'Crushing' Babies to Harvest Their Organs: Judge Allows Undercover Video Clip in Planned...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
FULL TITLE: 'Crushing' Babies to Harvest Their Organs: Judge Allows Undercover Video Clip in Planned Parenthood Civil Trial

American Center for Law and Justice Executive Director Jordan Sekulow appeared on Wednesday's edition of CBN's Newswatch to discuss the case. Newswatch is seen weekdays on the CBN News Channel. For a programming schedule, click here.

A federal civil trial now underway in San Francisco could be the biggest pro-life case in the last 20 years.

Planned Parenthood, the country's largest abortion provider, is suing Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for their involvement in producing undercover videos. The videos, which showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the procurement and sale of fetal tissue, sparked national outrage and congressional investigations.

The US House and the Senate released reports documenting evidence of illegal actions by abortion providers and fetal tissue procurement companies.

Buying and selling human fetal tissue is illegal in the United States. Federal regulations also prohibit anyone from altering the timing or method of an abortion for the sole purpose of later using the tissue in research. Donating the tissue for research, however, is legal with a woman's consent, according to The Washington Post.

For the first time, Judge William Orrick allowed a significant portion of one of the undercover videos to be played for the jury as the Planned Parenthood abortionist who discussed "crushing" babies to harvest their organs was on the stand, according to the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) whose attorneys are a part of the legal team are representing Daleiden and Merritt.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola performed abortions for 21 years and was the Senior Director of Medical Services at PPFA. She testified that she performs "between 50 and 200" abortions a month.

(Excerpt) Read more at 1.cbn.com ...


"It’s about the rich exploiting the poor- but . . . "

At least 90% of the abortion industry is about the rich exploiting the poor as the locations of their facilities makes clear.

For every well to do female leftist murderer who blathers about having an abortion there are a hundred women who wouldn't have had an abortion if they could see any way to afford keeping their child.
Judge Bans Evidence in Planned Parenthood Trial - Liberty Counsel

Anti-Choice Activist Takes Stand in Lawsuit Brought by Planned Parenthood - Rewire.News
Under questioning by Planned Parenthood attorney Sharon Mayo, Merritt said she recorded about 100 people at the National Abortion Federation’s 2014 annual meeting in San Francisco. When pressed, she could not name specific people she recorded whom she believed had committed violent felonies.

“It was under investigation. That was what we were trying to discover,” Merritt testified.

Merritt declined to either confirm or deny Mayo’s assertion that none of the evidence presented to her on cross-examination showed Planned Parenthood had acted unlawfully.
Since the release of the deceptive CMP videos, investigations launched by anti-choice state lawmakers into Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue donation program have cleared the organization of wrongdoing, as did presiding U.S. District Judge William Orrick III in a related case in 2016. Orrick last month said there was no evidence fetuses were delivered alive in Planned Parenthood facilities and barred trial evidence allegedly proving they had been.
FULL TITLE: 'Crushing' Babies to Harvest Their Organs: Judge Allows Undercover Video Clip in Planned Parenthood Civil Trial

American Center for Law and Justice Executive Director Jordan Sekulow appeared on Wednesday's edition of CBN's Newswatch to discuss the case. Newswatch is seen weekdays on the CBN News Channel. For a programming schedule, click here.

A federal civil trial now underway in San Francisco could be the biggest pro-life case in the last 20 years.

Planned Parenthood, the country's largest abortion provider, is suing Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for their involvement in producing undercover videos. The videos, which showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing the procurement and sale of fetal tissue, sparked national outrage and congressional investigations.

The US House and the Senate released reports documenting evidence of illegal actions by abortion providers and fetal tissue procurement companies.

Buying and selling human fetal tissue is illegal in the United States. Federal regulations also prohibit anyone from altering the timing or method of an abortion for the sole purpose of later using the tissue in research. Donating the tissue for research, however, is legal with a woman's consent, according to The Washington Post.

For the first time, Judge William Orrick allowed a significant portion of one of the undercover videos to be played for the jury as the Planned Parenthood abortionist who discussed "crushing" babies to harvest their organs was on the stand, according to the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) whose attorneys are a part of the legal team are representing Daleiden and Merritt.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola performed abortions for 21 years and was the Senior Director of Medical Services at PPFA. She testified that she performs "between 50 and 200" abortions a month.

(Excerpt) Read more at 1.cbn.com ...


"It’s about the rich exploiting the poor- but . . . "

At least 90% of the abortion industry is about the rich exploiting the poor as the locations of their facilities makes clear.

For every well to do female leftist murderer who blathers about having an abortion there are a hundred women who wouldn't have had an abortion if they could see any way to afford keeping their child.

Funny that Planned Parenthood can crush babies bones for spare parts for profit with impunity because fetuses have no rights and a woman can do as she wishes with "her" body, yet other women are charged with murder just for taking meth while pregnant!

