Dear Muslim Sister

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I think that God sent Mohamed. His empire seems to be the best literal fulfillment of the Daniel prophesies of a coming Heavenly Kingdom that filled all the Earth.
You have got to be kidding! Problem is I know you're not. If you cannot see that Satan is the god of Islam, I have to leave you to your deception.

Jesus has NOTHING to share with that monster who received his doctrines for demons.

I used to think that the prophesied Kingdom of Heaven was the Catholic Church, but recent events have dispelled that misconception.

You are easily deceived by evil
Yes, he is, but how often have Christians suffered the same fate. The defenders of Islam give the very same excuses you have read here. Too bad more muslims have no empathy for innocent Christians martyred for their faith.

True, but that is flaw of all mankind, to empathize most easily and readily with their own and not the Other.

But I have faith that mankind will rise up from this lizard-brain way of thinking to something more Heavenly, more noble and really more Human in terms of what we are made for and capable of.
I think that God sent Mohamed. His empire seems to be the best literal fulfillment of the Daniel prophesies of a coming Heavenly Kingdom that filled all the Earth.
You have got to be kidding! Problem is I know you're not. If you cannot see that Satan is the god of Islam, I have to leave you to your deception.

Jesus has NOTHING to share with that monster who received his doctrines for demons.

I used to think that the prophesied Kingdom of Heaven was the Catholic Church, but recent events have dispelled that misconception.

You are easily deceived by evil

Well, then let me ask you why you think that Satan is the God of Islam when it recognizes the Heavenly authority of Jesus Christ? The New Testament says to test the spirits and in First John chapter 4 it says:

1 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,

3 but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.​

Islam recognizes Jesus as having come from God, so its spirit passes this test, at lest that is what it seems to me.

Governments have a tradition of distorting the enemy in every way it can to dehumanize them so its people will not feel sympathy for the 'enemy', and so we suddenly have all this anti-Muslim agit-prop being spread around after 9-11.

I do not believe this is coincidental, it is propaganda pushed by the Deep State to spur patriots to see Islam as evil and wage war against it. But of course that is with one side of its mouth, out of the other side they scream SJW hysteria and damn us for believing the other side of its mouth, lol.
The Quran says that Jesus was not defeated in His death, which He was not. The tradition among Muslims is that Jesus lived, but that is not a required belief as I understand it.
Muslims 100% believe that Jesus lived, was born to the virgin Mary, was a prophet and performed miracles, because it says these things about him in the Qur'an.

That's why you will never hear muslims make any derogatory statements about Jesus because he is to be honored as a righteous man who never sinned. ... :cool:
More shit------when I was a kid-----it was kinda an accepted thing that NEW ZEALAND---
is "WHITE MAN, BLOND, BLUE-EYED------land."
Yeah right. You've shown yourself to be spectacularly ignorant about many things, why should this be different?

Does a Catholic blowing up a protestant Parlaiment count?

Or Baptists dropping bombs on a Christian German city overcrowded with Christian refugees?

How about the Thirty Years War? that count?

Seriously? The IRA bombing an English government building is a political, not a religious act...the Irish weren't fighting for their freedom from protestants...they were fighting the Crown ruling them like peasants. Iraqi sunni and shia kill each other simply because they always have, when there's no Christians around to murder. Iraq and Iran fought each other for years based on nothing but a difference of opinion of supposed Koran "teachings".

We had no right to bomb Germany because they were Christians? There was no religious element to breaking the German will to fight....Dresden was firebombed while we nuked difference, one being Shitoist, the other being Christian. Look at what those "Christians" did to the Jews while devastating Europe. SunniMan claims it never happened...this is who you're defending? The German people claimed they "didn't know" what was happening to the hell they didn't. Eisnehower ordered the townspeople around the camps in Germany taken in to see for themselves...I've seen the footage...they didn't seem all that surprised.

The Thiry Year war? How far back do you want to about to 2001? What "offense" did we commit on islam to earn such horror in return....defending the Saudis from Saddam..both sunni majorites. They bombed the WTC in '93...why? Oh wait, that was a Mossad plot to turn America against islam too? I knew a guy who served a year as a guard at GITMO....funny, he never heard a word about the IDF being behind the plot....they were quite proud of what they'd done to the Great Satan.....You should remember those who leaped from the WTC hundreds of feet up to hit the concrete below instead of burning to death. I won't mourn dead muslims...we have our own to mourn for and you best remember that.
Does a Catholic blowing up a protestant Parlaiment count?

