Dallas Woman Tests Positive for Coronavirus Again After 4 Months: 'I Was Floored'


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Dallas Woman Tests Positive for Coronavirus Again After 4 Months: 'I Was Floored'

A woman in Dallas is fighting her second battle against the coronavirus.

Meredith McKee first tested positive for the potentially deadly virus in February, diagnosed after feeling "clear and obvious" symptoms, she told NBC 5.

"I had a dry cough like you would not believe. It would not stop,” McKee recalled, explaining that she managed to fight off the first bout of the virus from home.

She even donated some of her plasma after testing positive for antibodies.

"I felt great finally [doing] something good coming out of the hell that I’ve been through because I'm going to help up to eight people with this plasma,” she said.

However, last week, McKee shared a tearful photo of herself from a hospital bed at Texas Health Presbyterian in Dallas. After admitting herself with high blood pressure and a headache on Friday, she found out she was one again positive for COVID-19 four months after her initial diagnosis.

"I was floored when it was positive," McKee said.

Doctors are not sure why the virus sometimes reemerges — or if it is contagious the second time around.

Not good news. The article isn't clear on whether she was 're-infected' or it just went dormant, though, or even says directly her new symptoms are caused by the virus. It leaves a lot of open questions.
Just another example of why its important not to get this virus ever. Herd Immunity won't ever work and will just kill a lot more people.

Based off one example?

Remind us again where you went to medical school?

And where you did your epidemiology residency again?

It's not a good article, but it does imply there have been other cases of former patients testing positive again. Don't know how many or anything.
She is obviously a statistical outlier. The responsible thing to do with a report like this would be stating what may have predisposed her to getting sick twice. We heard High BP but maybe she has a lung condition as well? Obese? Of course they leave out those details because the goal is to scare people and generate more views.
Flu often times will reinfect a person....people make the mistake of using their infected toothbrush or a glass in their home...
Well, if herd immunity 'will never work' neither will a vaccine, as they operate on the same principle.

I guess then that there's no point in waiting for, or even developing, a vaccine at this point.

And, of course, it is also possible that some people will go through more of an aquired immunity process, whereby their immune systems learn and respond more effectively to subsequent infections as they are reinfected. This is more than likely what happened to this woman, and others that have gotten it more than once.

Epidemiologists indicate that people that had mild cases of this and other similar illnesses, (such as this woman, whose first "battle" was a cough), are more likely to have this occur.

In other words, big whoop. How/why people are shitting all over themselves about this I have no idea.

Never get it. Super important. First a cough, now a headache. She's nearly dead. lol.
Just another example of why its important not to get this virus ever. Herd Immunity won't ever work and will just kill a lot more people.

Based off one example?

Remind us again where you went to medical school?

And where you did your epidemiology residency again?

You don't need either to know that this is cause for concern. Oh, and where did you go to medical school and do your epidemiology residency? Also its important to use common sense and think for yourself rather than just blindly following what a doctor tells you to do. Doctor's are not God's and its not uncommon for the patient to be right and the Doctor to be wrong about a medical issue.
There are multiple strains of Corona Virus.

Yes, and so far nobody is saying much about the differences; those who test positive for the antibodies may not be generating antibodies for the more damaging strains, for instance. If this was an artificially modified virus, then the usual patterns of deadly viruses mutating into less deadly viruses may not happen, which is why the 'traditional' herd immunity may not work.

Hopefully the cheap steroid thing recently touted in the news will turn out to work.
Well, if herd immunity 'will never work' neither will a vaccine, as they operate on the same principle.

I guess then that there's no point in waiting for, or even developing, a vaccine at this point.

And, of course, it is also possible that some people will go through more of an aquired immunity process, whereby their immune systems learn and respond more effectively to subsequent infections as they are reinfected. This is more than likely what happened to this woman, and others that have gotten it more than once.

Epidemiologists indicate that people that had mild cases of this and other similar illnesses, (such as this woman, whose first "battle" was a cough), are more likely to have this occur.

In other words, big whoop. How/why people are shitting all over themselves about this I have no idea.

Never get it. Super important. First a cough, now a headache. She's nearly dead. lol.

Herd immunity involves infecting 70% of the population. With a 6% death rate that the United States has, that would kill 14 million Americans. That's the dumb way to react to the pandemic and why 99% of countries are not following that method.

The Vaccine strategy does not involve killing 14 million Americans, and may work. The vaccine may need to be updated or redeveloped every year, but its a safe way to potentially protect large numbers of people.

Does the seasonal flu vaccine protect everyone and prevent anyone who gets it from getting Ill? No. But it does reduce your chances of getting ill or severely ill from seasonal flu.
She is obviously a statistical outlier. The responsible thing to do with a report like this would be stating what may have predisposed her to getting sick twice. We heard High BP but maybe she has a lung condition as well? Obese? Of course they leave out those details because the goal is to scare people and generate more views.

