Dear Millennial Snowflakes


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
The author of this letter absolutely nails it.

Dear Millennial Snowflakes:

November 8th dawned bright for you. You woke up, confident that social justice would prevail and that the first woman president of the United States was going to be announced later that evening. Fueled by misinformation and fake polls from the likes of Huffington Post and CNN, the thought that Hillary Clinton might be defeated never even crossed your minds.

You went to the polls, some of you for the very first time, and cast your votes for someone sheerly based on her possession of a vagina.

Because you’ve always received a sticker just for turning in your homework, because you scorn those who think differently as uneducated hicks, and because you don’t understand the word “no,” the shock was palpable when the electoral map began to turn red.

There were tears, hugs, and whispered words of support as you watched in horror. Yes, kids, Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States by the process in which presidents have been elected since the dawning of America.

Social media was filled with tearful videos, whispered pleas, typed messages of utter terror.

Give me a freakin’ break, Snowflakes.

Where were you when Hillary Clinton and the DNC stole the primary by colluding against Bernie Sanders? Seriously, that would have been the time to protest. When you were screwed by your own party, you didn’t set things on fire and burn effigies of Hillary Clinton, who is very possibly the most corrupt politician ever to run for office. If you didn’t protest that debacle, it’s pretty hypocritical to protest now.

How do you think working class Americans felt when Obama got re-elected and we knew that he’d be demanding more than our mortgage payments each month for a crappy health care system that doesn’t even actually pay for anything unless your bills exceed $5000? I haven’t been happy with my choices at the polls for decades, but I’ve never wept, feverishly looked up the number for the suicide hotline, refused to function, or set things on fire.

Grow up. We don’t always get our way. This is reality and sometimes we don’t like it.

Here’s what you should be angry about, Snowflakes.

Read the entire letter here:

An Open Letter to Snowflake Millennials Who Are Melting in the Streets Because Trump Won
The author of this letter absolutely nails it.

Dear Millennial Snowflakes:

November 8th dawned bright for you. You woke up, confident that social justice would prevail and that the first woman president of the United States was going to be announced later that evening. Fueled by misinformation and fake polls from the likes of Huffington Post and CNN, the thought that Hillary Clinton might be defeated never even crossed your minds.

You went to the polls, some of you for the very first time, and cast your votes for someone sheerly based on her possession of a vagina.

Because you’ve always received a sticker just for turning in your homework, because you scorn those who think differently as uneducated hicks, and because you don’t understand the word “no,” the shock was palpable when the electoral map began to turn red.

There were tears, hugs, and whispered words of support as you watched in horror. Yes, kids, Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States by the process in which presidents have been elected since the dawning of America.

Social media was filled with tearful videos, whispered pleas, typed messages of utter terror.

Give me a freakin’ break, Snowflakes.

Where were you when Hillary Clinton and the DNC stole the primary by colluding against Bernie Sanders? Seriously, that would have been the time to protest. When you were screwed by your own party, you didn’t set things on fire and burn effigies of Hillary Clinton, who is very possibly the most corrupt politician ever to run for office. If you didn’t protest that debacle, it’s pretty hypocritical to protest now.

How do you think working class Americans felt when Obama got re-elected and we knew that he’d be demanding more than our mortgage payments each month for a crappy health care system that doesn’t even actually pay for anything unless your bills exceed $5000? I haven’t been happy with my choices at the polls for decades, but I’ve never wept, feverishly looked up the number for the suicide hotline, refused to function, or set things on fire.

Grow up. We don’t always get our way. This is reality and sometimes we don’t like it.

Here’s what you should be angry about, Snowflakes.

Read the entire letter here:

An Open Letter to Snowflake Millennials Who Are Melting in the Streets Because Trump Won
Poor author got triggered by a bunch of snowflakes
The author of this letter absolutely nails it.

Dear Millennial Snowflakes:

November 8th dawned bright for you. You woke up, confident that social justice would prevail and that the first woman president of the United States was going to be announced later that evening. Fueled by misinformation and fake polls from the likes of Huffington Post and CNN, the thought that Hillary Clinton might be defeated never even crossed your minds.

