Darwin's Apparatchiks


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Yesterday, in "Comrade Darwin," http://www.usmessageboard.com/science-and-technology/326273-comrade-darwin.html, the reason why Darwin's theory of evolution, unsupported by evidence, is so immensely popular in academia and accepted by the mass of less than informed in society, was established.

The reason is that it was seen immediately by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx as the 'hook' on which to hang their theory of history, and the final cudgel with which to attack religion and morality.

So Darwin's theory, the idea that there is no design or direction in nature, no plan, was "proven" based on the speculation that an accumulation of random mutations would result in one species emerging as a new one.
It cannot be overstated that this has never been shown to be true.
In fact, after more than 150 years of trying to prove same, one would have to believe that the preponderance of evidence shows Darwin's theory to be untrue.

Except in those precincts where Marxism, nihilism, and secularism hold sway. There, any questioning of the theory is meet with hostility, even aggression, and the loss of careers!

What is interesting, if not dispositive, is a careful look at the political philosophy of some of the major paleontologists and evolutionary biologists who are defenders of Darwin.

1. " Stephen Jay Gould ultimately may not have been an atheist or a Marxist, but nearly his whole life argues in favor of both positions.

2. Gould, who taught biology, paleontology, and geology at Harvard University, made the following statement:
"Hegel's dialectical laws, translated into a materialist context, have become the official 'state philosophy' of many socialist nations. These laws of change are explicitly punctuational, as befits a theory of revolutionary transformation in human society. In the light of this official philosophy, it is not at all surprising that a punctuational view of speciation [the evolutionary process by which new species are formed] much like our own . . . has long been favored by many Russian paleontologists. It may also not be irrelevant to our personal preferences that one of us [Gould] learned his Marxism, literally at his daddy's knee."

3. One could nearly assume that Gould was telling the world he was indeed a Marxist. And by definition the theology of Marxism is atheism.

4. And fellow evolutionist Michael Ruse opined, "Quite openly, one of the leading punctuated equilibrists, Stephen Jay Gould, admits to his marxism, and lauds the way in which his science is informed by his beliefs."

5. Two of Gould's fellow Harvard biological "revolutionaries" (Lewontin and Levin) co-authored a book on Marxist biology entitled The Dialectical Biologist, published by Harvard University Press in 1986. In a review of this textbook in Nature magazine, its author, David L. Hull, said, "Richard Levin and Richard Lewontin are two of the most knowledgeable and innovative evolutionary biologists working today. They also view themselves as Marxist revolutionaries. As Marxists, Levin and Lewontin insist that the economic substructure of a society strongly influences its ideational superstructure, including science"

6. Gould, along with Lewontin, Levin, Jonathan Beckwith, Ruth Hubbard, and Herb Fox, founded an organization entitled "Science for the People." Wikipedia begins its discussion of this organization as follows: "Science for the People is a leftwing organization ....

7. .... Wilson labeled the organization "American Marxists." Not insignificantly, the cover of its magazine contains the Communist clinched fist!

8. ...everything Gould touched over his lifetime would force most neutral onlookers to the conclusion that he was indeed a Marxist and by implication an atheist.

9. The new edition of "Science for the People" has been reestablished since 2002 with an endorsement from one of the founders of the original Science for the People — Herb Fox. In its working papers we are told "a few of us decided to start a magazine for Working Scientists active in the Anti-Capitalist Movement, as part of the European Social Forum." Let me make a prediction — this new leftwing "science" organization will be heavily involved in the global warming controversy on the side of big government and the "greening" of America.

10. ...the "upper class" greens are the new Communists of our era, and they have already decided that "science" is on their side and Western capitalism must be destroyed in order to save the planet from too much capitalistically produced carbon dioxide."
Stephen Jay Gould - David A. Noebel | The President's Desk - Summit Ministries

So...any who believe that evolutionary science is objective must be considered.....'child-like.'

Of course one can be an atheist, a Marxist, a Darwinian....as long as one recognizes the underpinnings of one's beliefs. Recognize the result of the French Revolution's attempts to replace religion with science and reason resulted in 600,000 slaughtered. Accept Marx's theory of history and economics, but realize that, in the last century, the result of such acceptance was another 100 million human beings slaughtered.

