David Hogg Is Fair Game for Critics

So? Many folks seek to make America better and not everyone agrees on what that entails. That’s not the point here. The point here is these teens experienced a hellacious event and they’re being attacked personally, and in some cases receiving death threats, because they’re tying to prevent what they went through from happening again. It would be different had they not just gone through a school shooting.

I think that is the point.

Many folks seek to make America better, and as everyone does not agree on what that entails, free and serious and honest debate is desperately needed so that we can have a Contest of Ideas, and find the Truth.

Giving some people a special pass to make a case for their position and then disallow dissent, is a good way to get BAD POLICY.
I agree with your first paragragh and I would agree with your second paragraph if that were the case here, but it’s not. No one is giving them a free pass to pass the legislation they seek. What they have been given is the opportunity to have their voices because of what they went through. And by having their voices heard, it’s sparking debate which to their credit, has made some small progress.

But that is not the point here. There is nothing wrong with butting heads with them over policy. Many folks vehemently disagree with the policies they propose; and in many cases, for good reason.

The problem is they’re being attacked personally, not just politically. It’s disgusting how the right is making up rumors about them for no reason other than to discredit them. Making death threats against them and their families. Calling them liars over matters of which they’re not lying. Attacking everything from their physical appearance to their sexuality.

Attack them all you (not you per se) want over policy, but the aforementioned is fucking depraved.

I've asked questions about their positions, and have been told to shut up because I have not survived an ar-15 massacre.

I did not say they were being given a free pass to pass legislation, but they are being given a chance to speak and any rebuttal of them is being branded as though "children" are being "attacked".

This is unacceptable behavior. They kids are engaging in public discourse and they will be answered.
From what I have seen, the people being accused of attacking children are the ones attacking them personally.
This Hogg prick and his commie dyke girlfriend along with the rest of his crew have been attacking us personally since day one. Anyone who is pro 2A is a murderer and wants dead kids? Now they've decided they can call for boycotts and not be ridiculed? Fuck them.
They have not been attacking you since day one. It’s actually the other way around as lies about David Hogg not being a student at Douglas HS began appearing from the beginning.
...Get back to me when you can legally require a criminal to get a firearms license or register their firearms. I'll be damned if I will comply with a requirement that criminals can't be forced or prosecuted for noncompliance.

You will obey the Laws of the United States.


No I won't, and the supreme court says you can't make me. Something about the 5th Amendment, or are you out to do away with that one too?

The Supreme Court of the United States says that you are not obliged to obey the Laws of the United States?

Uhhhhh... yeah... right...
...Get back to me when you can legally require a criminal to get a firearms license or register their firearms. I'll be damned if I will comply with a requirement that criminals can't be forced or prosecuted for noncompliance.

You will obey the Laws of the United States.


No I won't, and the supreme court says you can't make me. Something about the 5th Amendment, or are you out to do away with that one too?

The Supreme Court of the United States says that you are not obliged to obey the Laws of the United States?

Uhhhhh... yeah... right...

All of us are obligated to follow the law....unless in California.
What would possess this silly, stupid woman to attack a child? Like Ann Coulter, they say whatever's flying out their @rse and deal with the consequences! This really backfired because I can't really remember Ingraham apologizing for anything saying, "I stand by what I said!" That's why her apology is worthless; doesn't mean a word of it! She said what she said and in the meantime, the MSM is eviscerating her @rse 24/7! I woke up hearing about the controversy and she's losing advertisers slowly but surely! :102: :14::9: :aargh:

I thought these kids were trying to change the world.

That invites "attack" from those who don't like the change they are pushing.

As is right and proper.
Again — attack their policy. Don’t attack them personally. Don’t lie about them. Don’t claim they weren’t there when they were. And again, not you per se; about those abusing them.

It is you who are in the wrong, by expecting this young people to get a pass.
Their age has nothing to do with it. What they went through does.
What they went through doesn't mean jack shit when they decide we have to listen only to them and if we don't like what they have to say we have to shut up because they're just traumatized kids. Well guess what cupcake I don't give a crap what you went through when you decide to be the loudest voice in the room.

So you and them better decide quick. They're kids just acting out and should be ignored for the emotional tools they are or they are serious adults that have something to bring into the arena to be debated. Pick one and fuck off with the other.
Guess what, Spunky, both are happening. They are just kids acting out because of what they went through; and they’re having the adult conversations the adults in public office are avoiding.
I think that is the point.

