Cultural Appropriation At Election Time


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Gee….must be election time, and just as groundhogs come out in anticipation of spring, the atheists of the Left suddenly find religion at election time.

1. Remember when all the Leftists found the term 'gravitas' useful?'s their latest.
The last few week have seen a sudden blossoming of a key word by the Democrats/Progressives, referring to any supporters of Trump as members of a cult,” a term vaguely associated with religion, at least in a pejorative connection.

It brought to mind my Rule #2…To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side for doing.

The rule is easily proven with the reminder that the same folks all referred to Hussein Obama as god, Jesus and the messiah. All have seen how laughable that has proven to be.

2. Well….they do have a religion of their own….Militant Secularism….alternatively described thus:

“ There are so very many points of similarity between contemporary Leftism, and that of the Soviet Bolsheviks, that it is impossible to dismiss the family relationship.
The subject of Democrats/Liberals claims to be the party of science is actually a variation on the communist rejection of religion. Essentially, they replaced the religion of Western Civilization with their own version of religion, Marxism.
“Many educated people claim to not be “religious,” saying instead that they put their “belief” in science, and speak as though science replaces religion, which represents humanity’s mythic and irrational need for certainty. But under psychological stress, the quasi-religiosity of so much of that scientific belief emerges.
When we say (as some do) that we are science-trusting, and act as though “science says” some univocal truth, which can be revealed, on demand, we show that we are really only transferring the quest for certainty from religion to science.” Science Says

And, Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion.

3. Anyway, it’s time for them to suddenly misappropriate the religious faith of real Americans, and so they have. This weekend, their public relations arm, the Washington Post, had this headline about their choice for vice president:

“Kamala Harris is more than her gender and race. She is also the future of American religion.”

It's that time, .....time to deify, or at least beatify, another Marxist…er, Democrat.

“…Harris, the 55-year-old junior senator from California, has other advantages in the 2020 presidential race. She embodies the future of American religion: In a time of expanding religious pluralism, the country’s younger generation, many of them children and grandchildren of immigrants, will recognize in Harris a kind of multifaith and spiritual belonging unfamiliar to the mostly White Christian majority of past decades….both Christian and Hindu religious practices.”

But wait….we’ve heard this joke before:


For Kamala Harris, and all Democrat, there is only one 'religion'.....Militant Secularism.
More idiotic claptrap from this bored housewife. Arguing that science is just another form of religion and that religion is Marxism is as stupid as it comes.

Then Politicalchick writes this: “Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion”.

The bored housewife actually makes an analogy of politics to religion.

What kind of insane illogic is that.

Really pathetic and sad.
More idiotic claptrap from this bored housewife. Arguing that science is just another form of religion and that religion is Marxism is as stupid as it comes.

Then Politicalchick writes this: “Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion”.

The bored housewife actually makes an analogy of politics to religion.

What kind of insane illogic is that.

Really pathetic and sad.

And in this thread, as in so many others, watch me wipe up the floor with you.
More idiotic claptrap from this bored housewife. Arguing that science is just another form of religion and that religion is Marxism is as stupid as it comes.

Then Politicalchick writes this: “Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion”.

The bored housewife actually makes an analogy of politics to religion.

What kind of insane illogic is that.

Really pathetic and sad.

And in this thread, as in so many others, watch me wipe up the floor with you.
Last argument I had with you, you left with your tail between your legs.
More idiotic claptrap from this bored housewife. Arguing that science is just another form of religion and that religion is Marxism is as stupid as it comes.

Then Politicalchick writes this: “Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion”.

The bored housewife actually makes an analogy of politics to religion.

What kind of insane illogic is that.

Really pathetic and sad.

And in this thread, as in so many others, watch me wipe up the floor with you.
Last argument I had with you, you left with your tail between your legs.

Another lie from the Left.
Wait for the rest of the thread....five or six more of my posts.....and readers can decide.

Better get the antacids ready.
Gee….must be election time, and just as groundhogs come out in anticipation of spring, the atheists of the Left suddenly find religion at election time.

1. Remember when all the Leftists found the term 'gravitas' useful?'s their latest.
The last few week have seen a sudden blossoming of a key word by the Democrats/Progressives, referring to any supporters of Trump as members of a cult,” a term vaguely associated with religion, at least in a pejorative connection.

It brought to mind my Rule #2…To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side for doing.

The rule is easily proven with the reminder that the same folks all referred to Hussein Obama as god, Jesus and the messiah. All have seen how laughable that has proven to be.

2. Well….they do have a religion of their own….Militant Secularism….alternatively described thus:

“ There are so very many points of similarity between contemporary Leftism, and that of the Soviet Bolsheviks, that it is impossible to dismiss the family relationship.
The subject of Democrats/Liberals claims to be the party of science is actually a variation on the communist rejection of religion. Essentially, they replaced the religion of Western Civilization with their own version of religion, Marxism.
“Many educated people claim to not be “religious,” saying instead that they put their “belief” in science, and speak as though science replaces religion, which represents humanity’s mythic and irrational need for certainty. But under psychological stress, the quasi-religiosity of so much of that scientific belief emerges.
When we say (as some do) that we are science-trusting, and act as though “science says” some univocal truth, which can be revealed, on demand, we show that we are really only transferring the quest for certainty from religion to science.” Science Says

And, Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion.

