Deep Republican 2016 Bench


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Mitt Romney just announced he would not seek the nomination -- and neither should Jeb.

""I believe that one of our next generation of Republican leaders, one who may not be as well known as I am today, one who has not yet taken their message across the country, one who is just getting started, may well emerge as being better able to defeat the Democrat nominee," he told supporters on the call. "In fact, I expect and hope that to be the case."

Democrats are still ready for another Clinton, the wife of the guy who made repeated trips to Lolita Island, where 16 year sex slaves were held captive
Mitt Romney just announced he would not seek the nomination -- and neither should Jeb.

""I believe that one of our next generation of Republican leaders, one who may not be as well known as I am today, one who has not yet taken their message across the country, one who is just getting started, may well emerge as being better able to defeat the Democrat nominee," he told supporters on the call. "In fact, I expect and hope that to be the case."

Democrats are still ready for another Clinton, the wife of the guy who made repeated trips to Lolita Island, where 16 year sex slaves were held captive

I don't think that 'sex slave' angle is going to work well for you. As before you can have a crime, you need a victim.

And no one has accused Clinton of any such crime. The woman at the heart of the 'Lolita Island' scandal explicitly indicated that Bill didn't do anything with any underaged girls.

Which I suspect you know. But really hope we don't.
Bil Clinton disgraced the Oval Office. No wonder Dems are the biggest hypocrites to walk the planet, complaining about a "war against women" by the GOP but cheering an actual sex offender.

If only Bill was running, your complaints against him might have some relevance.
By the time the cons get though shredding each other, there won't be anything left for Shill to run against.
they will need a bigger clown car
You can fit a lot into just one small vehicle...
Countdown until the Dems start mentioning Mitt's speech to St. Hillary the Inevitable
By the time the cons get though shredding each other, there won't be anything left for Shill to run against.
Dems said exactly the same thing in 1979. And we know how that turned out.
Like totally different atmosphere then,,Dude...
Why? Because you hope so?
The mood of the nation was much different in 1979 than it is today..In '79 we needed disco and line dancing to take us away from our misery....
By the time the cons get though shredding each other, there won't be anything left for Shill to run against.
Dems said exactly the same thing in 1979. And we know how that turned out.

Actually, dems said the same thing in 2012. In a post Citizens United world, the Primary shredder has been set to 'frappe' for the GOP.

How did that turn out for the GOP again? I forget.
Mitt Romney just announced he would not seek the nomination -- and neither should Jeb.

""I believe that one of our next generation of Republican leaders, one who may not be as well known as I am today, one who has not yet taken their message across the country, one who is just getting started, may well emerge as being better able to defeat the Democrat nominee," he told supporters on the call. "In fact, I expect and hope that to be the case."

Democrats are still ready for another Clinton, the wife of the guy who made repeated trips to Lolita Island, where 16 year sex slaves were held captive

I don't think that 'sex slave' angle is going to work well for you. As before you can have a crime, you need a victim.

And no one has accused Clinton of any such crime. The woman at the heart of the 'Lolita Island' scandal explicitly indicated that Bill didn't do anything with any underaged girls.

Which I suspect you know. But really hope we don't.
Doggone right! Bubba was there to pick coconuts. :party: :boobies:
By the time the cons get though shredding each other, there won't be anything left for Shill to run against.
Dems said exactly the same thing in 1979. And we know how that turned out.
Like totally different atmosphere then,,Dude...
Raygun's 11th commandment, "don't say anything against another republican" is in the shit can. Raygun couldn't get the nomination now, because he's not right wing enough.
Bil Clinton disgraced the Oval Office. No wonder Dems are the biggest hypocrites to walk the planet, complaining about a "war against women" by the GOP but cheering an actual sex offender.

Wrong again. So Clinton got a BJ. ......BIG DEAL!!!........ The man was a great president who left a huge surplus that the idiot who followed him squandered. If it takes a BJ every day to put our country back like it was when Clinton was President, I would gladly pitch a few bucks into the pot to help pay for them.

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