Many folks seek to make America better, and as everyone does not agree on what that entails, free and serious and honest debate is desperately needed so that we can have a Contest of Ideas, and find the Truth.

Giving some people a special pass to make a case for their position and then disallow dissent, is a good way to get BAD POLICY.
I agree with your first paragragh and I would agree with your second paragraph if that were the case here, but it’s not. No one is giving them a free pass to pass the legislation they seek. What they have been given is the opportunity to have their voices because of what they went through. And by having their voices heard, it’s sparking debate which to their credit, has made some small progress.

But that is not the point here. There is nothing wrong with butting heads with them over policy. Many folks vehemently disagree with the policies they propose; and in many cases, for good reason.

The problem is they’re being attacked personally, not just politically. It’s disgusting how the right is making up rumors about them for no reason other than to discredit them. Making death threats against them and their families. Calling them liars over matters of which they’re not lying. Attacking everything from their physical appearance to their sexuality.

Attack them all you (not you per se) want over policy, but the aforementioned is fucking depraved.

I've asked questions about their positions, and have been told to shut up because I have not survived an ar-15 massacre.

I did not say they were being given a free pass to pass legislation, but they are being given a chance to speak and any rebuttal of them is being branded as though "children" are being "attacked".

This is unacceptable behavior. They kids are engaging in public discourse and they will be answered.
From what I have seen, the people being accused of attacking children are the ones attacking them personally.
This Hogg prick and his commie dyke girlfriend along with the rest of his crew have been attacking us personally since day one. Anyone who is pro 2A is a murderer and wants dead kids? Now they've decided they can call for boycotts and not be ridiculed? Fuck them.
They have not been attacking you since day one. It’s actually the other way around as lies about David Hogg not being a student at Douglas HS began appearing from the beginning.
Oh FFS you're an idiot. Nobody knew who this pencil neck geek was at the time. He got free riegn to be anything he wanted to be. He chose to be a bomb throwing asshole and now want's his critics to shut up because he's just a kid. Now he's on stage at rallies throwing up the commie fist and pretty much being a typical left wing dick. Fuck him and fuck you for defending him.
What would possess this silly, stupid woman to attack a child? Like Ann Coulter, they say whatever's flying out their @rse and deal with the consequences! This really backfired because I can't really remember Ingraham apologizing for anything saying, "I stand by what I said!" That's why her apology is worthless; doesn't mean a word of it! She said what she said and in the meantime, the MSM is eviscerating her @rse 24/7! I woke up hearing about the controversy and she's losing advertisers slowly but surely! :102: :14::9: :aargh:

I thought these kids were trying to change the world.

That invites "attack" from those who don't like the change they are pushing.

As is right and proper.
Again — attack their policy. Don’t attack them personally. Don’t lie about them. Don’t claim they weren’t there when they were. And again, not you per se; about those abusing them.

It is you who are in the wrong, by expecting this young people to get a pass.
Their age has nothing to do with it. What they went through does.
What they went through doesn't mean jack shit when they decide we have to listen only to them and if we don't like what they have to say we have to shut up because they're just traumatized kids. Well guess what cupcake I don't give a crap what you went through when you decide to be the loudest voice in the room.

So you and them better decide quick. They're kids just acting out and should be ignored for the emotional tools they are or they are serious adults that have something to bring into the arena to be debated. Pick one and fuck off with the other.
Guess what, Spunky, both are happening. They are just kids acting out because of what they went through; and they’re having the adult conversations the adults in public office are avoiding.
Neither is happening. The piglet is worthless to you going forward and probably more damaging if you keep him out on stage and I hope you do through the elections. You're going to lose big with this idiot as your front man. So please by all means, keep it up.
What would possess this silly, stupid woman to attack a child? Like Ann Coulter, they say whatever's flying out their @rse and deal with the consequences! This really backfired because I can't really remember Ingraham apologizing for anything saying, "I stand by what I said!" That's why her apology is worthless; doesn't mean a word of it! She said what she said and in the meantime, the MSM is eviscerating her @rse 24/7! I woke up hearing about the controversy and she's losing advertisers slowly but surely! :102: :14::9: :aargh:

I thought these kids were trying to change the world.

That invites "attack" from those who don't like the change they are pushing.

As is right and proper.
Again — attack their policy. Don’t attack them personally. Don’t lie about them. Don’t claim they weren’t there when they were. And again, not you per se; about those abusing them.

