To get all hip hoppy, let me "flip da scrip."
Some of you are right, it shouldn't & doesn't matter who does or doesn't stand with us. We have the luxury AND THE RIGHT to act unilaterally in our nation's best interest. btw: For you Brits- for whom I have undying respect- French, & Germans, I hope you liked the way Kerry's then assertion [1991]stated that you guys were a hollow, nearly illegitimate group of coalition partners. Of course, in THIS round, he speaks glowingly of your respective nations' contributions to the Gulf War.
When Kerry & the liberals talk about how we never truly made a genuine effort to bring our important allies on board- I guees Great Britain isn't so "great" in his eyes- what does that MEAN? Considering that France, Germany, & Russia- as well as the U.N.- were not only adamantly against us, they were in a bed of bribes with Saddam, what could he mean? Seeing as how hundreds of billions of dollars were at risk, what could we have SAID? Nothing, that's what. So, following his rhetoric through to its illogical conclusion, I assume that he is saying that we should have outbid Saddam & bribed them with even MORE billions of dollars than even HE could. Now, THAT is what I call diplomacy which "pays off!"
If America, The Great Satan, is such a tyrantical international bully, would someone please list the names of nations which we have conquered and KEPT over the last 100 or so years. Can't? I'll tell ya why: Even though we have made some bad calls in our past and backed one lesser devil over a worse one....WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS! If we wanted, we could conquer & rule most of Europe in the next 6 months, head to Asia from there, and would help Israel- not that they want to- take over the entire Mid East. And Canada? LMFAO! Actually, Celine, Nickleback, & Avril are grounds enough for a pre-emptive invasion.
My point?
Well, while I like France bashing as much as the next guy- come on, with the whole eating snails & loving Jerry Lewis movies, it's great sport....and easy- I want to draw a distinction between the French military and the Chirac government/media.
I have NO doubt that brave French soldiers have died for great causes- The French Resistance, The Gulf War & Afghanistan to name a few- but our problem is with the anti-American, sneaky & sleazy Chirac bunch.
Everybody screams about Halliburton, but the international media are SITTING, for the most part, on the ever-unfolding U.N./France/Germany/Russia scandal. Hundreds of billions of dollars were scammed by BOTH the aforementioned nations and Saddam's regime, making the "Food for Fraud" program one of the biggest abominations in humanitarian history.
Bribes were handed over, deals were made, the world was deceived, these nations- especially France- and Saddam stole billions of dollars. All the while, marsh lands were drained, humanitarian crises were created, a flood of refugees were made to scatter for survival, and innocent Iraqis were starved to death because of the little bit of rotten food they received and died from lack of safe medicine & medical care.
So, if we Americans kinda have a "Fuc& Off & Die" attitude, you might see why.
France, after being in bed with Saddam, did not just oppose us or say, "Go if you wish, but we are staying home." No, they preceeded our international diplomatic trips, trying, in effect, to sabotage Powell and his efforts on the Bush administartion's behalf to liberate Iraq & take out a despotic madman. In other words, they tried to turn other nations against us, all in order to save their billions. It seems after all the liberal American & international cries against us- No Blood for Oil- it turns out that we & our coalition partners were the only ones NOT motivated by cheap oil & easy money.
Some liberals who support France ask, "Well, by going against America, knowing it would cost them the contracts, this means that greed was not a part of their strategy, right?" Also, they say they just wanted a little more time for inspections to work.
Well, since they KNEW, regardless of what they said, that Resolution 1441 was a precursor to war, they knew- without Saddam fleeing- what was inevitable. I find it funny that their "We only voted for that resolution as a threat, not a declaration of war" is so close to Kerry's recent convoluted reasoning.
As for more time.............WE GAVE HIM 12 FRIGGIN' YEARS TO COMPLY! How much longer should we have given him? 14 years? 16, 18 years? Ok, 25 years?
There comes a time when a strong body must stand up and make those guilty parties be held accountable for their cruelty, terrorism, & deception. Obviously, the U.N.[ League of Nations] is NOT that body, but America IS!
