Debt solution.....Cuts vs Tax increases?

Should taxe increases be included in the new debt ceiling?

  • YES

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 16 80.0%

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
You lefties keep insisting on new taxes to help lower our debt. Problem is tax increases have NEVER been used to lower the amount we have to borrow. In fact even with tax increases we always deficit spend in the end anyways. Why should we trust washington now to do whats right? Do you all enjoy being taken advantage of year after year?

Fact is a lot of americans are already taxed as a total between 50 & 60% of their income. That is the very type of opressive taxiation we escaped when we fought and founded this great country. Yet now we have no problem putting the boot on our own cicizens necks while robbing them of THEIR money, in the name of "paying your share". Meanwhile nearly 50% of this country is able to escape the larger share. But we'll save that for another discussion.

Lets look a bit deeper,

The left succeded in getting 770 billion of new taxes in the healthcare bill
Weekly Political Review: Surprise! New CBO Report: Repealing ObamaCare Will Reduce Spending By $540B, Taxes By $770B

When the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire the average american family will see an increase of 2500 to 5500
How Much More Will 2011 Taxes Cost You – Bush Tax Cuts vs Democratic Plan | Money and Risk

Just those two issues alone are going to be a huge burdon to this struggling economy not to mention devastating to alot of families. AND NOW YOU WANT MORE?

The republicans are doing the right thing by insisting on NO NEW TAXES :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
You are factually wrong by a mile.

We raised taxes to pay for the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (and maybe a few wars back then I'm leaving out).
You are factually wrong by a mile.

We raised taxes to pay for the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (and maybe a few wars back then I'm leaving out).

LMAO.........even Obama said in way you raise taxes in a recession. America is on the cusp of another as we speak. The only people who think its a good idea to raise taxes are the folks on the fringe left. Its that simple.

But dont forget..........these same people advocating for rasing taxes are the same people who would be just fine with the economy going further into the shitter. Thats a win-win for the k00k left..........anything closer to a state takeover of the system is where they want things in a perfect world. A majority of people dont understand that. These people seek collapse.
NO. There is no need to raise taxes until every penny of unConstitional and extra-Constitutional spending has been removed from the budget, until all US Military and Governmental personnel are withdrawn from foreign nations, and until we stop propping up foreign countries with the monies already raised from US Taxpayers. Until then, NO TAXES should be raised, period.
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You are factually wrong by a mile.

We raised taxes to pay for the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (and maybe a few wars back then I'm leaving out).

What am I factually wrong about? I wasnt saying anything about raising taxes for war or because of war.
You lefties keep insisting on new taxes to help lower our debt. Problem is tax increases have NEVER been used to lower the amount we have to borrow.

Why the fuck do we have to borrow?

What happened to the Social Security Trust Fund?

If the politicians are fucking nuts why should I care, let the mo'fo's pay the debt themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are factually wrong by a mile.

We raised taxes to pay for the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (and maybe a few wars back then I'm leaving out).

LMAO.........even Obama said in way you raise taxes in a recession. America is on the cusp of another as we speak. The only people who think its a good idea to raise taxes are the folks on the fringe left. Its that simple.

But dont forget..........these same people advocating for rasing taxes are the same people who would be just fine with the economy going further into the shitter. Thats a win-win for the k00k left..........anything closer to a state takeover of the system is where they want things in a perfect world. A majority of people dont understand that. These people seek collapse.

Agreed, and I guess those who told me I was wrong in my op are too scared to show me exactly what was wrong with my post.

Of course they could have just been the typical leftist hit n run artists :poke:
You are factually wrong by a mile.

We raised taxes to pay for the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (and maybe a few wars back then I'm leaving out).

What am I factually wrong about? I wasnt saying anything about raising taxes for war or because of war.

You were FACTUALLY WRONG when you said this:

Problem is tax increases have NEVER been used to lower the amount we have to borrow.

Do wish to claim that the tax increases to pay for those wars did NOT lower the amount we had to borrow?

You don't know what you're talking about.

We stopped paying for wars with taxes around 1980. That's also when we began running unprecedented deficits and ever-increasing debt.
You are factually wrong by a mile.

We raised taxes to pay for the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (and maybe a few wars back then I'm leaving out).

LMAO.........even Obama said in way you raise taxes in a recession. America is on the cusp of another as we speak. The only people who think its a good idea to raise taxes are the folks on the fringe left. Its that simple.