It is you who are in the wrong, by expecting this young people to get a pass.
Their age has nothing to do with it. What they went through does.
What they went through doesn't mean jack shit when they decide we have to listen only to them and if we don't like what they have to say we have to shut up because they're just traumatized kids. Well guess what cupcake I don't give a crap what you went through when you decide to be the loudest voice in the room.

So you and them better decide quick. They're kids just acting out and should be ignored for the emotional tools they are or they are serious adults that have something to bring into the arena to be debated. Pick one and fuck off with the other.
Guess what, Spunky, both are happening. They are just kids acting out because of what they went through; and they’re having the adult conversations the adults in public office are avoiding.

They are pissing into the wind, and Hogg is a smug little prick who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Much like yourself.
Just keep it up. Denigrate these kids, lie about them, photoshop photos of them, do all the things that the present right and GOP have become known for, and see how they vote in the next 10 elections.

Go ahead and campaign on repealing the 2nd Amendment. See how far that gets you.
It will get far more support than you think.

Democrats are actually that retarded these days.
Just keep it up. Denigrate these kids, lie about them, photoshop photos of them, do all the things that the present right and GOP have become known for, and see how they vote in the next 10 elections.

Go ahead and campaign on repealing the 2nd Amendment. See how far that gets you.
It will get far more support than you think.

Democrats are actually that retarded these days.
Outside of Cali and NY they aren't even getting close. I hope they run on this.
Just keep it up. Denigrate these kids, lie about them, photoshop photos of them, do all the things that the present right and GOP have become known for, and see how they vote in the next 10 elections.

Go ahead and campaign on repealing the 2nd Amendment. See how far that gets you.
It will get far more support than you think.

Democrats are actually that retarded these days.
Outside of Cali and NY they aren't even getting close. I hope they run on this.
That sounds familiar....

It sounds like every other issue that Democrats successfully won.
He is no threat and has very little influence so if one ignores. Ingrahan stepped into it and I'm supposed to have compassion because it's her career? Laughable.
Just keep it up. Denigrate these kids, lie about them, photoshop photos of them, do all the things that the present right and GOP have become known for, and see how they vote in the next 10 elections.

Go ahead and campaign on repealing the 2nd Amendment. See how far that gets you.
It will get far more support than you think.

Democrats are actually that retarded these days.
Outside of Cali and NY they aren't even getting close. I hope they run on this.
That sounds familiar....

It sounds like every other issue that Democrats successfully won.
And what would that be? You seriously think you're going to win on gun control and repealing the 2A? For fuck sakes run on that. Shout it from the roof tops. Make that the one thing your candidates must be for to get the nomination.
They are telling him he will be President in 25 years
Beware of the Back to the Future effect
Running list of companies that have cut ties with Fox News host Laura Ingraham:

Jenny Craig
Johnson & Johnson
Jos. A. Bank
Liberty Mutual
Miracle Ear
Principal investment group
Office Depot
Ruby Tuesday
Stitch Fix

Taking shots at Great Americans is bad for business. :113:
Running list of companies that have cut ties with Fox News host Laura Ingraham:

Jenny Craig
Johnson & Johnson
Jos. A. Bank
Liberty Mutual
Miracle Ear
Principal investment group
Office Depot
Ruby Tuesday
Stitch Fix

Taking shots at Great Americans is bad for business. :113:
Got a link, asswipe?
Running list of companies that have cut ties with Fox News host Laura Ingraham:

Jenny Craig
Johnson & Johnson
Jos. A. Bank
Liberty Mutual
Miracle Ear
Principal investment group
Office Depot
Ruby Tuesday
Stitch Fix

Taking shots at Great Americans is bad for business. :113:
Got a link, asswipe?

Speaking of asswiping...Kimberly-Clark maker of your "depends" underwear - pulled out of sponsorship...so you probably just want to chit your pants raw when watching Faux News about your new boogeyman David Hogg. :113:
Running list of companies that have cut ties with Fox News host Laura Ingraham:

Jenny Craig
Johnson & Johnson
Jos. A. Bank
Liberty Mutual
Miracle Ear
Principal investment group
Office Depot
Ruby Tuesday
Stitch Fix

Taking shots at Great Americans is bad for business. :113:
Got a link, asswipe?

Speaking of asswiping...Kimberly-Clark maker of your "depends" underwear - pulled out of sponsorship...so you probably just want to chit your pants raw when watching Faux News about your new boogeyman David Hogg. :113:
Where's you link, asswipe? You are by far one the most full of shit posters on USMB.

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