David Weiss Was willing To End Hunter Biden Probe Earlier This Year Without Any Charges

I disagree with you, not every attorney is so polarized as you think.
Just got to get away from DC and its influence.
Pick a name and I will be able to research and find bias.

That is what the right does and it's pretty easy.

Trumpers do not want a fair investigation, they want an already predetermined result. Anything less means bias.
How can anyone POSSIBLY claim that Hillary didn't have "intent" to break the law? She installed those two servers in her home out of her own pocket then used them to run the State Department. When the existence of those servers came to light because of the Benghazi investigation, Hillary paid to have them professionally scrubbed and then had her Blackberries smashed with hammers. She did that after declaring that she'd turned over all materials related to Benghazi to the House investigators...something that was a bald faced lie! The plain truth is that she intended to hide what she was doing at State from Congressional oversight...knew that it was illegal to do so...and then led a coverup in an attempt to hide what it was that she'd been doing!

First off:

1. Hillary didn't install the servers. The were installed for Bill when he left office, as part of his communications system with the incoming administration, and for use in their Foundation work.

Because past Presidents are given briefings and sensitive documents, the Clinton servers were set up with the best anti-hacker protections money could buy, and the Clinton servers were never hacked - despite multiple attempts. The same cannot be said for government servers, which are installed on a lowest bid contract basis.

2. Clinton asked the outgoing administration how they handled email given the 25 megabyte restriction on storage for all government employees. The Bush Administration told her they used private servers and recommended that Clinton do the same.

3. The servers were not illegal until 2013. Here's an article on the Bush Administration losing 22 million emails, and crickets from you clowns.

This is from a 2015 article:

"Clinton’s private email account surfaced publicly in March 2013 after a convicted Romanian hacker known as Guccifer published emails stolen from former White House adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The Internet domain was registered around the time of her secretary of state nomination."

and this one:

"President Barack Obama signed a bill last year that bans the use of private email accounts by government officials unless they retain copies of messages in their official account or forward copies to their government accounts within 20 days. The bill did not become law until more than one year after Clinton left the State Department."

3. Clinton ordered her staff to go through the server, delete all personal emails and emails relating to Chelsea's wedding, and ensure copies of all SoS emails were sent to the Archives. And then scrub the servers. There is nothing illegal or nefarious about that.

There was no attempt to circumvent the law. The order was issued, in writing, 3 months before the House sent a subpoena for the server and the emails, and after 6 Benghazi Investigation had found no evidence of wrong doing. You keep telling us that Hillary's email was secret and hidden, and absolutely none of that was true.

Everybody in Washington knew she was using her private email because her email address was on every email anybody in the government sent to HC, or from HC. Top Republicans knew she was using a private server because they told her to do it.

What does it take for you to realize that the email investigation was a bogus allegation, meant to discredit Clinton's run for the White House.

Republicans, having succeeded in keeping Clinton out of the White House with a phony investigation of the Clintons, are trying to run the same playbook on the Bidens. The American people won't get fooled again.
Pick a name and I will be able to research and find bias.

That is what the right does and it's pretty easy.

Trumpers do not want a fair investigation, they want an already predetermined result. Anything less means bias.

They want a predetermined result that exonerates them and discredits Democrats. Anything less is "the Democrats always get away with it".
How can anyone POSSIBLY claim that Hillary didn't have "intent" to break the law? She installed those two servers in her home out of her own pocket then used them to run the State Department. When the existence of those servers came to light because of the Benghazi investigation, Hillary paid to have them professionally scrubbed and then had her Blackberries smashed with hammers. She did that after declaring that she'd turned over all materials related to Benghazi to the House investigators...something that was a bald faced lie! The plain truth is that she intended to hide what she was doing at State from Congressional oversight...knew that it was illegal to do so...and then led a coverup in an attempt to hide what it was that she'd been doing!
She didn't have intent to have classified info.

If I remember correctly using personal email wasn't even illegal at the time; it was just against policy.

All the rest of your rant is right wing nonsense.

The person who deleted her server testified he never received any requests from Hillary to do so.

"On July 23, 2014, the State Department agreed to produce records pertaining to the 2012 attacks in Libya, for the House Select Committee on Benghazi’s investigation. In December 2014, Clinton aide Cheryl Mills told an employee of the company that managed her server to delete emails on her server unrelated to government work that were older than 60 days.

