Dear Leader's continues his petty grift as he leaves DC


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

He is a Con Man of the first degree. Tax payers will be paying for his criminal family for some time....unless the Senate convicts the POS.
The lefts TDS continues unabated.

You cannot possibly be stupid enough to genuinely think this has anything to do with "right and left".

Can you?
You can not be stupid enough to genuinely think it does not can you? The far left loons on here and across the country will still be obsessing about Trump four years from now.
Tax payers will be paying for his criminal family for some time....unless the Senate convicts the POS.

Damn, Trump has foiled the lefts plans to get at his family yet again! And all at a cost of about 1/60th what the democrats spent trying to chase after a baseless claim the Russians elected Trump.

He is a Con Man of the first degree. Tax payers will be paying for his criminal family for some time....unless the Senate convicts the POS.
You voted for a 47 year establishment politician against an outsider. That makes you a 100% dumb fuck and I hope you lose everything under the senile sonofabitch Biden.
The lefts TDS continues unabated.

You cannot possibly be stupid enough to genuinely think this has anything to do with "right and left".

Can you?
You can not be stupid enough to genuinely think it does not can you? The far left loons on here and across the country will still be obsessing about Trump four years from now.

Guess I overestimated --- you CAN be that stupid.

We've been pointing this out for over five years while you dichotomists have been going :lalala: but it works like this. The world's disdain for Rump never had jack shit to do with "politics". The freak doesn't even HAVE ANY. He's a two-faced lying con job who will say one thing, then when he finds out that didn't work, just completely disavow ever having said it. No, his problem is, was, and always will be CHARACTER. The fact that he's a compulsive LIAR. That he's a complete SELF-DELUSIONIST who just makes up his own realities. This time exactly four years ago he was standing there with a straight face telling people he got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan, that his inauguration was the bigliest one ever, and that it wasn't raining --- when all three were ABSOLUTE 100% BULLSHIT.

There ain't nothing "right" or "left" about rank dishonesty. That's personal SUCK. Now read that again --- PERSONAL. Not "political" ..... PERSONAL.
Ah the Googly Image. It's Photoshop for fake history.
That was an honorable Marine who killed JFK. Certainly not a Democrat.

Nobody really knows that one. But Googly-Boi apparently just throws anything at the wall to see what sticks. I'm surprised he didn't also list the eruption of Krakatoa, the Black Plague and the magnetic reversal of the poles. Would have made the same amount of sense.

He is a Con Man of the first degree. Tax payers will be paying for his criminal family for some time....unless the Senate convicts the POS.
You voted for a 47 year establishment politician against an outsider. That makes you a 100% dumb fuck and I hope you lose everything under the senile sonofabitch Biden.
The outsider lied from day one. The one lie that he could not overcome was the COVID lie. The giant piece of Orange feces is responsible for tens of thousands of lives. He did not even have a plan to vaccinate the people of America. He will go dowm in history as the WORST president in US history.

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