Debunking the rightwing "class warfare" retard rhetoric

So now you want me to give to charity, which I do, and to give the government more, but you are going to take a pass on giving the government more since you donate to charity? Please.

You're the one whining about the poor. If you want to give them your money, have at it. Why you think anyone else is obligated to fund libtard pet causes is what I can't fathom.

I love people who only think about today and never look ahead. Keep protecting what you have, but be warned. Once Americans figure out how making a small group super wealthy while destabilizing the rest of working class people is not working, the backlash is not going to be something you will like. Creating a plutocracy is what leads to real socialism, and this is exactly where we are headed. When we create policies that only allow a very few to improve their lives at the expense of the majority, eventually those policies will fail. When the top 10% of income earners are taking in 45% of all income, that is not good for the economy. It makes growth nearly impossible, because that top tier who are taking in so much of the income are not spending it. They just continue to accumulate more and more while everyone else loses ground. What is nuts is that we know this has happened over the last 30 years. The wealthy have increased their wealth by nearly three times while everyone else has either remained stagnant or lost ground. If you honestly think that is healthy for an economy or society, you are just plain stupid.
How about forming two countries out of what the USA is today, one capitalist based the other socialist based, and we see who does better. Everyones happy cause they get what they want.


I've got a better solution.

Democrat want higher taxes.....let them pay them. Leave the rest of us alone.

Yeah right, most liberals rely on one form of social welfare or another - they don't pay taxes - they benefit from them.

Thats why they argue for more taxes - because they love the free shit the government gives them and they don't want to lose the free handouts.

Of course democrat politicians know this already, and they know the only reason the majority of their voting base votes for them is not because the base understands the political issues but because democrats give away free shit.
So now you want me to give to charity, which I do, and to give the government more, but you are going to take a pass on giving the government more since you donate to charity? Please.

You're the one whining about the poor. If you want to give them your money, have at it. Why you think anyone else is obligated to fund libtard pet causes is what I can't fathom.

You're the one whining about the poor. If you want to give them your money, have at it. Why you think anyone else is obligated to fund libtard pet causes is what I can't fathom.

It warms my heart to see that Dickensonian America is alive and well

what the fuck is "Dickensonian America?" Turds like you have been coveting other people's money since time immemorial.

The only thing new in this world is that some people have come to realize that they are entitled to keep what they earn.

It's pretty much a given that I pay far more taxes than you do and I'm not complaining. The fact that YOU are speaks volumes.

You want to keep more of your money? Then you can start by paying what you owe your nation first. Why is it people like you always want to talk about their money but refuse to acknowledge your debt?

How about forming two countries out of what the USA is today, one capitalist based the other socialist based, and we see who does better. Everyones happy cause they get what they want.


I've got a better solution.

Democrat want higher taxes.....let them pay them. Leave the rest of us alone.

Yeah right, most liberals rely on one form of social welfare or another - they don't pay taxes - they benefit from them.

Thats why they argue for more taxes - because they love the free shit the government gives them and they don't want to lose the free handouts.

Of course democrat politicians know this already, and they know the only reason the majority of their voting base votes for them is not because the base understands the political issues but because democrats give away free shit.

If you're trying to say that people WANT to be poor then you're a fucking retard.

So now you want me to give to charity, which I do, and to give the government more, but you are going to take a pass on giving the government more since you donate to charity? Please.

You're the one whining about the poor. If you want to give them your money, have at it. Why you think anyone else is obligated to fund libtard pet causes is what I can't fathom.

I love people who only think about today and never look ahead. Keep protecting what you have, but be warned. Once Americans figure out how making a small group super wealthy while destabilizing the rest of working class people is not working, the backlash is not going to be something you will like. Creating a plutocracy is what leads to real socialism, and this is exactly where we are headed. When we create policies that only allow a very few to improve their lives at the expense of the majority, eventually those policies will fail. When the top 10% of income earners are taking in 45% of all income, that is not good for the economy. It makes growth nearly impossible, because that top tier who are taking in so much of the income are not spending it. They just continue to accumulate more and more while everyone else loses ground. What is nuts is that we know this has happened over the last 30 years. The wealthy have increased their wealth by nearly three times while everyone else has either remained stagnant or lost ground. If you honestly think that is healthy for an economy or society, you are just plain stupid.