On March 4, 2015, the Benghazi Committee issued a subpoena requiring Clinton to turn over her emails relating to Libya. Three weeks later, between March 25 and March 31, the employee had an “oh s—” moment and realized he did not delete the emails that Mills requested in December 2014, he told the FBI. The employee then deleted the emails and used a program called BleachBit to delete the files."

First off:

1. Hillary didn't install the servers. The were installed for Bill when he left office, as part of his communications system with the incoming administration, and for use in their Foundation work.

Because past Presidents are given briefings and sensitive documents, the Clinton servers were set up with the best anti-hacker protections money could buy, and the Clinton servers were never hacked - despite multiple attempts. The same cannot be said for government servers, which are installed on a lowest bid contract basis.

2. Clinton asked the outgoing administration how they handled email given the 25 megabyte restriction on storage for all government employees. The Bush Administration told her they used private servers and recommended that Clinton do the same.

3. The servers were not illegal until 2013. Here's an article on the Bush Administration losing 22 million emails, and crickets from you clowns.

This is from a 2015 article:

"Clinton’s private email account surfaced publicly in March 2013 after a convicted Romanian hacker known as Guccifer published emails stolen from former White House adviser Sidney Blumenthal. The Internet domain was registered around the time of her secretary of state nomination."

and this one:

"President Barack Obama signed a bill last year that bans the use of private email accounts by government officials unless they retain copies of messages in their official account or forward copies to their government accounts within 20 days. The bill did not become law until more than one year after Clinton left the State Department."

3. Clinton ordered her staff to go through the server, delete all personal emails and emails relating to Chelsea's wedding, and ensure copies of all SoS emails were sent to the Archives. And then scrub the servers. There is nothing illegal or nefarious about that.

There was no attempt to circumvent the law. The order was issued, in writing, 3 months before the House sent a subpoena for the server and the emails, and after 6 Benghazi Investigation had found no evidence of wrong doing. You keep telling us that Hillary's email was secret and hidden, and absolutely none of that was true.

Everybody in Washington knew she was using her private email because her email address was on every email anybody in the government sent to HC, or from HC. Top Republicans knew she was using a private server because they told her to do it.

What does it take for you to realize that the email investigation was a bogus allegation, meant to discredit Clinton's run for the White House.

Republicans, having succeeded in keeping Clinton out of the White House with a phony investigation of the Clintons, are trying to run the same playbook on the Bidens. The American people won't get fooled again.
Thanks. Much better response then what I just gave.
It’s been 5 years dude.
What has that got to do with my post you quoted? Yes, he delayed for five years, wanted to let Hunter go with no charges, then decided he better give Hunter a slap on the wrist with a sweetheart plea deal, and now he's forced to investigate more. But, we know from what he's done so far that he is out to let Hunter go, anyway he can.
What has that got to do with my post you quoted? Yes, he delayed for five years, wanted to let Hunter go with no charges, then decided he better give Hunter a slap on the wrist with a sweetheart plea deal, and now he's forced to investigate more. But, we know from what he's done so far that he is out to let Hunter go, anyway he can.
You do repeat the talking points well... but you sound like a spoiled brat throwing a fit because you're not getting your way. The legal system is in place. If anything inappropriate is being done then it will shake out. You're all hyped up on political hot air when in reality you know nothing about the inner workings of the case.

Fact is they have been investigating for 5 years and none of the BS y'all have been spouting about conspiracies has come out. Didn't shake out under Trumps team who tried to use it as an October surprise, and it's not shaking out now.

You're tactics are transparent and weak.
When you live in a Banana Republic, like the US, then the fix is always in for the ruling elite.

Laws don't apply to the Rulers, just their political opponents and us peons.
You do repeat the talking points well... but you sound like a spoiled brat throwing a fit because you're not getting your way. The legal system is in place. If anything inappropriate is being done then it will shake out. You're all hyped up on political hot air when in reality you know nothing about the inner workings of the case.

Fact is they have been investigating for 5 years and none of the BS y'all have been spouting about conspiracies has come out. Didn't shake out under Trumps team who tried to use it as an October surprise, and it's not shaking out now.

