Word to the wise.... don't say that a lying politician has no chance. That's been proven false again and again. Our country is no longer a country of honor and "men of their word". People lie all the time. Politicians do the same.
When lying citizenry, vote for lying politicians, everyone has a chance. Even a scum bag like Hillary.
Take Bill Clinton. He lied constantly, and got elected twice by the immoral left.
Take Ted Kennedy. He murdered a girl, and got elected repeatedly for decades by the left.
Take Obama even. Everyone knew he couldn't close gitmo. There was no chance gitmo was going to close. And of course, just months after getting into office, his legal team released papers saying shockingly "can't close gitmo".
Did that surprise anyone? Was anyone outraged? You see anyone angry now? And yet Obama was elected twice on outright lies.
So when you say Hillary has no chance because she lies.... don't assume. You will be disappointed. The public is pretty stupid.