David Duke


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
The media is responsible for making him more and more relevant in their attempt bring Trump down. Him and that Spensor idiot. Trump never talks about David duke or the other guy, he has no ties to them, yet the media keeps trying to pretend there's some sort of an alliance. In doing so the media is elevating the stature of these fringe losers. The media and liberals are really contemptible for this.
The media is responsible for making him more and more relevant in their attempt bring Trump down. Him and that Spensor idiot. Trump never talks about David duke or the other guy, he has no ties to them, yet the media keeps trying to pretend there's some sort of an alliance. In doing so the media is elevating the stature of these fringe losers. The media and liberals are really contemptible for this.

Racism comes in many forms. Mostly for power. Here's several racist icons of the libtarded left.


The media is responsible for making him more and more relevant in their attempt bring Trump down. Him and that Spensor idiot. Trump never talks about David duke or the other guy, he has no ties to them, yet the media keeps trying to pretend there's some sort of an alliance. In doing so the media is elevating the stature of these fringe losers. The media and liberals are really contemptible for this.
Let's not forget how MSNBC attempted to legitimize a neo-Nazi web site as 'real news' in an attempt to attack Trump.
To say nothing of obama's meetings with CAIR and BLM.

well of course the elite .01% DNC media said nothing of it.
Even if Trump were to personally vaporize David Duke with a Star Trek phaser, liberalfilth would never be satisfied; they'd whine that Trump made his death too painless and that somehow proves he's a white supremacist himself. I know the sickly, diseased manner in which a liberal's raging brain of boiling diarrhea works.
well of course the elite .01% DNC media said nothing of it.

WHEN THE MEDIA boos people rather than reports on them, you know you've got FAKE NEWS.

WHEN THE MEDIA picks and chooses which stories to cover based on how they promote a certain political agenda, you know you've got FAKE NEWS.

And WHEN THE MEDIA tries to label a president a KKK lover just because some old has-been David Duke just happens to like him, you know you've got FAKE NEWS.

And when America's News stops being real, honest and trustworthy, you know you are eroding into a Banana Republic. :banana:
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Number of murders after a David Duke speech: 0

Number of murders after an Al Sharpton speech: 9 (Freddys Fash Mart 7; Crown Heights2)
The media is responsible for making him more and more relevant in their attempt bring Trump down. Him and that Spensor idiot. Trump never talks about David duke or the other guy, he has no ties to them, yet the media keeps trying to pretend there's some sort of an alliance. In doing so the media is elevating the stature of these fringe losers. The media and liberals are really contemptible for this.
But Trump isn't contemptible for lying about knowing Duke?
Trump 1991: David Duke is a racist
Trump 2016 speaking to Jake Tapper: I don't even know who David Duke is!

Consider yourself put in your place..
well of course the elite .01% DNC media said nothing of it.

WHEN THE MEDIA boos people rather than reports on them, you know you've got FAKE NEWS.

WHEN THE MEDIA picks and chooses which stories to cover based on how they promote a certain political agenda, you know you've got FAKE NEWS.

And WHEN THE MEDIA tries to label a president a KKK lover just because some old has-been David Duke just happens to like him, you know you've got FAKE NEWS.

And when America's News stops being real, honest and trustworthy, you know you are eroding into a Banana Republic. :banana:
when you know the media accurately quotes DT assholes like you call it fake news.
The media is responsible for making him more and more relevant in their attempt bring Trump down. Him and that Spensor idiot. Trump never talks about David duke or the other guy, he has no ties to them, yet the media keeps trying to pretend there's some sort of an alliance. In doing so the media is elevating the stature of these fringe losers. The media and liberals are really contemptible for this.
But Trump isn't contemptible for lying about knowing Duke?
Trump 1991: David Duke is a racist
Trump 2016 speaking to Jake Tapper: I don't even know who David Duke is!

Consider yourself put in your place..

What did you just prove? Nothing. So what if he forgot who he is? Why was Trump even asked about him to begin with? It's not like Trump can control every lunatic that wants to support him. How come no one asked obozo about farrakkan?

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