You're tactics are transparent and weak.
The judge refused the plea deal and Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel. Why do you think all of that happened?
The judge refused the plea deal and Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel. Why do you think all of that happened?
She explained why it happened. It was a sloppy deal that had questionable elements of constitutional authority and also elements that kept Hunter liable for future prosecution and when the Judge brought up those concerns Hunters team backed out.

Not quite the "sweetheart" deal y'all are trying to paint.
Pick a name and I will be able to research and find bias.

That is what the right does and it's pretty easy.

Trumpers do not want a fair investigation, they want an already predetermined result. Anything less means bias.
Seems you're parroting your tent, Kitty.
Give some names that aren't on the Hill and I'm sure there are some that can
investigate with an open mind. Not Weiss, he has already tipped his hand.
There are better.
Seems you're parroting your tent, Kitty.
Give some names that aren't on the Hill and I'm sure there are some that can
investigate with an open mind. Not Weiss, he has already tipped his hand.
There are better.
But none have no bias.

If they decided anything less then hunters head on a platter then trumpers would cry foul.

Again, trumpers want a predetermined result, not a fair investigation.
What has that got to do with my post you quoted? Yes, he delayed for five years, wanted to let Hunter go with no charges, then decided he better give Hunter a slap on the wrist with a sweetheart plea deal, and now he's forced to investigate more. But, we know from what he's done so far that he is out to let Hunter go, anyway he can.

That's not what the evidence says and that's not what the witnesses said. They sent their requests to the Attorney General. Weiss wasn't the one slow walking and stone walling. They complained about Bill Barr, and his DOJ.

Donald Trump didn't want a real investigation. He wanted to tell YOU that he was investigating the Bidens. He KNEW there was nothing to find. That's why Trump doesn't want REAL investigations. He just wants a fake investigation he can exploit for political gain.
But none have no bias.

If they decided anything less then hunters head on a platter then trumpers would cry foul.

Again, trumpers want a predetermined result, not a fair investigation.
Trumpers want a fair shake, and they really aren't getting it.
Why would they want Weiss who has already shown his allegiance?
If he doesn't slow the congrssional investigation....I'm good with him,
But Garland is a calculating putz, he doesn't just appoint anyone.
That's not what the evidence says and that's not what the witnesses said. They sent their requests to the Attorney General. Weiss wasn't the one slow walking and stone walling. They complained about Bill Barr, and his DOJ.

Donald Trump didn't want a real investigation. He wanted to tell YOU that he was investigating the Bidens. He KNEW there was nothing to find. That's why Trump doesn't want REAL investigations. He just wants a fake investigation he can exploit for political gain.
The judge threw out the plea deal and Merrick Garland appointed a special prosecutor. So, I guess there IS evidence.
Seems you're parroting your tent, Kitty.
Give some names that aren't on the Hill and I'm sure there are some that can
investigate with an open mind. Not Weiss, he has already tipped his hand.
There are better.

Weiss is in Delaware, not Washington. John Huber, the author of the Huber Investigation Report, is from Salt Lake City, because Trump didn't want a Washington hack doing it.

It may be shocking to you to know that professional people can do their jobs with great ability even if they don't like or support the client. I was once assigned to get a business license for a strip club three blocks from my house, and which the entire nighbourhood wanted closed. My streetcar stop to go to work had to be moved two blocks from that place because of all of the women who were assaulted by drunks coming out of that place.

I begged not to have to do this. I'd rather set fire to the place than help that guy. And I was refused. I shut up, sat down, and got that asshole his liquor license as quickly and efficiently as possible to it over and done with. The club owner was very pleased with my work. That's how professionals behave.
Trumpers want a fair shake, and they really aren't getting it.

Victimhood is a typical response.

How are trumpers not getting a fair shake? Because the investigator who was appointed by trump isn't calling for Bidens head over some tax issues?

Why would they want Weiss who has already shown his allegiance?

Because he was appointed by Trump.

No "allegiance" was shown. Just routine conduct.

If he doesn't slow the congrssional investigation....I'm good with him,
But Garland is a calculating putz, he doesn't just appoint anyone.
Garland appointed him because he asked to be appointed...finally.

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