Dear Democrats FBI stats show more people are killed by knives than rifles


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I bring this up now, because it appears Blacks and or Dimocrats are now trying to claim that the recent shooting by police of the 16 year old knife wielder in Columbus Ohio was nothing more than a "teenage fight".

Ban Knives? FBI Stats Reveal Knives Kill Far More People Than Rifles

Ban Knives? FBI Stats Reveal Knives Kill Far More People Than Rifles (
But the Democrats insist that incidents like that are normal for blacks, so maybe we should just arm them with knives, put them in the ring, and televise it on PPV!!!!!
Disingenuous argument . . . but . . . regulate by law the illegal users committing knife crimes.

Its a Rhetorical question but the point made is spot on. Anyway, you cant avoid the fact that the Democrats are unhinged. A cop saves one girls life from being stabbed and Jen Psaki, mouth piece of Joe Biden, immediately has to go to the systemic racism default. The Knife was invisible here.
Old news.


They don't care.

But again the whole point of posting it is to remind Dimocrats that the girl that was about to be stabbed was in extreme danger of losing her life, and that a "teen fight" is usually not a life and death situation.
Old news.


They don't care.

But again the whole point of posting it is to remind Dimocrats that the girl that was about to be stabbed was in extreme danger of losing her life, and that a "teen fight" is usually not a life and death situation.

Has anyone heard from the girl who was almost stabbed? or from her family? I must have missed this.
"Its a Rhetorical question but the point made is spot on."

"Spot on"?
If the point is (??)....that knives are as dangerous as guns, well........

...... well, I demur.

Lest, our police forces carry an 8' blade rather than a Glock-17.

If that's the OP's point......well, I applaud him on his dollar & cents budgetary awareness.
After all, an 8-incher with good carbon steel is still gonna run a lot lot less than those Glocks.
Not to mention the savings in target ammo costs.
"Its a Rhetorical question but the point made is spot on."

"Spot on"?
If the point is (??)....that knives are as dangerous as guns, well........

...... well, I demur.

Lest, our police forces carry an 8' blade rather than a Glock-17.

If that's the OP's point......well, I applaud him on his dollar & cents budgetary awareness.
After all, an 8-incher with good carbon steel is still gonna run a lot lot less than those Glocks.
Not to mention the savings in target ammo costs.

The point is they take more lives. A gun IS more dangerous than a knife for the reason that it carries multiple rounds, howver it only takes one round to kill you. When one on one with a knife,
yes a knife is just as dangerous as a gun. Again.. in a one on one situation.. so dont demure please.
You can be stabbed once.. or you can be stabbed 50 times.. 75 times... 100 times by the same person... you dont think that is deadly? At close range a larger person can do a lot of damage to a weaker one with a knife. The cop on that scene had one first priority... he saw someone being attacked with a knife and the Girl even called out .. I heard the recording.. "im going to stab the fuck out of you"

Please now... tell me. If you were the girl in pink, would you have been afraid??? or would you have simply waved off the cop and said. "oh no worries officer.. were just having us a little knife fight"
Old news.


They don't care.

But again the whole point of posting it is to remind Dimocrats that the girl that was about to be stabbed was in extreme danger of losing her life, and that a "teen fight" is usually not a life and death situation.

Has anyone heard from the girl who was almost stabbed? or from her family? I must have missed this.

I keep waiting to see if there's an interview with her.
Unless someone knows of one, the only thing I've seen is the post-shooting bodycam video where the girl about to be stabbed says: ‘She came after me with a knife so he got her’

Old news.


They don't care.

But again the whole point of posting it is to remind Dimocrats that the girl that was about to be stabbed was in extreme danger of losing her life, and that a "teen fight" is usually not a life and death situation.

Has anyone heard from the girl who was almost stabbed? or from her family? I must have missed this.

I keep waiting to see if there's an interview with her.
Unless someone knows of one, the only thing I've seen is the post-shooting bodycam video where the girl about to be stabbed says: ‘She came after me with a knife so he got her’

I would think her take would probably help to shed a little light for some people. First of all i wonder if her and maybe her family are greatfull for what the officer did? or if they feel the officer over reacted.... as many in the the media are trying to say. She more than anyone else knows if the intent of the girl with the knife intended to kill her. Her hand was cocked back with a blade in it so it seemed pretty open and shut to me, but still, so much of the media attention seems to be bent on finding anything to make this look like an over reaction of racism. It would be kind of refreshing just to find once an attempt by media.... to look at anything circumspectly. To look for facts that might quell a little bit of the tension
Old news.


They don't care.

But again the whole point of posting it is to remind Dimocrats that the girl that was about to be stabbed was in extreme danger of losing her life, and that a "teen fight" is usually not a life and death situation.

Has anyone heard from the girl who was almost stabbed? or from her family? I must have missed this.

