Cuomo Caves , Will Open Schools This Fall


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Was wondering how long it would take for him to face Reality.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced Friday that schools can reopen this fall, citing low infection rates that he said will allow students and teachers to return to classrooms safely.
"It is just great news," Cuomo told reporters. "We are probably in the best situation in the country right now."
When and how schools reopen will be left up to individual school districts. However, Cuomo warned that if the seven-day rolling average of tests coming back positive exceeds 9 percent in a particular region, schools in that area must close.

This will help to open the economy up much faster in NY.
Was wondering how long it would take for him to face Reality.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced Friday that schools can reopen this fall, citing low infection rates that he said will allow students and teachers to return to classrooms safely.
"It is just great news," Cuomo told reporters. "We are probably in the best situation in the country right now."
When and how schools reopen will be left up to individual school districts. However, Cuomo warned that if the seven-day rolling average of tests coming back positive exceeds 9 percent in a particular region, schools in that area must close.

This will help to open the economy up much faster in NY.
What do you mean he "Caves"? Were you under the impression that he ever didn't want schools to open?
Well I think he's making a mistake opening schools.

Anyone with kids can tell you that they bring sickness back to the family from school. Covid is a sickness and who wants kids getting it in school and then bringing it back home??
If kids don't go back to school, they will still hang out with their friends and have the same (maybe more) probability of getting it. There's no downside to going back especially since a school can control the kids environment better than a bunch of kids hanging out together.
Was wondering how long it would take for him to face Reality.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced Friday that schools can reopen this fall, citing low infection rates that he said will allow students and teachers to return to classrooms safely.
"It is just great news," Cuomo told reporters. "We are probably in the best situation in the country right now."
When and how schools reopen will be left up to individual school districts. However, Cuomo warned that if the seven-day rolling average of tests coming back positive exceeds 9 percent in a particular region, schools in that area must close.

This will help to open the economy up much faster in NY.
Great news for the people of New York! Thanks for the post.
Was wondering how long it would take for him to face Reality.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced Friday that schools can reopen this fall, citing low infection rates that he said will allow students and teachers to return to classrooms safely.
"It is just great news," Cuomo told reporters. "We are probably in the best situation in the country right now."
When and how schools reopen will be left up to individual school districts. However, Cuomo warned that if the seven-day rolling average of tests coming back positive exceeds 9 percent in a particular region, schools in that area must close.

This will help to open the economy up much faster in NY.
What do you mean he "Caves"? Were you under the impression that he ever didn't want schools to open?
Yep, I sure was, you knucklehead.
Was wondering how long it would take for him to face Reality.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced Friday that schools can reopen this fall, citing low infection rates that he said will allow students and teachers to return to classrooms safely.
"It is just great news," Cuomo told reporters. "We are probably in the best situation in the country right now."
When and how schools reopen will be left up to individual school districts. However, Cuomo warned that if the seven-day rolling average of tests coming back positive exceeds 9 percent in a particular region, schools in that area must close.

This will help to open the economy up much faster in NY.
Well, he just lost all my respect.
Was wondering how long it would take for him to face Reality.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced Friday that schools can reopen this fall, citing low infection rates that he said will allow students and teachers to return to classrooms safely.
"It is just great news," Cuomo told reporters. "We are probably in the best situation in the country right now."
When and how schools reopen will be left up to individual school districts. However, Cuomo warned that if the seven-day rolling average of tests coming back positive exceeds 9 percent in a particular region, schools in that area must close.

This will help to open the economy up much faster in NY.
What do you mean he "Caves"? Were you under the impression that he ever didn't want schools to open?
Yep, I sure was, you knucklehead.
Cuomo is not opening schools. He gave permission to individual schools after they follow very specific rules and protocols. Big difference.
The families of Cuomos elderly victims are screaming in anger at him and the media for not covering the murder of their aging loved ones in nursing women saying he killed my father...where is the news media...where do we go for justice?.....
The families of Cuomos elderly victims are screaming in anger at him and the media for not covering the murder of their aging loved ones in nursing women saying he killed my father...where is the news media...where do we go for justice?.....
What do you suggest we do about your claim?
The families of Cuomos elderly victims are screaming in anger at him and the media for not covering the murder of their aging loved ones in nursing women saying he killed my father...where is the news media...where do we go for justice?.....
What do you suggest we do about your claim?
Investigate why 5 blue states followed Cuomos policy of returning covid positive patients back to nursing homes when Federal policy forbid that practice because nursing homes are not equipped to handle this kind of virus....and I find it very interesting that all 5 blue states used the exact wording for their order that Cuomos order contained...word for word.....
Was wondering how long it would take for him to face Reality.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced Friday that schools can reopen this fall, citing low infection rates that he said will allow students and teachers to return to classrooms safely.
"It is just great news," Cuomo told reporters. "We are probably in the best situation in the country right now."
When and how schools reopen will be left up to individual school districts. However, Cuomo warned that if the seven-day rolling average of tests coming back positive exceeds 9 percent in a particular region, schools in that area must close.

This will help to open the economy up much faster in NY.

New York is the only area of the country which is reopening slowly and safely.
Democrats will gradually move to open all schools over the next week. They've realized that trying to keep the economy down, which was supposed to hurt Trump, is actually hurting them and helping Trump.
The families of Cuomos elderly victims are screaming in anger at him and the media for not covering the murder of their aging loved ones in nursing women saying he killed my father...where is the news media...where do we go for justice?.....
What do you suggest we do about your claim?
Investigate why 5 blue states followed Cuomos policy of returning covid positive patients back to nursing homes when Federal policy forbid that practice because nursing homes are not equipped to handle this kind of virus....and I find it very interesting that all 5 blue states used the exact wording for their order that Cuomos order contained...word for word.....
Because seniors vote Republican, the nonliving vote democrat; it's a twofer for the American Taliban
Was wondering how long it would take for him to face Reality.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced Friday that schools can reopen this fall, citing low infection rates that he said will allow students and teachers to return to classrooms safely.
"It is just great news," Cuomo told reporters. "We are probably in the best situation in the country right now."
When and how schools reopen will be left up to individual school districts. However, Cuomo warned that if the seven-day rolling average of tests coming back positive exceeds 9 percent in a particular region, schools in that area must close.

This will help to open the economy up much faster in NY.
Well, he just lost all my respect.
That's not much.
The families of Cuomos elderly victims are screaming in anger at him and the media for not covering the murder of their aging loved ones in nursing women saying he killed my father...where is the news media...where do we go for justice?.....
What do you suggest we do about your claim?
Investigate why 5 blue states followed Cuomos policy of returning covid positive patients back to nursing homes when Federal policy forbid that practice because nursing homes are not equipped to handle this kind of virus....and I find it very interesting that all 5 blue states used the exact wording for their order that Cuomos order contained...word for word.....
What were those words? As I recall the order said that if the home was not equipped to properly care for the patients then they would be placed elsewhere. Did you know that?

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