Damn Bullies...

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I don't recall being bullied to much as a kid..

There was this girl in 6th grade..(I think she liked me) who used to punch me a lot..

I also recall a much older high schooler that wrapped his gym shoes around my neck as I was riding on my bike past his house... he was especially pissed when I peddled away with his shoes, he must have ran a mile..:lol:
There was a high school kid that would beat the shit out of me from the time I was in fifth grade to eighth grade. The last time he got me I managed to get the upper hand and whooped his ass. Ill never forget his Mon coming out and screaming for me to stop, and my Mon coming out and yelling back that she was sick of her kid beating up the other kids. I even still know the guy. Lives right up the street. And there was a girl I used to pick on. Still know her to. We got married. And I have heard Owls can be pretty damn mean to.
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There was a high school kid that would beat the shit out of me from the time I was in fifth grade to eighth grade. The last time he got me I managed to get the upper hand and whooped his ass. Ill never forget his Mon coming out and screaming for me to stop, and my Mon coming out and yelling back that she was sick of her kid beating up the other kids. I even still know the guy. Lives right up the street. And there was a girl I used to pick on. Still know her to. We got married. And I have heard Owls can be pretty damn mean to.

What's with owl crack...:lol:
I was a bully.. Not really..

I used to fight kids for no reason whatsoever.

Except for a few times when I beat the shit out of the bullies.

I remember beating the shit out of most of the bullies just because I could and I was smaller than they were...

Hey my idols were Stu Grimson and Dave Manson (hockey players)...

I remember beating the snot bubbles out of this one bully at this roller rink I used to skate at...

I fucked him up pretty bad at the center of the rink - he was a bully from another school in my town.... I beat the shit out the kid - I don't believe he ever bullied again because I remember kids coming up to me from that school thanking me.

I also remember going to that unnamed school and decking a bully when he wanted to fight me- yeah I decked his ass and he started crying for mommy.... hehe... for a fatass bully that was pretty weak....

It was actually kinda funny because the kid kept talking shit and after class in the hallway I just decked him then there was a pause then he started crying like a fucking baby...

I guess I bullied the bullies ...

I sure in the hell beat the fuck out of em.
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I don't recall being bullied to much as a kid..

There was this girl in 6th grade..(I think she liked me) who used to punch me a lot..

I also recall a much older high schooler that wrapped his gym shoes around my neck as I was riding on my bike past his house... he was especially pissed when I peddled away with his shoes, he must have ran a mile..:lol:

:lol: Omg.
Got into quite a tussle in kindergarten. The guy must have really pissed me off- all I remember is being on top of him banging his head into the floor. Didn't see him again until I was a freshman in high school. He picked up right where he left off- major prick. This time I beat him down with words.
I was a bully.. Not really..

I used to fight kids for no reason whatsoever.

Except for a few times when I beat the shit out of the bullies.

I remember beating the shit out of most of the bullies just because I could and I was smaller than they were...

Hey my idols were Stu Grimson and Dave Manson (hockey players)...

I remember beating the snot bubbles out of this one bully at this roller rink I used to skate at...

I fucked him up pretty bad at the center of the rink - he was a bully from another school in my town.... I beat the shit out the kid - I don't believe he ever bullied again because I remember kids coming up to me from that school thanking me.

I also remember going to that unnamed school and decking a bully when he wanted to fight me- yeah I decked his ass and he started crying for mommy.... hehe... for a fatass bully that was pretty weak....

It was actually kinda funny because the kid kept talking shit and after class in the hallway I just decked him then there was a pause then he started crying like a fucking baby...

I guess I bullied the bullies ...

I sure in the hell beat the fuck out of em.

Do you wear a cape?...:lol:
last time I remember getting bullied was on one of my visits to the U.S.A as an adult. I believe that is the main reason I don't like Texas.

wasn't ever bullied at school, being at a catholic girls school, they kept a close eye on bullies.
There was a high school kid that would beat the shit out of me from the time I was in fifth grade to eighth grade. The last time he got me I managed to get the upper hand and whooped his ass. Ill never forget his Mon coming out and screaming for me to stop, and my Mon coming out and yelling back that she was sick of her kid beating up the other kids. I even still know the guy. Lives right up the street. And there was a girl I used to pick on. Still know her to. We got married. And I have heard Owls can be pretty damn mean to.