Excellant post!!

And yet the truth you speak is lost on these nutcases. Go figure.

So now you want me to give to charity, which I do, and to give the government more, but you are going to take a pass on giving the government more since you donate to charity? Please.

You're the one whining about the poor. If you want to give them your money, have at it. Why you think anyone else is obligated to fund libtard pet causes is what I can't fathom.

It warms my heart to see that Dickensonian America is alive and well

what the fuck is "Dickensonian America?" Turds like you have been coveting other people's money since time immemorial.

The only thing new in this world is that some people have come to realize that they are entitled to keep what they earn.

It's pretty much a given that I pay far more taxes than you do and I'm not complaining. The fact that YOU are speaks volumes.

You want to keep more of your money? Then you can start by paying what you owe your nation first. Why is it people like you always want to talk about their money but refuse to acknowledge your debt?


When democrats stop redistributing wealth, paying off their voting base and wasting money I'm sure no one will have a problem paying taxes.

The only needed federal taxes are for defense and payroll and thats it. Beyond that its up to the states to offer social programs..

In that scenario people can use their liberty and vote with their feet if they don't agree with the direction their state is going, and thats exactly the idea behind the Tenth Amendment.

This is a nation of states and state rights - not one gigantic state.
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves

Right, not taking money from one person and giving it to another is class warfare. You post this thread like you're making some sort of new point or making an insight when all this is would be the same liberal rationalization for wealth redistribution that every other liberal comes up with.

The fact is that private charity is very effective and all government is make people dependent on other people's money. And BTW, no one doesn't think the rich should pay "more" taxes. It's increasing the rates and the endless leftist rhetoric against them we oppose. See your posts for a good example of that.l
You're the one whining about the poor. If you want to give them your money, have at it. Why you think anyone else is obligated to fund libtard pet causes is what I can't fathom.

what the fuck is "Dickensonian America?" Turds like you have been coveting other people's money since time immemorial.

The only thing new in this world is that some people have come to realize that they are entitled to keep what they earn.

It's pretty much a given that I pay far more taxes than you do and I'm not complaining. The fact that YOU are speaks volumes.

You want to keep more of your money? Then you can start by paying what you owe your nation first. Why is it people like you always want to talk about their money but refuse to acknowledge your debt?


When democrats stop redistributing wealth, paying off their voting base and wasting money I'm sure no one will have a problem paying taxes.

The only needed federal taxes are for defense and payroll and thats it. Beyond that its up to the states to offer social programs..

In that scenario people can use their liberty and vote with their feet if they don't agree with the direction their state is going, and thats exactly the idea behind the Tenth Amendment.

This is a nation of states and state rights - not one gigantic state.

Think real hard, why do we need taxes for defense when we are not defending anything? And you premise that the General Welfare Clause doesn't exist is flawed.
Think real hard, why do we need taxes for defense when we are not defending anything?
You have to go further and ask like I do that we leave the middle east because as long as we're there, we are.

And you premise that the General Welfare Clause doesn't exist is flawed.

What's flawed is that the founding fathers who believed they'd created a constitution that severely limited federal authority created a clause which you libbies think means the government can do whatever the fuck it wants. It's beyond flawed, it's lame. Particularly when you use it to justify redistribution of wealth and class warfare, which are clearly not in the "general" welfare.
net surplus of $62.904 billion national debt went up by $1.395974 trillion


Government - Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual

I can take any of my bills off budget and talk an extreme amount of smack.
The debt went up 1.3 trillion dollars not it went up to 1.3 trillion dollars

It is possible I didnt understand the 62 billion surplus number, Because I dont.

Its all good though, there was no surplus.
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding

when you "cut" your ignorance quotient and discover what baseline spending is, maybe we'll talk, until then, rant on boob.
It's pretty much a given that I pay far more taxes than you do and I'm not complaining. The fact that YOU are speaks volumes.

You want to keep more of your money? Then you can start by paying what you owe your nation first. Why is it people like you always want to talk about their money but refuse to acknowledge your debt?


When democrats stop redistributing wealth, paying off their voting base and wasting money I'm sure no one will have a problem paying taxes.

The only needed federal taxes are for defense and payroll and thats it. Beyond that its up to the states to offer social programs..