California woman charged with murder after delivering stillborn baby with meth in its system
I remember being repulsed as a child, upon learning about a civilization that threw babies off of cliffs to appease a volcano.
We are a civilization that crushes it's offspring in the womb and sells their parts.
That is pure evil, parading itself as a civil "right".
And I think God is about to let us have it...and we deserve it.
I remember being repulsed as a child, upon learning about a civilization that threw babies off of cliffs to appease a volcano.
We are a civilization that crushes it's offspring in the womb and sells their parts.
That is pure evil, parading itself as a civil "right".
And I think God is about to let us have it...and we deserve it.
Exodus 11:5
Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.
Exodus 12:29

Examples of God personally killing people - RationalWiki
I remember being repulsed as a child, upon learning about a civilization that threw babies off of cliffs to appease a volcano.
We are a civilization that crushes it's offspring in the womb and sells their parts.
That is pure evil, parading itself as a civil "right".
And I think God is about to let us have it...and we deserve it.
Exodus 11:5
Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.
Exodus 12:29

Examples of God personally killing people - RationalWiki

And that was punishment. They also were able to be saved if they accepted God and marked their homes with the blood of the lamb.
Judge Bans Evidence in Planned Parenthood Trial - Liberty Counsel

Anti-Choice Activist Takes Stand in Lawsuit Brought by Planned Parenthood - Rewire.News
Under questioning by Planned Parenthood attorney Sharon Mayo, Merritt said she recorded about 100 people at the National Abortion Federation’s 2014 annual meeting in San Francisco. When pressed, she could not name specific people she recorded whom she believed had committed violent felonies.

“It was under investigation. That was what we were trying to discover,” Merritt testified.

Merritt declined to either confirm or deny Mayo’s assertion that none of the evidence presented to her on cross-examination showed Planned Parenthood had acted unlawfully.
Since the release of the deceptive CMP videos, investigations launched by anti-choice state lawmakers into Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue donation program have cleared the organization of wrongdoing, as did presiding U.S. District Judge William Orrick III in a related case in 2016. Orrick last month said there was no evidence fetuses were delivered alive in Planned Parenthood facilities and barred trial evidence allegedly proving they had been.

Oh, there is evidence. Those in the medical profession testified before Congress about babies having their necks slit and spinal cords severed, limbs ripped right off their bodies while still alive and writhing in pain. (No pain killers< it isn't good for the saleable parts), and being tossed aside until they died. They told of others in the rooms, taking those suffering little things and hiding in closets and just holding them, sometimes for over an hour before their struggle was over.
If you think that is few and far between, why would there be a need for hospitals to start donating a room to stick them all in until the harvesting can begin. They have the nerve to call the rooms, COMFORT ROOMS. It is instead an assembly line of parts not unlike a GM plant. Only they disassemble living things. It is so brutal that you won't find any videos streaming this procedure. Abortion is gruesome. It is barbaric.

A lump of cells you say? We have moved into the next, more profitable chapter. Post birth abortions, as long as the umbilical cord is still attached. The more the organs are developed, the higher the price.
Can you imagine the ground swell of opposition in this country if it were puppies having their skulls crushed in vices, or necks slit, their legs ripped off? We wouldn't put up with that for a minute. Puppies and kittens have rights.
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The fake lord/god is a genocidal murderer on a global scale. Even the Fetus at the time in ovens baking. Yep, it killed all them unborn and born by the POS fake god/lord.
And Coined the term 'Boat Peoples' I recall very few were allowed on the boat. It was like 6-9 family members only.


Dang, all those killed who were alive as the lord image. Doing what that image of what the fake lord/god would do.
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I remember being repulsed as a child, upon learning about a civilization that threw babies off of cliffs to appease a volcano.
We are a civilization that crushes it's offspring in the womb and sells their parts.
That is pure evil, parading itself as a civil "right".
And I think God is about to let us have it...and we deserve it.
Exodus 11:5
Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.
Exodus 12:29

Examples of God personally killing people - RationalWiki

And that was punishment. They also were able to be saved if they accepted God and marked their homes with the blood of the lamb.
Say the firstborn was less than 5 years old. What did they do to be the target for murdering by your lord? Lamb blood or not.
I remember being repulsed as a child, upon learning about a civilization that threw babies off of cliffs to appease a volcano.
We are a civilization that crushes it's offspring in the womb and sells their parts.
That is pure evil, parading itself as a civil "right".
And I think God is about to let us have it...and we deserve it.
Exodus 11:5
Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.
Exodus 12:29

Examples of God personally killing people - RationalWiki

And that was punishment. They also were able to be saved if they accepted God and marked their homes with the blood of the lamb.
Say the firstborn was less than 5 years old. What did they do to be the target for murdering by your lord? Lamb blood or not.

