Cuomo Admits He Killed All Those Elderly For Nothing

New York only has one 5th of the cases in USA.
All states had to make up from Trump's inaction.
Because of that, Trump is responsible for nearly 60k deaths now.

You know you're a deranged, partisan, TDS-suffering idiot, right?

I love it when snowflakes are so consumed and can only LIE and accuse the president of things he has no control over.

The Virus began back in October 2019 in Huwan China.

China knew what they had as shown by the fact that they closed down all travel to/from Huwan from INSIDE China. They continued, however, to allow International Travel from Huwan to the rest of the world. China ALLOWED the spread of COVID-19, allowed the pandemic to materialize.
- Attempting to blame the President for this makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

China did not inform the WHO of the virus until January 2020. Both China and the WHO, evidence now shows, hid the seriousness of the virus from the rest of the world.
- Attempting to blame the President for this makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

The President engaged the CDC, stood up the Contagious Disease Committee, declared an emergency, and imposed the life-saving Travel Ban within 30 days of China officially notifying the WHO of the spreading pandemic.
- Claiming there was Presidential 'inaction' makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

WHILE the President engaged the CDC, stood up the Contagious Disease Committee, declared an emergency, and imposed the life-saving Travel Ban, Biden and the Democrats:

- Focused all of their attention and effort on admittedly pushing the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, the 1st Impeachment based on zero evidence / zero evidence / zero witnesses....the fastest rush to Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history...

- Called the life-saving travel ban 'Xenophobic', a 'waste of time', & 'fear-mongering'...

- Authored criminally inept / ignorant legislation to strip the President of the power / authority to issue the life-saving travel ban

- Contributed to the spread of the virus, the infection rate, and the death toll by telling Americans there was nothing to fear, that they should ignore the President and his administration, that they should go on with their lives as normal, that they should herd In large numbers, ride the subways, lick windows, 'come to Chinatown'.... LIKE CUOMO, THEY FAILED IN THEIR RESPONSE TO COVID-19, NOT 'WE'.

- Cuomo had been warned YEARS earlier that he needed to purchase more Ventilator Beds to prepare for up-coming / future epidemics. HE ignored the CDC. HE refused to buy them. HE was the reason NY was over a thousand ventilator beds short when they were needed. There was no 'WE' about it. New York Residents did not just suffer from Cuomo's 'INACTION' - THEY DIED FROM IT.

A DIRECT COMPARISON between the President and the Democrats show Trump was ahead of everyone else. He was right, when they were wrong....and you are too much of an ignorant partisan HATER to admit it.

Democrats did their best to help the Chinese SPREAD the virus, to help increase the number of INFECTIONs and DEATHS by opposing what the President did early on.

Had the Democrats been in power, the life-saving travel ban would not have been imposed, the virus would have spread exponentially more across the US, and based on the advice Democrats were giving to Americans the number of infections and deaths would have been higher.

A DIRECT COMPARISON between Florida's Governor and Cuomo shows what a REAL LEADER looks like. BOTH acknowledged the elderly were far more at risk of dying due to the virus than anyone else. Fla's governor VALUED the lives of the elderly, just as equally as every other one of his state's citizens, and he aggressively took steps to SAVE THEIR LIVES. Cuomo chose to SACRIFICE the lives of the elderly to ensure hospital beds were available IF NEEDED in the future, which they weren't.

As I said, your lies and BS spin has been debunked, but you don't let that stop you.
New York only has one 5th of the cases in USA.
All states had to make up from Trump's inaction.
Because of that, Trump is responsible for nearly 60k deaths now.

You know you're a deranged, partisan, TDS-suffering idiot, right?

I love it when snowflakes are so consumed and can only LIE and accuse the president of things he has no control over.

The Virus began back in October 2019 in Huwan China.

China knew what they had as shown by the fact that they closed down all travel to/from Huwan from INSIDE China. They continued, however, to allow International Travel from Huwan to the rest of the world. China ALLOWED the spread of COVID-19, allowed the pandemic to materialize.
- Attempting to blame the President for this makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

China did not inform the WHO of the virus until January 2020. Both China and the WHO, evidence now shows, hid the seriousness of the virus from the rest of the world.
- Attempting to blame the President for this makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

The President engaged the CDC, stood up the Contagious Disease Committee, declared an emergency, and imposed the life-saving Travel Ban within 30 days of China officially notifying the WHO of the spreading pandemic.
- Claiming there was Presidential 'inaction' makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

WHILE the President engaged the CDC, stood up the Contagious Disease Committee, declared an emergency, and imposed the life-saving Travel Ban, Biden and the Democrats:

- Focused all of their attention and effort on admittedly pushing the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, the 1st Impeachment based on zero evidence / zero evidence / zero witnesses....the fastest rush to Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history...