In that scenario people can use their liberty and vote with their feet if they don't agree with the direction their state is going, and thats exactly the idea behind the Tenth Amendment.

This is a nation of states and state rights - not one gigantic state.

Think real hard, why do we need taxes for defense when we are not defending anything? And you premise that the General Welfare Clause doesn't exist is flawed.

Oh, we're defending.

The right is smart enough to realize fighting the enemy on our own soil is bad for the "general welfare" of the people.

The notion that Islamic extremists don't want to kill us, or progressives in reality would be factually incorrect. We're just fighting them in their own hood right now.

Oh and define "general welfare" - sounds like you're attempting to justify laziness.

Supporting ones self is not a "choice." If you can you do and if you don't you should get nothing.

When you have welfare fucks who have never worked a job in their lives collecting free money - thats a fucking problem.

I'm from Chicago - have you ever seen a housing project???
The rightwingers like to make the bogus claim that higher taxes on the rich constitutes "class warfare," but conveniently ignore the fact that their efforts to cut funding for the poor and disadvantaged, unemployment assistance, funding to schools, funding to improve inner city decay, etc, are all examples of the worst kind of class warfare in themselves.

Of course they like to make their own form of class warfare under the mask of calling it "fiscal conservatism," but we all know the deal about Republican "fiscal conservatism. As I posted in another thread, Republitards are the party of big government and deficits, in the past 30 years not one Republitard president has presided over a surplus while and office and each year the size of government grew while the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so can the real party of class warfare please stand up?

Well said..

We have been engaged in class warfare against the working class for thirty years. They work more hours, two income families....yet home ownership, healthcare, education are becoming harder to obtain

Meanwhile, the wealthiest class has ensured that they obtain a larger percentage of wealth and income


The reason being that they have to work until July to pay for the expenses incurred by the demopublican sponsored , welfare/warfare state.


Government - Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual

I can take any of my bills off budget and talk an extreme amount of smack.
The debt went up 1.3 trillion dollars not it went up to 1.3 trillion dollars

It is possible I didnt understand the 62 billion surplus number, Because I dont.

Its all good though, there was no surplus.

In other words from my source if the debt had not gone up 1.3 trillion dollars Clinton would have had a 62 billion dollars surpluis. In more simpler terms it's like the husband thinks he has paid all the bills but while hes thinking this his wife iand kids are out on a drunken spending frenzy With the platnuim.:lol:
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You're the one whining about the poor. If you want to give them your money, have at it. Why you think anyone else is obligated to fund libtard pet causes is what I can't fathom.

what the fuck is "Dickensonian America?" Turds like you have been coveting other people's money since time immemorial.

The only thing new in this world is that some people have come to realize that they are entitled to keep what they earn.

It's pretty much a given that I pay far more taxes than you do and I'm not complaining. The fact that YOU are speaks volumes.

You want to keep more of your money? Then you can start by paying what you owe your nation first. Why is it people like you always want to talk about their money but refuse to acknowledge your debt?


When democrats stop redistributing wealth, paying off their voting base and wasting money I'm sure no one will have a problem paying taxes.

The only needed federal taxes are for defense and payroll and thats it. Beyond that its up to the states to offer social programs..

In that scenario people can use their liberty and vote with their feet if they don't agree with the direction their state is going, and thats exactly the idea behind the Tenth Amendment.

This is a nation of states and state rights - not one gigantic state.

Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers

The numbers show that over the last 30 years, wealth has been redistributed from working Americans to the wealthy

I'm also you are incorrect if you think we are a states based nation. That hasn't been true for 150 years
It's pretty much a given that I pay far more taxes than you do and I'm not complaining. The fact that YOU are speaks volumes.

How is that a given? You're a union thug. I make a lot more than any of the union morons I've ever met. Furthermore, who cares if you're complaining? People who don't complain when they are being shaken down and mulcted are what most of us call "fools" and "imbeciles."

You want to keep more of your money? Then you can start by paying what you owe your nation first. Why is it people like you always want to talk about their money but refuse to acknowledge your debt?

I don't owe diddly to anyone, dirt bag.

What "debt" to the federal government have I incurred?
It's pretty much a given that I pay far more taxes than you do and I'm not complaining. The fact that YOU are speaks volumes.

