Covid Lab Leak staring to be more likely...

That might be a bit extreme... In a court of law, this would be negligence, and restitution would required by those parties that are guilty. In this case, this would be the lab, China, those financing "Gain of Function" research and anyone else who would have been responsible for the negligence. Unfortunately, in the US. We want to blame the maskers and the non-maskers. We have a war between the vaxers and the anti-vaxers, which is exactly the narrative that those who are ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE want to see happen.

So those on this forum, who want to perpetuate blame to those I listed, or to the orange blob, or to Biden or a political side, etc., please stop. The real blame goes all the way back to China and those responsible.
Well said. Unfortunately, partisans are gonna partisan.
Lesh, you provide nothing, nothing tangible to discuss. I'm providing to you, what is hopefully seen as un-biased view points and research. You however deflect the actual point of the conversation. You provide no value whatsoever.

Rogin provides valuable context to consider. In our current state where information is constantly being massaged by politicians, scientists, and the MSM, Rogin is going in and dissecting the information and making valid, valid points with his research. You can choose to snipe little comments back and forth while never discussing the actual topic, that's fine. But I will choose to ignore you further until you actually provide some value.

Using comedians as your “expert source” is less than nothing
Using comedians as your “expert source” is less than nothing
Care to address anything by the journalist? And I already said Brand is no expert, but his entertaining the lab leak analysis is interesting given the lefts propensity to ignore it.
Care to discuss any of the points?
Trolling? You mentioned some journalist and asked me to respond to what he said.

I have no idea what journalist you are referring to.

What's wrong with you?
Are not viewing the links I posted to the YouTube videos?
Videos of comedians?

I'll pass thanks
No the one of the journalist from the Washington Post. Or you can watch the one with Brand who also discuss the same journalist. Or you can continue being a troll, dismiss new information that doesn’t fit in your narrow world view. That’s what I see from you. You’d prefer to exist in a way that actually provides no value to this thread and a forum. In all honesty I’m not sure why you even bother to post anything. So how about this. I’m not going to ignore you, but if you choose to continue to post in this thread or to any other comment I choose to post, please don’t waste your time. I’ve wasted enough time discussing absolutey nothing with you and I hope that you realize that nothing is all your presence here is.
No the one of the journalist from the Washington Post. Or you can watch the one with Brand who also discuss the same journalist. Or you can continue being a troll, dismiss new information that doesn’t fit in your narrow world view. That’s what I see from you. You’d prefer to exist in a way that actually provides no value to this thread and a forum. In all honesty I’m not sure why you even bother to post anything. So how about this. I’m not going to ignore you, but if you choose to continue to post in this thread or to any other comment I choose to post, please don’t waste your time. I’ve wasted enough time discussing absolutey nothing with you and I hope that you realize that nothing is all your presence here is.
Tell you find out who this supposed journalist is and I'll find out who he is and what he actually said.

Are you too lazy for even that?
Fauci caused this country and world so much grief he should be executed by firing squad along with that senile old fool
We should work on reanimation technology just to execute him over and over. Trillions and trillions of dollars lost in the world with a lot of pain for many people and more then that, a loss of more rights.
One stupid thing about this thread and video is that it never mentions the other population of viruses left in nature after a few of its members were brought into the lab.
We should work on reanimation technology just to execute him over and over. Trillions and trillions of dollars lost in the world with a lot of pain for many people and more then that, a loss of more rights.
I just wanna know if the mad scientist experiments were worth a pandemic. All I want is that bastard to answer his own statement............................Well was it worth it PUNK???
I just wanna know if the mad scientist experiments were worth a pandemic. All I want is that bastard to answer his own statement............................Well was it worth it PUNK???
That assumes that
A. US money was spent on GoF Research

B. If that is true that Fauci knew it was

C. That GoF research had anything to do with the pandemic.

None of that has been shown to be true
That assumes that
A. US money was spent on GoF Research

B. If that is true that Fauci knew it was

C. That GoF research had anything to do with the pandemic.

None of that has been shown to be true

How many will be slaughtered by 8th century homicidal maniacs?

But at least we got the Afghanis out first

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