David Horowitz Visits Campus


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I bet the Jew-haters were mortified...
David Horowitz Visits USC
Horowitz speech on Jew-hatred met with protests on campus.
March 25, 2016
Diana Kruzman

Reprinted from DailyTrojan.com.

Author David Horowitz spoke at a meeting of the USC College Republicans Wednesday evening in Taper Hall. Students protested the event due to his rhetoric, which some students consider inflammatory.

Horowitz, who founded the David Horowitz Freedom Center think tank, presented a talk called “Stop the Jew Hatred,” which aimed to educate attendees on anti-Semitism in America and the right of Israel to exert its influence in the Middle East. He also discussed what he saw as the widespread goal of Muslims to wage war against Jews, claiming that a large percentage of Muslims support jihadist acts of terror against the United States.

“[Muslim hatred of Jews] is very open,” Horowitz said. “The difference between Islamic fanatics, or Jew haters, and Hitler is that Hitler hid the Final Solution, and the Iranians and Hezbollah shout it from the rooftops.”

Horowitz explained that he believes Palestine has no right to its territory and that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is mainly due to Arab aggression against Jews. He defended earlier statements he had made about the inferiority of Palestinians and claimed that a two-state solution is not possible due to the inherent violence of the Islamic religion.

“The terrorists that blew up the airport in Brussels came from a Muslim neighborhood,” Horowitz said. “You think they didn’t know what was going on? Same with San Bernardino. The mosque is notorious for sponsoring terrorism.”


David Horowitz Visits USC
David Horowitz Statement on San Diego State University Protests
The sad state of free speech on the SDSU campus.
May 6, 2016


Unfortunately, a more powerful press institution, the San Diego Union Tribune disgraced itself in an editorial statement that deliberately lied about my posters and then expressed support for the leftists – which it conflated with Muslims – who are working actively to suppress my speech. Here is the Union Tribune editorial as it pertains to our campaign:

“Are students who support the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) effort to isolate Israel — on the grounds that it is an apartheid state that persecutes Palestinians — de facto terrorists? That is an absurd statement. We sympathize with the Muslim students at San Diego State University who were labeled terrorists by people opposed to BDS who used online templates supplied by conservative provocateur David Horowitz to print inflammatory posters. Their targeting is awful. They had ample cause to stage a protest last week.”

These are two lies: we did not call any students terrorists, and we did not target Muslims. There are several non-Muslim individuals listed on the posters. We targeted – explicitly and only – BDS supporters and SJP activists. SJP is a secular organization that has non-Muslim activists in its leadership. The same may be said for the BDS movement. These falsehoods were a calculated attempt by the San Diego Union Tribune editorial board to slander me as a bigot and give its support to those who are demonstrably the enemies of free speech on the SDSU campus.

These journalistic sins are compounded by the fact that an honest reporter for the Union, Gary Warth, accurately described the posters as claiming that the individuals named “have allied themselves with Palestinian terrorists to perpetrate” hatred against Jewish students on campus. That the Union editorial board would go so far as to ignore its own report in order to turn a dissenter into a pariah, and in the process lend support to the very groups that want to silence dissent, is a very sad commentary on the state of free speech in our country today.

David Horowitz Statement on San Diego State University Protests
VIDEO: Milo’s Annie Taylor Award Acceptance Speech At David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend
A brave freedom fighter is recognized for his unusual courage in adverse conditions and great danger.
November 15, 2016


Below is the video and transcript of Milo Yiannopoulos’ Annie Taylor Award Acceptance Speech at David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend, which was held Nov. 10th-13th at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Florida. [The Annie Taylor Award for Courage from the David Horowitz Freedom Center is awarded annually to people who have demonstrated unusual courage in adverse conditions and great danger.]

... watch the vid

VIDEO: Milo’s Annie Taylor Award Acceptance Speech At David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend
Horowitz on Lou Dobbs: Who’s to Blame for Violent Berkeley Protests?
"We have a seditious Democratic Party that is destroying the American electoral system."
February 3, 2017

Freedom Center founder David Horowitz and Washington Times staff writer Charlie Hurt appeared on Fox News with Lou Dobbs to discuss whether President Trump should defund the University of California, Berkeley over the rioting Wednesday night that prevented Milo Yiannopoulos from delivering a Freedom Center-sponsored speech demanding the end of “sanctuary campuses” that harbor illegal aliens. Milo's address, which was canceled amid violent mob attacks, fire-setting, and wanton property destruction, had been scheduled to mark the launch of the Freedom Center’s #nosanctuarycampusforcriminals campaign.

