COVID may never fully disappear. Here's how we live with it.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

COVID may never fully disappear. Here's how we live with it.​

Mike Bebernes
Mike Bebernes
Wed, September 15, 2021, 3:36 PM

With the United States in the midst of a surge of coronavirus cases driven by the Delta variant and scientists concerned that colder weather may bring yet another spike in infections in the fall, it can be easy to lose sight of the reality that, eventually, the pandemic will end.

The end of the pandemic does not mean that COVID-19 will go away entirely, however. Most scientists have come to believe that the idea of a “COVID zero” future is unrealistic. Only one infectious disease among humans, smallpox, has ever been fully eradicated, and that didn’t happen until nearly 200 years after the first smallpox vaccine was invented.

All other diseases become endemic, a term that describes a state in which the threat gradually decreases until the disease becomes a regular part of life, like the flu — which kills up to 60,000 people a year. In this scenario, there would still be a baseline of COVID-19 infections at any given time and occasional larger outbreaks, but immunity from vaccines and infections would lower overall risk enough that large-scale mitigation measures like masking and lockdowns won’t be seen as necessary.

And here we are. When will we be escorted to the concentration camps?

COVID may never fully disappear. Here's how we live with it.​

Mike Bebernes
Mike Bebernes
Wed, September 15, 2021, 3:36 PM

With the United States in the midst of a surge of coronavirus cases driven by the Delta variant and scientists concerned that colder weather may bring yet another spike in infections in the fall, it can be easy to lose sight of the reality that, eventually, the pandemic will end.

The end of the pandemic does not mean that COVID-19 will go away entirely, however. Most scientists have come to believe that the idea of a “COVID zero” future is unrealistic. Only one infectious disease among humans, smallpox, has ever been fully eradicated, and that didn’t happen until nearly 200 years after the first smallpox vaccine was invented.

All other diseases become endemic, a term that describes a state in which the threat gradually decreases until the disease becomes a regular part of life, like the flu — which kills up to 60,000 people a year. In this scenario, there would still be a baseline of COVID-19 infections at any given time and occasional larger outbreaks, but immunity from vaccines and infections would lower overall risk enough that large-scale mitigation measures like masking and lockdowns won’t be seen as necessary.

And here we are. When will we be escorted to the concentration camps?
That was some leap you took there at the end.

You should try out for the Olympics
...humans adapt...the human body adapts ....people need to start taking care of their OWN bodies---humans are not created/designed to be obese ....
That was some leap you took there at the end.

You should try out for the Olympics
....not that far of a leap---right now, if you speak the truth/free speech, you are punished by the left wing that acts just like nazis
like Carano said, they slowly creep it up

COVID may never fully disappear. Here's how we live with it.​

Mike Bebernes
Mike Bebernes
Wed, September 15, 2021, 3:36 PM

With the United States in the midst of a surge of coronavirus cases driven by the Delta variant and scientists concerned that colder weather may bring yet another spike in infections in the fall, it can be easy to lose sight of the reality that, eventually, the pandemic will end.

The end of the pandemic does not mean that COVID-19 will go away entirely, however. Most scientists have come to believe that the idea of a “COVID zero” future is unrealistic. Only one infectious disease among humans, smallpox, has ever been fully eradicated, and that didn’t happen until nearly 200 years after the first smallpox vaccine was invented.

All other diseases become endemic, a term that describes a state in which the threat gradually decreases until the disease becomes a regular part of life, like the flu — which kills up to 60,000 people a year. In this scenario, there would still be a baseline of COVID-19 infections at any given time and occasional larger outbreaks, but immunity from vaccines and infections would lower overall risk enough that large-scale mitigation measures like masking and lockdowns won’t be seen as necessary.

And here we are. When will we be escorted to the concentration camps?
This is what all scientists and related doctors, are saying.... And it makes sense....we just need enough people with severe sickness immunity from either vaccines or previous infection for community protection to be high enough to prevent our hospitals from collapsing and unable to treat other medical ailments.
We've had massive "pandemics" before, but most people never knew about them because people were left alone to govern themselves.......and we did pretty damned good.

THIS scamdemic is not the same, because the extreme lefties, Marxists, and Commies saw potential to scare the sheeples into believing their propaganda and lies, so they used, abused, and construed the facts and truths to their advantage in order to gain the power to create so much havoc and incivility, that they would have no problems illegally and unconstitutionally changing the laws like Obozo did, to serve their private agendas for world destruction.
This is what all scientists and related doctors, are saying.... And it makes sense....we just need enough people with severe sickness immunity from either vaccines or previous infection for community protection to be high enough to prevent our hospitals from collapsing and unable to treat other medical ailments.