Or Baptists dropping bombs on a Christian German city overcrowded with Christian refugees?

How about the Thirty Years War? that count?

Seriously? The IRA bombing an English government building is a political, not a religious act...the Irish weren't fighting for their freedom from protestants...they were fighting the Crown ruling them like peasants. Iraqi sunni and shia kill each other simply because they always have, when there's no Christians around to murder. Iraq and Iran fought each other for years based on nothing but a difference of opinion of supposed Koran "teachings".

We had no right to bomb Germany because they were Christians? There was no religious element to breaking the German will to fight....Dresden was firebombed while we nuked difference, one being Shitoist, the other being Christian. Look at what those "Christians" did to the Jews while devastating Europe. SunniMan claims it never happened...this is who you're defending? The German people claimed they "didn't know" what was happening to the hell they didn't. Eisnehower ordered the townspeople around the camps in Germany taken in to see for themselves...I've seen the footage...they didn't seem all that surprised.

The Thiry Year war? How far back do you want to about to 2001? What "offense" did we commit on islam to earn such horror in return....defending the Saudis from Saddam..both sunni majorites. They bombed the WTC in '93...why? Oh wait, that was a Mossad plot to turn America against islam too? I knew a guy who served a year as a guard at GITMO....funny, he never heard a word about the IDF being behind the plot....they were quite proud of what they'd done to the Great Satan.....You should remember those who leaped from the WTC hundreds of feet up to hit the concrete below instead of burning to death. I won't mourn dead muslims...we have our own to mourn for and you best remember that.
My point, that you engage in rhetorical pretsel logic to avoid, is that all religions have people that war with each other and everybody else.

Islam and Christianity are no exception to that..
Muslims 100% believe that Jesus lived, was born to the virgin Mary, was a prophet and performed miracles, because it says these things about him in the Qur'an.

That's why you will never hear muslims make any derogatory statements about Jesus because he is to be honored as a righteous man who never sinned. ... :cool:

More Muslims today believe that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary than there are Christians who do.

Yet another reason I no longer believe that Christianity is the promised Kingdom.
We don't have any Islamic terrorist sympathizers in our mosque. ... :cool:

I am sure that is true as the Salafis are a very small minority in Islam.

But when you watch our media portray Muslims, they are all terrorists, all blacks are living in slums, All Hispanics speak Spanish at home instead of English, etc etc, toss in the worst stereotypes.

Why is that? Because our media is a pile of horse shit.
Muslims 100% believe that Jesus lived, was born to the virgin Mary, was a prophet and performed miracles, because it says these things about him in the Qur'an.

That's why you will never hear muslims make any derogatory statements about Jesus because he is to be honored as a righteous man who never sinned. ... :cool:

Right...that's why your ISIS brothers crucified Christians they came across in Syria and honor Jesus.

OMG, how do you possibly distort him and his statement to mean that?

You are an idiot, say hello to my ignore list, moron.
What you apparently don't understand is that, while Islam calls Jesus a prophet, they reject Jesus as the Son of GOD. They believe those who call Jesus the Son of God are blasphemers and the penalty is DEATH. This is why it is so easy for some Muslims to murder Christians and "think they do God's service."
Why the need to show such graphic images?

Is this what we are supposed to do here instead of using our intelligence and language to persuade others?

Should I start posting graphic pictures of Islam’s victims?

This is a heinous, despicable act in a non-combat zone. And if you truly value human life, this tragedy is realistically apolitical, perpetuated by a bloodlust loser who represents only himself.
You and others would do well to keep it in that category, lest you be lumped in with this animal.

More shit------when I was a kid-----it was kinda an accepted thing that NEW ZEALAND---
is "WHITE MAN, BLOND, BLUE-EYED------land." It amazes me that they let a
muslim population "HAPPEN". A Baptist population does not stand a chance in
MALDIVES-----with a CHRUCH <no less> lets get some "context" here. -----
SEVERAL MOSQUES-------where are the HINDU TEMPLES in the oil Emirates?
Lots of hindu workers-------but no hindu temples.

When you were a kid, it was generally accepted that Jesus was a blue eyed blonde.

the people that believed that, and passed it on to those they taught, never seemed to think about the area he was born in.

