act), Round Three was conducted through two separate solicitations. Of the six overall projects selected, three projects from Round Three (HECA, Summitt and NRG) are still active.

DOE - Fossil Energy: DOE's Clean Coal Technology Program

Yeah, I'm familiar with what you say. However, are you aware of the destruction coal mining is causing to the environment? Land, water, air, and lives being destroyed.
It's about the best news since the mainstream media stopped criticizing the former KKK WV senator for using the "N" word. Go with it lefties.
This sounds like a referendum on Tea-Tards. Is this the beginning of a tread to kick teabaggers out of office?

Shrug, looks like they are just going back to their racist roots started under the Democrat party is all…

Now we both said something stupid.
It was a democratic seat. Manchin, A Democrat appointed himself to Byrd's old seat in the Senate and one the following election. This is an election to Replace Manchin.

What is important here is the swing from one party to the other. Manchin won the last two contests easliy. Byrd has held the seat in the senate since the days of Roosevelt.

It should not be close

I would expect WV elections to be contested fairly fiercely, as this one was. Ignoring the current political mood and considering only the incumbency of the parties seems a very bad way to predict who will win in elections. For example, Republican John Hoeven won election to the Senate representing North Dakota with over 76% of the vote in 2010 despite the fact that North Dakota hadn't elected a Republican to the Senate in 30 years.

So if when you say "it should not be close" you mean one would not have predicted it to be close, I disagree. Offices change parties all the time, and the poll numbers are a much better indicator than the incumbency of the parties. People watching the race seemed to expect one that could go either way: Democrat Wins West Virginia Governor's Race -
This sounds like a referendum on Tea-Tards. Is this the beginning of a tread to kick teabaggers out of office?

Again You confuse a Political Movement with your Sexual Fantasies. Do you think of Anderson Cooper when you play with your Blow Up Doll? Do you vision him Dressed or undressed?

God I wish We had an Attorney General that was not part of the Cartel he is supposed to be protecting us from. The Indictments and Court Proceedings alone could knock off a point or two from the Unemployment statistics. If there ever was a Gang that couldn't shoot straight, this is it.
Tomblin will continue to protect the coal barrons and fight the EPA.

West Virginia: God, coal, and guns.
This sounds like a referendum on Tea-Tards. Is this the beginning of a tread to kick teabaggers out of office?

Again You confuse a Political Movement with your Sexual Fantasies. Do you think of Anderson Cooper when you play with your Blow Up Doll? Do you vision him Dressed or undressed?

God I wish We had an Attorney General that was not part of the Cartel he is supposed to be protecting us from. The Indictments and Court Proceedings alone could knock off a point or two from the Unemployment statistics. If there ever was a Gang that couldn't shoot straight, this is it.

i dunno... i think she's attaching the same significance to the race that the right tried to attach to NY 9. but i said then that it was as significant as the dems taking NY 23 the year before.

is this an indication of anything? i don't know. i'm not familiar enough with the race or the issues.

but i'm pretty sure there was at least one wingnut thread today claiming the seat was going to go repub and that would be a harbinger of next year's presidential election.

i thought that was pretty goofy.
what do you get if you put 32 w virginians in a room?

a full set of teeth

Q: What do West Virginians do on Halloween?

A: Pumpkin!


West Virginia State Residency Application

Name: ________________
(first) (_) Billy-Bob
(_) Billy-Joe
(_) Billy-Ray
(_) Billy-Sue
(_) Billy-Mae
(_) Billy-Jack
(Check appropriate box)
Age: ____
Sex: ____ M _____ F _____ N/A
Shoe Size: ____ Left ____ Right

CB Handle: _____________________

(_)Hair Dresser
(_)Coal Miner

Spouse's Name: __________________________

Relationship with spouse:
(_) Sister
(_) Brother
(_) Aunt
(_) Uncle
(_) Cousin
(_) Mother
(_) Father
(_) Son
(_) Daughter
(_) Pet

Number of children living in household: ___

Number that are yours: ___

Mother's Name: _______________________

Father's Name: _______________________
(If not sure, leave blank)