3. Anyway, it’s time for them to suddenly misappropriate the religious faith of real Americans, and so they have. This weekend, their public relations arm, the Washington Post, had this headline about their choice for vice president:

“Kamala Harris is more than her gender and race. She is also the future of American religion.”

It's that time, .....time to deify, or at least beatify, another Marxist…er, Democrat.

“…Harris, the 55-year-old junior senator from California, has other advantages in the 2020 presidential race. She embodies the future of American religion: In a time of expanding religious pluralism, the country’s younger generation, many of them children and grandchildren of immigrants, will recognize in Harris a kind of multifaith and spiritual belonging unfamiliar to the mostly White Christian majority of past decades….both Christian and Hindu religious practices.”

But wait….we’ve heard this joke before:

View attachment 376392

For Kamala Harris, and all Democrat, there is only one 'religion'.....Militant Secularism.

Don't forget that communalism(unitized mankind = god) is a religion. Communalism was the first religion adopted by fallen man.
Gee….must be election time, and just as groundhogs come out in anticipation of spring, the atheists of the Left suddenly find religion at election time.

1. Remember when all the Leftists found the term 'gravitas' useful?'s their latest.
The last few week have seen a sudden blossoming of a key word by the Democrats/Progressives, referring to any supporters of Trump as members of a cult,” a term vaguely associated with religion, at least in a pejorative connection.

It brought to mind my Rule #2…To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side for doing.

The rule is easily proven with the reminder that the same folks all referred to Hussein Obama as god, Jesus and the messiah. All have seen how laughable that has proven to be.

2. Well….they do have a religion of their own….Militant Secularism….alternatively described thus:

“ There are so very many points of similarity between contemporary Leftism, and that of the Soviet Bolsheviks, that it is impossible to dismiss the family relationship.
The subject of Democrats/Liberals claims to be the party of science is actually a variation on the communist rejection of religion. Essentially, they replaced the religion of Western Civilization with their own version of religion, Marxism.
“Many educated people claim to not be “religious,” saying instead that they put their “belief” in science, and speak as though science replaces religion, which represents humanity’s mythic and irrational need for certainty. But under psychological stress, the quasi-religiosity of so much of that scientific belief emerges.
When we say (as some do) that we are science-trusting, and act as though “science says” some univocal truth, which can be revealed, on demand, we show that we are really only transferring the quest for certainty from religion to science.” Science Says

And, Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion.

3. Anyway, it’s time for them to suddenly misappropriate the religious faith of real Americans, and so they have. This weekend, their public relations arm, the Washington Post, had this headline about their choice for vice president:

“Kamala Harris is more than her gender and race. She is also the future of American religion.”

It's that time, .....time to deify, or at least beatify, another Marxist…er, Democrat.

“…Harris, the 55-year-old junior senator from California, has other advantages in the 2020 presidential race. She embodies the future of American religion: In a time of expanding religious pluralism, the country’s younger generation, many of them children and grandchildren of immigrants, will recognize in Harris a kind of multifaith and spiritual belonging unfamiliar to the mostly White Christian majority of past decades….both Christian and Hindu religious practices.”

But wait….we’ve heard this joke before:

View attachment 376392

For Kamala Harris, and all Democrat, there is only one 'religion'.....Militant Secularism.

Don't forget that communalism(unitized mankind = god) is a religion. Communalism was the first religion adopted by fallen man.


Fits this thread.....I'd like to see more on the topic.
4. If one fails to see the absurdity of Democrats/Progressives/Liberals trying to insinuate that they are religious, in the same sense that America has a heritage of and was created based on a religion, the Judeo-Christian one, then one misses how risible any attempt to paint Obama, Kamala Harris, Pelosi, or any or ‘em as religious.

Let’s clear up any misunderstanding by reminding of the binary nature of both religion and of politics.

Here is the evidence of history:
Some nations/societies are based on [actual] religion and capitalism
Others, on atheism and communism.
Which system and combination has proven more successful?

Here’s why: The central understanding of Western religion is that mankind was given two gifts by God….intellect and free will.

"Only capitalism regards man as a sovereign individual with an inalienable right to his own life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Government recognition and protection of individual rights is the hallmark of a moral, peaceful, productive society."
Sipsey Street Irregulars: The lie before the crime. "Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz" ("The community comes before the individual")

The 'religion' of Leftism has failed every time.
What a Democrat faking it to pander to a particular demographic? No way they never do that. I mean Kamala Harris really does smoke weed to music that does not even exist yet all the time because she really is black. Elizabet Warren really does stand in her Kitchen drinking a beer out of can with her husband because she is just like you hard working Americans. Hillary Clinton really does have a Deep southern accent the further south she goes in politics and it completely disappears when she runs for senate in NYC.

