CT Homeowner Fights Off Four Carjacker Scumbags


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Look at how these thugs appear out of nowhere to gang up on the homeowner they were trying to rob. And in the meantime, we have lib city DC lowering the criminal charge for carjacking!

If you don't own a gun, then grab a knife on your way out the door! Start slitting some throats!!
WE THE PEOPLE have to defend ourselves nowadays, since the useless, worthless, donut assed "law enforcement" REFUSES to do the jobs they are paid to do with public tax funds.

WE have to fend for ourselves now, and the Demonicreeps have doubled down on making sure that happens.
If you don't own a gun, then grab a knife on your way out the door! Start slitting some throats!!
WE THE PEOPLE have to defend ourselves nowadays, since the useless, worthless, donut assed "law enforcement" REFUSES to do the jobs they are paid to do with public tax funds.

WE have to fend for ourselves now, and the Demonicreeps have doubled down on making sure that happens.
Especially in Democrat areas!
Maybe the guy should have locked his car.

True, but then again, they would have just jacked it open.

Best thing to do is NEVER buy these highly over-price gouged vehicles, and just old, used ones.

Clunkers rule!
Because they are a security system all unto themselves!!!

Some common household items you can use for weapons........

Frying pans
Baseball bats
Golf Clubs
Wooden broom handles
Large wrench
Can of bug spray
Can of hairspray
Can of spray paint
Letter openers

Basically anything hard, flat, sharp, and/or pointy!!!
You want to be EXTRA careful using spray cans of any kind, as you don't want to spray yourself!! And you want to make sure theres enough in the can to get the job done.
And the THREE VULNERABLE SPOTS are EYES, THROAT, CROTCH!!! And DON'T be afraid to abuse the fuck out of these areas if you need to!!!

Look at how these thugs appear out of nowhere to gang up on the homeowner they were trying to rob. And in the meantime, we have lib city DC lowering the criminal charge for carjacking!

That makes sense, the death penalty was a little too much for carjacking.
Should be a requirement under the law.

Would definitely put a dent in rising auto thefts.

We used to shoot people for stealing a horse, but not 300 horses?

A gun would be best bet, as far as a clean kill.

Shooter could just stand in an out of the way place, unseen by the criminal, and popped off a couple shots into their spine!!!

I wouldn't want to kill them, I want them to suffer the rest of their lives. Shattering their spine makes certain of that..........living motionless in a wheelchair the rest of their pathetic lives. The perfect revenge!!!
He didn’t have time to grab it.

That's why there is so much legislation about making damn sure a legal gun owner has his/her access hindered by having to store their weapon in a locked safe. Great way to kill legal gun owners. Problem solved.

There has NEVER been legislation aimed at disarming criminal gun owners.

Look at how these thugs appear out of nowhere to gang up on the homeowner they were trying to rob. And in the meantime, we have lib city DC lowering the criminal charge for carjacking!

Carjackers usually go after expensive and new vehicles. The answer lies with technology. Vehicles should be powered with a shut down feature that can be accessed remotely. That would stop the vehicle and may even stop the criminals. Right now it's just too lucrative for them.

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