Cuomo: 'Umm...whattaya works'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After being one of the many Trump-haters bashing the President for suggesting the antimalarial drug be used by doctors to help treat / save patients infected with COVID0-19 before formal drug trials have been completed, NY Gov Andrew Cuomo stated in today's Press Conference that the treatment is working.....'anecdotally'.

"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo(D) said Monday that early responses to the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine “anecdotally” suggest its use in the coronavirus fight has been “effective,” but that official data was still forthcoming.

Asked about the progress of the trials at his daily press briefing, Cuomo noted that state officials have allowed use of the drug in combination with the antibiotic Zithromax in hospitals “at their discretion.” He said the federal government would increase supplies to New York pharmacies, but that New York has imposed a 14-day limit to protect the supplies for people who rely on it to treat other medical conditions."

"President Trump has repeatedly promoted the drug as a treatment for the virus despite lack of approval by the Food and Drug Administration for that use in the long-term or comprehensive clinical trial data, although the agency has granted emergency approval for use with a prescription."

If you or a loved one are extremely ill, potentially dying, from COVID-19 and there is a drug out there already approved to fight malaria that doctors / scientists believe have a good chance of being used to treat this virus and save lives, do you really want to wait for the CDC / government to conduct comprehensive clinical trials to confirm it works....or do you want to allow doctors to make the call in order to save lives?

It's working.

The President didn't just pull this drug out of his ass - he listened to experts / scientists / researchers / doctors. They/ He are / were right. Let the doctors make the call. You're welcome NY / US.

the nature of PHARMACOLOGY-----"differential toxicology"
we have to be patient
After being one of the many Trump-haters bashing the President for suggesting the antimalarial drug be used by doctors to help treat / save patients infected with COVID0-19 before formal drug trials have been completed, NY Gov Andrew Cuomo stated in today's Press Conference that the treatment is working.....'anecdotally'.

"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo(D) said Monday that early responses to the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine “anecdotally” suggest its use in the coronavirus fight has been “effective,” but that official data was still forthcoming.

Asked about the progress of the trials at his daily press briefing, Cuomo noted that state officials have allowed use of the drug in combination with the antibiotic Zithromax in hospitals “at their discretion.” He said the federal government would increase supplies to New York pharmacies, but that New York has imposed a 14-day limit to protect the supplies for people who rely on it to treat other medical conditions."

"President Trump has repeatedly promoted the drug as a treatment for the virus despite lack of approval by the Food and Drug Administration for that use in the long-term or comprehensive clinical trial data, although the agency has granted emergency approval for use with a prescription."

If you or a loved one are extremely ill, potentially dying, from COVID-19 and there is a drug out there already approved to fight malaria that doctors / scientists believe have a good chance of being used to treat this virus and save lives, do you really want to wait for the CDC / government to conduct comprehensive clinical trials to confirm it works....or do you want to allow doctors to make the call in order to save lives?

It's working.

The President didn't just pull this drug out of his ass - he listened to experts / scientists / researchers / doctors. They/ He are / were right. Let the doctors make the call. You're welcome NY / US.


We must remember . . . anything; any word, idea, suggestion or statement by our great President Trump will be instantly dismissed as evil, wrong, incompetent and/or false on its face by the American Left—the MSM in particular. Even if President Trump's virus task force announced a cure tomorrow, the democrats and their ideologue media would tell the entire country he was lying whether or not doing so cost the lives of thousands of fellow Americans. The democrat political machine and media organ only cares about one thing: making Donald Trump look the bad guy in all circumstances. We've known this since before DT won the 2016 election. Now? Now the seeds of this ideological war are bearing dead Americans. Far left radical democrats and their media stooges are the real and present enemy of every American.
After being one of the many Trump-haters bashing the President for suggesting the antimalarial drug be used by doctors to help treat / save patients infected with COVID0-19 before formal drug trials have been completed, NY Gov Andrew Cuomo stated in today's Press Conference that the treatment is working.....'anecdotally'.

"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo(D) said Monday that early responses to the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine “anecdotally” suggest its use in the coronavirus fight has been “effective,” but that official data was still forthcoming.

