Dangerous Faggot!


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
im am reading Milo Yianopoulous's new book "Dangerous"

Easy now everyone. He refers to himself as The Dangerous Faggot.

I am about a third of the way through the book and it's amazing! This guy is the smartest human in the planet. I don't say that lightly.

I recommend that every conservative read this book. The left cannot read above a 5th grade level, as we all have seen, so they don't need to bother.

Conservatives, get over the fact that he's a flaming homosexual. He doesn't spend time describing he sex life except the things that happened to him as a child and only in the intro (so far).

One last plea to conservatives: the hatred for Milo is only surpassed by the hatred for Trump. He tried to speak at Berkeley and Antifa shut it down with violence. Think about why the left hates him so much and remember that he's an enemy of Antifa and BLM. If you don't read it, you are missing out.

Btw, it's highly unlikely that you will find it at any bookstore. You need to order it. Do so, and keep it as a hand me down for your children and grandchildren.
I saw him speak and in just seconds I knew he was queer. How he ever thought, I use the term loosely, to be conservative is quite a question.
And I am not antifa but do protest at Berkeley.
im am reading Milo Yianopoulous's new book "Dangerous"

Easy now everyone. He refers to himself as The Dangerous Faggot.

I am about a third of the way through the book and it's amazing! This guy is the smartest human in the planet. I don't say that lightly.

I recommend that every conservative read this book. The left cannot read above a 5th grade level, as we all have seen, so they don't need to bother.

Conservatives, get over the fact that he's a flaming homosexual. He doesn't spend time describing he sex life except the things that happened to him as a child and only in the intro (so far).

One last plea to conservatives: the hatred for Milo is only surpassed by the hatred for Trump. He tried to speak at Berkeley and Antifa shut it down with violence. Think about why the left hates him so much and remember that he's an enemy of Antifa and BLM. If you don't read it, you are missing out.

Btw, it's highly unlikely that you will find it at any bookstore. You need to order it. Do so, and keep it as a hand me down for your children and grandchildren.
Hmmm, maybe it's that mental illness called being ghey that is a real turnoff to conservatives....
I followed him until his remarks on children and pedophilia. After that he's dead to me

He spoke as man that was groomed by an older pedophile. He was telling you how it was done and the manipulation of boys that are used. Too bad it got bollixed up.
I followed him until his remarks on children and pedophilia. After that he's dead to me

He spoke as man that was groomed by an older pedophile. He was telling you how it was done and the manipulation of boys that are used. Too bad it got bollixed up.

I read his original comments, he was defending it and then tried to back track. Sorry I'm not buying it
I'm willing to forgo my aversion to the guy's sexual preference because he drives the left bonkers. The very idea of a homosexual or even a black person being a conservative, is enough to send them into a frenzy: It's like dividing by zero or something.
I followed him until his remarks on children and pedophilia. After that he's dead to me

He spoke as man that was groomed by an older pedophile. He was telling you how it was done and the manipulation of boys that are used. Too bad it got bollixed up.

I read his original comments, he was defending it and then tried to back track. Sorry I'm not buying it

It also fits the self destructive behavior of gays.
Why wood you ever say that in front of a camera?
I followed him until his remarks on children and pedophilia. After that he's dead to me

He spoke as man that was groomed by an older pedophile. He was telling you how it was done and the manipulation of boys that are used. Too bad it got bollixed up.

I read his original comments, he was defending it and then tried to back track. Sorry I'm not buying it

It also fits the self destructive behavior of gays.
Why wood you ever say that in front of a camera?

It was certainly a head scratcher
Too bad the silly bastard exists. However, such men are useful to other types of men, and expendable when their usefulness ends. Hitler and Rohm are such an example.
Too bad the silly bastard exists. However, such men are useful to other types of men, and expendable when their usefulness ends. Hitler and Rohm are such an example.

Ahh, I see. So you celebrate diversity only when it supports the leftist narrative. How utterly conformist of you.
I'm willing to forgo my aversion to the guy's sexual preference because he drives the left bonkers. The very idea of a homosexual or even a black person being a conservative, is enough to send them into a frenzy: It's like dividing by zero or something.

You can't prove any of that. It's a bit at talking point. Nobody is in a frenzy.
I followed him until his remarks on children and pedophilia. After that he's dead to me

Yeah..I cooled on the guy when he said that as well.
I want to believe the guys explanation of his statement but there's that lingering doubt that I cant seem to get past.

It isn't true. It's a lie from the left wing media.
I'm willing to forgo my aversion to the guy's sexual preference because he drives the left bonkers. The very idea of a homosexual or even a black person being a conservative, is enough to send them into a frenzy: It's like dividing by zero or something.

You can't prove any of that. It's a bit at talking point. Nobody is in a frenzy.
Nope sorry, if your statement were true the left would not go bonkers whenever he tries to speak. You see, you and the rest of the antifa can make these false statements all day long but the evidence of the lie is out there in living color. For all to see. And we have.
I followed him until his remarks on children and pedophilia. After that he's dead to me

He spoke as man that was groomed by an older pedophile. He was telling you how it was done and the manipulation of boys that are used. Too bad it got bollixed up.

I read his original comments, he was defending it and then tried to back track. Sorry I'm not buying it

I went back and read them too. It is exactly like he said in the book.

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