Covid Lab Leak staring to be more likely...

Awwww...look at you creating strawmen and telling people what I would do in your hypothetical "cat caper".
As I said most logical people would connect the dots. You somehow choose to believe an obscure market theory. You also probably believe that Cuomo didn’t do anything nefarious. You don’t have very much credibility as you called me racist numerous times and then said there was proof. Still waiting. Pretty weak. So in your mind there is zero chance the virus leaked from the lab? Correct?
You somehow choose to believe an obscure market theory
Make shit up much? Find and quote me saying that. You can't. You are lying again
You also probably believe that Cuomo didn’t do anything nefarious.
Se above liar...
You don’t have very much credibility as you called me racist numerous times and then said there was proof.
"Said there was proof"? There were your racist comments. I pointed them out at the time. Given time you will repeat them. It is your nature

So in your mind there is zero chance the virus leaked from the lab? Correct?
Nope. Never said anything like that. Maybe you have quotes and links of this?


Make shit up much? Find and quote me saying that. You can't. You are lying again

Se above liar...

"Said there was proof"? There were your racist comments. I pointed them out at the time. Given time you will repeat them. It is your nature

Nope. Never said anything like that. Maybe you have quotes and links of this?


Show one racist post from me. Just one. I ll patiently wait. You said there was “no evidence” it’s in the thread. So you believe it began in a market.
Show one racist post from me. Just one. I ll patiently wait. You said there was “no evidence” it’s in the thread. So you believe it began in a market.
Your racism is a matter of record. I'm not going to go searching through thousands of posts. You'll do it again As is in your nature.

As far as me saying there is "no evidence," my meaning was "no hard evidence". Circumstantial evidence and speculation is not hard evidence.

That does NOT mean I believe or don't believe some other speculation. Claiming I do is the kind of dishonesty you regularly engage in.
Your racism is a matter of record. I'm not going to go searching through thousands of posts. You'll do it again As is in your nature.

As far as me saying there is "no evidence," my meaning was "no hard evidence". Circumstantial evidence and speculation is not hard evidence.

That does NOT mean I believe or don't believe some other speculation. Claiming I do is the kind of dishonesty you regularly engage in.
Matter of record? More lies. You’re a worthless piece of garbage. So what do you believe? Since you’re now back pedaling like a lunatic. You said in a post that it could NOT have started in a lab.
Your racism is a matter of record. I'm not going to go searching through thousands of posts. You'll do it again As is in your nature.

As far as me saying there is "no evidence," my meaning was "no hard evidence". Circumstantial evidence and speculation is not hard evidence.

That does NOT mean I believe or don't believe some other speculation. Claiming I do is the kind of dishonesty you regularly engage in.
I am not letting this go. Since you’re making shit up. You’re now officially a Holocaust denying dink. Prove me wrong.
You’re now officially a Holocaust denying dink.
You obviously pulled that out as your "ultimate insult".

Fucking despicable that you would use that horrific event as nothing more than a tool to attack your opposition with
You said in a post that it could NOT have started in a lab.
I said in my post that scientists have said that it could not have come from a lab and i linked to them saying this.

Is that fact? It is not but it is s strong or stronger than your circumstantial evidence and speculation.

What do I believe happened? I can't answer that because there is not enough evidence to support ANYTHING regarding the origin at this time.
You obviously pulled that out as your "ultimate insult".

Fucking despicable that you would use that horrific event as nothing more than a tool to attack your opposition with
Same logic as you calling me a racist. Virus started in the lab.
I said in my post that scientists have said that it could not have come from a lab and i linked to them saying this.

Is that fact? It is not but it is s strong or stronger than your circumstantial evidence and speculation.

What do I believe happened? I can't answer that because there is not enough evidence to support ANYTHING regarding the origin at this time.
What does your gut tell you? Take a stand.
What does your gut tell you? You won’t answer as you agree with me. Checkmate Herr Lesh
Is reading hard for you, you racist piece of shit?

I don’t base my beliefs on “my gut”. Only stupid people do that
Even Russel Brand, who is very leftist, is bringing this too light.
But why isn't this more important to our media, politicians, and our society in general. Knowing the origin, IMO, is vitally important to stopping another pandemic.

(And keep in mind, I don't look to Russel Brand as some type of specialist or viral professional, but his taking this on means something).

It's a shame that this explanation - the most obvious in my view - fell into disrepute as a "conspiracy theory". Just another casualty of partisan stupidity.
Apparently you DO look at this comedian as if his opinion is valuable. It means nothing

Actually scientists have said that that lab was NOT capable of producing this virus
Did you even listen to the video? He sites, many times over, a government released report.
An No, I don't look to him as an authority. But many people will and do because of his political leanings.
Are you going to ignore the information presented? There is plenty of information and research being released that shows that Gain of Function research was being done in the lab. This research had funding from various entities.
Here is a Youtube Video from the Washington Post discounting the lab leak theory.
One year later, the Washington Post's own journalist, Josh Rogin, cited by Brand, changes direction.

Shame that this thread has already devolved into insults. How about Lesh and AzogtheDefiler take the shit offline. And if we continue discourse, how about some evidence and or citation.
I've posted this a few times already...

This Vanity Fair research reveals and backs some findings that are stated in the Washington Post article. I don't supbscribe to the Washington Post, so I can't read the article. But if someone does, I'd like them to post the article so people can read it for themselves.

Here is another Vid featuring Josh Rogin who reveals much of the political games surrounding the narrative and the backtracking that many "Scientists" had to do.

Now Josh Rogin is your expert? Ya can’t make shit like this up
Now Josh Rogin is your expert? Ya can’t make shit like this up
Lesh, you provide nothing, nothing tangible to discuss. I'm providing to you, what is hopefully seen as un-biased view points and research. You however deflect the actual point of the conversation. You provide no value whatsoever.

Rogin provides valuable context to consider. In our current state where information is constantly being massaged by politicians, scientists, and the MSM, Rogin is going in and dissecting the information and making valid, valid points with his research. You can choose to snipe little comments back and forth while never discussing the actual topic, that's fine. But I will choose to ignore you further until you actually provide some value.


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