David Weiss Was willing To End Hunter Biden Probe Earlier This Year Without Any Charges

I already answered. I don't care who as long as they are proven not to have a bias. Weiss certainly doesn't fit that bill.
I am curious who you think would fit the criteria of not having bias. If a Trump appointee doesn't fit the bill...

Just one name. One example.
The Biden investigation will be wrapped up by then. We wont need Congress anymore, but the public may decide to not let the DNC use Congress to cover up anymore crimes and give it to the GOP again instead.

People are not going to be happy if Joe is proven to have taken bribes. They are not going to be happy that the DNC stonewalled the investigation the entire time. As i have said before, the DNC will reap the whirlwind for protecting the most corrupt politician in US history.
Personally, I don't give a crap about Hunter Biden. What I care about is the Hunter Biden cover up, which has it's tentacles spread everywhere.
I am curious who you think would fit the criteria of not having bias. If a Trump appointee doesn't fit the bill...

Just one name. One example.
I don't know who all is involved but it would make sense to appoint someone familiar with the case but it should be someone known to be fair and not have a bias. I don't even care if it is a democrat, just as long as we know they are fair and won't cover it up or be afraid to Mr. Big or let Garland influence them. Weiss fits none of these bills.
I don't know who all is involved but it would make sense to appoint someone familiar with the case but it should be someone known to be fair and not have a bias.

And my point is, no such person exists.

I don't even care if it is a democrat, just as long as we know they are fair and won't cover it up or be afraid to Mr. Big or let Garland influence them. Weiss fits none of these bills.
Nobody would fit the the bill for trumpers.

Ted Cruz could conduct the investigation and if it came short of death by hanging, there would be an outcry from trumpers and Cruz would be labeled a deep stater.

Trumpers don't want an investigation, they want to punish the Biden's.

You can deny it; but it's true.
At least it's out in the open how corrupt the Dem leaders are and how they sell out the American people to line their own pockets.

I dunno about "out in the open"

Cultists still don't really know.

NY Times
Meet The Press
starting to break ranks, a little.

When The NYT goes full tilt - we will know that Obama has issued the code red.
I dunno about "out in the open"

Cultists still don't really know.

NY Times
Meet The Press
starting to break ranks, a little.

When The NYT goes full tilt - we will know that Obama has issued the code red.
When the Dem regime decides to rid itself of Joe Biden the gloves are coming off and the MSM will rip him a new one. They are already floating the trial balloons.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah we trust David to do the right thing, and use sound judgement.
2. Never mind he's been a inside guy for the Biden's for 20 or more years, no way he will fuck this up.
3. Who are we kidding, David Weiss is a FUCKING, Rino, and we know Rino's are sick fucking bastards.
4. Worse by lots than a liberal.
5. At least a liberal comes out in the open with their fucked up choices, a Rino is a fake fucking political, who isn't a republican, he is with shit stains, the left.
6. I'm totally against David Weiss, being in charge with the, Hunter Biden case.

Youre a scrub poster with a as as fuck debate style where you say the opposite of reality. Do better. :cuckoo:

Denial is not rebuttal. He posted facts supported by the numerous links posted to the "whistleblower" testimony.

It appears that the Trump DOJ didn't want any kind of real investigation of Hunter Biden, because all of the whistleblowers complaints about foot dragging, stone walling, and refusing to execute search warrants, all happened BEFORE the 2020 election. When Trump was President and Barr was running the DOJ.

I do recall Trump telling Zelensky that he didn't need to investigated the Biden's, Zelensky just had to announce he was investigating the Bidens, so Trump could use that for his election campaign. It looks like Trump didn't want to push investigations of the Biden's, just to use the idea that they were under investigation to undermine JB's campaign.

Of course all of this begs the question, why didn't Donald Trump actually want an investigation of Hunter Biden's laptop and tax issues. Why didn't Trump push the investigators to complete their work and file charges so he could expose the criminality of the Bidens? Could it be that Trump knew they'd find nothing if they really looked, and he didn't want his investigation exposed as a sham.

If Donald Trump was so certain the Biden's are criminals, and the laptop is real, why did he stonewall, slow walk, and interfere with the investigations he himself ordered??? Why didn't the FBI do a forensic analysis of the laptop immediately, to determine if it were forged. Why didn't the DOJ obtain the search warrants the IRS asked for.

Why didn't Trump investigate Hunter Biden properly or thoroughly??????
Denial is not rebuttal. He posted facts supported by the numerous links posted to the "whistleblower" testimony.