Sorry, but there is not conspiracy going on. 120,000 Americans are dead from covid-19, and Trump is largely responsible for that.
They thought this before & then found testing errors. I hope this is also an error or mankind is doomed.

Nope, you just got a do what Taiwan and New Zealand have done. Isolate, Isolate, Isolate. Isolation prevents spread which keeps people healthy. The virus needs new hosts to continue to survive and spread. Break that chain and the virus will not survive.

New Zealand and Taiwan without a vaccine or herd immunity have nearly eliminated the virus from their territory. There are currently only 5 active cases of the virus in each country.
Well, if herd immunity 'will never work' neither will a vaccine, as they operate on the same principle.

I guess then that there's no point in waiting for, or even developing, a vaccine at this point.

And, of course, it is also possible that some people will go through more of an aquired immunity process, whereby their immune systems learn and respond more effectively to subsequent infections as they are reinfected. This is more than likely what happened to this woman, and others that have gotten it more than once.

Epidemiologists indicate that people that had mild cases of this and other similar illnesses, (such as this woman, whose first "battle" was a cough), are more likely to have this occur.

In other words, big whoop. How/why people are shitting all over themselves about this I have no idea.

Never get it. Super important. First a cough, now a headache. She's nearly dead. lol.

Herd immunity involves infecting 70% of the population. With a 6% death rate that the United States has, that would kill 14 million Americans. That's the dumb way to react to the pandemic and why 99% of countries are not following that method.

The Vaccine strategy does not involve killing 14 million Americans, and may work. The vaccine may need to be updated or redeveloped every year, but its a safe way to potentially protect large numbers of people.

Does the seasonal flu vaccine protect everyone and prevent anyone who gets it from getting Ill? No. But it does reduce your chances of getting ill or severely ill from seasonal flu.
I don't have any faith in Flu vaccines. I know people in 3 different households that got Flu shots for both strains & they were the only ones in the household to come down with the Flu.
She is obviously a statistical outlier. The responsible thing to do with a report like this would be stating what may have predisposed her to getting sick twice. We heard High BP but maybe she has a lung condition as well? Obese? Of course they leave out those details because the goal is to scare people and generate more views.

Sorry, but there is not conspiracy going on. 120,000 Americans are dead from covid-19, and Trump is largely responsible for that.
You are talking generalities I am talking about how this outlier case is being reported. They leave out the details to maximize fear. If this middle aged woman can be presented as "normal" that maximizes the fear factor which is what they did intentionally.
Herd immunity involves infecting 70% of the population. With a 6% death rate that the United States has, that would kill 14 million Americans. That's the dumb way to react to the pandemic and why 99% of countries are not following that method.

The Vaccine strategy does not involve killing 14 million Americans, and may work. The vaccine may need to be updated or redeveloped every year, but its a safe way to potentially protect large numbers of people.

Does the seasonal flu vaccine protect everyone and prevent anyone who gets it from getting Ill? No. But it does reduce your chances of getting ill or severely ill from seasonal flu.

If people dont develop immunity from getting it, they wont from the vaccine either, as the principles are the same. In the context of this discussion that was the point. Oddly enough it is also literally exactly what I said.

Nothing is going to stop this from working its way through the population, not even a vaccine, any more than a flu vaccine stops the flu.
Dallas Woman Tests Positive for Coronavirus Again After 4 Months: 'I Was Floored'

A woman in Dallas is fighting her second battle against the coronavirus.

Meredith McKee first tested positive for the potentially deadly virus in February, diagnosed after feeling "clear and obvious" symptoms, she told NBC 5.

"I had a dry cough like you would not believe. It would not stop,” McKee recalled, explaining that she managed to fight off the first bout of the virus from home.

She even donated some of her plasma after testing positive for antibodies.

"I felt great finally [doing] something good coming out of the hell that I’ve been through because I'm going to help up to eight people with this plasma,” she said.

However, last week, McKee shared a tearful photo of herself from a hospital bed at Texas Health Presbyterian in Dallas. After admitting herself with high blood pressure and a headache on Friday, she found out she was one again positive for COVID-19 four months after her initial diagnosis.

"I was floored when it was positive," McKee said.

Doctors are not sure why the virus sometimes reemerges — or if it is contagious the second time around.

Thanks, Obama!
" Common Place Carriers "

* Three Months Later And Still Spreading Disease *

A full autopsy report on George Floyd, the man who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police last month, reveals that he was positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Signed by Dr. Andrew M. Baker, it says Floyd had tested positive for the novel coronavirus on April 3. A post-mortem nasal swab confirmed that diagnosis. The report notes that because a positive result for coronavirus can persist for weeks after the disease has resolved, "the result most likely reflects asymptomatic but persistent ... positivity from previous infection."

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