Defense Secretary Austin: Spy Balloon Forced Us to Limit Movement, Communications Across Country So ‘We Didn’t Expose’ Nuclear Capabilities

Why didn't that dumbass Negro just shoot the damn thing down before it flew over CONUS?

This is what happens when you put affirmative action Negroes in charge of anything.
You're damned right. Negroes should be banned from administrative positions in protecting our sovereignty. They should be banned as lawmakers too. Hell, they weren't even supposed to be made citizens of this country by our founders.

China Spy Balloon That Biden Allowed to Float Over Military Installations Was Capable of Collecting Communications Signals​

You're damned right. Negroes should be banned from administrative positions in protecting our sovereignty. They should be banned as lawmakers too. Hell, they weren't even supposed to be made citizens of this country by our founders.
If we had known then what we know now we would picked our own cotton.
Yes and a lot of Whites did pick their own cotton.
There were a lot of good brave Blacks that have served in the military.

This piece of shit Austin is just a low IQ affirmative action dumbass Negro that Potatohead picked for "diversity" reasons. Look how he and Potatohead's other diversity idiots fucked up Afghanistan.
If our military had to alter their activities because of this balloon, the Pentagon clearly lied that it wasn't a threat to our security. Just makes the clowns look more cowardly for not shooting it down immediately.
They don't owe you answers or complete honesty when they are protecting national security.
They didn't. The Pentagon knew all about it. Do you think you are somehow owed information about everything the military knows about?

You have a very inflated opinion of your own importance. Simp.
The Chicom Joe Regime claims his enhanced defense systems are why we can now detect these objects. If his newfangled improved defense systems weren't around under Trump, how does the Regime know his handlers were flying balloons over the US under Trump?
You haven't seen it because you reject actual news organizations. Then when you are spoon-fed this information you dismiss it as fake news. So "proof" means nothing to you, as you reject anything that conflicts with what you WANT to believe.


You haven't seen it either, you lying leftard asswipe.

You morons have brown stuff between your ears. Where your brains are supposed to be.

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