Seriously though if you are religious at all I would hope you know by their ACTIONS that the Democrats hate you and just like all your other rights want to eradicate the freedom of religion(they will tell you at first they not taking your religion just sensible religion control),
5. Real religion is based on the sanctity of human life, while the Militant Secularism of the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals is based on the very opposite, death.

Yet, come election time, suddenly those secularists are not just religious, but they’re compared to God, as Obama was, and Kamala is.

Let’s checkout who they really are:

The choice of one’s religion ineluctably follows, either the Judeo-Christian faith of Western Civilization, or the Militant Secularism of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx. A clear example of the denying religious choice is the Democrat’s forbidding of religious freedom to The Little Sisters of the Poor.

“ In August 2011, not long after [Obama] had repeatedly vowed not to use his health care law to violate religious liberty, his administration announced that it would require all employers to pay for and provide insurance coverage for everything from sterilization to Plan B, a drug whose own FDA label warns can destroy life.”
Obama's War on the Little Sisters of the Poor | RealClearPolitics!

“Joe Biden Promises to Force Little Sisters of the Poor to Fund Abortions”
Joe Biden Promises to Force Little Sisters of the Poor to Fund Abortions

Abortion activists were livid yesterday that the Supreme Court protected the Little Sisters of the Poor from having to fund abortions. But presidential candidate.....

“Harris, who is a member of Third Baptist Church of San Francisco, brings an ethnically and racially diverse version of Christianity to the ticket.”

Really? It appears that the Left isn’t ready to reveal the truth…..and that’s Rule #1: Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
6. In the claims of religiosity by the Left, a regular phenomenon of election seasons, we see one of the attacks on traditional religion.

William Barr states:

“…the force, fervor, and comprehensiveness of the assault on religion we are experiencing today. This is not decay; it is organized destruction. Secularists, and their allies among the “progressives,” have marshaled all the force of mass communications, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values.

These instruments are used not only to affirmatively promote secular orthodoxy, but also drown Bout and silence opposing voices, and to attack viciously and hold up to ridicule any dissenters.

Those who defy the [progressives] risk a figurative burning at the stake – social, educational, and professional ostracism and exclusion waged through lawsuits and savage social media campaigns.” WmBarr America's great experiment with freedom needs religion » MercatorNet

When they’re not busy marginalizing or ridiculing religion, they’re busy pretending that they embrace it. But theirs is a very different variety:

"We can see that all elements of the socialist ideal--the abolition of private property, family, hierarchies; the hostility toward religion--could be regarded as a manifestation of one basic principle: the suppression of individuality.... All this is inspired by one principle--the destruction of individuality or, at least, its suppression to the point where it would cease to be a social force. " Igor Shafarevich
The Socialist Phenomenon The Socialist Phenomenon
More idiotic claptrap from this bored housewife. Arguing that science is just another form of religion and that religion is Marxism is as stupid as it comes.

Then Politicalchick writes this: “Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion”.

The bored housewife actually makes an analogy of politics to religion.

What kind of insane illogic is that.

Really pathetic and sad.

7. It appears we are to be bombarded with claims of religiosity from the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals.

They have a religion….a very different one from America’s traditional religion.

There are two religions in conflict.

That of the Founders, the Judeo-Christian faith.
The Bible is its foundation.

And that of Democrats, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, Fascists.....Militant Secularism. Lacking self-awareness, the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives ridicule religion as superstition......but kneel to their false religion, Militant Secularism.

From the Amazon review of Godless, by Coulter…

Though liberalism rejects the idea of God and reviles people of faith, it bears all the attributes of a religion. In Godless, Coulter throws open the doors of the Church of Liberalism, showing us its sacraments (abortion), its holy writ (Roe v. Wade), its martyrs (from Soviet spy Alger Hiss to cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal), its clergy (public school teachers), its churches (government schools, where prayer is prohibited but condoms are free), its doctrine of infallibility (as manifest in the "absolute moral authority" of spokesmen from Cindy Sheehan to Max Cleland), and its cosmology (in which mankind is an inconsequential accident).

Then, of course, there's the liberal creation myth: Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

For liberals, evolution is the touchstone that separates the enlightened from the benighted.
And....Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "...the Socialist Savior of the Democratic Party."

the Catechism: you didn't build that.....any success is just dumb luck
More idiotic claptrap from this bored housewife. Arguing that science is just another form of religion and that religion is Marxism is as stupid as it comes.

Then Politicalchick writes this: “Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion”.

The bored housewife actually makes an analogy of politics to religion.

What kind of insane illogic is that.

Really pathetic and sad.

I think you are the idiot.

One of the definitions of "religion" is"

"a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance."

The example given is:

"consumerism is the new religion"

I see how someone could easily see the Neo-Bolshevism of the Democratic party to be so imbued in them, so indoctrinated---that it is proper to compare it to religious avidity.