I keep waiting to see if there's an interview with her.
Unless someone knows of one, the only thing I've seen is the post-shooting bodycam video where the girl about to be stabbed says: ‘She came after me with a knife so he got her’

I would think her take would probably help to shed a little light for some people. First of all i wonder if her and maybe her family are greatfull for what the officer did? or if they feel the officer over reacted.... as many in the the media are trying to say. She more than anyone else knows if the intent of the girl with the knife intended to kill her. Her hand was cocked back with a blade in it so it seemed pretty open and shut to me, but still, so much of the media attention seems to be bent on finding anything to make this look like an over reaction of racism. It would be kind of refreshing just to find once an attempt by media.... to look at anything circumspectly. To look for facts that might quell a little bit of the tension

Does not look so open and shut to me.
The arm with the knife was out to the side, which then could only do a superficial round house swing, not a potentially lethal deep lunge.
And for all we know, the knife could have just been theatrics, since the fight had been going on for 15 minutes and not a drop of blood before the cops arrived.

But is nothing else, why 4 shots with a .40S&W with hollow points?
Why is it we use hollow points when they are illegal in the rest of the world?
The barrel rifling creates a spin that turns hollow points into little buzz saws.
Imagine this spinning at high speed as it goes through the body.
Old news.


They don't care.

But again the whole point of posting it is to remind Dimocrats that the girl that was about to be stabbed was in extreme danger of losing her life, and that a "teen fight" is usually not a life and death situation.

Has anyone heard from the girl who was almost stabbed? or from her family? I must have missed this.

I keep waiting to see if there's an interview with her.
Unless someone knows of one, the only thing I've seen is the post-shooting bodycam video where the girl about to be stabbed says: ‘She came after me with a knife so he got her’

I would think her take would probably help to shed a little light for some people. First of all i wonder if her and maybe her family are greatfull for what the officer did? or if they feel the officer over reacted.... as many in the the media are trying to say. She more than anyone else knows if the intent of the girl with the knife intended to kill her. Her hand was cocked back with a blade in it so it seemed pretty open and shut to me, but still, so much of the media attention seems to be bent on finding anything to make this look like an over reaction of racism. It would be kind of refreshing just to find once an attempt by media.... to look at anything circumspectly. To look for facts that might quell a little bit of the tension

It could be that the entire family is afraid to PUBLICLY thank the officer and their police dept knowing how the black community locally would react.
They would likely face a backlash of violence.
Old news.


They don't care.

But again the whole point of posting it is to remind Dimocrats that the girl that was about to be stabbed was in extreme danger of losing her life, and that a "teen fight" is usually not a life and death situation.

Has anyone heard from the girl who was almost stabbed? or from her family? I must have missed this.

I keep waiting to see if there's an interview with her.
Unless someone knows of one, the only thing I've seen is the post-shooting bodycam video where the girl about to be stabbed says: ‘She came after me with a knife so he got her’

I would think her take would probably help to shed a little light for some people. First of all i wonder if her and maybe her family are greatfull for what the officer did? or if they feel the officer over reacted.... as many in the the media are trying to say. She more than anyone else knows if the intent of the girl with the knife intended to kill her. Her hand was cocked back with a blade in it so it seemed pretty open and shut to me, but still, so much of the media attention seems to be bent on finding anything to make this look like an over reaction of racism. It would be kind of refreshing just to find once an attempt by media.... to look at anything circumspectly. To look for facts that might quell a little bit of the tension

Does not look so open and shut to me.
The arm with the knife was out to the side, which then could only do a superficial round house swing, not a potentially lethal deep lunge.
And for all we know, the knife could have just been theatrics, since the fight had been going on for 15 minutes and not a drop of blood before the cops arrived.

But is nothing else, why 4 shots with a .40S&W with hollow points?
Why is it we use hollow points when they are illegal in the rest of the world?
The barrel rifling creates a spin that turns hollow points into little buzz saws.
Imagine this spinning at high speed as it goes through the body.

And a cop arriving on the scene.... 20 seconds in sees a girl attack two people with a knife, knocking one to the ground then pushing the second one up against a car, is supposed to make a split second decision that this is all theatrics going on for 15 minutes?

It is pretty open and shut for the decision the cop had to make. He didn't have time to talk the girl down. he had just got there and it was a scene exploding. Arm to the side?? are you saying she couldnt stab her in the face? the neck? the throat? how many seconds does it take to stab someone more than once?

You got all these other grown men standing around... so what the hell were they doing for the previous 15 minutes? All I could see is the nearest one kicking the other girl on the ground. What the fuck is that? And then he's upset later that the cop shot the first girl? What was he doing for the previous 15 minutes as an adult that he didnt take the knife away from the harmless girl?

I have heard many times now from people.. some on this board that the black community doesnt need cops.. especially white ones to be policing them. That they can take care of their own people.
Well there was a great example.
What i see in the video is those same clowns berating the white officer who arrived on the scene, for reacting to a tough situation... and saving one girl from a would be assailant, when they could have done something. Like you say.. they had 15 minutes, so I'd like some of the blame for that incident to be spread around fairly to all responsible parties.

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