Cuomo's Fake 'How Much Is a Human Life Worth?' Rhetoric


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Cuomo's Fake 'How Much Is a Human Life Worth?' Rhetoric

6 May 2020 ~~ By Larry O'Connor
There's sanctimonious, self-serving preening that offends the sensibilities of average American citizens and then there's the latest obnoxious hectoring from New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo.
At his daily coronavirus briefing Tuesday, Cuomo addressed increasing pressure to resume some level of commerce and normalcy in America.
"How much is a human life worth?" Cuomo asked the fawning press and the ever-present television lens. "That's the real discussion that no one is admitting openly or freely. But we should."
The question is a false and manipulative piece of political rhetoric meant to appeal to emotions and feelings, not rational thought. But, such hyperbole is the coin of the realm for Democratic politicians these days.
How this man gets away with preaching to the rest of how much he cherishes human life is a mystery. "Mr. How Much Is A Human Life Worth" celebrated legalizing the medical killing of a baby up to the moment of her delivery from her mother's womb by igniting the One World Trade Center pink light, the same color used to celebrate the birth of that same baby girl.
Every death at a New York nursing home brings further scrutiny to Cuomo's horrific policy of forcing nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for the coronavirus. The number of deaths in nursing homes has now reached over 4,800, and the virus continues to spread thanks, in part, to Cuomo's catastrophic policy.
While Cuomo lectures all of us who want to safely and sanely get back to work while following reasonable protocols to keep the virus from spreading, perhaps some enterprising reporter could ask him whether he ever asked himself if each of those 4,800 nursing home lives he lost had worth.

If life mattered to Cuomo he would not have sent infected persons to spread death in nursing homes. Thousands are dead from his incompetent decision(s)..
If you take his argument to it's ridiculous conclusion, New York will not reopen commerce in the state especially in the City of New York. They will and are using the excuse they must control the spread of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus. But, he sounds compassionate so, there's that.
The Covid-19 virus is here, and it ain't going away it has rapidly circled the globe. Even if there is an viable vaccination in the future, just like every other medication it will not work on everyone and will have to be modified annually because this virus mutates as it spreads. It is hard to tell truth from propaganda anymore when it come to this Chinese bio-weapon.
This open collaboration between the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left and CPP of Peking is meant to bring down this presidency and America,
Indeed, more American civilians have been killed or substantially harmed than all preceding attacks in the history of the Republic. The phony lamentations of the lying snakes like the Governor of New York who supports the slaughter of babies, and the invasion of disease ridden, violent criminal aliens, and intentional ordered the Wu Flu to be injected into nursing homes rings pretty hollow.
Strangely Europe has begun the opening of commerce and there has not been an increase of viral deaths.
Cuomo has blood on his hands by deliberately sending positive Covid-19 flu sufferers to nursing homes. Even the mentally deficient know that the elderly are the most at risk, but grim reaper's assistant Cuomo couldn’t or wouldn't figure it out. He intentionally infected close to 5,000 elderly causing their deaths. Human life is worthless to him. Only their votes count. Dead or alive.
Cuomo's Fake 'How Much Is a Human Life Worth?' Rhetoric

6 May 2020 ~~ By Larry O'Connor
There's sanctimonious, self-serving preening that offends the sensibilities of average American citizens and then there's the latest obnoxious hectoring from New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo.
At his daily coronavirus briefing Tuesday, Cuomo addressed increasing pressure to resume some level of commerce and normalcy in America.
"How much is a human life worth?" Cuomo asked the fawning press and the ever-present television lens. "That's the real discussion that no one is admitting openly or freely. But we should."
The question is a false and manipulative piece of political rhetoric meant to appeal to emotions and feelings, not rational thought. But, such hyperbole is the coin of the realm for Democratic politicians these days.
How this man gets away with preaching to the rest of how much he cherishes human life is a mystery. "Mr. How Much Is A Human Life Worth" celebrated legalizing the medical killing of a baby up to the moment of her delivery from her mother's womb by igniting the One World Trade Center pink light, the same color used to celebrate the birth of that same baby girl.
Every death at a New York nursing home brings further scrutiny to Cuomo's horrific policy of forcing nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for the coronavirus. The number of deaths in nursing homes has now reached over 4,800, and the virus continues to spread thanks, in part, to Cuomo's catastrophic policy.
While Cuomo lectures all of us who want to safely and sanely get back to work while following reasonable protocols to keep the virus from spreading, perhaps some enterprising reporter could ask him whether he ever asked himself if each of those 4,800 nursing home lives he lost had worth.

If life mattered to Cuomo he would not have sent infected persons to spread death in nursing homes. Thousands are dead from his incompetent decision(s)..
If you take his argument to it's ridiculous conclusion, New York will not reopen commerce in the state especially in the City of New York. They will and are using the excuse they must control the spread of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus. But, he sounds compassionate so, there's that.
The Covid-19 virus is here, and it ain't going away it has rapidly circled the globe. Even if there is an viable vaccination in the future, just like every other medication it will not work on everyone and will have to be modified annually because this virus mutates as it spreads. It is hard to tell truth from propaganda anymore when it come to this Chinese bio-weapon.
This open collaboration between the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left and CPP of Peking is meant to bring down this presidency and America,
Indeed, more American civilians have been killed or substantially harmed than all preceding attacks in the history of the Republic. The phony lamentations of the lying snakes like the Governor of New York who supports the slaughter of babies, and the invasion of disease ridden, violent criminal aliens, and intentional ordered the Wu Flu to be injected into nursing homes rings pretty hollow.
Strangely Europe has begun the opening of commerce and there has not been an increase of viral deaths.
Cuomo has blood on his hands by deliberately sending positive Covid-19 flu sufferers to nursing homes. Even the mentally deficient know that the elderly are the most at risk, but grim reaper's assistant Cuomo couldn’t or wouldn't figure it out. He intentionally infected close to 5,000 elderly causing their deaths. Human life is worthless to him. Only their votes count. Dead or alive.
His Rhetoric and indeed his news conference were not bothering me and actually sounded like the voice of reason, but proved hollow rhetoric when it came out he ordered state rest homes to accept Covid patients to avoid overcrowding the hospitals and even sent body bags with him. Actions speak louder than words, especially in the rest homes he imported coronavirus to. It is getting real peaceful there. Rest in peaceful there.
How sad that Orange Cultists have to attack a Governor who is actually doing something. Why? Because his actions make their lard and orange master look bad.

Hmm...., Of course you are referring to the whining cries for the need of 40,000 ventilators, 40,000 beds that he refused to funds long before the Covid-19 virus ever became a realty. Meanwhile he had 4,000 ventilators sitting in a warehouse unused. Why is it that the emergency hospitals that were built in NYC almost overnight were not fully utilized, not to mention the Hospital ship Comfort?
Are you claiming that the Governor was doing something to fight the pandemic? All he did was wag his tongue and contaminate Nursing Homes of the elderly. it was no different than the British giving Smallpox contaminated blankets to the native Indians of America. The only person(s) looking bad are the ones that continue to castigate the Orange Man...
How sad that Orange Cultists have to attack a Governor who is actually doing something. Why? Because his actions make their lard and orange master look bad.
How sad that uneducated assholes like you support a lying, murdering, POS like Andrew the Asshole Cuomo. Enjoy those wrongful death lawsuits he is going to be getting. Sure, Cuomo allowing you to kill your baby up to the moment of birth (this ghoul actually SMILED while signing that bill), and acting like Hitler gives you a tingle down your leg. Cuomo has done nothing but make things immeasurably WORSE. Especially for Upstate, which is starting to tell this dictator to go fuck himself.

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