What's with owl crack...:lol:

Just threw it out there. No offense meant.
Sophomore in high school, the g/f's old boyfriends were gunning for me. Bunch of hicks from the sticks. Anyhow I gained my cred when I smoked 'em in intramural basketball. I quit using my fists in Jr. HS.
Altho I did smack the shit out of my brother in my 20's but that's just sibling rivalry. Does that count?
After 5th grade I only lost one fight and that was to a guy in senior high who was a black belt in Karate, I was a red belt in Judo and a green belt in Jujitsu at the time. He initiated the fight over the use of the basketball court at school and our battle took us into the exercise room where a class was in session. Before the teacher could intervene he caught me with a round house kick to the bridge of my nose. The teacher was going to turn him in for abusing his training which meant he would loose his belt and get kicked out of the sport. I told the teacher we were just sparring and we let it get a little out of hand. He later apologized to me and thanked me for covering for him, we ended up being friends after that. :lol:
I was a bully.. Not really..

I used to fight kids for no reason whatsoever.

Except for a few times when I beat the shit out of the bullies.

I remember beating the shit out of most of the bullies just because I could and I was smaller than they were...

Hey my idols were Stu Grimson and Dave Manson (hockey players)...

I remember beating the snot bubbles out of this one bully at this roller rink I used to skate at...

I fucked him up pretty bad at the center of the rink - he was a bully from another school in my town.... I beat the shit out the kid - I don't believe he ever bullied again because I remember kids coming up to me from that school thanking me.

I also remember going to that unnamed school and decking a bully when he wanted to fight me- yeah I decked his ass and he started crying for mommy.... hehe... for a fatass bully that was pretty weak....

It was actually kinda funny because the kid kept talking shit and after class in the hallway I just decked him then there was a pause then he started crying like a fucking baby...

I guess I bullied the bullies ...

I sure in the hell beat the fuck out of em.

Do you wear a cape?...:lol:

Yes.... People think I'm weird :lol:

Seriously, I was just a kid that didn't have "group" I was cool with all of them except for some - probably the preps but they didn't mess with anyone... I was fond of the nerds and I got pissed when they got fucked with..

Lets just say - in Jr. High I spent most of my time in detention for fighting..

Then I got transferred to another school on the other side of town where I promptly started beating the bullies again..

I was a small guy too - I'm not that big today - however I took offense to kids being picked on - the "bigger" bullies just thought they could push a smaller kid around and they were wrong.

Geez, it's odd posting stuff that happened 20-25 years ago..
I was a bully.. Not really..

I used to fight kids for no reason whatsoever.

Except for a few times when I beat the shit out of the bullies.

I remember beating the shit out of most of the bullies just because I could and I was smaller than they were...

Hey my idols were Stu Grimson and Dave Manson (hockey players)...

I remember beating the snot bubbles out of this one bully at this roller rink I used to skate at...

I fucked him up pretty bad at the center of the rink - he was a bully from another school in my town.... I beat the shit out the kid - I don't believe he ever bullied again because I remember kids coming up to me from that school thanking me.

I also remember going to that unnamed school and decking a bully when he wanted to fight me- yeah I decked his ass and he started crying for mommy.... hehe... for a fatass bully that was pretty weak....

It was actually kinda funny because the kid kept talking shit and after class in the hallway I just decked him then there was a pause then he started crying like a fucking baby...

I guess I bullied the bullies ...

I sure in the hell beat the fuck out of em.

Do you wear a cape?...:lol:

Yes.... People think I'm weird :lol:

Seriously, I was just a kid that didn't have "group" I was cool with all of them except for some - probably the preps but they didn't mess with anyone... I was fond of the nerds and I got pissed when they got fucked with..

Lets just say - in Jr. High I spent most of my time in detention for fighting..

Then I got transferred to another school on the other side of town where I promptly started beating the bullies again..

I was a small guy too - I'm not that big today - however I took offense to kids being picked on - the "bigger" bullies just thought they could push a smaller kid around and they were wrong.

Geez, it's odd posting stuff that happened 20-25 years ago..

But it still happens today. The bullies are still around so it's nice to talk about how one takes them to task. :clap2:

^ Almost every big bully has has had the snot beaten out of him by a smaller man at least once, and it's a good thing to remind the bully if they forget. :lol:

They often do... :thup:
Do you wear a cape?...:lol:

Yes.... People think I'm weird :lol:

Seriously, I was just a kid that didn't have "group" I was cool with all of them except for some - probably the preps but they didn't mess with anyone... I was fond of the nerds and I got pissed when they got fucked with..

Lets just say - in Jr. High I spent most of my time in detention for fighting..

Then I got transferred to another school on the other side of town where I promptly started beating the bullies again..

I was a small guy too - I'm not that big today - however I took offense to kids being picked on - the "bigger" bullies just thought they could push a smaller kid around and they were wrong.

Geez, it's odd posting stuff that happened 20-25 years ago..

But it still happens today. The bullies are still around so it's nice to talk about how one takes them to task. :clap2:

^ Almost every big bully has has had the snot beaten out of him by a smaller man at least once, and it's a good thing to remind the bully if they forget. :lol:

They often do... :thup:

I suppose we leave it up to the kids to play lord of the flies..