You want to keep more of your money? Then you can start by paying what you owe your nation first. Why is it people like you always want to talk about their money but refuse to acknowledge your debt?


When democrats stop redistributing wealth, paying off their voting base and wasting money I'm sure no one will have a problem paying taxes.

The only needed federal taxes are for defense and payroll and thats it. Beyond that its up to the states to offer social programs..

In that scenario people can use their liberty and vote with their feet if they don't agree with the direction their state is going, and thats exactly the idea behind the Tenth Amendment.

This is a nation of states and state rights - not one gigantic state.

Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers

The numbers show that over the last 30 years, wealth has been redistributed from working Americans to the wealthy

I'm also you are incorrect if you think we are a states based nation. That hasn't been true for 150 years

Don't count on getting any factual proof from deluded retards that repeatedly parrot rightwing, emotional rhetoric. They know full well that if wealth was redistributed from the rich the gap between rich and poor wouldn't be getting wider with the rich getting richer, yet they continue to ignore facts.
When democrats stop redistributing wealth, paying off their voting base and wasting money I'm sure no one will have a problem paying taxes.

The only needed federal taxes are for defense and payroll and thats it. Beyond that its up to the states to offer social programs..

In that scenario people can use their liberty and vote with their feet if they don't agree with the direction their state is going, and thats exactly the idea behind the Tenth Amendment.

This is a nation of states and state rights - not one gigantic state.

Think real hard, why do we need taxes for defense when we are not defending anything? And you premise that the General Welfare Clause doesn't exist is flawed.

Oh, we're defending.

The right is smart enough to realize fighting the enemy on our own soil is bad for the "general welfare" of the people.

The notion that Islamic extremists don't want to kill us, or progressives in reality would be factually incorrect. We're just fighting them in their own hood right now.

Oh and define "general welfare" - sounds like you're attempting to justify hat .

Supporting ones self is not a "choice." If you can you do and if you don't you should get nothing.

When you have welfare fucks who have never worked a job in their lives collecting free money - thats a fucking problem.

I'm from Chicago - have you ever seen a housing project???

General welfare is an easy concept to grasp. And guess what clueless right wingers? It has nothing to do with taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor

What it means is Congress is tasked to do what is best for the country. If they don't, they don't get reelected
When democrats stop redistributing wealth, paying off their voting base and wasting money I'm sure no one will have a problem paying taxes.

The only needed federal taxes are for defense and payroll and thats it. Beyond that its up to the states to offer social programs..

In that scenario people can use their liberty and vote with their feet if they don't agree with the direction their state is going, and thats exactly the idea behind the Tenth Amendment.

This is a nation of states and state rights - not one gigantic state.

Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers

The numbers show that over the last 30 years, wealth has been redistributed from working Americans to the wealthy

I'm also you are incorrect if you think we are a states based nation. That hasn't been true for 150 years

Don't count on getting any factual proof from deluded retards that repeatedly parrot rightwing, emotional rhetoric. They know full well that if wealth was redistributed from the rich the gap between rich and poor wouldn't be getting wider with the rich getting richer, yet they continue to ignore facts.

Hey....don't let the facts get in the way of rightwing dogma

If so.....repeat the dogma
It's pretty much a given that I pay far more taxes than you do and I'm not complaining. The fact that YOU are speaks volumes.

You want to keep more of your money? Then you can start by paying what you owe your nation first. Why is it people like you always want to talk about their money but refuse to acknowledge your debt?


When democrats stop redistributing wealth, paying off their voting base and wasting money I'm sure no one will have a problem paying taxes.

The only needed federal taxes are for defense and payroll and thats it. Beyond that its up to the states to offer social programs..

In that scenario people can use their liberty and vote with their feet if they don't agree with the direction their state is going, and thats exactly the idea behind the Tenth Amendment.

This is a nation of states and state rights - not one gigantic state.

Democrats have yet to redistribute wealth...if so, show me the numbers

The numbers show that over the last 30 years, wealth has been redistributed from working Americans to the wealthy

I'm also you are incorrect if you think we are a states based nation. That hasn't been true for 150 years

Didn't you know that those few who have increased their wealth so much over the last thirty years did it by working harder than everyone else? Those in the middle class are just lazy fucks who don't deserve a better life because they are just too damn lazy.

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