Damn!!! Where is that "global warming" when we need it???

This HUMP claims I posted a pic of a particular VW Bus in a particular storm in 1998.....ain't the Web great....all these mystics with their magic 8 balls coming out of the woodwork with their keen eye for detail. :laugh2:

Listen, nobody can convince these ideated little simpletons what oil is or where it came from....they believe sunshine and windy days will power our economy......November 4th we answered this idiocy in kind.....they are relics of a lost generation, victims of the public schools and lunatic professors. All their "data" comes from professional students begging for grants from a leftist federal bureaucracy.....none of it will survive...their era will be laughed at for a hundred years.
This HUMP claims I posted a pic of a particular VW Bus in a particular storm in 1998.....ain't the Web great....all these mystics with their magic 8 balls coming out of the woodwork with their keen eye for detail.
You've proven that you can't be trusted. How do we know you didn't photoshop those other pictures? That's the trouble with honor, once you've lost it, it's hard to get back. Laugh all you want. It means nothing to me, except that you're a witless fool.
No, what you SEE is that I'm sick of you lazy fucks tearing a thread apart by continuing to add to a reply until it is unrecognizable. Everybody reading the thread knows what I'm referring to...newcomers who haven't read it, chime in with replies already addressed and further ruin the thread. In Blind_Boob's case, that often saves him considerable embarrassment. :badgrin:
You've proven that you can't be trusted. How do we know you didn't photoshop those other pictures? That's the trouble with honor, once you've lost it, it's hard to get back. Laugh all you want. It means nothing to me, except that you're a witless fool.

You wanna suck my WHAT?
Ironic Comments from an AGW worshiper!

Well you got that right. I love the warming earth. It has been a boon for mankind. I mean we've already staved off the new Ice Age and pretty soon we'll be taking tropical cruises to the Arctic Circle in the summertime. Then there will be the exploration and exploitation of Antarctica that we can look forward to as well.

Good Time humanity, good times.

"Well there you go, facts v HORSESHIT" from the far left AGW/far left cult!

Exactly. I posted the facts while BullKurtzUSMC, who was busted for posting pictures from the big Ice Storm in 1998 as if it were from the recent cold snap, posted the usually horseshit.

No you didn't, you posted far left/AGW religious dogma..

I know to the die hard religious zealots that may be a fact, but real science says otherwise..

I see why old Bullpucky wants previous parts of the conversation deleted. Hahahahaha, typical pseudo-conned bullshit.

More accusations without proof..

Typical paid far left posters..
So please tell me why you would believe that 3/10ths of degree increase over last 35 years would be a problem?
It is all about tipping points... I guess you haven't read anything on the subject beyond industry propaganda.

"Tipping points"?? tipping point may be passed without any immediately obvious consequences, nor any acceleration of the warming process.
So the entire global is balanced -- further global warming of 1°C defines a critical threshold
Tipping point climatology - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Again all maybe true... BUT you still haven't shown a period longer then 35 years!
Plus the history of temperature recordings before "digital" depended on the eyeballs and the handwriting for years before digital readings.
A) how can even a trained thermometer reader distinguish on the OLD mercury bulb 3/10ths of a degree... please explain that.
B) transposition of numbers is very very common in pre-computer days and even today it is the little details that people seemingly forgot as they try to solve the
BIG PICTURE... in other words all the temperature recordings depended on eyeballs and un-transposed numbers hand written and passed on for several years.

All of that and your tipping point depends on the accuracy is 1°C ?
A tipping point is the proverbial straw that breaks the camels back... that being said, I don't see a need to panic but the propaganda that the oil-industry hacks are putting out makes it difficult to even make reasonable steps toward a solution.
Heck China might start to lower emissions in 10-20 years ..... In a groundbreaking , historic climate change treaty ... Lol

lol that's what liberal success looks like.
Liberal success is Obama drawing to an inside straight hoping China will join the fight against global warming.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- With limited time still in power, President Barack Obama is staking his final two years on climate change, pushing the issue to the front of his agenda as he seeks to leave an imprint on the world that will endure after he's gone.

It's a strategy rooted not only in Obama's long-stated concern about global warming, but also in political reality.

Two weeks ago, Obama watched his prospects for realizing his goals on education, wages and immigration all but evaporate as voters handed his party a stinging rebuke in the midterms, putting Republicans in full control of Congress for the remainder of his presidency. But on a trip last week to Asia and Australia, Obama sought - and found - fruitful opportunities to make a lasting difference on global warming.

Obama stakes final 2 years on climate change - AOL.com

The last desperate gasps of a failed liberal ideology.
So please tell me why you would believe that 3/10ths of degree increase over last 35 years would be a problem?
It is all about tipping points... I guess you haven't read anything on the subject beyond industry propaganda.