The pithy take-away is that the Swiss-cheese known as Darwin's theory, wholly unsupported by evidence, is important, not as science....but as the necessary ingredient for a theory to prove that that there is no God, or reason for morality, but that only Leftist governing will lead mankind to Utopia here on earth.
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You know, when I was 18 and decided to go to college (the first time), I sat down and thought about what I wanted to become. I was so intrigued by Anthropologists. You know, the Louis Leakey type of doctor that went into remote Africa and unearthed Austrolopithicus. I wanted to be one of those. So I took classes in Anthropology and the sciences. And I believe what I was taught and what I learned about early man and the development of Homo Sapiens as a species. I didn't get to go to Africa, instead opting for the police department and another type of de-evolution of the species.

I saw men, women and children die in my arms. I saw that it wasn't so black and white. When I held my son and saw him take his last breath I felt his very soul slip away. I am an Evangelical Christian and I believe that the bible is the very word of God Himself. That Jesus Christ is His son and that He rose from the dead after three days. And that through Him, we shall have eternal life. I have had pastors ask me how I reconcile the two worlds. To me, they are not mutually exclusive but actually compliment each other.

Darwin said that through mutations new species, adapted better to coping with the environment, thrived and replaced older species along with cataclysmic events. The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth in six days. And a day to God is what? And a day for God began when and ended when? God is all powerful. It is what He makes it to be. Day one may have begun and may not have completely ended yet as well as Day two, or Day Three.

Man is so insignificant and so prone to ignorance that it defies comprehension. Those who tell me that you must accept Darwin's theories to the exclusion of others are as willfully rigid as those who tell me that God is bound by a 24 hour day. How can such a "flawed" organism such as ourselves, "KNOW" anything at this time for sure about this matter? I submit that this is still over our heads. We can contemplate, but to believe that our theory is the only correct answer is ridiculous.

Good thread Political Chic...
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Now settled science is "communism".

You folks are hilarious.

PC will also be emailing applications for membership in the Flat Earth Society.

Why don't you ever confront the OP's?

Is it simply because you're stupid?

Or....you've come to realize that everything I post is absolutely, totally true.

But, between us..... How does it feel being an evolutionary cul de sac?
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Can I be a Conservative Darwinist and still remain a viable member of society?

Sign me Confused and Conflicted...

I have no problem with any beliefs in this connection....

..my contention is that one must know all that goes into a calculation in order to come up with the correct answer.

For example.....those who champion Darwin probably had no knowledge of the connections to communism, and such views from 'evolutionary biologists.'

Now settled science is "communism".

You folks are hilarious.

PC will also be emailing applications for membership in the Flat Earth Society.

Why don't you ever confront the OP's?

Is it simply because you're stupid?

Or....you've come to realize that everything I post is absolutely, totally true.

But, between us..... How does it feel being an evolutionary cul de sac?

You're getting quite desperate.

How does it feel being a Harun Yahya groupie?
PC will also be emailing applications for membership in the Flat Earth Society.

Why don't you ever confront the OP's?

Is it simply because you're stupid?

Or....you've come to realize that everything I post is absolutely, totally true.

But, between us..... How does it feel being an evolutionary cul de sac?

You're getting quite desperate.

How does it feel being a Harun Yahya groupie?

Why don't you ever confront the OP's?
I'd explain it to you, but I left my crayons in my other jacket

Is it simply because you're stupid?

Or....you've come to realize that everything I post is absolutely, totally true.

Your stock responses are really boring.....

C'mon....take on the OP so I can rip you to shreds.

That is what you're afraid of.....isn't it.
Why don't you ever confront the OP's?

Is it simply because you're stupid?

Or....you've come to realize that everything I post is absolutely, totally true.

But, between us..... How does it feel being an evolutionary cul de sac?

You're getting quite desperate.

How does it feel being a Harun Yahya groupie?

Why don't you ever confront the OP's?
I'd explain it to you, but I left my crayons in my other jacket

Is it simply because you're stupid?

Or....you've come to realize that everything I post is absolutely, totally true.

Your stock responses are really boring.....

C'mon....take on the OP so I can rip you to shreds.

That is what you're afraid of.....isn't it.
I actually find your cutting and pasting from Harun Yahya to be comedy gold.

Now settled science is "communism".

You folks are hilarious.

The only thing that is settled is your inability to comprehend.

If it was raining soup you'd be standing outside with a fork.