You went to the polls, some of you for the very first time, and cast your votes for someone sheerly based on her possession of a vagina.

Because you’ve always received a sticker just for turning in your homework, because you scorn those who think differently as uneducated hicks, and because you don’t understand the word “no,” the shock was palpable when the electoral map began to turn red.

There were tears, hugs, and whispered words of support as you watched in horror. Yes, kids, Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States by the process in which presidents have been elected since the dawning of America.

Social media was filled with tearful videos, whispered pleas, typed messages of utter terror.

Give me a freakin’ break, Snowflakes.

Where were you when Hillary Clinton and the DNC stole the primary by colluding against Bernie Sanders? Seriously, that would have been the time to protest. When you were screwed by your own party, you didn’t set things on fire and burn effigies of Hillary Clinton, who is very possibly the most corrupt politician ever to run for office. If you didn’t protest that debacle, it’s pretty hypocritical to protest now.

How do you think working class Americans felt when Obama got re-elected and we knew that he’d be demanding more than our mortgage payments each month for a crappy health care system that doesn’t even actually pay for anything unless your bills exceed $5000? I haven’t been happy with my choices at the polls for decades, but I’ve never wept, feverishly looked up the number for the suicide hotline, refused to function, or set things on fire.

Grow up. We don’t always get our way. This is reality and sometimes we don’t like it.

Here’s what you should be angry about, Snowflakes.

Read the entire letter here:

An Open Letter to Snowflake Millennials Who Are Melting in the Streets Because Trump Won
Poor author got triggered by a bunch of snowflakes

The poor author took your ilk to read it and cringed....or should have
Makes you wonder how all these little precious flowers who are so overcome and distraught with the election result are ever going to hold down a job. Your college may let you skip an exam because of your emotional anguish, but sing that tune to your employer and he will hire the next illegal immigrant who walks thru the door to take your job.
The author of this letter absolutely nails it.

Dear Millennial Snowflakes:

November 8th dawned bright for you. You woke up, confident that social justice would prevail and that the first woman president of the United States was going to be announced later that evening. Fueled by misinformation and fake polls from the likes of Huffington Post and CNN, the thought that Hillary Clinton might be defeated never even crossed your minds.

You went to the polls, some of you for the very first time, and cast your votes for someone sheerly based on her possession of a vagina.

Because you’ve always received a sticker just for turning in your homework, because you scorn those who think differently as uneducated hicks, and because you don’t understand the word “no,” the shock was palpable when the electoral map began to turn red.

There were tears, hugs, and whispered words of support as you watched in horror. Yes, kids, Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States by the process in which presidents have been elected since the dawning of America.

Social media was filled with tearful videos, whispered pleas, typed messages of utter terror.

Give me a freakin’ break, Snowflakes.

Where were you when Hillary Clinton and the DNC stole the primary by colluding against Bernie Sanders? Seriously, that would have been the time to protest. When you were screwed by your own party, you didn’t set things on fire and burn effigies of Hillary Clinton, who is very possibly the most corrupt politician ever to run for office. If you didn’t protest that debacle, it’s pretty hypocritical to protest now.

How do you think working class Americans felt when Obama got re-elected and we knew that he’d be demanding more than our mortgage payments each month for a crappy health care system that doesn’t even actually pay for anything unless your bills exceed $5000? I haven’t been happy with my choices at the polls for decades, but I’ve never wept, feverishly looked up the number for the suicide hotline, refused to function, or set things on fire.

Grow up. We don’t always get our way. This is reality and sometimes we don’t like it.

Here’s what you should be angry about, Snowflakes.

Read the entire letter here:

An Open Letter to Snowflake Millennials Who Are Melting in the Streets Because Trump Won
Poor author got triggered by a bunch of snowflakes

The poor author took your ilk to read it and cringed....or should have
Poor author indeed
The OP would leave an encounter with my snowflake daughter holding her tail between her legs and with tears streaming down her face.

It's best not to ascribe the actions of a few to an entire generation. It makes some "has beens" feel better to do so...but it is inaccurate and counter productive.

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