What I don't understand, is why hospitals are supposedly overloaded.
In previous pandemics where hospitals got to the point they were "full", the military was called in, and organizations like the Red Cross were called in, to set up mobile hospitals, turn warehouses and storage buildings into hospitals, and even popped up tent hospitals in remote areas.

So WHY has this not been done NOW????

Just another point of truth, that this is a SCAMdemic, and not a PANdemic. It's being used and abused as a political weapon, nothing more.

COVID may never fully disappear. Here's how we live with it.​

Mike Bebernes
Mike Bebernes
Wed, September 15, 2021, 3:36 PM

With the United States in the midst of a surge of coronavirus cases driven by the Delta variant and scientists concerned that colder weather may bring yet another spike in infections in the fall, it can be easy to lose sight of the reality that, eventually, the pandemic will end.

The end of the pandemic does not mean that COVID-19 will go away entirely, however. Most scientists have come to believe that the idea of a “COVID zero” future is unrealistic. Only one infectious disease among humans, smallpox, has ever been fully eradicated, and that didn’t happen until nearly 200 years after the first smallpox vaccine was invented.

All other diseases become endemic, a term that describes a state in which the threat gradually decreases until the disease becomes a regular part of life, like the flu — which kills up to 60,000 people a year. In this scenario, there would still be a baseline of COVID-19 infections at any given time and occasional larger outbreaks, but immunity from vaccines and infections would lower overall risk enough that large-scale mitigation measures like masking and lockdowns won’t be seen as necessary.

And here we are. When will we be escorted to the concentration camps?

Good post, but - - how did you make the leap from COVID to concentration camps??
It's all in the Hitler Outlook the Dems have. Get to the point where you have your "insurgents" that refuse government jabs of their passivity drugs, and you get put in a concentration camp for being "treasonous".
Goodwin's Law states that over time every internet discussion will devolve into one side or the other calling "NAZI!"

The right wing STARTS that way
We've had massive "pandemics" before, but most people never knew about them because people were left alone to govern themselves.......and we did pretty damned good.

THIS scamdemic is not the same, because the extreme lefties, Marxists, and Commies saw potential to scare the sheeples into believing their propaganda and lies, so they used, abused, and construed the facts and truths to their advantage in order to gain the power to create so much havoc and incivility, that they would have no problems illegally and unconstitutionally changing the laws like Obozo did, to serve their private agendas for world destruction.
That is so untrue.


EVERYONE KNEW about the pandemics we have had, mitigation methods were taken to the best of their medical knowlege during the epidemics, and millions upon millions upon millions died....wiping out communities and their economies.

The difference was we didn't have hospitals on every corner of the earth, there for modern medical treatments curing other diseases and ailments, being filled up with virus patients, and unable to medically help others in need.

COVID may never fully disappear. Here's how we live with it.​

Mike Bebernes
Mike Bebernes
Wed, September 15, 2021, 3:36 PM

With the United States in the midst of a surge of coronavirus cases driven by the Delta variant and scientists concerned that colder weather may bring yet another spike in infections in the fall, it can be easy to lose sight of the reality that, eventually, the pandemic will end.

The end of the pandemic does not mean that COVID-19 will go away entirely, however. Most scientists have come to believe that the idea of a “COVID zero” future is unrealistic. Only one infectious disease among humans, smallpox, has ever been fully eradicated, and that didn’t happen until nearly 200 years after the first smallpox vaccine was invented.

All other diseases become endemic, a term that describes a state in which the threat gradually decreases until the disease becomes a regular part of life, like the flu — which kills up to 60,000 people a year. In this scenario, there would still be a baseline of COVID-19 infections at any given time and occasional larger outbreaks, but immunity from vaccines and infections would lower overall risk enough that large-scale mitigation measures like masking and lockdowns won’t be seen as necessary.

And here we are. When will we be escorted to the concentration camps?
OMG...Viruses never go away. They will always exist. The cold always existed

Viruses never go away, they can hide. Get Herpes for further clarification
Because Democrats like you stated they want vaccine passports and such to ensure that every human follow protocols or lose their freedom of choice. You’re vaccinated and still hiding under your bed blaming Jews for your ills. Idiot.

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