CRT vs. White Nationalism


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
CRT is among other things based on the following premises:
- That Whiteness is artificial

White Nationalists opposse that for them whiteness is not a social construct but based in nature. Stormfront defines white as 100% non-jewish european.

I think it is a mix of both and the truth is inbetween. Because humans are 99% the same and succesfully always and still mix with eatch other thats why you need to draw the lines somewhere maybe with a law like in southafrica or jim crow, then you have the experience aspect, the genetic aspect, the looks aspect etc. if you mix all of these you get somehwere half way there that the truth is inbetween.

Just check this add, those people have the looks and experience of white persons yet they are not genetically 100% white and are proud that they found something exotic, yet their experience is white and they get mocked for now saying they are not 100% white.

CRT does not say that and its time people stopped making opinions about this theory based on right wing race baited crap.

If CRT presumes race is a construct, it means whiteness, blackness, yellowness, and brownness are all constructs and that ANY concept of race is artificial.
CRT does not say that and its time people stopped making opinions about this theory based on right wing race baited crap.

If CRT presumes race is a construct, it means whiteness, blackness, yellowness, and brownness are all constructs and that ANY concept of race is artificial.

I thought CRT says A) Whiteness is artificial and B) Oppressive. That is not the case? Can you explain what CRT says? I think it is politically correct to write White with a small "w" and Black with a capitol "B" therefore because Black is POWER and white is oppressive?
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I thought CRT says A) Whiteness is artificial and B) Oppressive. That is not the case? Can you explain what CRT says? I think it is politically correct to write White with a small "w" and Black with a capitol "B" therefore because Black is POWER and white is oppressive?
No CRT doesn't say those things, nor does it mention capitalizing letters. The theory is a complex set of ideas used in legal studies. There is a book you should read about it because it cannot be explained in 1-2 sentences and most of what people like Rufo wrote isn't even close to what the theory states.

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No CRT doesn't say those things, nor does it mention capitalizing letters. The theory is a complex set of ideas used in legal studies. There is a book you should read about it because it cannot be explained in 1-2 sentences and most of what people like Rufo wrote isn't even close to what the theory states.

But some do say it, I dont know if that is CRT though.

But some do say it, I dont know if that is CRT though.

That's not CRT and quite frankly, it's stupid.
That's not CRT and quite frankly, it's stupid.

I dont really know CRT what it teaches, but I read on Twitter and such from many leftist intellectuals who talk about "destructing whiteness" and I think if they would acknowledge it is based in biology, natural, they wouldnt say so, because that would mean to kill white people, if it is only an oppressive concept an idea or artificial it is ok to destruct it. What do you think?
I dont really know CRT what it teaches, but I read on Twitter and such from many leftist intellectuals who talk about "destructing whiteness" and I think if they would acknowledge it is based in biology, natural, they wouldnt say so, because that would mean to kill white people, if it is only an oppressive concept an idea or artificial it is ok to destruct it. What do you think?
I think it's more like deconstructing whiteness. And I think they are looking at whiteness as an attitude while those on the right run into victim mode thinking they are talking about destroying white people.

Whiteness has generally meant white is better or supreme. Now again, buy the book about CRT and read it. It's going to take a while but as you will find, the theory covers a lot of things and it is simplistic for people to make it say that whites are oppressors and non whites are oppressed.

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