Who is responsible for that rioting? Horowitz, author of the new book Big Agenda: President Trump's Plan to Save America, points the finger at former Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano, now the President of the UC system, as well as a "seditious" Democratic Party besieging the Trump administration.

See the video clip below:


Horowitz on Lou Dobbs: Who’s to Blame for Violent Berkeley Protests?
How universities like Berkeley aim to kill free speech.
April 11, 2017

David Horowitz

A full-page ad is appearing in today’s Daily Californian, calling on students to “COME HEAR DAVID HOROWITZ SPEAK AT BERKELEY ON APRIL 12.” Following this, the ad says, “COME HEAR HIM, THAT IS, IF YOU CAN FIND HIM!” Well actually you can’t. That’s because the UC Berkeley Administration, which is determined to keep its students “safe” from conservative speakers like me, chose to place such onerous restrictions on the event that its hosts, Berkeley College Republicans, felt they had to cancel it.

University officials will tell you that the restrictions were necessary to ensure public safety, but this will just be the most egregious of their self-serving lies. They will seek to validate this by invoking the February riot, which prevented Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking on campus, causing $100,000 damage in the process. Milo is one of the most non-violent human beings one will ever meet. He is not responsible for that riot; the Berkeley Administration and the UC police are. It was their responsibility to present a show of force that would have prevented the mayhem, and failing that to arrest the perpetrators and see to it that they received long jail sentences and were required to pay restitution for the damage. But the UC can’t be bothered with actual concerns for public safety. In fact, the UC Police Department led by Captain Alex Yao, did nothing to stop or arrest the rioters, or to think twice before rioting again, say at my event or at Ann Coulter’s which is scheduled to take place at the end of the month.

A recent article in The Daily Californian on Berkeley’s history of student activism quoted me as saying this: “I would characterize today’s student left as fascist. … They want to shut down everyone who disagrees with them. In the ‘60s, the left still had some democratic aspirations. I don’t see that today. Berkeley is a national disgrace.” I offered these views even before the UC Administration caused the cancellation of the speech I was scheduled to give tomorrow. To my summary of the problem, I would add that Berkeley’s leftwing professors who encourage these views are also culpable, and also UAW union 3865 which represents over 16,000 “student-workers” across the UC system and sent out an email calling on the university not to give me a platform to speak on campus, citing alleged “Islamophobic and xenophobic campaigns my Freedom Center has sponsored. Does anyone think the rights of the lowly College Republicans were a serious consideration for UC administrators when balanced against prejudices of the 16,000 members of a union notorious for its thuggery?


My Free Speech at Berkeley, Not

I remember when they use to sit in trees ans throw their shit at people, that's what you call a libtart education - the berkeley shit throwers...

Posters placed on campus depict SJP as a puppet of Hamas, demand #NoSupportForCampusTerrorists.
April 27, 2017

Stop the Jew Hatred on Campus


The Freedom Center has also claimed credit for posters that appeared today on the campus of Brooklyn College depicting Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) as a puppet of Hamas terrorists and denouncing convicted terrorist Rasmieh Odeh as a “Terrorist Murderer” who is nonetheless exalted as a “Hero to SJP and JVP.” JVP is the acronym for the organization Jewish Voice for Peace, which like SJP supports the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. Both posters contain the hashtag #NoSupportForCampusTerrorists. These posters serve as a challenge to the Brooklyn College administration to defend speech that exposes the truth about SJP and its ties to terrorism.

Brooklyn College: Michelle J.Anderson, President

At Brooklyn College, President Michelle Anderson responded to posters protesting the links between the campus chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine and Hamas by tearing them down and denouncing their sponsor, the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Anderson emphasized that Brooklyn College’s status as a public university and its obligation to uphold the First Amendment did not in her view extend to speech she considered, without proof or substantiation, “hateful” or “bullying.”

