Dana Bash asks Rick Scott about Trump's racist insult against Chao & apparent threat to Mitch: "it's never okay to be racist", Scott distances himself

Trump has been out of office for 20 months now and he is still the center of the left's universe. It's very amusing to watch you guys do everyting you can to distract from the current President by continuing to try and keep the attention on the previous one.
Maybe if Trump's crime spree wasen't brought to light every time we turn around & if he would just shut the fuck up & go away the Country would move on. But that cocksucker won't because he craves attention like the narcissistic sociopath that he is. We're not putting the attention on Trump, HE is.

Btw, tell Trump's asslicker Hannity to stop putting that fucker on the air before you jump on anyone else's case.
Trump & his party deserve each other. Knowing what he is, they could have dumped his ass for good a year & a half ago. They chose not to. Fuck 'em.
Republicans had multiple chances to rid themselves of the curse of Trump

They chose to protect him

Now, they are stuck with him
Trumps prejudice against those of Chinese descent has been evident for years.
Kung Flu anyone?

Now he takes it out with ethnic insults of McConnells wife
The Chinese have caused a massive recession and hurt, maimed and killed hundreds of millions. This with the help of traitors in our nation.
Maybe if Trump's crime spree wasen't brought to light every time we turn around & if he would just shut the fuck up & go away the Country would move on. But that cocksucker won't because he craves attention like the narcissistic sociopath that he is. We're not putting the attention on Trump, HE is.

Btw, tell Trump's asslicker Hannity to stop putting that fucker on the air before you jump on anyone else's case.

Crime spree? Ask yourself why he has never been charged nor indicted. Perhaps because your crime spree is pure fiction?
It must be exhausting for these orange sycophants to continually come up with new ways to avoid discussing the buffoon and maturity issues.

Maybe that's why they just join the cult and stay in their alternate universe, where it's easy and comfy.
It must be tough being an NPC.
Crime spree? Ask yourself why he has never been charged nor indicted. Perhaps because your crime spree is pure fiction?
One reason is that people like Weisselberg are willing to take the fall for him & others for one reason or another won't talk. Right now Weisselberg is the fall guy for Trump The Mob Boss & he's going to jail. Trump is running a typical Mafia outfit, he's the leader & walks free. Trump doesn't give direct orders, doesn't use email or texts & probably uses a burner phone like all Mafia bosses do. They should nail his ass under RICO statutes just like they did in N.Y. with Gambino & the rest of them because Trump is no different.
Under the immature Trump, the economy grew to the point that Black unemployment was the lowest ever in the history of the Untited States.
Your bullshit and lies aren't going to fly when I'm around, asshole. I've got the facts to refute all of your propaganda talking points.

You can try to divert from your cult all you'd like. I don't care.

And Trump inherited a falling unemployment rate (below), and was the beneficiary of TRILLIONS in stimulus spending, a MASSIVE budget that HE SIGNED, crashed interest rates, and a wrecked bond market. He also BEGGED the FED for MORE (below). This is my profession. I'll shove as much data down your ignorant throat as you can eat.


Mac also has the facts. You're fucked, Seymour Flops

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