Dear dims, Please Run Hillary. Please, Please, Please


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Please run that dishonest douche. She will get beaten so bad, it won't even be funny -- Even IF she makes it through the dimocrap primary (which I wouldn't bet a plug nickel on)

Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State Dept. - The Washington Post

The Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars from seven foreign governments during Hillary Rodham Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, including one donation that violated its ethics agreement with the Obama administration, foundation officials disclosed Wednesday.


When will reporters start asking this walking advertisement for FDS questions?

They seem quite happy to pounce all over Jeb and Scott and any other Republican they can ambush -- Where is the criminal, Hitlery?
dims are scared. Really scared.

This ain't 1992. There is FNC, there is Drudge, there are dozens and dozens of sites like National Review, Townhall, Breitbart, Daily Caller etc, X 10.

There's nowhere for the bitch to hide, Nowhere.

Ever notice something -- THINK about this......

The only time scum of the earth dimocrap filth win the Presidency anymore is when they bring an unknown to the forefront all of the sudden.....

Look at Bill the rapist Clinton. dimocrap filth didn't think they had a chance in 1992. They really didn't. I was there, I know.

They figured the rapist would make some nice speeches and fade away, never to be heard from again. Remember, after the invasion of Iraq, Bush The Elder had a 75% approval rating.

Then, THE WORST Fed Chairman in Galactic History, Greenspawn, put a fucking on the economy and, Voila! Clinton was propelled into Office without being properly vetted..... Like the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM was going to do it anyway.

Same with Jimmy the Peanut. An unknown.

Bush had 8 pretty good years and everybody thought that Hitlery was a shoo-in for the dimocrap scum party nomination -- As did I.

I'd never heard of the Lying Cocksucker in Chief. Never.

He was a mystery, an enigma. A mystery wrapped in an enigma. No history of -- Anything. the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media constantly and consistently lied about him and the DNC just made shit up or lied.

We had no time to vet the cocksucker.

But Hitlery?

That bitch has a track-record. A LONG track record.

And it will eat her fat, disgusting ass up. Badly.

She has no chance and thinking liberals (an oxymoron, I know) understand that -- Or at least, their paid assassins do.

I'm predicting right here and now...... Lizzie Warren takes the bitch down.

And again, the dimocrap filth party will present another unknown to us for President of The United States....

Someone they can lie into whatever and whoever they want.......

Or can they?
Okay.... Guys, Gals, sexually confused liberals (most are).........


IMO, this takes Hitlery out of the race. I just don't see how she can run.....

Her 'foundation' took donations from Foreign Governments WHILE she was Sec State.

That is a seriously Big Deal™

No comment on her being knocked out of the race?

Guess not. Move on to your favorite gay thread now
And don't forget, people..... The piece of shit has to answer for this --

Number Of Christians Kidnapped By ISIS Upped To 220

Obama: It’s a beautiful day for golf!

Via Fox News:

Activists monitoring the conflict in Syria said Thursday that the number of Christians kidnapped by ISIS terrorists in their most recent offensive has risen to at least 220.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the militant group has captured Assyrian Christians from 11 villages near the town of Tal Tamr in Hassakeh province.

The province, which borders Turkey and Iraq, has become the latest battleground in the fight against the ISIS in Syria. It is predominantly Kurdish but also has populations of Arabs and predominantly Christian Assyrians and Armenians.

Keep reading…
It would probably be a grand idea, to have a woman President for the first time, to test (and prove) the idea, in the collective American Psyche...

Then again, given what a clusterphukk that the first Black President's administration turned out to be - losing House, Senate and a goodly percentage of the American People who put him there in the first place, well...

Maybe this isn't the time to try Grand Experiment No. 2 - back-to-back...

Or, in light of the Clintons' highly questionable behaviors and conduct, at least, maybe this isn't the time for Hillary to carry that baton...

If the Dems want to run a woman, they should probably pick somebody other than Hillary...

Hillary's time was 2008, and she blew it, or, more accurately, it was her misfortune to make a serious run at the Presidency, at the same time that our first charismatic Black candidate appeared on the scene, and she was shunted off to the runner-up slot... bad luck and bad timing, I guess.

But, it's 7-8 years later now, she's older, not necessarily wiser, and with both a lackluster performance as SoS and the goddamned Benghazi thing and her Senate votes on Iraq, etc., all standing in her way, with the Pubs waiting to pounce on all that, should she make the mistake of pursuing a candidacy and actually secure the nomination...

Hillary is past her Sell-By or Freshness Date...

Time to trot-out somebody new... fresh blood... fresh ideas... some actual experience at governing rather than legislating, if practicable... somebody not as problematic... fewer skeletons and more potential... somebody capable of re-uniting the nation, to a considerable extent.
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dims are scared. Really scared.

This ain't 1992. There is FNC, there is Drudge, there are dozens and dozens of sites like National Review, Townhall, Breitbart, Daily Caller etc, X 10.

There's nowhere for the bitch to hide, Nowhere.

Ever notice something -- THINK about this......

The only time scum of the earth dimocrap filth win the Presidency anymore is when they bring an unknown to the forefront all of the sudden.....

Look at Bill the rapist Clinton. dimocrap filth didn't think they had a chance in 1992. They really didn't. I was there, I know.

