Dear President of Turkey it was a Joke and Satire... ( Profanity )


Platinum Member
May 27, 2014
It seem the President of Turkey object at being called a Goat Fucker, someone that kick Kurds, like kiddie porn and hit Christians... Well thank God that the dumb fucking asshole does not read this site because he might read what a worthless fucking waste of life he is and request that I be executed for my opinion of him...

Look I do not agree with the satire of the German Comedian but to attempt to use the laws of Germany to silence your opposition is just pathetic. Erdogan is egomaniac that censor his own nation by denying his people to view opposition of his government on Facebook, youtube and other social media sites, but he should not be allow censor people that live in other countries.

I am thankful that I live here in the states, but I realize that one day someone like Erdogan will demand the United States Government to arrest those that have insulted another country President, and I hope our government would tell that President to take a flying leap off a cliff and if not I hope the USSC tell our government to take a flying leap too...

Well enjoy the article and will check in to read the responses...

Calling a Politician, Any Politician, A "GoatF**ker" Is Free Speech

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