So, you look like a fool to me and the shot about "bored housewife" makes you an asshole and a hypocrite---for no Democrat would tolerate that nonsense being used by a Republican.
More idiotic claptrap from this bored housewife. Arguing that science is just another form of religion and that religion is Marxism is as stupid as it comes.

Then Politicalchick writes this: “Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion”.

The bored housewife actually makes an analogy of politics to religion.

What kind of insane illogic is that.

Really pathetic and sad.

And another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

8. The Left often lets on to the form their religion, Militant Secularism, takes.

1. Sen. Mazie Hirono (D., Hawaii) on Tuesday called for liberal activists to believe in climate change as if it were a "religion." Dem Senator Hirono: Believe in Climate Change Like a Religion

2. And the equally brilliant Ben Shapiro runs with "its sacraments (abortion)"....
"When Abortion Becomes a Sacrament
...alleged comedian Michelle Wolf paid tribute to the most important facet of American life: abortion. On her Netflix show on Sunday, Wolf dressed up in red, white and blue, and shrieked into the camera, "God bless abortions, and God bless America!" She explained: "Women, if you need an abortion, get one! If you want an abortion, get one! ...

...abortion isn't just another decision. It's a giant middle finger to the moral establishment. And those who would fight abortion are desacralizing the mysterious holiness of a ritual that reinforces women's control. No wonder Wolf thinks God blesses abortion; abortion is her god."
When Abortion Becomes A Sacrament

3. “It [Communism] is not new. It is, in fact, man's second oldest faith. Its promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: "Ye shall be as gods." It is the great alternative faith of mankind. Like all great faiths, its force derives from a simple vision. Other ages have had great visions. They have always been different versions of the same vision: the vision of God and man's relationship to God. The Communist vision is the vision of Man without God.
It is the vision of man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world.” Whittaker Chambers, Witness

4. “Rahm Emanuel: Athletes Kneeling During National Anthem Akin to Kneeling at ‘Religious Services’ Rahm Emanuel: Athletes Kneeling During National Anthem Akin to Kneeling at ‘Religious Services’ - Non Perele - News Online

5. "Darwinism, by contrast, is an essential ingredient in secularism, that aggressive, quasi-religious faith without a deity. The Sternberg case seems, in many ways, an instance of one religion persecuting a rival, demanding loyalty from anyone who enters one of its churches -- like the National Museum of Natural History.”
The Branding of a Heretic

6. “The secularists [that The New York Times, Katherine] Stewart represents just refuse to acknowledge that their religious beliefs are in fact religious beliefs, and of a far creepier and deadlier kind than Christians’.
….the belief that it is possible to fix the world by applying government pressure? That is not a belief that can be wholly validated by research or experience. In fact, research and experience both indicate that central planning usually makes life even more nasty, brutish, and short.

So what is this unfounded, undocumented, unprovable faith in government power to correct human psyches and behavior if not a religious (metaphysical) belief? It is also an unprovable and metaphysical belief about what a human is — a thing that can be “corrected” by politics and whose “error” is not intrinsic to itself. Again, these are all metaphysical, religious beliefs with no empirical basis or possibility of being fully empirically proven.

The secular, pagan, atheist types are the ones who claim religious assumptions are evil. They do so because they erroneously believe they are free from such assumptions. But in truth, no one is.””
Barr: The People Trying To 'Impose Their Values' Are 'Militant Secularists'
Gee….must be election time, and just as groundhogs come out in anticipation of spring, the atheists of the Left suddenly find religion at election time.

1. Remember when all the Leftists found the term 'gravitas' useful?'s their latest.
The last few week have seen a sudden blossoming of a key word by the Democrats/Progressives, referring to any supporters of Trump as members of a cult,” a term vaguely associated with religion, at least in a pejorative connection.

It brought to mind my Rule #2…To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side for doing.

The rule is easily proven with the reminder that the same folks all referred to Hussein Obama as god, Jesus and the messiah. All have seen how laughable that has proven to be.

2. Well….they do have a religion of their own….Militant Secularism….alternatively described thus:

“ There are so very many points of similarity between contemporary Leftism, and that of the Soviet Bolsheviks, that it is impossible to dismiss the family relationship.
The subject of Democrats/Liberals claims to be the party of science is actually a variation on the communist rejection of religion. Essentially, they replaced the religion of Western Civilization with their own version of religion, Marxism.
“Many educated people claim to not be “religious,” saying instead that they put their “belief” in science, and speak as though science replaces religion, which represents humanity’s mythic and irrational need for certainty. But under psychological stress, the quasi-religiosity of so much of that scientific belief emerges.
When we say (as some do) that we are science-trusting, and act as though “science says” some univocal truth, which can be revealed, on demand, we show that we are really only transferring the quest for certainty from religion to science.” Science Says

And, Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion.

3. Anyway, it’s time for them to suddenly misappropriate the religious faith of real Americans, and so they have. This weekend, their public relations arm, the Washington Post, had this headline about their choice for vice president:

“Kamala Harris is more than her gender and race. She is also the future of American religion.”