Ah so it rains soup now?

Which Christian Scientist told ya that?

Here's a hint.

(It doesn't)


Now....don't tell me you've caught the 'Hollie disease'....stupidity?

Where is your attempt to speak to the OP?

Any errors in it?

Would you admit that you were unaware of the links of the proponents to communism, Marxism?

And....admit that these details reinforce my contentions?

Well, PC, I love it when they declare science 'settled' and then call us all 'ignorant.' Science is anything BUT settled. Man cannot as of yet make it out of his own solar system, nor can he see far enough with even the best telescopes to truly explain the universe. When we see a star explode, we have to realize based on Einstein that the event occurred thousands of years ago and we are just now seeing it as the light reaches us. Even knowing the speed of light, we cannot see things like that in 'real time' because they are too far away. AND we do not know what has occurred in that spot in the interim thousands of years. Research in all fields is ongoing as it should be. I have two degrees the foundation of which are biological science. We have medicines that treat the human brain, and how they work, although they do work, is still largely a matter of theory. Some of them work and we can't even postulate a theory of why they work. The FDA only requires that they beat placebo. We don't know any more about the brain today than we did 100 years ago. We do know a little more about the substances that act upon it.

We are taught by science that life cannot be generated from inorganic matter, then we are told, 'oh well it DID happen once.' And there are people who are clueless enough and dense enough to buy that contradictory shit. Bottom line, we don't really know how life on earth came about. We also don't know if there is life outside our own solar system, and if there is even how to find it or how to get there.

I find the board know it alls most boring indeed. They have it all sewn up in their microscopic little two celled minds and make great haste to label those of us who have a real education in science, and the ability to think critically about such things as religion and the origin of the species as stupid. And yet they cannot cite one single study to show probability that their theory is correct. Not one. One theory is as good as another. None of them have been shown to be scientifically valid. None of them. Evolution is not even mathematically possible as shown in another thread. (And those who published this are mainstream scientists completely aware that Darwin had no knowledge of genetics.) Therefore, those who religiously and relentlessly cling to it are nothing more than religious fanatics themselves.
The only thing that is settled is your inability to comprehend.

If it was raining soup you'd be standing outside with a fork.

Ah so it rains soup now?

Which Christian Scientist told ya that?

Here's a hint.

(It doesn't)


Now....don't tell me you've caught the 'Hollie disease'....stupidity?

Where is your attempt to speak to the OP?

Any errors in it?

Would you admit that you were unaware of the links of the proponents to communism, Marxism?

And....admit that these details reinforce my contentions?


My goodness. Aren't you the advertisement for fear and ignorance.
Ah so it rains soup now?

Which Christian Scientist told ya that?

Here's a hint.

(It doesn't)


Now....don't tell me you've caught the 'Hollie disease'....stupidity?

Where is your attempt to speak to the OP?

Any errors in it?

Would you admit that you were unaware of the links of the proponents to communism, Marxism?

And....admit that these details reinforce my contentions?


My goodness. Aren't you the advertisement for fear and ignorance.

Actually, it's quite the opposite....

Watch me prove it:
C'mon....take on the OP so I can rip you to shreds.

That is what you're afraid of.....isn't it.
Well, PC, I love it when they declare science 'settled' and then call us all 'ignorant.' Science is anything BUT settled. Man cannot as of yet make it out of his own solar system, nor can he see far enough with even the best telescopes to truly explain the universe. When we see a star explode, we have to realize based on Einstein that the event occurred thousands of years ago and we are just now seeing it as the light reaches us. Even knowing the speed of light, we cannot see things like that in 'real time' because they are too far away. AND we do not know what has occurred in that spot in the interim thousands of years. Research in all fields is ongoing as it should be. I have two degrees the foundation of which are biological science. We have medicines that treat the human brain, and how they work, although they do work, is still largely a matter of theory. Some of them work and we can't even postulate a theory of why they work. The FDA only requires that they beat placebo. We don't know any more about the brain today than we did 100 years ago. We do know a little more about the substances that act upon it.

We are taught by science that life cannot be generated from inorganic matter, then we are told, 'oh well it DID happen once.' And there are people who are clueless enough and dense enough to buy that contradictory shit. Bottom line, we don't really know how life on earth came about. We also don't know if there is life outside our own solar system, and if there is even how to find it or how to get there.

