I like Milo, he make snowflakes melt...
Milo Events Exposing The Violent Core Of The Left
Destroying the facade of "tolerance" one campus at a time.
January 27, 2017
Lloyd Billingsley
Last year Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos launched his “Dangerous Faggot Tour” on campuses across the...
Identity Politics Are Anti-American
Why "people of color" is a racist term.
December 16, 2016
David Horowitz
I spoke on this campus in 2001, when I was conducting a campaign against reparations for slavery because the reparations were going to be paid by people who had never owned slaves...
Hate Spaces
A new film reveals a toxic bigotry on American campuses.
December 9, 2016
Richard L. Cravatts
Witnessing the increasing ferocity and incidence of anti-Israel, anti-Semitic radicalism on U.S. campuses, Jacobs and Goldwasser, from Americans For Peace and Tolerance, have now...
Virginia Tech Students Plaster Lists of ‘Microaggressions’ Around Campus
Students at Virginia Tech have compiled a list of 50 “microaggressions” that they find unacceptable for use in conversation. The phrases were gathered by members of the campus NAACP student group, the Muslim Student...
The 'Cry In' of 2016
A disturbing glance at the post-election hysteria on college campuses.
November 17, 2016
Jack Kerwick
Since Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton on November 8, college campuses across the nation expanded their “safe spaces” for students and faculty whose world had...
Wonder when the folks are going to wake up and fix these sob's...
Harvard Law School: Protecting Anti-Semites, Targeting Conservative Students
Harvard employs Gestapo tactics to track right-wing bloggers while shielding leftist hate group leader.
April 29, 2016
Ari Lieberman
Unless you’ve...
It's where they indoctrinate your children to the progressive libtart mind set...
Targeting Jews in the Ivory Sewer
A safe space for Jew-hatred.
April 15, 2016
Kenneth Levin
Reports of anti-Semitic acts on American campuses suggest that the nation’s universities and colleges are likely...
I bet the Jew-haters were mortified...
David Horowitz Visits USC
Horowitz speech on Jew-hatred met with protests on campus.
March 25, 2016
Diana Kruzman
Reprinted from DailyTrojan.com.
Author David Horowitz spoke at a meeting of the USC College Republicans Wednesday evening in Taper Hall...