It's that time, .....time to deify, or at least beatify, another Marxist…er, Democrat.

“…Harris, the 55-year-old junior senator from California, has other advantages in the 2020 presidential race. She embodies the future of American religion: In a time of expanding religious pluralism, the country’s younger generation, many of them children and grandchildren of immigrants, will recognize in Harris a kind of multifaith and spiritual belonging unfamiliar to the mostly White Christian majority of past decades….both Christian and Hindu religious practices.”

But wait….we’ve heard this joke before:

View attachment 376392

For Kamala Harris, and all Democrat, there is only one 'religion'.....Militant Secularism.

Don't forget that communalism(unitized mankind = god) is a religion. Communalism was the first religion adopted by fallen man.


Fits this thread.....I'd like to see more on the topic.

PC, I will give it my best. Though both the CARTHAGINIAN empire & the KUSHITE empire preceded the ACHAEMENID empire, 550 BCE(disputed) - 330 BCE(definite!) we find the ACHAEMENID empire was founded by no less a personage than Cyrus The Great! Geographically this was a HUGE empire engulfing the modern day middle east, southwest Asia & even some of central Asia(not sure how much), and literally the ENTIRE Caucasus! The ACHAEMENID empire boosted a CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT with paid employees in various departments like road service, mail service, military, construction-building permit departments(Tower of Babylon!), jails, social services, counties/county capitals, & even an official language among just about everything else we have in America today. This empire collapsed in 330 BCE for several reasons but three glaring examples were: EXCESSIVE TAXATION, EXCESSIVE BUREAUCRACY(regulation) & LACK OF CONFORMITY BETWEEN IT'S CITIZENS(sound like USA today?). There were EIGHT empires that came into existence from ancient MESOPOTAMIA with the AKKADIAN empire(roughly 2300 BCE - 2100 BCE) being the first empire in that series of eight. SEVEN of the EIGHT EMPIRES collapsed either from the above three mentioned bureacratic/social issues or were defeated by foreign military conquest. The one lone exception was the Egyptian empire which met the misfortune of losing it's entire military, including Egypt's prized chariot regiments in a natural disaster. All eight empires were based on big government communalism as individuals cannot survive without a friendly/helpful community. Communalism would have worked great if it had been based on a sound currency based on capitalism with a society based on the GOLDEN RULE(we need a Boss too!). Once mankind crossed our Boss & had to leave heaven on earth then hit the road, corruption took over & here we are today in the same fix all the poor saps before us found themselves in. In all reality no matter what type of government/social system we find ourselves in our current human nature will destroy any society system we constuct... right down to the individual. I tried my best to keep it short & to the point but unfortunatrly the field of historical sociology includes about every field of study known to mankind(gets too deep). I hope my reply finds your interest.
Gee….must be election time, and just as groundhogs come out in anticipation of spring, the atheists of the Left suddenly find religion at election time.

1. Remember when all the Leftists found the term 'gravitas' useful?'s their latest.
The last few week have seen a sudden blossoming of a key word by the Democrats/Progressives, referring to any supporters of Trump as members of a cult,” a term vaguely associated with religion, at least in a pejorative connection.

It brought to mind my Rule #2…To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side for doing.

The rule is easily proven with the reminder that the same folks all referred to Hussein Obama as god, Jesus and the messiah. All have seen how laughable that has proven to be.

2. Well….they do have a religion of their own….Militant Secularism….alternatively described thus:

“ There are so very many points of similarity between contemporary Leftism, and that of the Soviet Bolsheviks, that it is impossible to dismiss the family relationship.
The subject of Democrats/Liberals claims to be the party of science is actually a variation on the communist rejection of religion. Essentially, they replaced the religion of Western Civilization with their own version of religion, Marxism.
“Many educated people claim to not be “religious,” saying instead that they put their “belief” in science, and speak as though science replaces religion, which represents humanity’s mythic and irrational need for certainty. But under psychological stress, the quasi-religiosity of so much of that scientific belief emerges.
When we say (as some do) that we are science-trusting, and act as though “science says” some univocal truth, which can be revealed, on demand, we show that we are really only transferring the quest for certainty from religion to science.” Science Says

And, Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion.

3. Anyway, it’s time for them to suddenly misappropriate the religious faith of real Americans, and so they have. This weekend, their public relations arm, the Washington Post, had this headline about their choice for vice president:

“Kamala Harris is more than her gender and race. She is also the future of American religion.”

It's that time, .....time to deify, or at least beatify, another Marxist…er, Democrat.

“…Harris, the 55-year-old junior senator from California, has other advantages in the 2020 presidential race. She embodies the future of American religion: In a time of expanding religious pluralism, the country’s younger generation, many of them children and grandchildren of immigrants, will recognize in Harris a kind of multifaith and spiritual belonging unfamiliar to the mostly White Christian majority of past decades….both Christian and Hindu religious practices.”

But wait….we’ve heard this joke before:

View attachment 376392

For Kamala Harris, and all Democrat, there is only one 'religion'.....Militant Secularism.

