Debunking White Racist Opinions

Give me a frigging break, "A black man is the only man who can reproduce with a white woman"? Just how stupid are you? When a black man impregnates a white woman, you get a mulatto (half black and half white)

They are black. Black men genetically dominate all other races of men. If a black man impreganates a white, Latino or Asian women. No one would look at the offspring as white, latino or Asian.
No they aren't black. Look at Barack Obama for a very public example, he resembles his mother far more than his father
Give me a frigging break, "A black man is the only man who can reproduce with a white woman"? Just how stupid are you? When a black man impregnates a white woman, you get a mulatto (half black and half white)

They are black. Black men genetically dominate all other races of men. If a black man impreganates a white, Latino or Asian women. No one would look at the offspring as white, latino or Asian.
Your wrong. Look at Barack Obama as an example. He had a real African father and a White mother. His facial features far more resemble his mother than his father. His father had very dark skin, Obama has caramel colored skin. Tone wise, he's closer to a Latino than a black man. Look at his daughters. Despite having a mother with almost classic black facial features, their faces resemble white faces even more than their father's does. That's just two generations. If anything, the black genetic component seems to be recessive, not dominant.
While YOU might view mixed race people as black, the rest of us don't. We view them as nothing more than people. Race is far more important to people like you than it to the vast majority of the American people.
Your wrong. Look at Barack Obama as an example. He had a real African father and a White mother. His facial features far more resemble his mother than his father.

He is black.

It's like you're using the one drop rule but only in reverse. You see this all over USMB
This is why I didn't even bother replying when you last quoted me.

I posted this to mga138

"I mean this Gigi Hadid is supposedly the hottest women on earth"


To me, maybe I'm biased but these black woman blow her out the water.





Then you replied with this


Firstly they were black women from Insta from various parts of Africa or black women from Africa living in Europe but that's not really the issue. The issue is because you're so soaked in a white supremacist mindset your first reaction is to use the reverse one drop rule, and claim it's their whiteness that makes them attractive, not their blackness and these are dark skinned black women lol

And then you have the nerve to write.................

"Race is far more important to people like you than it to the vast majority of the American people"

This is also why many white supremacists are so desperate to pretend that ancient Egyptians or moors were dark-skinned whites or were just plain white people or even Arabs.

White supremacists cannot accept that black people could have built a successful and long-lasting a civilisation at all or, at the very least, not without a great deal of outside help, even the aid of alleged Martians, to believe anything else would crush your racist beliefs.

The irony of the reverse one drop rule is the effect it has on the white population. although the white identity itself is preserved. The white population becomes increasingly mixed race because only non whites are identity as mixed as a result of this, non white non European blood frequently flows into the white population making the white population increasingly mixed race as a consequence of this many whites loose the ablity to produce European looking children.

Look at his daughters. Despite having a mother with almost classic black facial features, their faces resemble white faces even more than their father's does.

They are black women.

That's just two generations. If anything, the black genetic component seems to be recessive, not dominant.

So if the black genetic compenent isn't dominnant why would no-one consider Barack Obama white ?

While YOU might view mixed race people as black, the rest of us don't.

Yes they do because the same dog that bites dark skinned black people also bites lighter skinned black people too. Obama spoke in a way that was acceptable to whites. dressed in a way that was acceptable to white people. Never had kids out of wedlock. Was educated. Was a good father. Was successful

Ya know all the crap that whites tell blk ppl that they should do

But guess what ? Obama got the n*gga treatment like anyone else.

Blackness is based on what people presume you to be.

And that presumption has nothing to do with genotype but phenotype (the way certain genes are expressed outwardly) as with skin pigmentation, and a handful of other characteristics, which are controlled by about six genes out of 30,000 in the overall human genome.


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He's white. Arabs are white. Not all whites are Scandinavian (but all the best women are)
Thank you for admitting they were Arab! I have to disagree with the census. Arabs are not genetically White. They pass for White, which shows the op to be a Buffon everyone wants to be White. We are not that bad if Arabs would like to pass themselves off as White, we can't be oppressive if Brown Arabs identify as White!
I would call you, truthfully, a black supremacist, but you wouldn't see anything wrong with that. So I'll stick with "idiot"
You can't call me such a thing because that's not true. You are just another white racist that can't face the truth.
There are more Jews in the US than in Israel and American Jews have no problem with intermarriage. There are two women and two men in my wife's family in her generation. Only one married a Jew, the other guy married a Christian (nominally) (shiksa as Christian women are called) woman, both women married (nominally) Christian men. That may not be typical, but there are more interfaith marriages in the American Jewish community than intrafaith ones.
Ok--Jews are just 2 percent of the US. If a substantial numbers of Jews get themselves involved with interfaith marriages, in a generation, Jews will be close to extinct in the US. Is that good or bad, in your opinion?
Ok--Jews are just 2 percent of the US. If a substantial numbers of Jews get themselves involved with interfaith marriages, in a generation, Jews will be close to extinct in the US. Is that good or bad, in your opinion?
It doesn’t matter to me, just like the number of Protestants, Catholics or Wiccans doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care about race, religion or ethnicity. I care about character and behavior.
No. You will have a black child. Tiger Woods has an Japanese mother and had a black father but what happens when he was arrested. What did they put on rap sheet ?


