Covid insanity

In my newspaper yesterday;
Sat Telegraph, Jan 8 2022;

Front page headlines in 2" high print;


Pandemic Crisis
. Hospitals dust off AIDS-era battle plan.
. Segregated Covid wards closed down.
. Elective surgeries on hold.

NO SINGING, DANCING, MINGLING: What new restrictions mean for you. page 5


The Covid Reaper must be the AIDS Reaper was.
More people died from Covid yesterday. People dying from Covid every day.

NAZI? Nah, no one is being exterminated in concentration camps by the govt.
People in wheel chairs are not being hurled off buildings.
There's no Holocaust 2.
There are health restrictions being reintroduced to defeat the Covid Reaper and save lives.
The federal and state govts are doing their best in trying circumstances to save the lives of the People, not take them.
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In my newspaper yesterday;
Sat Telegraph, Jan 8 2022;

Front page headlines in 2" high print;


Pandemic Crisis
. Hospitals dust off AIDS-era battle plan.
. Segregated Covid wards closed down.
. Elective surgeries on hold.

NO SINGING, DANCING, MINGLING: What new restrictions mean for you. page 5


The Covid Reaper must be the AIDS Reaper was.
More people died from Covid yesterday. People dying from Covid every day.

NAZI? Nah, no one is being exterminated in concentration camps by the govt.
People in wheel chairs are not being hurled off buildings.
There's no Holocaust 2.
There are health restrictions being reintroduced to defeat the Covid Reaper and save lives.
The federal and state govts are doing their best in trying circumstances to save the lives of the People, not take them.
So. They are pushing FEAR PORN here too...........we just don't give a shit anymore here. We really don't.......

'This is an example.

Djokovic won his court case...45 minute time technicality at the airport.

He's entered the country unvaccinated.
His medical exemption does't meet the requirements.
Riot in the street in Melbourne last night by his supporters.
He'll be playing at the Open.
Meanwhile, all the spectators have to be fully vaxxed to enter the arena.

Australia, laughing stock of the world, again.
One day............

Daily Telegraph today;

Novak Djokovic visa application: did Australian Open champion lie on entry form?

Australian Border officials are investigating whether Novak Djokovic lied on his entry form for Australia.
In the latest twist to the world No 1’s visa saga it appears he made a false declaration claiming he had not travelled in the 14 days leading up to his arrival in Melbourne.

The world No 1, who on Monday won a court hearing to have the decision to cancel his visa quashed, remains in Australia as the Federal Government weighs up the option of re-detaining and deporting him.
But should Djokovic found to have made false claims on his visa application, the 20-times grand slam champion could face up to 12 months in jail, the Home Affairs website confirmed.

All travellers arriving in Australia are asked if they have “travelled or will travel in the 14 days prior to your flight to Australia” and warned: “Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence. You may also be liable to a civil penalty for giving false or misleading information.”

Djokovic ticked “No” in response to the question which appears to be in direct conflict with the timeline of his recent movements.
Djokovic’s lawyers have been contacted for comment.
Yes, I agree. It's insane to think a single individual can trump a nation's laws.

He won his court case [judges seems to be a lottery sometimes] on a time technicality at the airport, that he wasn't given enough time to consider the revoking of his visa and what he might do.
Looks like, and hopefully, dajoker will be for the high jump back to Serbia sooner rather than later.
The govt seems determined.
After what's been revealed in the last few days the Serbian govt is none-too-happy with him either...about his moving around their society after testing positive instead of isolating...which is in breach of their laws.
In my newspaper yesterday;
Sat Telegraph, Jan 8 2022;

Front page headlines in 2" high print;


Pandemic Crisis
. Hospitals dust off AIDS-era battle plan.
. Segregated Covid wards closed down.
. Elective surgeries on hold.

NO SINGING, DANCING, MINGLING: What new restrictions mean for you. page 5


The Covid Reaper must be the AIDS Reaper was.
More people died from Covid yesterday. People dying from Covid every day.

NAZI? Nah, no one is being exterminated in concentration camps by the govt.
People in wheel chairs are not being hurled off buildings.
There's no Holocaust 2.
There are health restrictions being reintroduced to defeat the Covid Reaper and save lives.
The federal and state govts are doing their best in trying circumstances to save the lives of the People, not take them.
Nazi's didnt start with exterminating Jews. They started like the Australian Nazi's are doing.

Its clear beyond doubt the nazi policies followed by Australia have failed miserably. They would be far better off if they dropped all the failed Nazi-like policies and let freedom do its job. However, this is how a Nazi would react. If we just do more of whats failed miserably then what has failed miserably will magically work.


Australia's Covid cases have soared since Dec 15 when state and federal govts basically seemingly caved in to the will of the rioting anti-Vax and anti- restrictions protesters...and basically threw all the restrictions out the window.
"Freedom, yippee" went many of the people, tossed their masks away, tossed their social distancing away, rushed over to the homes of their relatives, hugged and kissed them, poured back into niteclubs, pubs, public transport etc like it was 2015.
What is there now?
Answer: utter chaos. Society is in turmoil, record daily Covid deaths in NSW, 30,000, 40,000, 60,000 new cases daily, supply chains in tatters, supermarket shelves *empty*, staff missing from the workforce in massive numbers.
Now restrictions are being reintroduced...too late for the dead and dying., but no one much seems it's mostly "old people" 40+ who are dying. They seem expendable at this point in time.

You really should re-read about Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.
Australia is nothing like Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.
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Nazi's didnt start with exterminating Jews. They started like the Australian Nazi's are doing.

Its clear beyond doubt the nazi policies followed by Australia have failed miserably. They would be far better off if they dropped all the failed Nazi-like policies and let freedom do its job. However, this is how a Nazi would react. If we just do more of whats failed miserably then what has failed miserably will magically work.

They started by banning unvaccinated Jewish tennis players?
Djokovic is back in immigration detention, taken there today by govt officials.
His *trial* starts Sunday morning a10am AEDST (Aust East Daylight Saving Time or some such thing)'s nearly 10pm Sat in Sydney/east coast now.
Immigration Minister wants him deported because he could "excite anti-vaxxers, with dire consequences" or something.
Who was the pin up boy of the anti-vaxxers who marched thru the streets of Sydney today?
Yes, "Novak".
90% of people polled want him deported.

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