(psst, not too many blue eyed blonds born in that area of the world 2,000 years ago)
What you apparently don't understand is that, while Islam calls Jesus a prophet, they reject Jesus as the Son of GOD. They believe those who call Jesus the Son of God are blasphemers and the penalty is DEATH. This is why it is so easy for some Muslims to murder Christians and "think they do God's service."
The Qur'an calls Christians and Jews "People of the Book" (referring to the Bible / Torah) and any muslim who kills them just for their beliefs is committing a grave sin. .... :cool:
What you apparently don't understand is that, while Islam calls Jesus a prophet, they reject Jesus as the Son of GOD.

No I understand that. Muslims and the quran teach that God did not 'begat' Jesus because God does not do such things and it is true. But the sense in which they use the term 'begat' is a refrence to sexual intercourse and that is true. God did not fuck Mary, but He still caused her pregnancy in some divine way. A lot of Christians think that what God did to Mary amounts to intercourse and that is just silly, but what can yhou say? lol people are people; a mixed bag of nuts.

Jesus is the emanation of the Creator formed in the first moment of Creation, as naturally as a child from a mother. The Creator exists outside the flow of time, while Jesus as the Logos intersects with both. Most people do not grasp this in either faith and have misconceptions about the Logos as a result.

And yet they are still aligned with Gods Will if they think Jesus came from God. The Jews have a special relationship with Him as being His Chosen People.

They believe those who call Jesus the Son of God are blasphemers and the penalty is DEATH. This is why it is so easy for some Muslims to murder Christians and "think they do God's service."

In some cultures I have no doubt that this is true, but that does not mean it is Islam that produces this hatred, no more than it is right to believe that Christianity causes slavery or wife beatings and yet many Christians have practiced both.
What you apparently don't understand is that, while Islam calls Jesus a prophet, they reject Jesus as the Son of GOD. They believe those who call Jesus the Son of God are blasphemers and the penalty is DEATH. This is why it is so easy for some Muslims to murder Christians and "think they do God's service."
The Qur'an calls Christians and Jews "People of the Book" (referring to the Bible/Torah) and any muslim who kills them just for their beliefs is committing a grave sin. .... :cool:
Can you explain the change in the system of abrogation, if I am referencing it correctly, that has this Surat replaced by another in terms of what applies to us today?

What changed? Or has it changed and who thinks it is so, if not?

lol, I feel like I am arguing with myself just asking this question.
Jewish commandments and laws in the Torah, and the Qur'an laws and commandments are very similar, and many times are exactly the same. ... :cool:
Roman Catholicism tried to implement Judaic/Levetical law in many cases, using it to form the basis of the eclesiastical law for priests in many ways. The Mass was conducted in a very similar way to the temple rituals.

The three major Abrahamic faiths have far more in common than contrary to the other.

But like Esau and Jacob wage war on each other to feel like they alone have the blessings of the Father.

If someone could every explain to me so I understand it why such closely related faiths are so antagonistic to each other, I would feel in their debt.
Can you explain the change in the system of abrogation, if I am referencing it correctly, that has this Surat replaced by another in terms of what applies to us today? What changed? Or has it changed and who thinks it is so, if not?
Basically, Muhammad received revelations for around 23 years. Many situations changed within the muslim community over that many years. Teachings the people had difficulty understanding in the early years, Muhammad adjusted them so the people were better able to understand and accept in the later years.

At the beginning of each Surat is will say whether it was reveled in Mecca (the early years) or Medina (the later years)

Keep this in mind when reading the Qur'an and it will help you to understand the progression of the religion during the beginning years. ... :cool:
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Can you explain the change in the system of abrogation, if I am referencing it correctly, that has this Surat replaced by another in terms of what applies to us today? What changed? Or has it changed and who thinks it is so, if not?
Basically, Muhammad received revelations for around 23 years. Many situations changed within the muslim community over that many years. Teachings the people had difficulty understanding in the early years, Muhammad adjusted them so the people were better able to understand and accept in the later years.

At the beginning of each Surat is will say whether it was reveled in Mecca (the early years) or Medina (the later years)

Keep this in mind when reading the Qur'an and it will help you to understand the progression of the religion during the beginning years. ... :cool:

So the Medina Surats have more meaning than the Mecca Surats or are they entirely superceeding?
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