Covid-19. Yes, this really is Orwell.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Orwell really nailed it in his groundbreaking novel, 1984. He was early on the actual date, but he got the basic evil mechanism of information manipulation down pat. Big Brother Government is definitely here and the blocking of information that is taking place in broad daylight demonstrates the real and present danger unfolding in the world today. Did anyone ever think that the planet’s highest-level inhabitants would be wearing masks and forced to huddle in small groups? Do you see gorillas doing this, or dogs or cows?

Why didn’t nature attack the birds, the fish or even some insects? Could it be that the attack did not come from nature? Big Brother Government has an answer for that wrapped in language magic-conspiracy theories!, dangerous speech!, Debunked misinformation! It is all there, just as Orwell said it would be. Big Brother Government has a leader all set to save us! He stands in front of huge screens repeating what the giant text conveys. His brain is mummified but his mouth still functions, and he has planning committees waiting in the wings to do the actual work of totalitarian takeover of mind and spirit.

The new savior implores us to listen to the same science that created the monster. The monster had to be imposed on the people because the people were not listening to Big Brother Government. A leader in a powerful democracy was threatening a red hoard on the other side of the world that made a Devil’s deal with Big Brother. The world was the prize, so the world was attacked. The people are afraid; they put on their masks and hate the leader that angered Big Brother! Why didn’t Orwell think of this? Maybe truth really is stranger than fiction.

Little voices that try to warn us about Big Brother become fainter as they are walled off by the propaganda ramparts of the planners. Criticism of Big Brother is “bad science” no matter the qualifications of the critics! The problematic leader had to be stopped with the “good science” of government biological research!

Yes, this is Orwell, as the insolent leader in now blamed for the misery of the people. It is working! Government science is trying to take him out like the invaders in War of the Worlds! The people’s leader is bad, and the government is good!

Science is on Big Brother’s side! Yes, this Orwell.
You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
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You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
All over the world? All at once? That is a little far fetched. Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, reported the unintentional consequences of bad science. But this too convenient event has all the earmarks of purposeful intent.
You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
All over the world? All at once? That is a little far fetched. Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, reported the unintentional consequences of bad science. But this too convenient event has all the earmarks of purposeful intent.
Yes all over the world. All at once. Just like smallpox, the plague, the Spanish flu, the common cold and basically every transmittable disease. Entire populations have been decimated by disease before the concept of the scientific method was ever developed.

It's not even that this happening hasn't been predicted for decades. Intent has as much to do with it as intent causes the sun to rise.
You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
And you better look at history too, pal.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."

I propose that whenever tyrant motherfuckers try this shit again, we respond with extreme violence. We can never let our government get to this level again. We need to bathe in the guts of the motherfuckers who try that shit again. Our response needs to be violent and savage. It needs to put fear in the hearts of anyone who would dare think about trying this shit again.

Disease or no disease. It's not an excuse to rid the world of human rights.
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You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
All over the world? All at once? That is a little far fetched. Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, reported the unintentional consequences of bad science. But this too convenient event has all the earmarks of purposeful intent.
Yes all over the world. All at once. Just like smallpox, the plague, the Spanish flu, the common cold and basically every transmittable disease. Entire populations have been decimated by disease before the concept of the scientific method was ever developed.

It's not even that this happening hasn't been predicted for decades. Intent has as much to do with it as intent causes the sun to rise.
Right when it was needed too! Boy, that is one for the books. Orwell's books that is.

Our story begins as most stories often do with a politician. He's a member of the progressive party.




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You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
All over the world? All at once? That is a little far fetched. Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, reported the unintentional consequences of bad science. But this too convenient event has all the earmarks of purposeful intent.
Yes all over the world. All at once. Just like smallpox, the plague, the Spanish flu, the common cold and basically every transmittable disease. Entire populations have been decimated by disease before the concept of the scientific method was ever developed.

