Creationist denies Bill Nye’s joy in scientific discovery because Hitler ate Jews for


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Creationist denies Bill Nye’s joy in scientific discovery because Hitler ate Jews for lunch

“There is no purpose,” he continued. “There is no morality. All you have in evolution in is what is is. It’s the survival of the fittest and if I’m stronger than you and I’m a lion and you’re a gazelle, sorry, you’re my lunch. And if I’m Hitler and you’re a Jew, sorry, you’re lunch. And if I am outside the body and you’re in the mother’s womb, and I don’t want you, sorry, you’re lunch.”

“There is no basis of morality or purpose, and Bill is stealing from the Christian worldview to find joy in discovery when there is no purpose or meaning to it.”

In other words, you're born a mindless void and you need your religion to tell you right from wrong.

He needs 2000 year old collection of books from 2 different cultures mashed together so he can cherry pick what he likes and leave the shrimp is abomination thingies.
Of course, since I have only watched the Network News (a.k.a. Religious Authority approved Skippy Goebbels) report, I don't have that much info. I will not watch the entire debate until I'm gettin' as much money and/or publicity as Nye & Ham got.

However, for Bill Nye to represent an Atheist POV...well.....I ain't viewed anything like that since Neville Chamberlin got back from Berlin.

You don't get on PBS without being Religious Authority approved, TOO!
Creationist denies Bill Nye’s joy in scientific discovery because Hitler ate Jews for lunch

“There is no purpose,” he continued. “There is no morality. All you have in evolution in is what is is. It’s the survival of the fittest and if I’m stronger than you and I’m a lion and you’re a gazelle, sorry, you’re my lunch. And if I’m Hitler and you’re a Jew, sorry, you’re lunch. And if I am outside the body and you’re in the mother’s womb, and I don’t want you, sorry, you’re lunch.”

“There is no basis of morality or purpose, and Bill is stealing from the Christian worldview to find joy in discovery when there is no purpose or meaning to it.”

In other words, you're born a mindless void and you need your religion to tell you right from wrong.

He needs 2000 year old collection of books from 2 different cultures mashed together so he can cherry pick what he likes and leave the shrimp is abomination thingies.

and yet, ironically:

"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, from speech in Berlin (October 24, 1933)

he seems to have his argument backward
Controversial televangelist Pat Robertson chimed in on Tuesday's debate between creationist Ken Ham and evolutionist Bill Nye "The Science Guy" by asking the Answers in Genesis founding president and CEO to stop making a mockery of Christians.

"Let's be real, let's not make a joke of ourselves," Robertson said on his show, "The 700 Club."

"Anyone who is in the oil business knows he's drilling down, 2 miles, 3 miles underground, you're coming into all these layers that were laid down by the dinosaurs," said Robertson. "And we have skeletons of dinosaurs that go back like 65 million years. And to say that it all came around 6 thousand years ago is nonsense."

Pat Robertson to Ken Ham: 'Let's Be Real, Let's Not Make a Joke of Ourselves'

When a guy who is so nuts he says gays walk around with special rings that stick you and give you AIDS says it's YOU who is a "joke", then perhaps you should listen.

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