"cut the wealth of billionaires in half over 15 years, "

So you want politicians to earn all the wealth?
I want to bring democracy to the workplaces.

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers. Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
I want to bring democracy to the workplaces.

"A democratic workplace in which the workers own and democratically decide how profit is distributed has long been the ideal of socialist thinkers. Marx referred to co-operatives, or democratically owned workplaces, as communism in The Civil War in France; and these ideas are echoed in his other writings such as Das Kapital."

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
Then by a business and run it that way.

you have no right to force it on others.
Tony Soprano, Elon Musk, and all other gangster billionaires are greed in human form.
They would all be more useful to society as abortion statistics.
Obviously, you worship greed and go to sleep every night praying for your "big payday" regardless of all the negative externalities.

Evil is the root of all money
You are gow 200,000,000 die for a Socialist utopia. May your Marxist re solution burn hell
One of my mentors is a white billionaire so I am well aware of what they do with their money. What they do with it is not something I would give you for free. I would make you pay for that information.

Is a white billionaire different than a black billionaire?

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