It's not even that this happening hasn't been predicted for decades. Intent has as much to do with it as intent causes the sun to rise.
Right when it was needed too! Boy, that is one for the books. Orwell's books thisat is.
Covid 19 first started in december 2019 11 Months ago. Every 2 years there's an election cycle and every 4 a Presidential election. Hell of a coincidence indeed that a global pandemic breaks out 11 months before something that happens every 4 years occurs. :) This is the problem with conspiracies, you can find connections in everything if you are so inclined. Problem of course is that not only does coincidence exists but for some things you don't need coincidence at all. During Obama's tenure 2 potentially catastrophic pandemics broke out but the world was lucky that they weren't as transmittable.
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Bioengineered and brought to the US. It was even telegraphed two months before it even happened on Event 201. Now gates is paying the media millions to have his mug on all circuits, laughing about how this next virus that comes out will really be deadly.
You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
All over the world? All at once? That is a little far fetched. Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, reported the unintentional consequences of bad science. But this too convenient event has all the earmarks of purposeful intent.
Yes all over the world. All at once. Just like smallpox, the plague, the Spanish flu, the common cold and basically every transmittable disease. Entire populations have been decimated by disease before the concept of the scientific method was ever developed.

It's not even that this happening hasn't been predicted for decades. Intent has as much to do with it as intent causes the sun to rise.
Right when it was needed too! Boy, that is one for the books. Orwell's books thisat is.
Covid 19 first started in december 2019 11 Months ago. Every 2 years there's an election cycle and every 4 a Presidential election. Hell of a coincidence indeed that a global pandemic breaks out 11 months before something that happens every 4 years. :)
Remember Eisenhower's warning about the military-industrial complex. He was trying to deliver an alert to the people that real power is not in the hands of elected leadership. The real power is much darker. There are forces in this world that have nothing better to do than to develop superweapons.

A biological weapon can be a weapon of control that does not have the collateral damage of a nuclear bomb. It can target special victims and use fear to bring the masses to their knees.

Do you think they wouldn't do it? You better think again.
Poor, wretched, and stupid peoples, nations determined on your own misfortune and blind to your own good! You let yourselves be deprived before your own eyes of the best part of your revenues; your fields are plundered, your homes robbed, your family heirlooms taken away. You live in such a way that you cannot claim a single thing as your own; and it would seem that you consider yourselves lucky to be loaned your property, your families, and your very lives.”

~ Etienne de La Boetie, – “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude” – Written 1552-1553

What has befallen humanity? Why are we facing an end to freedom, beauty, and happiness? Why are so many fooled over and over again? Why has stupidity replaced sanity and logic? Why are the masses bound to darkness instead of accepting reality and truth?

Freedom Is Strength, Obedience Is Weakness, and Indifference Is Cowardice

Questioning the Existence of Covid-19

I get many responses to my articles, and most are positive, some are respectfully critical, and some are just downright nasty and rude. None are surprising, but some are thought provoking and interesting enough that I think it useful to discuss openly in order to clarify positions I take.

One such critical letter was sent to me due to my most recent article, “There Is no Covid and There Is no Pandemic: There Is Only Deception and Tyranny.” A seemingly very intelligent individual claimed that I went too far by saying that no Covid-19 exists. His extensive background in these matters caused me to take notice, and to write this blog so that there is no question as to the position I fully believe to be accurate. This reader’s remarks were very technical and sourced, so I do take seriously his points, but we will not agree completely in the end.

There Is no Covid and There Is no Pandemic: There Is Only Deception and Tyranny

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”

~ George Orwell

Mask Wearing and ‘Social’ Distancing Compliance Is a Threat to the Individual Sovereignty of All

“Liberty, then, is the sovereignty of the individual, and never shall man know liberty until each and every individual is acknowledged to be the only legitimate sovereign of his or her person, time, and property, each living and acting at his own cost.”

~ Josiah Warren, “Equitable Commerce”. Book by Josiah Warren, 1848.

The essence of freedom is based on individual sovereignty, while the essence of servitude is based on compliance and obedience to false authority. Any claimed authority is illegitimate if it is not voluntary, and therefore administered by force. That means that all government authority is improper unless each and every individual agrees with that governance, and also has the ability to throw it aside, and leave at any time of his choosing. We have never lived under a system that allowed real freedom in this country.
You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
And you better look at history too, pal.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."

I propose that whenever tyrant motherfuckers try this shit again, we respond with extreme violence. We can never let our government get to this level again. We need to bathe in the guts of the motherfuckers who try that shit again. Our response needs to be violent and savage. It needs to put fear in the hearts of anyone who would dare think about trying this shit again.