Don't forget that communalism(unitized mankind = god) is a religion. Communalism was the first religion adopted by fallen man.


Fits this thread.....I'd like to see more on the topic.

PC, I will give it my best. Though both the CARTHAGINIAN empire & the KUSHITE empire preceded the ACHAEMENID empire, 550 BCE(disputed) - 330 BCE(definite!) we find the ACHAEMENID empire was founded by no less a personage than Cyrus The Great! Geographically this was a HUGE empire engulfing the modern day middle east, southwest Asia & even some of central Asia(not sure how much), and literally the ENTIRE Caucasus! The ACHAEMENID empire boosted a CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT with paid employees in various departments like road service, mail service, military, construction-building permit departments(Tower of Babylon!), jails, social services, counties/county capitals, & even an official language among just about everything else we have in America today. This empire collapsed in 330 BCE for several reasons but three glaring examples were: EXCESSIVE TAXATION, EXCESSIVE BUREAUCRACY(regulation) & LACK OF CONFORMITY BETWEEN IT'S CITIZENS(sound like USA today?). There were EIGHT empires that came into existence from ancient MESOPOTAMIA with the AKKADIAN empire(roughly 2300 BCE - 2100 BCE) being the first empire in that series of eight. SEVEN of the EIGHT EMPIRES collapsed either from the above three mentioned bureacratic/social issues or were defeated by foreign military conquest. The one lone exception was the Egyptian empire which met the misfortune of losing it's entire military, including Egypt's prized chariot regiments in a natural disaster. All eight empires were based on big government communalism as individuals cannot survive without a friendly/helpful community. Communalism would have worked great if it had been based on a sound currency based on capitalism with a society based on the GOLDEN RULE(we need a Boss too!). Once mankind crossed our Boss & had to leave heaven on earth then hit the road, corruption took over & here we are today in the same fix all the poor saps before us found themselves in. In all reality no matter what type of government/social system we find ourselves in our current human nature will destroy any society system we constuct... right down to the individual. I tried my best to keep it short & to the point but unfortunatrly the field of historical sociology includes about every field of study known to mankind(gets too deep). I hope my reply finds your interest.

Thank you....excellent exposition.

Love the history and analysis, but tend to shade the import of this:

" All eight empires were based on big government communalism as individuals cannot survive without a friendly/helpful community."

I lean more toward individualism, and the liberty required.
Perhaps we can go through it in a different thread.
Gee….must be election time, and just as groundhogs come out in anticipation of spring, the atheists of the Left suddenly find religion at election time.

1. Remember when all the Leftists found the term 'gravitas' useful?'s their latest.
The last few week have seen a sudden blossoming of a key word by the Democrats/Progressives, referring to any supporters of Trump as members of a cult,” a term vaguely associated with religion, at least in a pejorative connection.

It brought to mind my Rule #2…To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side for doing.

The rule is easily proven with the reminder that the same folks all referred to Hussein Obama as god, Jesus and the messiah. All have seen how laughable that has proven to be.

2. Well….they do have a religion of their own….Militant Secularism….alternatively described thus:

“ There are so very many points of similarity between contemporary Leftism, and that of the Soviet Bolsheviks, that it is impossible to dismiss the family relationship.
The subject of Democrats/Liberals claims to be the party of science is actually a variation on the communist rejection of religion. Essentially, they replaced the religion of Western Civilization with their own version of religion, Marxism.
“Many educated people claim to not be “religious,” saying instead that they put their “belief” in science, and speak as though science replaces religion, which represents humanity’s mythic and irrational need for certainty. But under psychological stress, the quasi-religiosity of so much of that scientific belief emerges.
When we say (as some do) that we are science-trusting, and act as though “science says” some univocal truth, which can be revealed, on demand, we show that we are really only transferring the quest for certainty from religion to science.” Science Says

And, Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion.

3. Anyway, it’s time for them to suddenly misappropriate the religious faith of real Americans, and so they have. This weekend, their public relations arm, the Washington Post, had this headline about their choice for vice president:

“Kamala Harris is more than her gender and race. She is also the future of American religion.”

It's that time, .....time to deify, or at least beatify, another Marxist…er, Democrat.

“…Harris, the 55-year-old junior senator from California, has other advantages in the 2020 presidential race. She embodies the future of American religion: In a time of expanding religious pluralism, the country’s younger generation, many of them children and grandchildren of immigrants, will recognize in Harris a kind of multifaith and spiritual belonging unfamiliar to the mostly White Christian majority of past decades….both Christian and Hindu religious practices.”

But wait….we’ve heard this joke before:

View attachment 376392

For Kamala Harris, and all Democrat, there is only one 'religion'.....Militant Secularism.

Don't forget that communalism(unitized mankind = god) is a religion. Communalism was the first religion adopted by fallen man.


Fits this thread.....I'd like to see more on the topic.