Asked about the progress of the trials at his daily press briefing, Cuomo noted that state officials have allowed use of the drug in combination with the antibiotic Zithromax in hospitals “at their discretion.” He said the federal government would increase supplies to New York pharmacies, but that New York has imposed a 14-day limit to protect the supplies for people who rely on it to treat other medical conditions."

"President Trump has repeatedly promoted the drug as a treatment for the virus despite lack of approval by the Food and Drug Administration for that use in the long-term or comprehensive clinical trial data, although the agency has granted emergency approval for use with a prescription."

If you or a loved one are extremely ill, potentially dying, from COVID-19 and there is a drug out there already approved to fight malaria that doctors / scientists believe have a good chance of being used to treat this virus and save lives, do you really want to wait for the CDC / government to conduct comprehensive clinical trials to confirm it works....or do you want to allow doctors to make the call in order to save lives?

It's working.

The President didn't just pull this drug out of his ass - he listened to experts / scientists / researchers / doctors. They/ He are / were right. Let the doctors make the call. You're welcome NY / US.

Democrats have to board this train or they will be seen for what they are... Criminals lusting for power.. When the preliminary report drops on Wednesday they will be eating a lot of crow...

One of the major reasons NY's numbers of infected is dropping is the shortened length of stay and length of infection this drug helps with...
What people who are against this drug discount is that doctors treat other illnesses with off label drugs all the time. The FDA is not the end all be all. They put my mom on hydroxychloroquine the the same night she went into the hospital. They did so even before her test came back positive. They looked at her chest X-ray and evaluated her symptoms and knew she had COVID19. They didn’t even ask her or the family, they just put her on it. Doctors believe in this drug. That counts for something.
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What people who are against this drug discount is that doctors treat other illnesses with off label drugs all the time. The FDA is not the end all be all. They put my mom on hydroxychloroquine the the same night she went into the hospital. They did so even before her test came back positive. They looked at her chest X-ray and evaluated her systems and knew she had COVID19. They didn’t even ask her or the family, they just put her on it. Doctors believe in this drug. That counts for something.
How long ago was this and what is her condition today?
What people who are against this drug discount is that doctors treat other illnesses with off label drugs all the time. The FDA is not the end all be all. They put my mom on hydroxychloroquine the the same night she went into the hospital. They did so even before her test came back positive. They looked at her chest X-ray and evaluated her systems and knew she had COVID19. They didn’t even ask her or the family, they just put her on it. Doctors believe in this drug. That counts for something.
How long ago was this and what is her condition today?

She was hospitalized Tuesday night. Her lab results have gotten better past couple of days. She’s on the minimum amount of oxygen and sounds like she’s doing well when I talk to her. Only symptom she has is exhaustion and diarrhea. Me and my family are on pins and needles. The doctor says her prognosis looks good, but there are no guarantees.
The President didn't just pull this drug out of his ass - he listened to experts / scientists / researchers / doctors. They/ He are / were right. Let the doctors make the call. You're welcome NY / US.
Based on past performance, does it seem more likely Trump's support for hydroxychloroquine as a Covid-19 treatment is due to financial incentives?

Novartis trends as Trump accused of pushing unproven use of hydroxychloroquine made by pharmaceutical company

"Social media users have been reacting to President Donald Trump's championing of the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, with some referring to a deal struck in 2017 between the pharmaceutical company Novartis, which makes the drug, and the president's former lawyer Michael Cohen..."

"On Sunday night and Monday morning, Novartis, the Swiss pharmaceutical company that is a major manufacturer of the drug, started trending.

"Some referred to the company's payment of $1.2 million to Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen for health care policy consulting work during a contract that was signed in 2017."
Based on past performance, does it seem more likely Trump's support for hydroxychloroquine as a Covid-19 treatment is due to financial incentives?

The President's support for the use of the drug came about as a result of talking to doctors, scientists, and medical professionals, not CEOs, Wall Street Brokers, and financial managers......but keep reaching.....
As Trump said, you can't wait two years when someone is on their deathbed. Would any of us want our family members to just pass away without any attempt, eve if it was a Hail Mary?

Bureaucrats everywhere don't care, they have tunnel vision and it's not helping anyone. Trump isn't an ideologue, he knows trying to save a life is worth it as a last ditch effort, from medication that is widely approved and doesnt harm otherwise; rather than just shrugging your shoulders, "sorry ma'am, you're going to have pass one, we haven't had this approved yet". How morbid.