- Called the life-saving travel ban 'Xenophobic', a 'waste of time', & 'fear-mongering'...

- Authored criminally inept / ignorant legislation to strip the President of the power / authority to issue the life-saving travel ban

- Contributed to the spread of the virus, the infection rate, and the death toll by telling Americans there was nothing to fear, that they should ignore the President and his administration, that they should go on with their lives as normal, that they should herd In large numbers, ride the subways, lick windows, 'come to Chinatown'.... LIKE CUOMO, THEY FAILED IN THEIR RESPONSE TO COVID-19, NOT 'WE'.

- Cuomo had been warned YEARS earlier that he needed to purchase more Ventilator Beds to prepare for up-coming / future epidemics. HE ignored the CDC. HE refused to buy them. HE was the reason NY was over a thousand ventilator beds short when they were needed. There was no 'WE' about it. New York Residents did not just suffer from Cuomo's 'INACTION' - THEY DIED FROM IT.

A DIRECT COMPARISON between the President and the Democrats show Trump was ahead of everyone else. He was right, when they were wrong....and you are too much of an ignorant partisan HATER to admit it.

Democrats did their best to help the Chinese SPREAD the virus, to help increase the number of INFECTIONs and DEATHS by opposing what the President did early on.

Had the Democrats been in power, the life-saving travel ban would not have been imposed, the virus would have spread exponentially more across the US, and based on the advice Democrats were giving to Americans the number of infections and deaths would have been higher.

A DIRECT COMPARISON between Florida's Governor and Cuomo shows what a REAL LEADER looks like. BOTH acknowledged the elderly were far more at risk of dying due to the virus than anyone else. Fla's governor VALUED the lives of the elderly, just as equally as every other one of his state's citizens, and he aggressively took steps to SAVE THEIR LIVES. Cuomo chose to SACRIFICE the lives of the elderly to ensure hospital beds were available IF NEEDED in the future, which they weren't.

As I said, your lies and BS spin has been debunked, but you don't let that stop you.
Youve got a great fantasy going there, actually
Trump had ignored virus warnings months.
He acknowledged the elderly were the most likely to die from COVID-19 and then made a conscious, unnecessary choice / decision to force COVID-19-positive elderly into nursing homes to keep room available in hospitals and other locations for 'more valuable / important' citizens should the predictions / models be right and that space was needed later.

Cuomo was his own 1-Man 'Death Panel'...

"New York followed the president's agencies' guidance," Cuomo said Saturday at his press conference. ".... What New York did was follow what the Republican Administration said to do. That's not my attempt to politicize it. It's my attempt to depoliticize it. So don't criticize the state for following the president's policy."

He's really going with the Nuremberg defense?

What part of federal guidelines (and that's all they were, guidelines) said to return recovering COVID paitents to nursing homes?

Florida stopped doing that at the start, were they ignoring federal guidelines?
Cuomo and other blue state leaders are guilty of purposeful murder....if you lost an elderly member of your family to corona in a blue state nursing home hell hole it was murder.....
No. He admitted he made a mistake.

The one guilty of murder is tRump.
new york has the highest density city anywhere.

Trump didnt order ventilators until mid-march, and then gave some to Russia.

And as it turned out, we didn't need them either.

New York only has one 5th of the cases in USA.
All states had to make up from Trump's inaction.
Because of that, Trump is responsible for nearly 60k deaths now.

You know you're a deranged, partisan, TDS-suffering idiot, right?

I love it when snowflakes are so consumed and can only LIE and accuse the president of things he has no control over.

The Virus began back in October 2019 in Huwan China.