No doubt, the liberal mass media will try to paint Bush as the heavy, yet making France, the U.N., and Kerry out to be the level-headed voices.
Example: New CIA real-time video of Bin Laden, during Clinton's last year, further proves that the Clinton/Kerry policy of treating terrorism as a matter of spy satellites & arrest warrants led to 9/11. Unfortunately, by the time Bush got into office, Clinton had destroyed our human intelligence capabilities & 9/11 was already in the pipe line, thereby making Bin Laden go dark. With ALL the many times when Clinton turned his back on chances to kill Bin Laden, accept the Sadan offer to turn him over, use military force against Al Qaeda after the many attacks on us here & abroad, and constantly thwarting any attempt by the CIA to make progress, the Demorats actually have the nerve to cry out in moral indignation because Bush will not agree to sit before a whole committee of partisans & be grilled, leaving the visual appearance of some impropriety? This is disgusting, even for LIBERALS to attempt!
Side Note: Personally, I believe Bush should meet with them, sit down, say "It's Clinton's fault, and I am cleaning up yet ANOTHER mess he left me, the rat bastard!," Get up & walk out, slamming the door.
Then, if that isn't bad enough, the Democrats used 5 members of a radical, RADICAL 9/11 group to bash Bush, decrying his two second clip of The Tragedy. By Joss! Bush & the Republicans are the only ones still HONORING & FIGHTING for the fallen victims of 9/11. The liberals are trampling, exploiting, & spitting on their graves.
France? Well, making deals didn't work out too well for you guys back in the 30's, didn't work out for Chamberlain or even The Evil Stalin, and it will not work for Spain or France. Actually, seeing as how Chirac has enraged Allah by banning head scarves, you guys are back on the chopping block.
Gee, I guess there will be no "peace in your time."
When you guys finally TRULY get hit- which I hope doesn't happen- we probably WILL help you, but we will demand, in exchange, that you dare not have the nerve, the hypocrisy to look in our eyes & thank us, for you will get nothing more than a stare of regretful contempt.
We might still call you an ally, but we will never again fully trust or respect you.
Good Luck, France!
Some of you are right, it shouldn't & doesn't matter who does or doesn't stand with us. We have the luxury AND THE RIGHT to act unilaterally in our nation's best interest. btw: For you Brits- for whom I have undying respect- French, & Germans, I hope you liked the way Kerry's then assertion [1991]stated that you guys were a hollow, nearly illegitimate group of coalition partners. Of course, in THIS round, he speaks glowingly of your respective nations' contributions to the Gulf War.
When Kerry & the liberals talk about how we never truly made a genuine effort to bring our important allies on board- I guees Great Britain isn't so "great" in his eyes- what does that MEAN? Considering that France, Germany, & Russia- as well as the U.N.- were not only adamantly against us, they were in a bed of bribes with Saddam, what could he mean? Seeing as how hundreds of billions of dollars were at risk, what could we have SAID? Nothing, that's what. So, following his rhetoric through to its illogical conclusion, I assume that he is saying that we should have outbid Saddam & bribed them with even MORE billions of dollars than even HE could. Now, THAT is what I call diplomacy which "pays off!"
If America, The Great Satan, is such a tyrantical international bully, would someone please list the names of nations which we have conquered and KEPT over the last 100 or so years. Can't? I'll tell ya why: Even though we have made some bad calls in our past and backed one lesser devil over a worse one....WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS! If we wanted, we could conquer & rule most of Europe in the next 6 months, head to Asia from there, and would help Israel- not that they want to- take over the entire Mid East. And Canada? LMFAO! Actually, Celine, Nickleback, & Avril are grounds enough for a pre-emptive invasion.
My point?
Well, while I like France bashing as much as the next guy- come on, with the whole eating snails & loving Jerry Lewis movies, it's great sport....and easy- I want to draw a distinction between the French military and the Chirac government/media.
I have NO doubt that brave French soldiers have died for great causes- The French Resistance, The Gulf War & Afghanistan to name a few- but our problem is with the anti-American, sneaky & sleazy Chirac bunch.