I find the board know it alls most boring indeed. They have it all sewn up in their microscopic little two celled minds and make great haste to label those of us who have a real education in science, and the ability to think critically about such things as religion and the origin of the species as stupid. And yet they cannot cite one single study to show probability that their theory is correct. Not one. One theory is as good as another. None of them have been shown to be scientifically valid. None of them. Evolution is not even mathematically possible as shown in another thread. (And those who published this are mainstream scientists completely aware that Darwin had no knowledge of genetics.) Therefore, those who religiously and relentlessly cling to it are nothing more than religious fanatics themselves.

Salmonella used the term 'settled' in the same way Gore did to silence opposition voices.

I've challenged him to actually debate....and.....crickets.

And this:
"Therefore, those who religiously and relentlessly cling to it are nothing more than religious fanatics themselves."


Their 'science' is accepted based on faith rather than evidence.....
Well, PC, I love it when they declare science 'settled' and then call us all 'ignorant.' Science is anything BUT settled. Man cannot as of yet make it out of his own solar system, nor can he see far enough with even the best telescopes to truly explain the universe. When we see a star explode, we have to realize based on Einstein that the event occurred thousands of years ago and we are just now seeing it as the light reaches us. Even knowing the speed of light, we cannot see things like that in 'real time' because they are too far away. AND we do not know what has occurred in that spot in the interim thousands of years. Research in all fields is ongoing as it should be. I have two degrees the foundation of which are biological science. We have medicines that treat the human brain, and how they work, although they do work, is still largely a matter of theory. Some of them work and we can't even postulate a theory of why they work. The FDA only requires that they beat placebo. We don't know any more about the brain today than we did 100 years ago. We do know a little more about the substances that act upon it.

We are taught by science that life cannot be generated from inorganic matter, then we are told, 'oh well it DID happen once.' And there are people who are clueless enough and dense enough to buy that contradictory shit. Bottom line, we don't really know how life on earth came about. We also don't know if there is life outside our own solar system, and if there is even how to find it or how to get there.

I find the board know it alls most boring indeed. They have it all sewn up in their microscopic little two celled minds and make great haste to label those of us who have a real education in science, and the ability to think critically about such things as religion and the origin of the species as stupid. And yet they cannot cite one single study to show probability that their theory is correct. Not one. One theory is as good as another. None of them have been shown to be scientifically valid. None of them. Evolution is not even mathematically possible as shown in another thread. (And those who published this are mainstream scientists completely aware that Darwin had no knowledge of genetics.) Therefore, those who religiously and relentlessly cling to it are nothing more than religious fanatics themselves.

Salmonella used the term 'settled' in the same way Gore did to silence opposition voices.

I've challenged him to actually debate....and.....crickets.

And this:
"Therefore, those who religiously and relentlessly cling to it are nothing more than religious fanatics themselves."


Their 'science' is accepted based on faith rather than evidence.....

Even by your standards of The Stupid, that was really, really stupid.
1. In 1845, Marx and Engels wrote "The German Ideology," the first mature statement of what became known as historical materialism, writing:

'We know only a single science, the science of history. One can look at history from two sides and divide it into the history of nature and the history of men. The two sides are, however, inseparable; the history of nature and the history of men are dependent on each other so long as men exist.'

a. As Peter Heyer writes, “both the historical character of nature and the natural character of history” were fundamental to their worldview.
Peter Heyer, Nature, Human Nature, and Society: Marx, Darwin, Biology and the Human Sciences, p. 49

2. This was the materialist explanation of the historical character of nature they knew must be possible. As Engels wrote in "Socialism: Utopian and Scientific":

Nature works dialectically and not metaphysically … she does not move in the eternal oneness of a perpetually recurring circle, but goes through a real historical evolution. In this connection, Darwin must be named before all others. He dealt the metaphysical conception of Nature the heaviest blow by his proof that all organic beings, plants, animals, and man himself, are the products of a process of evolution going on through millions of years.
Marx Engels Collected Works, vol. 24, p.301.

Here one can see the elation of the communists for Darwin......a view that history/nature has some direction.

For, if it does.....what is the source of that direction.

Of course, Marx and Engels made a leap too far:
"... Darwin must be named before all others. He dealt the metaphysical conception of Nature the heaviest blow by his proof..."

Darwin's epic work still seeks proof.
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