"Tipping points"?? tipping point may be passed without any immediately obvious consequences, nor any acceleration of the warming process.
So the entire global is balanced -- further global warming of 1°C defines a critical threshold
Tipping point climatology - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Again all maybe true... BUT you still haven't shown a period longer then 35 years!
Plus the history of temperature recordings before "digital" depended on the eyeballs and the handwriting for years before digital readings.
A) how can even a trained thermometer reader distinguish on the OLD mercury bulb 3/10ths of a degree... please explain that.
B) transposition of numbers is very very common in pre-computer days and even today it is the little details that people seemingly forgot as they try to solve the
BIG PICTURE... in other words all the temperature recordings depended on eyeballs and un-transposed numbers hand written and passed on for several years.

All of that and your tipping point depends on the accuracy is 1°C ?
A tipping point is the proverbial straw that breaks the camels back... that being said, I don't see a need to panic but the propaganda that the oil-industry hacks are putting out makes it difficult to even make reasonable steps toward a solution.
As I pointed out it is hard to make reasonable steps when the basis is such a small sample, i.e. 35 years and the temperature increase in 1°C?
But you and GW evangelistas still haven't explained how the eyeballs of recorders of temperatures BEFORE digital readings were so accurate to the 3/10th of a degree with mercury thermometers of old. That and the manual reproducing of temperature readings BEFORE even typewriters much less computers...but pencil erasure prone mistakes of a 8 versus a 3 certainly was more probable. But this "turning point" dependency on just 35 years???
Last winter....88% of the great lakes surface area was ice covered. That is a new record since record keeping began

Does anyone know how a refrigerator and a freezer work?
This has to do with what?
Obviously you are having an "Ooh ooh pick me" moment.
Please oh brilliant one, enlighten us.
Please tell us how you are going to explain how the earth is like a refrigerator in that if it's cold in one place it will be warm in another.....

With a lot. A fridge works by taking the heat out, and the back of a fridge quite hot. The colder the fridge is on the inside, the hotter it is on the outside.

So imagine that the south of the world is getting hotter in summer, what would you expect to happen on the other side of the world? Now that's just a bit of simple every day physics being applied to the real world. I'm not even saying this is the case, I'm not scientist and I'm not going to say something IS like it is when I don't know for sure, unlike some.

True, you aren't a scientist, and the climate does not operate like a refrigerator.
As I pointed out it just seems hard to understand the millions of temperature recordings BEFORE digital as to how accurate they could be.
And then to transcribe them into a global database BEFORE computers?
Note the handwriting...World's hottest July 10th, 1913 Death valley...134 degrees.
Screen Shot 2014-11-18 at 9.44.11 PM.png
As I pointed out it just seems hard to understand the millions of temperature recordings BEFORE digital as to how accurate they could be.And then to transcribe them into a global database BEFORE computers? Note the handwriting...World's hottest July 10th, 1913 Death valley...134 degrees.View attachment 34165
That really isn't such a big deal, because any measurement error is as likely to be lower as higher.
As I pointed out it just seems hard to understand the millions of temperature recordings BEFORE digital as to how accurate they could be.And then to transcribe them into a global database BEFORE computers? Note the handwriting...World's hottest July 10th, 1913 Death valley...134 degrees.View attachment 34165
That really isn't such a big deal, because any measurement error is as likely to be lower as higher.

True, you aren't a scientist, and the climate does not operate like a refrigerator.

There was a point there, however people choose to just attack things without ever trying to understand.

Let's make it more simple.

Man 1 says, let's make this room hotter but pumping electricity into the room.
Man 2 says, okay, I'll stick my head in the fridge and see what happens.
Man 1, is it hotter?
Man 2, no, it's colder in here.

Clearly electricity makes the room colder, right?
GLOBAL WEIRDING is the correct term for what is happening.
Weird weather patterns are developing.
Buffalo NY had the most snow ever recorded (in the entire country) in a 24 hour period from lake effect snow. In the late fall. 74 inches of snow along the lake. 5 to 6 miles away, 5 or 6 inches. Now that's weird.

What will be really interesting is when, along about late May, when the crops that have been planted are just starting to grow and the polar vortex sweeps down and drops the temperature to around 25 degrees for a couple nights and all those young crops freeze. That will be weird. And costly.

But it is gonna happen. Maybe not next year or even the year after. But it will happen. And you read it here first.
Fake science bought lock, stock, and barrel by folks who've been stripped of their beliefs in everything else.....God, country, family, masculinity, femininity, the list goes on and on. And not in a haphazard manner either....this ruse has been designed and delivered by a far-leftist group of "elites" who hate everything they were raised on and have made sure their target audience does too. The public schools, MSM, and bewildered but obedient politicians all share the blame for this idiocy....classic mass-brainwashing gleaned from the masters.... Lenin and Marx. :eusa_snooty:

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