Education: 1 2 3 4 (Circle highest grade completed)

Do you (_)own or (_)rent your mobile home?
(Check appropriate box)

___ Total number of vehicles you own
___ Number of vehicles that still crank
___ Number of vehicles in front yard
___ Number of vehicles in back yard
___ Number of vehicles on cement blocks

___ Number of refrigerators on front porch

Firearms you own and where you keep them:
____ truck
____ bedroom
____ bathroom
____ kitchen
____ shed

Model and year of your pickup: _____________ 194__
Number of empty beer cans on floorboard or in bed of
pickup: _________

Newspapers/magazines you subscribe to:
(_)The National Enquirer
(_)The Globe
(_)TV Guide
(_)Soap Opera Digest
(_)Gun World

___ Number of times you've seen a UFO
___ Number of times you've seen Elvis
___ Number of times you've seen Elvis in a UFO

How often do you bathe:
(_)Not Applicable

Color of teeth:
(_)No teeth

Brand of chewing tobacco you prefer:

How far is your home from a paved road?
(_)1 mile
(_)2 miles
(_)don't know
(_)can't get there from here

___ Eat more Possum
___ My other car is a piece of junk too
___ Honk if you love Jesus
___ If you ain't a cowboy, you ain't nothin'
___ Red-man Chewing Tobacco

Favorite Recreation: Check all that apply:
___ Square Dancin'
___ Possum Huntin'
___ Skinny Dippin'
___ Craw Daddin'
___ Gospel Singin'
___ 4-Wheelin'
___ Drankin'
___ Spittin' Backy ___ Bill Chip Trowin'
___ Honky Tonkin'
___ Noodlin'

# of Dogs: ___ Type: ___ Blue Tick ___ Beagle
___ Black & Tan ___ Bird Dawg

Cap Emblem: ___ John Deere ___ McCulloch Chain Saws
___ Budweiser ___ Vo-Tech
___ Skoal ___ Coors
___ NAPA ___ Smile if you're Not Wearing Underwear
Last edited:
This sounds like a referendum on Tea-Tards. Is this the beginning of a tread to kick teabaggers out of office?

Again You confuse a Political Movement with your Sexual Fantasies. Do you think of Anderson Cooper when you play with your Blow Up Doll? Do you vision him Dressed or undressed?

God I wish We had an Attorney General that was not part of the Cartel he is supposed to be protecting us from. The Indictments and Court Proceedings alone could knock off a point or two from the Unemployment statistics. If there ever was a Gang that couldn't shoot straight, this is it.

i dunno... i think she's attaching the same significance to the race that the right tried to attach to NY 9. but i said then that it was as significant as the dems taking NY 23 the year before.

is this an indication of anything? i don't know. i'm not familiar enough with the race or the issues.

but i'm pretty sure there was at least one wingnut thread today claiming the seat was going to go repub and that would be a harbinger of next year's presidential election.

i thought that was pretty goofy.

It was goofy, Because Last time I checked WV is pretty much Purple, and it's not really a shocker when Either Party manages to take the Governors Race.
Again You confuse a Political Movement with your Sexual Fantasies. Do you think of Anderson Cooper when you play with your Blow Up Doll? Do you vision him Dressed or undressed?

God I wish We had an Attorney General that was not part of the Cartel he is supposed to be protecting us from. The Indictments and Court Proceedings alone could knock off a point or two from the Unemployment statistics. If there ever was a Gang that couldn't shoot straight, this is it.

i dunno... i think she's attaching the same significance to the race that the right tried to attach to NY 9. but i said then that it was as significant as the dems taking NY 23 the year before.

is this an indication of anything? i don't know. i'm not familiar enough with the race or the issues.

but i'm pretty sure there was at least one wingnut thread today claiming the seat was going to go repub and that would be a harbinger of next year's presidential election.

i thought that was pretty goofy.

It was goofy, Because Last time I checked WV is pretty much Purple, and it's not really a shocker when Either Party manages to take the Governors Race.


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