It appears that the Trump DOJ didn't want any kind of real investigation of Hunter Biden, because all of the whistleblowers complaints about foot dragging, stone walling, and refusing to execute search warrants, all happened BEFORE the 2020 election. When Trump was President and Barr was running the DOJ.

I do recall Trump telling Zelensky that he didn't need to investigated the Biden's, Zelensky just had to announce he was investigating the Bidens, so Trump could use that for his election campaign. It looks like Trump didn't want to push investigations of the Biden's, just to use the idea that they were under investigation to undermine JB's campaign.

Of course all of this begs the question, why didn't Donald Trump actually want an investigation of Hunter Biden's laptop and tax issues. Why didn't Trump push the investigators to complete their work and file charges so he could expose the criminality of the Bidens? Could it be that Trump knew they'd find nothing if they really looked, and he didn't want his investigation exposed as a sham.

If Donald Trump was so certain the Biden's are criminals, and the laptop is real, why did he stonewall, slow walk, and interfere with the investigations he himself ordered??? Why didn't the FBI do a forensic analysis of the laptop immediately, to determine if it were forged. Why didn't the DOJ obtain the search warrants the IRS asked for.

Why didn't Trump investigate Hunter Biden properly or thoroughly??????
Sorry bout that,

1. What a load of horse shit!
2. You thought that shit up?
3. Fucking freakado!
4. Your head is so far up TRUMPS ass, you see what he is chewing.
5. This topic isn't about Trump.
6. Read what the OP says darling, David Weiss.

...and he will CRUSH the reputation of the DNC the moment that he does. You all have defended and covered for Biden. History is not going to be kind to your party for this one.

Just remember, the GOP didnt protect Nixon. We voted to impeach him, but the DNC and democrat voters did the opposite. There will be a price for that.

Exactly what has anyone "defended and covered for Biden". Republicans have made all manner of allegations and accusations, but after 5 years of investigations by the FBI, the IRS, multiple inspectors general, and a 4 1/2 year special prosecutor's investigation, you still haven't found any evidence, witnesses, or facts, to support even the idea that Joe Biden has committed a crime.

I have no idea why you bring Nixon into this. There was no impeachment vote in the House, because Nixon resigned before one was held, knowing he would lose in both Houses if he stayed. Impeachment proceedings had commenced in the House, but were never completed.

Both Houses were held by Democrats. When Republicans told Nixon he wouldn't get more than 10 Republican votes in the Senate, he resigned rather than undergo the indignity of being removed from office.

For 30 years, you assholes have accused Democrats of every crime immaginable, including pedophilia and murder.

Exactly what has anyone "defended and covered for Biden". Republicans have made all manner of allegations and accusations, but after 5 years of investigations by the FBI, the IRS, multiple inspectors general, and a 4 1/2 year special prosecutor's investigation, you still haven't found any evidence, witnesses, or facts, to support even the idea that Joe Biden has committed a crime.

I have no idea why you bring Nixon into this. There was no impeachment vote in the House, because Nixon resigned before one was held, knowing he would lose in both Houses if he stayed. Impeachment proceedings had commenced in the House, but were never completed.

Both Houses were held by Democrats. When Republicans told Nixon he wouldn't get more than 10 Republican votes in the Senate, he resigned rather than undergo the indignity of being removed from office.

For 30 years, you assholes have accused Democrats of every crime immaginable, including pedophilia and murder.

Sorry bout that,

1. The investigation are done by liberals or RINO'S.
2. I wonder why they can't find anything???

Sorry bout that,

1. The investigation are done by liberals or RINO'S.
2. I wonder why they can't find anything???


You always have some bullshit excuse why Republicans seem incapable of finding evidence against Democrats.

They have no problems finding mountains of evidence against Donald Trump. That’s because Donald Trump actually committed these crimes. This isn’t shit that anybody made up. It’s stuff that everyone watched Trump do on television.

Perhaps if Republicans investigated things that actually happened, instead of shit they made up about Democrats, they’d find evidence.

All of the Biden investigations were done by Trump’s staff of hand-picked people. The people he hired and ordered to do these investigations. They are not Rino’s or liberals.

The FBI is a Republican organization and has been a Republican organization since the day it was formed. Every Director of the FBI has been a Republican - even those who were appointed when a Democrat was in the White House.
Why didn't Trump push the investigators to complete their work and file charges so he could expose the criminality of the Bidens? Could it be that Trump knew they'd find nothing if they really looked, and he didn't want his investigation exposed as a sham.
You think the Biden investigations are a sham and that nothing has been found? :cuckoo:

Youre a scrub ass fucking poster too. Just shut the fuck up.

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