Brooklyn College SJP has posted articles and videos online defending terrorism including an advertisement titled “The Third Intifada” on its Facebook page. It has hosted speakers promoting the Hamas-inspired Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, and even staged an event to publicize its refusal to enter a dialogue with pro-Israel organizations and students. And a gang of 10 anti-Israel activists stormed a campus faculty meeting in February 2016, calling one faculty member a “Zionist pig” and issuing demands for “Zionists off campus.”

Anderson admits that “in years past, some have felt offended by SJP’s protests and have asked the Brooklyn College administration to ban the student group.” But then adds sanctimoniously, “We cannot.” But when given an opportunity to actually defend “dissident views”—which on the campus of Brooklyn College includes the view that SJP is a pawn of anti-Jewish terrorists—Anderson’s First Amendment concerns suddenly disappear.

Brooklyn College Administration Among “Top Ten College Administrations Most Friendly to Terrorists and Hostile to the First Amendment”
You want christian close minded crap forced on our population just like in islamic countries with islamic crap.

Colleges suppose to be about freeing the mind, promoting critical thinking and undestanding.
Like you hhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa I had a good laugh now lay down and stfu mathew...
When you reject awareness of Islamo-fascism, you become its slave.
August 10, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Ten years ago, Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week came to Columbia University.

A month earlier, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian leader who had called for the destruction of Israel and denied the Holocaust, had been invited to speak at Columbia. After that shameful event, Columbia University’s College Republicans invited David Horowitz to counter the anti-Semitic hatred and lies.

“I can’t talk about Columbia without mentioning that it is a center of Jew hatred,” Horowitz said.

Opposing David Horowitz’s condemnation of anti-Semitism at Columbia was the Progressive Jewish Alliance composed of a group that included Alana Krivo-Kaufman and Shlomo Bolts. The “Alliance” announced plans to make armbands and t-shirts protesting Horowitz.

They also wanted to invite the Columbia professors listed by Horowitz in his “101 Most Dangerous Academics in America” book to speak.

These would have included Nicholas De Genova, who had said, “The only true heroes are those who would find ways that help defeat the U.S. military. I personally would like to see a million Mogadishus.” And Joseph Massad, who had declared that the, "Jewish state is a racist state that does not have the right to exist.”


Most of the Columbia PJA protesters seem to have moved on with their lives. Two never did. For some student radicals, campus politics is a phase. In others, it devours whatever good was in them and transforms it into evil. It defines their lives and destroys their souls.

That was true a generation ago. It’s just as true today.

The Strange Islamist Career of a David Horowitz Campus Critic
Modest step in the right direction by University of California, Irvine.
September 8, 2017

Joseph Klein

The rabidly anti-Semitic campus group known as "Students for Justice in Palestine" (SJP) has been conducting its own version of an intifada on college campuses for years. Its members do not just shout vile epithets claiming Israel is a “racist apartheid” state and worse. They harass college students who peacefully assemble on campus in support of Israel and disrupt discussion forums, preventing invited guests from speaking.

One recent example of SJP's unhinged behavior occurred at the University of California, Irvine, where an SJP chapter disrupted a peaceful event last May sponsored by a pro-Israeli student group, Students Supporting Israel. A delegation from "Reservists on Duty," an Israeli non-governmental organization dedicated to “countering and exposing” the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement, arrived at the campus to lead a panel discussion. About 30 pro-Palestinian students from SJP entered the room during the question and answer portion of the program, but not for the purpose of asking questions or engaging in a reasonable debate. Instead, they disrupted the program, after having tried to prevent the Reservists on Duty delegates from even meeting with the pro-Israeli students who wanted to hear what the reservists had to say. According to a report in Arutz Sheva, one SJP member even spat on a female Israeli reservist. After investigating a complaint from the Israeli delegation and Students Supporting Israel, the UC Irvine Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct decided to discipline Students for Justice in Palestine for violating university policy.

The discipline amounted to a slap on the wrist for SJP, but at least it evidenced the university’s willingness to begin confronting the hate group for its disruptive actions in violation of other students' rights of freedom of speech and assembly. SJP was placed on disciplinary probation for two academic years, ending June 16, 2019. During the probation period, the SJP chapter must abide by the university’s code of conduct, meet with the dean of students to discuss freedom of speech issues and consult in advance with the dean’s office before hosting or co-hosting an event of their own. SJP could face suspension or revocation of its status as a recognized campus organization if it violates university policy again.


Students for Justice in Palestine Finally Held Accountable

Forum List