PC, I will give it my best. Though both the CARTHAGINIAN empire & the KUSHITE empire preceded the ACHAEMENID empire, 550 BCE(disputed) - 330 BCE(definite!) we find the ACHAEMENID empire was founded by no less a personage than Cyrus The Great! Geographically this was a HUGE empire engulfing the modern day middle east, southwest Asia & even some of central Asia(not sure how much), and literally the ENTIRE Caucasus! The ACHAEMENID empire boosted a CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT with paid employees in various departments like road service, mail service, military, construction-building permit departments(Tower of Babylon!), jails, social services, counties/county capitals, & even an official language among just about everything else we have in America today. This empire collapsed in 330 BCE for several reasons but three glaring examples were: EXCESSIVE TAXATION, EXCESSIVE BUREAUCRACY(regulation) & LACK OF CONFORMITY BETWEEN IT'S CITIZENS(sound like USA today?). There were EIGHT empires that came into existence from ancient MESOPOTAMIA with the AKKADIAN empire(roughly 2300 BCE - 2100 BCE) being the first empire in that series of eight. SEVEN of the EIGHT EMPIRES collapsed either from the above three mentioned bureacratic/social issues or were defeated by foreign military conquest. The one lone exception was the Egyptian empire which met the misfortune of losing it's entire military, including Egypt's prized chariot regiments in a natural disaster. All eight empires were based on big government communalism as individuals cannot survive without a friendly/helpful community. Communalism would have worked great if it had been based on a sound currency based on capitalism with a society based on the GOLDEN RULE(we need a Boss too!). Once mankind crossed our Boss & had to leave heaven on earth then hit the road, corruption took over & here we are today in the same fix all the poor saps before us found themselves in. In all reality no matter what type of government/social system we find ourselves in our current human nature will destroy any society system we constuct... right down to the individual. I tried my best to keep it short & to the point but unfortunatrly the field of historical sociology includes about every field of study known to mankind(gets too deep). I hope my reply finds your interest.

Thank you....excellent exposition.

Love the history and analysis, but tend to shade the import of this:

" All eight empires were based on big government communalism as individuals cannot survive without a friendly/helpful community."

I lean more toward individualism, and the liberty required.
Perhaps we can go through it in a different thread.

I may have not explained that part in enough in detail as trying to keep it somewhat short. Due to out physical bodies we need others such as dentists/doctors etc, & that generally takes a community(hopefully with pure hearts) of some sort. I'm heavy into the classical Liberal(Libertarian) philosophy(NOT social liberalism). I major understand your take on individualism as I am most likely standing just RIGHT of U!
One element that separates RELIGION from SCIENCE is the reaction to counter-indications.

When a person of faith is challenged by a counter-indication (e..g., it is physically impossible for the earth to have been covered by water, as described in Genesis), he calls the challenger a "heretic" and ostracizes or sanctions him.

When a person of science is challenged by a counter-indication, he re-examines the scientific theory in question, and modifies or abandons it, depending on the results of the inquiry. But it is the FACTS that are most important, not the prior belief.

Point out the contra-indications of Evolution to a Leftist (they are all scientific idiots), and their invariable reaction is to slander the speaker.

That's one indication among many of how Leftism is a religion.
Gee….must be election time, and just as groundhogs come out in anticipation of spring, the atheists of the Left suddenly find religion at election time.

1. Remember when all the Leftists found the term 'gravitas' useful?'s their latest.
The last few week have seen a sudden blossoming of a key word by the Democrats/Progressives, referring to any supporters of Trump as members of a cult,” a term vaguely associated with religion, at least in a pejorative connection.

It brought to mind my Rule #2…To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side for doing.

The rule is easily proven with the reminder that the same folks all referred to Hussein Obama as god, Jesus and the messiah. All have seen how laughable that has proven to be.

2. Well….they do have a religion of their own….Militant Secularism….alternatively described thus:

“ There are so very many points of similarity between contemporary Leftism, and that of the Soviet Bolsheviks, that it is impossible to dismiss the family relationship.
The subject of Democrats/Liberals claims to be the party of science is actually a variation on the communist rejection of religion. Essentially, they replaced the religion of Western Civilization with their own version of religion, Marxism.
“Many educated people claim to not be “religious,” saying instead that they put their “belief” in science, and speak as though science replaces religion, which represents humanity’s mythic and irrational need for certainty. But under psychological stress, the quasi-religiosity of so much of that scientific belief emerges.
When we say (as some do) that we are science-trusting, and act as though “science says” some univocal truth, which can be revealed, on demand, we show that we are really only transferring the quest for certainty from religion to science.” Science Says

And, Democrats/Progressives do the same with politics….their religion.

3. Anyway, it’s time for them to suddenly misappropriate the religious faith of real Americans, and so they have. This weekend, their public relations arm, the Washington Post, had this headline about their choice for vice president:

“Kamala Harris is more than her gender and race. She is also the future of American religion.”

It's that time, .....time to deify, or at least beatify, another Marxist…er, Democrat.