Sign the disclaimer and try and live for the love of God.
the nature of PHARMACOLOGY-----"differential toxicology"
we have to be patient
No, that's the nature of government. You can wait until you die, for all they care.

it's the nature of science-----it takes time to prove that a
"medicine" works. I have no idea why hydroquinone would
do anything for a viral infection-----so far it is not demonstrated
and there are rare complications of that therapy
As Trump said, you can't wait two years when someone is on their deathbed. Would any of us want our family members to just pass away without any attempt, eve if it was a Hail Mary?

Bureaucrats everywhere don't care, they have tunnel vision and it's not helping anyone. Trump isn't an ideologue, he knows trying to save a life is worth it as a last ditch effort, from medication that is widely approved and doesnt harm otherwise; rather than just shrugging your shoulders, "sorry ma'am, you're going to have pass one, we haven't had this approved yet". How morbid.

Sign the disclaimer and try and live for the love of God.
Only an absolute certifiable idiot would be opposed to the use of this drug.
the nature of PHARMACOLOGY-----"differential toxicology"
we have to be patient
No, that's the nature of government. You can wait until you die, for all they care.

it's the nature of science-----it takes time to prove that a
"medicine" works. I have no idea why hydroquinone would
do anything for a viral infection-----so far it is not demonstrated
and there are rare complications of that therapy
Ibuprofen has "rare complications" that kill people. Medicine still doesn't understand how things like aspirine work.

You simply want as many people as possible to die.
What people who are against this drug discount is that doctors treat other illnesses with off label drugs all the time. The FDA is not the end all be all. They put my mom on hydroxychloroquine the the same night she went into the hospital. They did so even before her test came back positive. They looked at her chest X-ray and evaluated her systems and knew she had COVID19. They didn’t even ask her or the family, they just put her on it. Doctors believe in this drug. That counts for something.
How is your mom, Rocko? Hope she's better.
After being one of the many Trump-haters bashing the President for suggesting the antimalarial drug be used by doctors to help treat / save patients infected with COVID0-19 before formal drug trials have been completed, NY Gov Andrew Cuomo stated in today's Press Conference that the treatment is working.....'anecdotally'.

"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo(D) said Monday that early responses to the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine “anecdotally” suggest its use in the coronavirus fight has been “effective,” but that official data was still forthcoming.

Asked about the progress of the trials at his daily press briefing, Cuomo noted that state officials have allowed use of the drug in combination with the antibiotic Zithromax in hospitals “at their discretion.” He said the federal government would increase supplies to New York pharmacies, but that New York has imposed a 14-day limit to protect the supplies for people who rely on it to treat other medical conditions."

"President Trump has repeatedly promoted the drug as a treatment for the virus despite lack of approval by the Food and Drug Administration for that use in the long-term or comprehensive clinical trial data, although the agency has granted emergency approval for use with a prescription."

If you or a loved one are extremely ill, potentially dying, from COVID-19 and there is a drug out there already approved to fight malaria that doctors / scientists believe have a good chance of being used to treat this virus and save lives, do you really want to wait for the CDC / government to conduct comprehensive clinical trials to confirm it works....or do you want to allow doctors to make the call in order to save lives?

It's working.

The President didn't just pull this drug out of his ass - he listened to experts / scientists / researchers / doctors. They/ He are / were right. Let the doctors make the call. You're welcome NY / US.

From what I am gathering from other threads that Conservatives seem to be open to the treatment. seems that the liberals would sacrifice their loved ones because the drug hasn't gone through
the trials.
I think it comes down to that Trump has openly accepted the drugs as treatment until the new drugs
go through the trials for the next year. And the liberals will not accept anything that Trump has given
his approval to. weird
What people who are against this drug discount is that doctors treat other illnesses with off label drugs all the time. The FDA is not the end all be all. They put my mom on hydroxychloroquine the the same night she went into the hospital. They did so even before her test came back positive. They looked at her chest X-ray and evaluated her systems and knew she had COVID19. They didn’t even ask her or the family, they just put her on it. Doctors believe in this drug. That counts for something.
How is your mom, Rocko? Hope she's better.

She’s doing better, thank you very much. it’s still a nerve racking time for me, my family, and friends of my family. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But we’ve been getting good lab results lately that are giving us hope.

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