It's only bad to kill babies when it's an omnipotent God doing the killing. When women do it, it's fucking awesome.
I remember being repulsed as a child, upon learning about a civilization that threw babies off of cliffs to appease a volcano.
We are a civilization that crushes it's offspring in the womb and sells their parts.
That is pure evil, parading itself as a civil "right".
And I think God is about to let us have it...and we deserve it.
Exodus 11:5
Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.
Exodus 12:29

Examples of God personally killing people - RationalWiki

And that was punishment. They also were able to be saved if they accepted God and marked their homes with the blood of the lamb.
Say the firstborn was less than 5 years old. What did they do to be the target for murdering by your lord? Lamb blood or not.

It's only bad to kill babies when it's an omnipotent God doing the killing. When women do it, it's fucking awesome.
Are females made in the fake lord/god image? It seems killing is godly work. Or not?
The fake lord/god is a genocidal murderer on a global scale. Even the Fetus at the time in ovens baking. Yep, it killed all them unborn and born by the POS fake god/lord.
And Coined the term 'Boat Peoples' I recall very few were allowed on the boat. It was like 6-9 family members only.

View attachment 288781
Dang, all those killed who were alive as the lord image.

There were 8. 8 humans left whose DNA had not been corrupted by demons. God killed nephilim, and spared the human race.

Gen. 6:9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.
The fake lord/god is a genocidal murderer on a global scale. Even the Fetus at the time in ovens baking. Yep, it killed all them unborn and born by the POS fake god/lord.
And Coined the term 'Boat Peoples' I recall very few were allowed on the boat. It was like 6-9 family members only.

View attachment 288781
Dang, all those killed who were alive as the lord image.

There were 8. 8 humans left whose DNA had not been corrupted by demons. God killed nephilim, and spared the human race.

Gen. 6:9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.
Why did God allow incest in the Bible?
Or is incest wrong for the flocks raw dogging breeding in the bible?
Seem that was the fake lord/god repopulation plan.
Or did they rape some animals to breed?
The fake lord/god is a genocidal murderer on a global scale. Even the Fetus at the time in ovens baking. Yep, it killed all them unborn and born by the POS fake god/lord.
And Coined the term 'Boat Peoples' I recall very few were allowed on the boat. It was like 6-9 family members only.

View attachment 288781
Dang, all those killed who were alive as the lord image.

There were 8. 8 humans left whose DNA had not been corrupted by demons. God killed nephilim, and spared the human race.

Gen. 6:9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.
Why did God allow incest in the Bible?
Or is incest wrong for the flocks raw dogging breeding in the bible?
Seem that was the fake lord/god repopulation plan.
Or did they rape some animals to breed?

Yo fuck tard... free will and a lesson

Cripes you're a stupid mofo
The fake lord/god is a genocidal murderer on a global scale. Even the Fetus at the time in ovens baking. Yep, it killed all them unborn and born by the POS fake god/lord.
And Coined the term 'Boat Peoples' I recall very few were allowed on the boat. It was like 6-9 family members only.

View attachment 288781
Dang, all those killed who were alive as the lord image.

There were 8. 8 humans left whose DNA had not been corrupted by demons. God killed nephilim, and spared the human race.

Gen. 6:9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.
Why did God allow incest in the Bible?
Or is incest wrong for the flocks raw dogging breeding in the bible?
Seem that was the fake lord/god repopulation plan.
Or did they rape some animals to breed?

Yo fuck tard... free will and a lesson

Cripes you're a stupid mofo
Deflections is all you have?
The fake lord/god is a genocidal murderer on a global scale. Even the Fetus at the time in ovens baking. Yep, it killed all them unborn and born by the POS fake god/lord.
And Coined the term 'Boat Peoples' I recall very few were allowed on the boat. It was like 6-9 family members only.

View attachment 288781
Dang, all those killed who were alive as the lord image.

There were 8. 8 humans left whose DNA had not been corrupted by demons. God killed nephilim, and spared the human race.

Gen. 6:9 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.
Why did God allow incest in the Bible?
Or is incest wrong for the flocks raw dogging breeding in the bible?
Seem that was the fake lord/god repopulation plan.
Or did they rape some animals to breed?

Yo fuck tard... free will and a lesson

Cripes you're a stupid mofo
Deflections is all you have?

Deflection? You spewed and I educated you

Now go "wheee" and think you proved anything. Fckn clown
I remember being repulsed as a child, upon learning about a civilization that threw babies off of cliffs to appease a volcano.
We are a civilization that crushes it's offspring in the womb and sells their parts.
That is pure evil, parading itself as a civil "right".
And I think God is about to let us have it...and we deserve it.

Always it’s innocent blood these demons lust for. It’s their substitution for the innocent blood we take in the Eucharist.
And demons are what you are dealing with when you deal with liberals. Life itself drives them to a frenzy which is part of their obsessive pushing of divorce, homosexuality, feminism, birth control etc. but killing babies will always be central and unconditional.
Oh come on the parasites are just a clump of cells.

Turns to active Parasitism after sperm triggers spawn feeding on the host actions.

"Definition: an interaction in which one organism (the parasite) lives on or in another organism (the host)"

And when, if born is now a possible new host to be feed off of later in life.

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