They figured the rapist would make some nice speeches and fade away, never to be heard from again. Remember, after the invasion of Iraq, Bush The Elder had a 75% approval rating.

Then, THE WORST Fed Chairman in Galactic History, Greenspawn, put a fucking on the economy and, Voila! Clinton was propelled into Office without being properly vetted..... Like the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM was going to do it anyway.

Same with Jimmy the Peanut. An unknown.

Bush had 8 pretty good years and everybody thought that Hitlery was a shoo-in for the dimocrap scum party nomination -- As did I.

I'd never heard of the Lying Cocksucker in Chief. Never.

He was a mystery, an enigma. A mystery wrapped in an enigma. No history of -- Anything. the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media constantly and consistently lied about him and the DNC just made shit up or lied.

We had no time to vet the cocksucker.

But Hitlery?

That bitch has a track-record. A LONG track record.

And it will eat her fat, disgusting ass up. Badly.

She has no chance and thinking liberals (an oxymoron, I know) understand that -- Or at least, their paid assassins do.

I'm predicting right here and now...... Lizzie Warren takes the bitch down.

And again, the dimocrap filth party will present another unknown to us for President of The United States....

Someone they can lie into whatever and whoever they want.......

Or can they?
Oh please do bitch some more.

Polling aggregates currently point to a Clinton landslide nationally and more importantly, in the states needed to get her close to 400 EV. Her firewall is already well over 270 right now. ...

There are just not enough mysoginists and haters to stop her.

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One thing the GOP needs to avoid is the echo chamber effect of 2012.

Not seeing that so far.

Be careful what you ask for.


You are not seeing that so far?

I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard the term "Obama's executive amnesty" over the past week. From every single GOP leader and pundit.

The echo chamber is alive and well in Nutterville.

One thing the GOP needs to avoid is the echo chamber effect of 2012.

Not seeing that so far.

Be careful what you ask for.


The echo chamber for 2016 will be worse. In order to assuage the extreme RW nutbag frother reactionaries with crazy-assed shit just laced anti-latino, anti-gay horsepoo and a strong dose of Hillary-cankles mysogony on top - just to get the nomination, all that shit will be a poison pill for the nominee in the Fall. Mitt Romney's self-deport and 47% nonsense will look like child's play compared to some of the glorious things the current GOP clown-car is going to say. Fantastic!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

One thing the GOP needs to avoid is the echo chamber effect of 2012.

Not seeing that so far.

Be careful what you ask for.


The echo chamber for 2016 will be worse. In order to assuage the extreme RW nutbag frother reactionaries with crazy-assed shit just laced anti-latino, anti-gay horsepoo and a strong dose of Hillary-cankles mysogony on top - just to get the nomination, all that shit will be a poison pill for the nominee in the Fall. Mitt Romney's self-deport and 47% nonsense will look like child's play compared to some of the glorious things the current GOP clown-car is going to say. Fantastic!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Well, so far it sure sounds like 2012.

Hillary's leading in every poll that I'm seeing, and the GOP appears to be very excited about running against her.

It seems to me that you gu ys are giving me a bunch of reason to not vote for Hillary and not a good reason to vote for one of your guys.

You never win elections like this.

Obama didn't win twice because he was "not McCain" or "Not Romney" or even "Not Bush".

and you guys aren't going to win because you ran "Not Hillary".

It seems like more than likely, the Establishment is going to force Jeb Bush down your throats, and you will be screaming, "Well, he's not Hillary" like that's an argument, hoping everyone forgets what disasters his father and brother were.
Oh please do bitch some more.

Polling aggregates currently point to a Clinton landslide nationally and more importantly, in the states needed to get her close to 400 EV. Her firewall is already well over 270 right now. ...

There are just not enough mysoginists and haters to stop her.

Nothing against her personally, but the best thing Hillary could for the nation right now is to formally withdraw from 2016 and play the part of the tough old surviving matriarch.

America is ready to look forward through the eyes of the next generation.

Well, so far it sure sounds like 2012.

Hillary's leading in every poll that I'm seeing, and the GOP appears to be very excited about running against her.


Which is just too damned bad.

I hate personality politics. I'd much rather see the national discussion focus on fair taxes, investment in infrastructure, and dealing with things like immigration.

Well, so far it sure sounds like 2012.

Hillary's leading in every poll that I'm seeing, and the GOP appears to be very excited about running against her.


Which is just too damned bad.

I hate personality politics. I'd much rather see the national discussion focus on fair taxes, investment in infrastructure, and dealing with things like immigration.

It's all about taking the other person down now, that's it, no leadership.

And they wonder why politicians have such low approvals.


One thing the GOP needs to avoid is the echo chamber effect of 2012.

Not seeing that so far.

Be careful what you ask for.


The echo chamber for 2016 will be worse. In order to assuage the extreme RW nutbag frother reactionaries with crazy-assed shit just laced anti-latino, anti-gay horsepoo and a strong dose of Hillary-cankles mysogony on top - just to get the nomination, all that shit will be a poison pill for the nominee in the Fall. Mitt Romney's self-deport and 47% nonsense will look like child's play compared to some of the glorious things the current GOP clown-car is going to say. Fantastic!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Well, so far it sure sounds like 2012.

Hillary's leading in every poll that I'm seeing, and the GOP appears to be very excited about running against her.

That's what we call Republican math.

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