I think it is a wrong idea to have adults interfere with their lives when it comes to ideas like bullying..
Yes.... People think I'm weird :lol:

Seriously, I was just a kid that didn't have "group" I was cool with all of them except for some - probably the preps but they didn't mess with anyone... I was fond of the nerds and I got pissed when they got fucked with..

Lets just say - in Jr. High I spent most of my time in detention for fighting..

Then I got transferred to another school on the other side of town where I promptly started beating the bullies again..

I was a small guy too - I'm not that big today - however I took offense to kids being picked on - the "bigger" bullies just thought they could push a smaller kid around and they were wrong.

Geez, it's odd posting stuff that happened 20-25 years ago..

But it still happens today. The bullies are still around so it's nice to talk about how one takes them to task. :clap2:

^ Almost every big bully has has had the snot beaten out of him by a smaller man at least once, and it's a good thing to remind the bully if they forget. :lol:

They often do... :thup:

I suppose we leave it up to the kids to play lord of the flies..

I think it is a wrong idea to have adults interfere with their lives when it comes to ideas like bullying..

^ And so some die from neglect...
I was a bully.. Not really..

I used to fight kids for no reason whatsoever.

Except for a few times when I beat the shit out of the bullies.

I remember beating the shit out of most of the bullies just because I could and I was smaller than they were...

Hey my idols were Stu Grimson and Dave Manson (hockey players)...

I remember beating the snot bubbles out of this one bully at this roller rink I used to skate at...

I fucked him up pretty bad at the center of the rink - he was a bully from another school in my town.... I beat the shit out the kid - I don't believe he ever bullied again because I remember kids coming up to me from that school thanking me.

I also remember going to that unnamed school and decking a bully when he wanted to fight me- yeah I decked his ass and he started crying for mommy.... hehe... for a fatass bully that was pretty weak....

It was actually kinda funny because the kid kept talking shit and after class in the hallway I just decked him then there was a pause then he started crying like a fucking baby...

I guess I bullied the bullies ...

I sure in the hell beat the fuck out of em.

Do you wear a cape?...:lol:

Yes.... People think I'm weird :lol:

Seriously, I was just a kid that didn't have "group" I was cool with all of them except for some - probably the preps but they didn't mess with anyone... I was fond of the nerds and I got pissed when they got fucked with..

Lets just say - in Jr. High I spent most of my time in detention for fighting..

Then I got transferred to another school on the other side of town where I promptly started beating the bullies again..

I was a small guy too - I'm not that big today - however I took offense to kids being picked on - the "bigger" bullies just thought they could push a smaller kid around and they were wrong.

Geez, it's odd posting stuff that happened 20-25 years ago..

Just kidding with you, I'm like that ya know..

I never enjoyed fighting but I had my share of them for the same reasons you described, bullies picking on the weak.
But it still happens today. The bullies are still around so it's nice to talk about how one takes them to task. :clap2:

^ Almost every big bully has has had the snot beaten out of him by a smaller man at least once, and it's a good thing to remind the bully if they forget. :lol:

They often do... :thup:

I suppose we leave it up to the kids to play lord of the flies..

I think it is a wrong idea to have adults interfere with their lives when it comes to ideas like bullying..

^ And so some die from neglect...

They will be alright...

20 years later they will run into one another and laugh about it...

Bullying is a good learning experience...

Eat or be eaten...

Stand up for yourself or get your ass kicked..

Bullies are punks and if you hammer them a good one then will never fuck with you again.

Most bullies can dish it but they can't take it...

Kids need to learn this on their own - It's a life lesson for both the bully and the bullied .

Theoretically their relationships are no different than ours as adults..

Adults just bully in different ways....

It's life and kids need to learn that - it's human nature.
Do you wear a cape?...:lol:

Yes.... People think I'm weird :lol:

Seriously, I was just a kid that didn't have "group" I was cool with all of them except for some - probably the preps but they didn't mess with anyone... I was fond of the nerds and I got pissed when they got fucked with..

Lets just say - in Jr. High I spent most of my time in detention for fighting..

Then I got transferred to another school on the other side of town where I promptly started beating the bullies again..

I was a small guy too - I'm not that big today - however I took offense to kids being picked on - the "bigger" bullies just thought they could push a smaller kid around and they were wrong.

Geez, it's odd posting stuff that happened 20-25 years ago..

Just kidding with you, I'm like that ya know..

I never enjoyed fighting but I had my share of them for the same reasons you described, bullies picking on the weak.

It's funny why kids fight...

They fight over such stupid things....

No - we just grow up and fight over political theories... :lol:

I suppose we're really still 10 at heart....
What's with owl crack...:lol:

Better than Butt Crack? ;)

Seriously, young girls, starting in Elementary school, can be some of the worst bullies, VERBALLY. It blows my mind.
I do believe many are bullied at home though. :(

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