China knew what they had as shown by the fact that they closed down all travel to/from Huwan from INSIDE China. They continued, however, to allow International Travel from Huwan to the rest of the world. China ALLOWED the spread of COVID-19, allowed the pandemic to materialize.
- Attempting to blame the President for this makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

China did not inform the WHO of the virus until January 2020. Both China and the WHO, evidence now shows, hid the seriousness of the virus from the rest of the world.
- Attempting to blame the President for this makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

The President engaged the CDC, stood up the Contagious Disease Committee, declared an emergency, and imposed the life-saving Travel Ban within 30 days of China officially notifying the WHO of the spreading pandemic.
- Claiming there was Presidential 'inaction' makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

WHILE the President engaged the CDC, stood up the Contagious Disease Committee, declared an emergency, and imposed the life-saving Travel Ban, Biden and the Democrats:

- Focused all of their attention and effort on admittedly pushing the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, the 1st Impeachment based on zero evidence / zero evidence / zero witnesses....the fastest rush to Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history...

- Called the life-saving travel ban 'Xenophobic', a 'waste of time', & 'fear-mongering'...

- Authored criminally inept / ignorant legislation to strip the President of the power / authority to issue the life-saving travel ban

- Contributed to the spread of the virus, the infection rate, and the death toll by telling Americans there was nothing to fear, that they should ignore the President and his administration, that they should go on with their lives as normal, that they should herd In large numbers, ride the subways, lick windows, 'come to Chinatown'.... LIKE CUOMO, THEY FAILED IN THEIR RESPONSE TO COVID-19, NOT 'WE'.

- Cuomo had been warned YEARS earlier that he needed to purchase more Ventilator Beds to prepare for up-coming / future epidemics. HE ignored the CDC. HE refused to buy them. HE was the reason NY was over a thousand ventilator beds short when they were needed. There was no 'WE' about it. New York Residents did not just suffer from Cuomo's 'INACTION' - THEY DIED FROM IT.

A DIRECT COMPARISON between the President and the Democrats show Trump was ahead of everyone else. He was right, when they were wrong....and you are too much of an ignorant partisan HATER to admit it.

Democrats did their best to help the Chinese SPREAD the virus, to help increase the number of INFECTIONs and DEATHS by opposing what the President did early on.

Had the Democrats been in power, the life-saving travel ban would not have been imposed, the virus would have spread exponentially more across the US, and based on the advice Democrats were giving to Americans the number of infections and deaths would have been higher.

A DIRECT COMPARISON between Florida's Governor and Cuomo shows what a REAL LEADER looks like. BOTH acknowledged the elderly were far more at risk of dying due to the virus than anyone else. Fla's governor VALUED the lives of the elderly, just as equally as every other one of his state's citizens, and he aggressively took steps to SAVE THEIR LIVES. Cuomo chose to SACRIFICE the lives of the elderly to ensure hospital beds were available IF NEEDED in the future, which they weren't.

As I said, your lies and BS spin has been debunked, but you don't let that stop you.
Youve got a great fantasy going there, actually
Trump had ignored virus warnings months.

Totally ignoring the John Hopkins link I posted stating we were the most prepared in the world.
Cuomo and other blue state leaders are guilty of purposeful murder....if you lost an elderly member of your family to corona in a blue state nursing home hell hole it was murder.....
No. He admitted he made a mistake.

The one guilty of murder is tRump.
A mistake my one could be so stupid as to do what he and other blue state leaders was intentional....

What do you mean 'WE' all failed, asshole?

Cuomo did something a child like dOnald tRump could never do.

He admitted he made a mistake and apologized, like an adult.
No, he tried to blame Trump for killing all those old folks, liar.
new york has the highest density city anywhere.

Trump didnt order ventilators until mid-march, and then gave some to Russia.

Lol, talking about ventilators is SOOOO March 2020. NY didn't even use all the ones they had on hand.
Cuomo didn’t use the hospitals Trump built for him either. Instead, Cuomo sent infected people into nursing homes.
Patients werent sent there because they didnt have the equipment to take intubated patients.
new york has the highest density city anywhere.

Trump didnt order ventilators until mid-march, and then gave some to Russia.

Lol, talking about ventilators is SOOOO March 2020. NY didn't even use all the ones they had on hand.
Cuomo didn’t use the hospitals Trump built for him either. Instead, Cuomo sent infected people into nursing homes.
Patients werent sent there because they didnt have the equipment to take intubated patients.
And the nursing homes did? Get new lies, moron.
new york has the highest density city anywhere.

Trump didnt order ventilators until mid-march, and then gave some to Russia.

