COVID19 Resurgence is a Mirage Created by Fake News


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The media is trying to torpedo the economy based on bullshit claims.

There are more cases because there is more testing, but FEWER hospitalizations.



People how many times will you let these LIARS fool you?
The media is trying to torpedo the economy based on bullshit claims.

There are more cases because there is more testing, but FEWER hospitalizations.

View attachment 357843

People how many times will you let these LIARS fool you?

Its partly due to the fact that libs want to destroy the economy. But its also partly due to their totalitarian urges.

Here in the Great State of Pennsylvania, Gov. Wolf and the First She Male are actually RAMPING up restrictions on the people to new levels.

They enjoy the power the COVID 19 has given them, and they just don't want to give it up. Once you have experienced being Kim Jong Fucking Un, its tough to return to being anonymous governor and his gender bending sidekick.
The media is trying to torpedo the economy based on bullshit claims.

There are more cases because there is more testing, but FEWER hospitalizations.

View attachment 357843

View attachment 357845

People how many times will you let these LIARS fool you?
Let me guess. You've been watching Faux again?

Did you know that most of the people getting infected are younger people that are not going to require hospitalization immediately or most of the time not at all? Dont they teach you anything constructive over at Faux?
The media is trying to torpedo the economy based on bullshit claims.

There are more cases because there is more testing, but FEWER hospitalizations.

View attachment 357843

View attachment 357845

People how many times will you let these LIARS fool you?
Let me guess. You've been watching Faux again?

Did you know that most of the people getting infected are younger people that are not going to require hospitalization immediately or most of the time not at all? Dont they teach you anything constructive over at Faux?

People who aren't getting very sick aren't in need of protection.
Let me guess. You've been watching Faux again?

Did you know that most of the people getting infected are younger people that are not going to require hospitalization immediately or most of the time not at all? Dont they teach you anything constructive over at Faux?

First of all Faux News has become a liberal rag just like all the rest.
The ONLY reason they continue to allow any RW POV at all is because all the LW media outlets are going bankrupt because of their persistent lying.
Faux is joining that bandwagon.
20% of us know this and want to know it
Testing up from 2-300,000 per day to over a millions and the fakers are all agast that the number of infections is higher Even Though the percentage of infection has fallen from the months long 8% to 4.5% right now .
Serious to critical remain steady to slightly lower consistently averaging daily 15,500-17,000 and death rate plummeted from 2.500 initially to 1.500 midpoint to 500 currently
Liberals desperately need a crisis so they will deny the facts and pray their emotional pandering can win them the election and force Thinking Americans to Feel the way they do
The media is trying to torpedo the economy based on bullshit claims.

There are more cases because there is more testing, but FEWER hospitalizations.

View attachment 357843

View attachment 357845

People how many times will you let these LIARS fool you?

COVID-19 pandemonium is ALL about the 2020 presidential election. Psychological warfare field manual 101: demoralize the enemy by any means necessary prior to a main battle. Any American who voted for Donald John Trump, is related to a DJT voter or who dares to wear his hat or speak favorably of our President must be demoralized and locked into an infinite moral quandary/shocked and outraged logical and emotional loop. Speaking freely . . . I for one would not be surprised to learn that the democrats hired China to carry out biological weapon attacks across the United States . . . particularly in conservative strongholds. Of course that's just speculation on my part. Or is it? It's a high tension kind of month.
I just received an Emergency Text from the District of Criminals "alert" number- about Austin and Travis County being a bad place to be and it offered guide lines for a "safe July 4th celebration"- I blocked the number.
Then, I got a phone call from Austin for the same bullshit and I blocked that number.

These fuckwads have gone absolutely insane with their lust for power.
The media is trying to torpedo the economy based on bullshit claims.

There are more cases because there is more testing, but FEWER hospitalizations.

View attachment 357843

View attachment 357845

People how many times will you let these LIARS fool you?

Gawd, but you're stupid.

1. COVID-NET hospitalization data are preliminary and subject to change as more data become available. In particular, case counts and rates for recent hospital admissions are subject to lag. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.​

It comes with a big, fat disclaimer: "Preliminary data as of Jun 20, 2020" Your handlers didn't inform you about that? Any idea why the goons handed you a chart with data 10+ days old and lied you into denying a roughly 10-days-old surge?

Fatalities up to now decline in numbers because (1) hospitals are getting better at treating patients and keeping them alive, and (2) the recent surge in numbers of infections will result in rising numbers of fatalities somewhat after (!) diagnosis, that is, in the days and weeks to come.

Breitbart has eaten your last functioning brain cells.
I just received an Emergency Text from the District of Criminals "alert" number- about Austin and Travis County being a bad place to be and it offered guide lines for a "safe July 4th celebration"- I blocked the number.
Then, I got a phone call from Austin for the same bullshit and I blocked that number.

These fuckwads have gone absolutely insane with their lust for power.

Are you fucking serious?

Here's why they don't want 4th of July Celebrations:
1. COVID-NET hospitalization data are preliminary and subject to change as more data become available. In particular, case counts and rates for recent hospital admissions are subject to lag. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.
They are also contingent on getting money for the claims- follow the money, see the agenda sheeple.
I for one would not be surprised to learn that the democrats hired China to carry out biological weapon attacks across the United States .
There is speculation, backed with some pretty ominous evidence, that the virus was actually conceived here- would that surprise you? It doesn't me.

Nothing surprises me. Not in this America of 2020AD. I might be momentarily shocked, but never surprised.

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