Trump Did as Well as Any Non-Politician, Suddenly-President Could be Expected. But Ugly Attack on DeSantis Means Time to Go, Violating Reagan Rule


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
First and foremost make sure it is Trump because libtard media likes "Reports say" and "sources say" which is all garbage. But the tweet seems authentic.

This is beyond the pale and Trump is losing it. It is sad to see, but maybe no man could endure the withering 24/7 media personal destruction without cracking at some point. I appreciate his firmness with China, and keeping us out of wars. Definite disagree on vaccine Warp Speed, he will have much to answer for like many others. But this uttlerly nasty attack on DeSantis is not about policy or programs, which could be legit. The DemonRats are loving this, the destruction of DeSantiis by one within his won party. The RNC should condemn Trump. Ronald Reagan understood party politics. Rule One: Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.

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Where is the attack? The way I read it was TRUMP defending DeSantis by say Ron would never do that, regarding the accusation of his parting with underage students.
Where is the attack? The way I read it was TRUMP defending DeSantis by say Ron would never do that, regarding the accusation of his parting with underage students.

I read this as sarcasm not a defense. I don't think it even looks like DeSantis, not confirmed. But if it is then DeSantis was only 23 himself at the time and the girls are seniors. Five year difference one could have become his wife.

This is beyond the pale and Trump is losing it. It is sad to see, but maybe no man could endure the withering 24/7 media personal destruction without cracking at some point. I appreciate his firmness with China, and keeping us out of wars. Definite disagree on vaccine Warp Speed, he will have much to answer for like many others. But this uttlerly nasty attack on DeSantis is not about policy or programs, which could be legit. The DemonRats are loving this, the destruction of DeSantiis by one within his won party. The RNC should condemn Trump. Ronald Reagan understood party politics. Rule One: Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.

Someone posted this yesterday.
Trump's on thin ice. Yo, keep your eye on the prize mother fucker! Namely, the abolition of the neo-marxist party that likes to fuck kids.

Where is the attack? The way I read it was TRUMP defending DeSantis by say Ron would never do that, regarding the accusation of his parting with underage students.
If that’s how you read it, you aren’t the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, are you
Then why would DeSantis wait until 2028?
I read this as sarcasm not a defense. I don't think it even looks like DeSantis, not confirmed. But if it is then DeSantis was only 23 himself at the time and the girls are seniors. Five year difference one could have become his wife.

So, you were captain of Yale's baseball team, graduated summa cum laude, but you are such a loser that you chase high school girls? Seriously? And he was a teacher for christ's sake. Florida must be a weird ass place, pull that shit out here in redneck ville and some Dad would have beat him to an inch of his life.
First and foremost make sure it is Trump because libtard media likes "Reports say" and "sources say" which is all garbage. But the tweet seems authentic.

This is beyond the pale and Trump is losing it. It is sad to see, but maybe no man could endure the withering 24/7 media personal destruction without cracking at some point. I appreciate his firmness with China, and keeping us out of wars. Definite disagree on vaccine Warp Speed, he will have much to answer for like many others. But this uttlerly nasty attack on DeSantis is not about policy or programs, which could be legit. The DemonRats are loving this, the destruction of DeSantiis by one within his won party. The RNC should condemn Trump. Ronald Reagan understood party politics. Rule One: Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.

The question of the Covid shot is going to come up if Trump gets the nomination. Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on. He force fed this so called vaccine on Americans, with statements like "It's the greatest medical miracle of all time." Convinced millions of Americans to get it, with only about 1 year of research (at most).

His anti vax people will once again have to tuck their tails. Just as they did when Trump said that "Lock her up" was just a campaign slogan and that he wasn't even going to try.
Or when he banned bump stocks, force the Platinum Plan in our faces, or funded Planned Parenthood.

I swear, Trump supporters have had to swallow a TON of leftist crap from Trump. It's a damn mystery why they still support him. At this point, you gotta think that maybe they just feel sorry for him. Maybe they just like the way he attacks everyone. Including those who would be great allies.
But then he goes and buddies up with people like Lindsey Graham.

I think Trump is just losing it.
Trump has absolutely no chance of being elected president again. Only had abject idiot would want him to run again.

Some of his supporters, his die hard supporters, are idiots. But I know a lot of folks who support him, but aren't die hard supporters. Those are the kind of folks who just don't dwell on politics. They're decent folks who just don't care much for politics.

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