But dont forget..........these same people advocating for rasing taxes are the same people who would be just fine with the economy going further into the shitter. Thats a win-win for the k00k left..........anything closer to a state takeover of the system is where they want things in a perfect world. A majority of people dont understand that. These people seek collapse.

Ronald Reagan raised taxes during the 82 recession.
You are factually wrong by a mile.

We raised taxes to pay for the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (and maybe a few wars back then I'm leaving out).

What am I factually wrong about? I wasnt saying anything about raising taxes for war or because of war.

You were FACTUALLY WRONG when you said this:

Problem is tax increases have NEVER been used to lower the amount we have to borrow.

Do wish to claim that the tax increases to pay for those wars did NOT lower the amount we had to borrow?

You don't know what you're talking about.

We stopped paying for wars with taxes around 1980. That's also when we began running unprecedented deficits and ever-increasing debt.

my bad, I thought we were debating modern congressional problems. I forgot some of you lefties were stuck in the fifties.
What am I factually wrong about? I wasnt saying anything about raising taxes for war or because of war.

You were FACTUALLY WRONG when you said this:

Problem is tax increases have NEVER been used to lower the amount we have to borrow.

Do wish to claim that the tax increases to pay for those wars did NOT lower the amount we had to borrow?

You don't know what you're talking about.

We stopped paying for wars with taxes around 1980. That's also when we began running unprecedented deficits and ever-increasing debt.

my bad, I thought we were debating modern congressional problems. I forgot some of you lefties were stuck in the fifties.

I thought the word 'never' included the past.

What does it include? You tell me. Specifically.

When you say increasing taxes has NEVER been used to reduce borrowing, you tell me what we can't count,

I'm assuming you mean we can't count any time it HAS been used. :lol::lol::lol: Take your pills and hit the sack Grandpa.
You lefties keep insisting on new taxes to help lower our debt. Problem is tax increases have NEVER been used to lower the amount we have to borrow. In fact even with tax increases we always deficit spend in the end anyways. Why should we trust washington now to do whats right? Do you all enjoy being taken advantage of year after year?

Fact is a lot of americans are already taxed as a total between 50 & 60% of their income. That is the very type of opressive taxiation we escaped when we fought and founded this great country. Yet now we have no problem putting the boot on our own cicizens necks while robbing them of THEIR money, in the name of "paying your share". Meanwhile nearly 50% of this country is able to escape the larger share. But we'll save that for another discussion.

Lets look a bit deeper,

The left succeded in getting 770 billion of new taxes in the healthcare bill
Weekly Political Review: Surprise! New CBO Report: Repealing ObamaCare Will Reduce Spending By $540B, Taxes By $770B

When the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire the average american family will see an increase of 2500 to 5500
How Much More Will 2011 Taxes Cost You – Bush Tax Cuts vs Democratic Plan | Money and Risk

Just those two issues alone are going to be a huge burdon to this struggling economy not to mention devastating to alot of families. AND NOW YOU WANT MORE?

The republicans are doing the right thing by insisting on NO NEW TAXES :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

There isn't enough WEALTH in this entire country to pay for 14.3 trillion in red ink now--with another 64 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities--due to baby-boomers now entering social security--medicare at a daily rate of 18.000--which will continue for the next 15 years.

That's 78 TRILLION dollars--resulting in per household government debt, in America of $534,000.00 to pay this tab. Now while I am all for closing loop-holes--and getting rid of ALL government subsidies--aka corporate welfare--raising taxes is only going to deter employment growth in this country.

In essense--we don't need tax hikes--we need more taxpayers. Knowing that 50% of the working population in this country--pay no federal income tax what-so-ever--whom always vote DEMOCRAT so they can beat others over the head with wanting more of the money they've earned is what has gotten us into this mess. Now--these same people want more of the 10% of the population that already pay 67% of the entire tax base already. Is there something WRONG with this picture? Oh yes there is. Anyone who works--should have to contribute something--no matter how small it is.

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You know damn well what I ment. And you can't argue anything but semantics and technical mumbo jumbo. This country goes deeper in debt every year despite tax increases. All the increases do is give congress more money to waste.
You are factually wrong by a mile.

We raised taxes to pay for the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (and maybe a few wars back then I'm leaving out).

Where did you show he was wrong?

He can't dispute the point of the post so he's pretending to be a forensic cop and looking for errors in minuscule details. It's all the same shit from every one of them. One of them couldn't even form an argument and just went straight to insults. Pathetic bunch...

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