When it's time to ger SERIOUS. No one fks around with this half-shit.

That tennis players Naomi Osaka her mum was Japanese and father black. She is black.

Paul Essien No. You will have a black child. Tiger Woods has a Japanese mother and had a black father but what happens when he was arrested. What did they put on rap sheet ?

So, if he gets listed by a different cop next week as “Other,” then he will, from that point forward, cease to be Black? That’s ridiculous. Hispanics (including Mexicans) are often listed as “White” on things like this and on Hate Crime Statistics (Hispanics are a victim category, but as perpetrators, they are listed as White, dirty truck, huh?) also Dark-skinned Hindus and Arabs are listed as White, quite often, too. That doesn’t make it true. Simply pointing to some type of expediency on a document doesn’t make for reality. Blacks do NOT have Japanese ancestors. Blacks are from Sub-Saharan Africa. Japanese are from Japan. A mix of those two very different people is a MIX.

Paul Essien-That tennis players Naomi Osaka her mum was Japanese and father black. She is black.

She hardly looks Black at all. She looks fully Japanese with a suntan curly hair. Her face is totally Japanese and looks far more like her mother than she does her father.

She doesn’t share a single feature from her father, yet she doesn’t look fully Japanese, either. She looks like a MIXED-RACE person.

Again, you are falling back into the notion that an albino Negro is white, as you claimed earlier. What one presents as or passes as isn't always what they really are. Is Elizabeth Warren really a red Indian? Are you claiming that This woman is Black?

One difference you might be noticing is that when Blacks mix with any other group, they get genetic enhancement, it is in their best interest to cut their blackness with anybody else other than another Black person in order to make their kids healthier and more intelligent.



The Blacks in the USA have a average IQ. of 85. Find me a Black population in African with an average IQ. close to 85. That boost came the European DNA that Blacks in the US have...
How Slavery Changed the DNA of African Americans
This statement of yours is proven wrong by the fact that the cops kill—just as many unarmed Whites as they do Blacks and TWICE the number of White people, in general, then Black each year. The Washington Post keeps a running tally with photos of everybody who dies from police involvement.

Whites outnumber blacks by about 6:1 in the USA. (You're so fking stupid you'd trip over a cordless phone)

By the same token, there are more whites than blacks in poverty. This was also true during the days of formal segregation and even enslavement.

But does that mean that it didn't pay to be white during both periods? Of course not.

When it comes to police killings, we know that on a per capita basis, Blk Americans are more likely than whites to be killed by police. This is not because we are much more likely to attack an officer or because of higher crime rates in black communities.

As I said--you never responded to the following...

Due to the uneven numbers in the demographics, the police do, indeed, shoot blacks at 2.45 times the rate that they shoot White people. And, lets face it, the fact that just as many Unarmed White men are killed as Blacks, and the fact that Twice the number of whites are killed by cops DESTROYS your odd conspiracy theory that the Police killings are a plot by Whites eliminate Blacks.

However, Blacks are 4.46 times more likely to kill a police officer than any other groups of people and they resist arrest at 9.6 times more than White and Hispanics combined. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.

Additionally, you keep ignoring the fact that Asians are shot by the police far less often (per capita) than White people are; at just 0.25 the rate of Whites. Again--Does that mean that the cops are hunting White people and letting Asians go, or does that mean that the cops are just going after the people committing the most crime?
It doesn’t matter to me, just like the number of Protestants, Catholics or Wiccans doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care about race, religion or ethnicity. I care about character and behavior.
So, if Jews go extinct and are replace forever by Christians and Mohammadians; you are Ok with that? Do you take the same careless attitude toward Bald eagles and Blue Whales?
I just wanted to point a few of your main points and ignore the rest because most of your points now are you just repeating what you have already wrote.

So, if he gets listed by a different cop next week as “Other,” then he will, from that point forward, cease to be Black?

The white cops didn't list him as "Other" when it was time to get serious they listed him (Tiger) as black and that's how other golfers treat him.

Go to 1.33. That tells how Asians see Tiger Woods

She hardly looks Black at all. She looks fully Japanese with a suntan curly hair. Her face is totally Japanese and looks far more like her mother than she does her father.

The Japanese are a beast when it comes to race. Japanese is one of, if not THE MOST ethnocentric countries on the planet.