“…Harris, the 55-year-old junior senator from California, has other advantages in the 2020 presidential race. She embodies the future of American religion: In a time of expanding religious pluralism, the country’s younger generation, many of them children and grandchildren of immigrants, will recognize in Harris a kind of multifaith and spiritual belonging unfamiliar to the mostly White Christian majority of past decades….both Christian and Hindu religious practices.”

But wait….we’ve heard this joke before:

View attachment 376392

For Kamala Harris, and all Democrat, there is only one 'religion'.....Militant Secularism.

Don't forget that communalism(unitized mankind = god) is a religion. Communalism was the first religion adopted by fallen man.


Fits this thread.....I'd like to see more on the topic.

PC, I will give it my best. Though both the CARTHAGINIAN empire & the KUSHITE empire preceded the ACHAEMENID empire, 550 BCE(disputed) - 330 BCE(definite!) we find the ACHAEMENID empire was founded by no less a personage than Cyrus The Great! Geographically this was a HUGE empire engulfing the modern day middle east, southwest Asia & even some of central Asia(not sure how much), and literally the ENTIRE Caucasus! The ACHAEMENID empire boosted a CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT with paid employees in various departments like road service, mail service, military, construction-building permit departments(Tower of Babylon!), jails, social services, counties/county capitals, & even an official language among just about everything else we have in America today. This empire collapsed in 330 BCE for several reasons but three glaring examples were: EXCESSIVE TAXATION, EXCESSIVE BUREAUCRACY(regulation) & LACK OF CONFORMITY BETWEEN IT'S CITIZENS(sound like USA today?). There were EIGHT empires that came into existence from ancient MESOPOTAMIA with the AKKADIAN empire(roughly 2300 BCE - 2100 BCE) being the first empire in that series of eight. SEVEN of the EIGHT EMPIRES collapsed either from the above three mentioned bureacratic/social issues or were defeated by foreign military conquest. The one lone exception was the Egyptian empire which met the misfortune of losing it's entire military, including Egypt's prized chariot regiments in a natural disaster. All eight empires were based on big government communalism as individuals cannot survive without a friendly/helpful community. Communalism would have worked great if it had been based on a sound currency based on capitalism with a society based on the GOLDEN RULE(we need a Boss too!). Once mankind crossed our Boss & had to leave heaven on earth then hit the road, corruption took over & here we are today in the same fix all the poor saps before us found themselves in. In all reality no matter what type of government/social system we find ourselves in our current human nature will destroy any society system we constuct... right down to the individual. I tried my best to keep it short & to the point but unfortunatrly the field of historical sociology includes about every field of study known to mankind(gets too deep). I hope my reply finds your interest.

Thank you....excellent exposition.

Love the history and analysis, but tend to shade the import of this:

" All eight empires were based on big government communalism as individuals cannot survive without a friendly/helpful community."

I lean more toward individualism, and the liberty required.
Perhaps we can go through it in a different thread.

I may have not explained that part in enough in detail as trying to keep it somewhat short. Due to out physical bodies we need others such as dentists/doctors etc, & that generally takes a community(hopefully with pure hearts) of some sort. I'm heavy into the classical Liberal(Libertarian) philosophy(NOT social liberalism). I major understand your take on individualism as I am most likely standing just RIGHT of U!

The economic system differs from a political one that demand all bend the knee and the neck to government.
One element that separates RELIGION from SCIENCE is the reaction to counter-indications.

When a person of faith is challenged by a counter-indication (e..g., it is physically impossible for the earth to have been covered by water, as described in Genesis), he calls the challenger a "heretic" and ostracizes or sanctions him.

When a person of science is challenged by a counter-indication, he re-examines the scientific theory in question, and modifies or abandons it, depending on the results of the inquiry. But it is the FACTS that are most important, not the prior belief.

Point out the contra-indications of Evolution to a Leftist (they are all scientific idiots), and their invariable reaction is to slander the speaker.

That's one indication among many of how Leftism is a religion.

"When a person of faith is challenged by a counter-indication (e..g., it is physically impossible for the earth to have been covered by water, as described in Genesis), he calls the challenger a "heretic" and ostracizes or sanctions him. "

Not true.

You watch too many biased Hollywood films.


"Earth’s Water Is Older Than the Sun
The sun, at 4.6 billion years old, predates all the other bodies in our solar system. But it turns out that much of the water we swim in and drink here on Earth is even older.

A new model of the chemistry of the early solar system finds that up to half the water now on Earth was inherited from an abundant supply of interstellar ice as our sun formed. That means our solar system’s moisture wasn’t the result of local conditions in the proto-planetary disk, but rather a regular feature of planetary formation ....

Interstellar ice has a very high ratio of deuterium to hydrogen because it formed in very cold temperatures.

... researchers estimate, 30 to 50 percent of our solar system’s water was already a part of the ancient molecular cloud that spawned the Sun and planets. They published their findings today in the journal Science."
Earth's Water Is Older Than the Sun - D-brief

And that raises an interesting question: how did Genesis know, more than three thousand years ago, that the nascent planet was submerged in darkness and water?

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