Lol, talking about ventilators is SOOOO March 2020. NY didn't even use all the ones they had on hand.
Cuomo didn’t use the hospitals Trump built for him either. Instead, Cuomo sent infected people into nursing homes.
Patients werent sent there because they didnt have the equipment to take intubated patients.
You are a liar.

New York only has one 5th of the cases in USA.
All states had to make up from Trump's inaction.
Because of that, Trump is responsible for nearly 60k deaths now.

You know you're a deranged, partisan, TDS-suffering idiot, right?

I love it when snowflakes are so consumed and can only LIE and accuse the president of things he has no control over.

The Virus began back in October 2019 in Huwan China.

China knew what they had as shown by the fact that they closed down all travel to/from Huwan from INSIDE China. They continued, however, to allow International Travel from Huwan to the rest of the world. China ALLOWED the spread of COVID-19, allowed the pandemic to materialize.
- Attempting to blame the President for this makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

China did not inform the WHO of the virus until January 2020. Both China and the WHO, evidence now shows, hid the seriousness of the virus from the rest of the world.
- Attempting to blame the President for this makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

The President engaged the CDC, stood up the Contagious Disease Committee, declared an emergency, and imposed the life-saving Travel Ban within 30 days of China officially notifying the WHO of the spreading pandemic.
- Claiming there was Presidential 'inaction' makes you look like, again, a deranged idiot.

WHILE the President engaged the CDC, stood up the Contagious Disease Committee, declared an emergency, and imposed the life-saving Travel Ban, Biden and the Democrats:

- Focused all of their attention and effort on admittedly pushing the 1st Partisan Impeachment in US history, the 1st Impeachment based on zero evidence / zero evidence / zero witnesses....the fastest rush to Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history...

- Called the life-saving travel ban 'Xenophobic', a 'waste of time', & 'fear-mongering'...

- Authored criminally inept / ignorant legislation to strip the President of the power / authority to issue the life-saving travel ban

- Contributed to the spread of the virus, the infection rate, and the death toll by telling Americans there was nothing to fear, that they should ignore the President and his administration, that they should go on with their lives as normal, that they should herd In large numbers, ride the subways, lick windows, 'come to Chinatown'.... LIKE CUOMO, THEY FAILED IN THEIR RESPONSE TO COVID-19, NOT 'WE'.

- Cuomo had been warned YEARS earlier that he needed to purchase more Ventilator Beds to prepare for up-coming / future epidemics. HE ignored the CDC. HE refused to buy them. HE was the reason NY was over a thousand ventilator beds short when they were needed. There was no 'WE' about it. New York Residents did not just suffer from Cuomo's 'INACTION' - THEY DIED FROM IT.

A DIRECT COMPARISON between the President and the Democrats show Trump was ahead of everyone else. He was right, when they were wrong....and you are too much of an ignorant partisan HATER to admit it.

Democrats did their best to help the Chinese SPREAD the virus, to help increase the number of INFECTIONs and DEATHS by opposing what the President did early on.

Had the Democrats been in power, the life-saving travel ban would not have been imposed, the virus would have spread exponentially more across the US, and based on the advice Democrats were giving to Americans the number of infections and deaths would have been higher.

A DIRECT COMPARISON between Florida's Governor and Cuomo shows what a REAL LEADER looks like. BOTH acknowledged the elderly were far more at risk of dying due to the virus than anyone else. Fla's governor VALUED the lives of the elderly, just as equally as every other one of his state's citizens, and he aggressively took steps to SAVE THEIR LIVES. Cuomo chose to SACRIFICE the lives of the elderly to ensure hospital beds were available IF NEEDED in the future, which they weren't.

As I said, your lies and BS spin has been debunked, but you don't let that stop you.
Youve got a great fantasy going there, actually
Trump had ignored virus warnings months.

Totally ignoring the John Hopkins link I posted stating we were the most prepared in the world.
Thats a study done last year, prior to pandemic.
The actual death rate is relevant. US isnt the best, but not the worst.
Hong Kong and South Korea did best.
But nobody in the world now is looking to the USA for leadership.
If Governor Cuomo were a person of absolute integrity (and, yes, no one is), he would apologize for his nursing home order and resign his position. That would set a wonderful example for our youth.
Shut everything down.

Let prisoners go free.

Pack old people's homes.

Cuomo is a murderer.
Do what you do best. Get a letter together with a million signatures and send it to all of......Disney and Walmart....or the, WHOEVER. The results will be the same

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