Debunking the national polls that COMPLETELY CONTRADICT state polling (AP, ABC, USA Today)


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
WikiLeaks confirms this, thank you, Julian!

Political Ref ^ | 10/27/16

Debunking the national polls that COMPLETELY CONTRADICT state polling (AP, ABC, USA Today)
If you include enough Democrats in your sample, Hillary will always win, and why 2012 is not the new floor for Democratic turnout

AP/GFK Partisan distribution (Try not to laugh)
Democrat Sample +12

Hillary leading by 14! (yes, this is rigged poll)


ABC Partisan distribution
Democrat Sample +9

Hillary leading by 9


USA Today/Suffolk Partisan distribution

Democrat Sample +6

Hillary leading by 9


We've got some bad national polls this time around
First, it is true that the party ID question in polling is not an actual report of the real party distribution in a voting group. It represents what people currently want to associate with, not how they are registered. The reason it's a good way to analyze the credibility of a poll, however, is that exit polls use the same method to determine party distribution. I am not comparing apples to oranges by looking at the party distribution in phone/Internet polls and comparing them to exit polls.

The exit polls represent the only data of party distribution we ever receive. The exit polls are not actual hard voter data; they are just polls like the ones we are doing here except that they derive from people who actually turn out and vote, but they are, nonetheless, just polls. We want the party ID in a phone/Internet poll to match the exit polls because that means it will be more accurate.

In truth, Democrats do outnumber Republicans in this country and they will probably outnumber them in the election. Of course the real question is by how much? The AP poll assumed a +12 Democratic voter turnout. If this happened, no Republican would win any national election. So let us dispense with that absurd poll.

The ABC partisan assumption of a +9 Democrat vote is also too high. Again, if Democrats outnumber Republicans by almost ten percent, that leaves the GOP with precious little hope of winning any national election, and that's just not the makeup of our nation right now. With enthusiasm for each candidate at least being a draw and Democrats having less of a tendency to turn out in general, that +9 Democrat advantage will likely not materialize.

These kind of misleading polls really strike at their credibility as pollsters. They seem to want the big Hillary lead, probably to throw off the poll averages and suppress Republican voter turnout. I write this only because there are good methodological reasons to use different voter turnout models. It's just bad poll modeling. I believe they are actually sacrificing credibility when everyone is looking to game the system, and yes, I know this is a bold thing to assert. They are transparently embracing bad polling methods and reach an incredible result, so you tell me why.

But the real question, will it work? I have my doubts. I think this kind of thing actually can hurt Democrats because Republicans and Republican leaners get their news from alternative media. Democrats are more likely to hear it because they listen to mainstream media sources. Hearing a poll like this could actually give a voter who wants Hillary to win, but may not actually want to go vote, an excuse to go to the movies rather than vote.

Hillary Clinton: Ignore the polls "because we’ve got to turn people out”
So now for the USA Today/Suffolk distribution of 38% Democrat, 32% Republican and 24% Independent. That number looks familiar . . . oh right, it matches the 2012 partisan distribution exactly. I can see that assumption possibly making sense. If Democrats were filling arenas and minorities and young people were going to turn out in historic numbers like they have never turned out before, then I could buy it. That's what happened in 2012. Pollsters missed that in 2012 and they are making up for that mistake by assuming it almost across the board now. That is except for the pollsters that didn't miss it, namely the IBD/TIPP and LA Times polls, both of which got the distribution right in 2012. They are showing a tie race now, so perhaps we ought to take a lesson, but don't tell that to Larry Sabato who just loves the assumption that the 2012 turnout model will repeat itself.
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So much wishful thinking. Makes me kinda feel sorry for those who still believe Trump can win. The reality is, the fix is in. The Globalist Elites who decide these matters, have chosen Hillary Clinton. She will be the next US President. It kills me to say that, but i have to accept reality.
Imo you're whistling Dixie in the dark, but the natl media is not focusing on surrogates anymore unless they are Michelle. So Donald is benefitting and getting even in the daily news cycle because the only Trump negative to compare with the HRC negative wikileaks stuff about the Clinton fundraising is what Trump said today. And he'd really have to work at it to say something worse that he said two weeks ago.

So the bleeding may have stopped.
Romney was ahead in some polls right before the last Election. Polls don't matter. Hussein blew him out in the Electoral College. It wasn't even close. And i suspect this one will go the same route. Trump will be close in some polls, but won't challenge Clinton in the Electoral College.

Hey i really do hope i'm wrong, but i don't think i will be. We are gonna have to endure at least 4 more years of Anti-American Globalist misery. It's just the way it is. Good luck and God bless.
Poll manipulation is the crooked MSM "october surprise," unless they can find more porn stars who allege The Donald kissed them. :p Meanwhile, Wikileaks confirms Slick Willie and Crooked Hillary made millions in Pay to Play schemes in the US government. Folks the US government is supposed to be a model for the world. The Clintons and Obama made it into banana republic. Viet Nam has less corruption.
Watch after the election. Hillary wins, and it will take Vagilante about 2 minutes to start posting how he really wanted Cruz in the first place.
Damn, i really enjoy this oversampling saga redux. It is awesome.

The very very funniest part of this is, not one of these people who claim oversampling of Democrats can tell us what the correct sampling should be,

and then prove it.
I guess they feel there should be more trumptards in the sample. The same way they feel that there should be more trumptard votes.
Damn, i really enjoy this oversampling saga redux. It is awesome.

The very very funniest part of this is, not one of these people who claim oversampling of Democrats can tell us what the correct sampling should be,

and then prove it.
I guess they feel there should be more trumptards in the sample. The same way they feel that there should be more trumptard votes.

They don't get stuff like there are more and more conservatives who identify as Independents rather than as Republicans.
Here's what people do not understand. The ONLY way Hillary wins is if she gets a BETTER D+ turnout than Obama did in 2008 and.... AND Republicans don't show up at the polls.(which isn't the case since the primaries reflect record turnout)

What no one is saying is that the pollsters are weighing the samples as if Clinton is going to have a "Obama turnout" at the polls. They are not weighting the polls to reflect that Republicans have turned out enmasse during the primaries and the Dem turnout dropped off. That is a critical mistake. Add to that the people that are afraid to say they support Trump, which is probably a very very large amount of people <<<these people will close the curtain and 'pull the lever' for Trump.

The media and Dems are going to be shocked come November 8.....they don't see it coming and haven't taken the time to dive into what they are doing with the polls.

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