Dana Bash asks Rick Scott about Trump's racist insult against Chao & apparent threat to Mitch: "it's never okay to be racist", Scott distances himself

You really are a dumbass.

And the chart is the thing you should be addressing, not the person who dug up and posted the chart.
How can I judge the credibility of the chart if I don't know who posted it?

You should really avoid Twitter if you're looking for a credible stasitical source, Synth.
The SS takes the lead on death threats to elected officials.

You didn't know that? :lol:
It does not. I suggest you learn what the Secret Service handles.

We ensure the safety of the president, the vice president, their families, the White House, the vice president’s residence, visiting foreign heads of state, former United States presidents and their spouses, and events of national significance.

I don't see Senators listed there. Now, don't you feel stupid? If not, you should.
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Only acceptable if it's a oerson who pretends not to understand hyperbole.
Democrats have no concept of humor. They would have you believe every time someone uses the term death wish it is meant 100% literally. There are kids movies that use that phrase, but I won't list them because dollars to donuts some cook lefty on here would start a petition to have them banned.
Democrats have no concept of humor. They would have you believe every time someone uses the term death wish it is meant 100% literally. There are kids movies that use that phrase, but I won't list them because dollars to donuts some cook lefty on here would start a petition to have them banned.
Are you out or still closeted. With your avatar it's got to be one or the other.
it's amazing when Dana Bash wants Mitch to be murdered LESS than Rick Scott does!

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