Darker skinned Asians like Cambodians, Hmong and Vietnamese are treated like sh*t over there and living in the mud without a biscuit. Ethnic Koreans and Burakumin they get it.

No one. No were in the world would look at Naomi Osaka as Japanese or Asian,

This is a Japansese woman. You can go anywhere on the planet and ask 100 people and they would give you the same answer and tell you she is Asian. Do it with Osaka and you zero would say she is Asian.


The Blacks in the USA have a average IQ. of 85. Find me a Black population in African with an average IQ. close to 85. That boost came the European DNA that Blacks in the US have...
How Slavery Changed the DNA of African Americans


Due to the uneven numbers in the demographics, the police do, indeed, shoot blacks at 2.45 times the rate that they shoot White people. And, lets face it, the fact that just as many Unarmed White men are killed as Blacks, and the fact that Twice the number of whites are killed by cops DESTROYS your odd conspiracy theory that the Police killings are a plot by Whites eliminate Blacks.

However, Blacks are 4.46 times more likely to kill a police officer than any other groups of people and they resist arrest at 9.6 times more than White and Hispanics combined. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.

Additionally, you keep ignoring the fact that Asians are shot by the police far less often (per capita) than White people are; at just 0.25 the rate of Whites. Again--Does that mean that the cops are hunting White people and letting Asians go, or does that mean that the cops are just going after the people committing the most crime?

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So, if Jews go extinct and are replace forever by Christians and Mohammadians; you are Ok with that? Do you take the same careless attitude toward Bald eagles and Blue Whales?
No, whales and eagles don’t make decisions, humans do. On a scale of important things, religion is at the bottom. There have been thousands of religions throughout history, almost all of them have been consigned to the dust bin of history, most of them aren’t even remembered. There will almost certainly come a time when Christianity and Islam won’t be remembered either.
Again, you are falling back into the notion that an albino Negro is white, as you claimed earlier. What one presents as or passes as isn't always what they really are. Is Elizabeth Warren really a red Indian? Are you claiming that This woman is Black?

You're supporting what you don't believe in. You are supporting the idea that race is a social cosctruct.

Because if you are saying someone who may pass as black may not actually be black.

Then who makes the decision what passes as black ? And who makes the decision where the cut off black and non black is ?

It must be society who makes that decision so you are again you arguing for the idea that race is a social contruct.
The white cops didn't list him as "Other" when it was time to get serious they listed him (Tiger) as black and that's how other golfers treat him.

Go to 1.33. That tells how Asians see Tiger Woods

She hardly looks Black at all. She looks fully Japanese with a suntan curly hair. Her face is totally Japanese and looks far more like her mother than she does her father.

The Japanese are a beast when it comes to race. Japanese is one of, if not THE MOST ethnocentric countries on the planet.

Darker skinned Asians like Cambodians, Hmong and Vietnamese are treated like sh*t over there and living in the mud without a biscuit. Ethnic Koreans and Burakumin they get it.

No one. No were in the world would look at Naomi Osaka as Japanese or Asian,

This is a Japansese woman. You can go anywhere on the planet and ask 100 people and they would give you the same answer and tell you she is Asian. Do it with Osaka and you zero would say she is Asian.

Right--they wouldn't tell you she is Asian because she isn't fully Asian. She is MIXED RACE.

You wrote--The white cops didn't list Woods as "Other" when it was time to get serious they listed him (Tiger) as black and that's how other golfers treat him.

You aren’t paying attention. I’m saying that this is a very flimsy grounds for classifying race. Everybody on earth can say the sky is orange, but it doesn’t make it true. The fact is that Woods is Not Black—he is a MIXED-RACE PERSON no matter how you slice it. That is reality, and that is also what he looks like. He looks like a dark-skinned Asian. This is how He sees himself and his own mother says he is more Asian than anything else. And if your claim is that he is only listed as Black when he got into trouble, then keep in mind that Hispanics are a victim category on many crime sheets, but not a perpetrator category. So, when a Hispanic is a victim, he or she is listed as a Hispanic, but when he gets into trouble, he is often listed as White. So, how does that sit with your theory?

No, whales and eagles don’t make decisions, humans do. On a scale of important things, religion is at the bottom. There have been thousands of religions throughout history, almost all of them have been consigned to the dust bin of history, most of them aren’t even remembered. There will almost certainly come a time when Christianity and Islam won’t be remembered either.
Jews are not just a religion; they are also a race of people. Races of people do go extinct. For instance, the race of people who founded Ancient Egypt and created that culture, built the pyramids and Memphis no longer exist. Do you think that is a good thing? People try to save the Egyptian dung beetle, but not the people? Where is the logic in that? and, BTW, we still remember and still study the regions of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, even though they have become defunct, they still matter and are a part of our world today.
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