Everybody screams about Halliburton, but the international media are SITTING, for the most part, on the ever-unfolding U.N./France/Germany/Russia scandal. Hundreds of billions of dollars were scammed by BOTH the aforementioned nations and Saddam's regime, making the "Food for Fraud" program one of the biggest abominations in humanitarian history.
Bribes were handed over, deals were made, the world was deceived, these nations- especially France- and Saddam stole billions of dollars. All the while, marsh lands were drained, humanitarian crises were created, a flood of refugees were made to scatter for survival, and innocent Iraqis were starved to death because of the little bit of rotten food they received and died from lack of safe medicine & medical care.
So, if we Americans kinda have a "Fuc& Off & Die" attitude, you might see why.
France, after being in bed with Saddam, did not just oppose us or say, "Go if you wish, but we are staying home." No, they preceeded our international diplomatic trips, trying, in effect, to sabotage Powell and his efforts on the Bush administartion's behalf to liberate Iraq & take out a despotic madman. In other words, they tried to turn other nations against us, all in order to save their billions. It seems after all the liberal American & international cries against us- No Blood for Oil- it turns out that we & our coalition partners were the only ones NOT motivated by cheap oil & easy money.
Some liberals who support France ask, "Well, by going against America, knowing it would cost them the contracts, this means that greed was not a part of their strategy, right?" Also, they say they just wanted a little more time for inspections to work.
Well, since they KNEW, regardless of what they said, that Resolution 1441 was a precursor to war, they knew- without Saddam fleeing- what was inevitable. I find it funny that their "We only voted for that resolution as a threat, not a declaration of war" is so close to Kerry's recent convoluted reasoning.
As for more time.............WE GAVE HIM 12 FRIGGIN' YEARS TO COMPLY! How much longer should we have given him? 14 years? 16, 18 years? Ok, 25 years?
There comes a time when a strong body must stand up and make those guilty parties be held accountable for their cruelty, terrorism, & deception. Obviously, the U.N.[ League of Nations] is NOT that body, but America IS!
No doubt, the liberal mass media will try to paint Bush as the heavy, yet making France, the U.N., and Kerry out to be the level-headed voices.
Example: New CIA real-time video of Bin Laden, during Clinton's last year, further proves that the Clinton/Kerry policy of treating terrorism as a matter of spy satellites & arrest warrants led to 9/11. Unfortunately, by the time Bush got into office, Clinton had destroyed our human intelligence capabilities & 9/11 was already in the pipe line, thereby making Bin Laden go dark. With ALL the many times when Clinton turned his back on chances to kill Bin Laden, accept the Sadan offer to turn him over, use military force against Al Qaeda after the many attacks on us here & abroad, and constantly thwarting any attempt by the CIA to make progress, the Demorats actually have the nerve to cry out in moral indignation because Bush will not agree to sit before a whole committee of partisans & be grilled, leaving the visual appearance of some impropriety? This is disgusting, even for LIBERALS to attempt!
Side Note: Personally, I believe Bush should meet with them, sit down, say "It's Clinton's fault, and I am cleaning up yet ANOTHER mess he left me, the rat bastard!," Get up & walk out, slamming the door.
Then, if that isn't bad enough, the Democrats used 5 members of a radical, RADICAL 9/11 group to bash Bush, decrying his two second clip of The Tragedy. By Joss! Bush & the Republicans are the only ones still HONORING & FIGHTING for the fallen victims of 9/11. The liberals are trampling, exploiting, & spitting on their graves.
France? Well, making deals didn't work out too well for you guys back in the 30's, didn't work out for Chamberlain or even The Evil Stalin, and it will not work for Spain or France. Actually, seeing as how Chirac has enraged Allah by banning head scarves, you guys are back on the chopping block.
Gee, I guess there will be no "peace in your time."
When you guys finally TRULY get hit- which I hope doesn't happen- we probably WILL help you, but we will demand, in exchange, that you dare not have the nerve, the hypocrisy to look in our eyes & thank us, for you will get nothing more than a stare of regretful contempt.
We might still call you an ally, but we will never again fully trust or respect you.
Good Luck, France!