Disease or no disease. It's not an excuse to rid the world of human rights.
Ghee, what melodramatics.
Orwell really nailed it in his groundbreaking novel, 1984. He was early on the actual date, but he got the basic evil mechanism of information manipulation down pat. Big Brother Government is definitely here and the blocking of information that is taking place in broad daylight demonstrates the real and present danger unfolding in the world today. Did anyone ever think that the planet’s highest-level inhabitants would be wearing masks and forced to huddle in small groups? Do you see gorillas doing this, or dogs or cows?

Why didn’t nature attack the birds, the fish or even some insects? Could it be that the attack did not come from nature? Big Brother Government has an answer for that wrapped in language magic-conspiracy theories!, dangerous speech!, Debunked misinformation! It is all there, just as Orwell said it would be. Big Brother Government has a leader all set to save us! He stands in front of huge screens repeating what the giant text conveys. His brain is mummified but his mouth still functions, and he has planning committees waiting in the wings to do the actual work of totalitarian takeover of mind and spirit.

The new savior implores us to listen to the same science that created the monster. The monster had to be imposed on the people because the people were not listening to Big Brother Government. A leader in a powerful democracy was threatening a red hoard on the other side of the world that made a Devil’s deal with Big Brother. The world was the prize, so the world was attacked. The people are afraid; they put on their masks and hate the leader that angered Big Brother! Why didn’t Orwell think of this? Maybe truth really is stranger than fiction.

Little voices that try to warn us about Big Brother become fainter as they are walled off by the propaganda ramparts of the planners. Criticism of Big Brother is “bad science” no matter the qualifications of the critics! The problematic leader had to be stopped with the “good science” of government biological research!

Yes, this is Orwell, as the insolent leader in now blamed for the misery of the people. It is working! Government science is trying to take him out like the invaders in War of the Worlds! The people’s leader is bad, and the government is good!

Science is on Big Brother’s side! Yes, this Orwell.
Thank you for yet ANOTHER fantastic post, Ray. Your threads are always a joy to read. They're always intelligent and informative. You are THE best poster I've seen on this site, Sir. :thankusmile:
The Beauty of Life Is Being Systematically Destroyed by the Covid Hoax

“Witnessing the panoply of beauty in all of nature takes us out of our shell of self-absorption and makes us realize that we are merely bit players in the game of life. Witnessing the majesty of beauty confirms that the real show lies outside us to observe and appreciate and not inside us to transfix us. True beauty charms us into seeing the grandeur of goodness that surrounds us and by doing so, the pristine splendor of nature releases us from wallowing in the poverty of our self-idealization. The bewitching spell cast by the exquisiteness of nature levitates our souls and transforms our psyche. When we see, hear, taste, smell, or touch what is beautiful, we cannot suppress the urge to replicate its baffling texture by singing, dancing, painting, or writing. Opening our eye to the loveliness of a single flower is how we stay in touch with the glorious pageantry of living.”

~ Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls
Poor, wretched, and stupid peoples, nations determined on your own misfortune and blind to your own good! You let yourselves be deprived before your own eyes of the best part of your revenues; your fields are plundered, your homes robbed, your family heirlooms taken away. You live in such a way that you cannot claim a single thing as your own; and it would seem that you consider yourselves lucky to be loaned your property, your families, and your very lives.”

~ Etienne de La Boetie, – “The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude” – Written 1552-1553

What has befallen humanity? Why are we facing an end to freedom, beauty, and happiness? Why are so many fooled over and over again? Why has stupidity replaced sanity and logic? Why are the masses bound to darkness instead of accepting reality and truth?

Freedom Is Strength, Obedience Is Weakness, and Indifference Is Cowardice

Questioning the Existence of Covid-19

I get many responses to my articles, and most are positive, some are respectfully critical, and some are just downright nasty and rude. None are surprising, but some are thought provoking and interesting enough that I think it useful to discuss openly in order to clarify positions I take.

One such critical letter was sent to me due to my most recent article, “There Is no Covid and There Is no Pandemic: There Is Only Deception and Tyranny.” A seemingly very intelligent individual claimed that I went too far by saying that no Covid-19 exists. His extensive background in these matters caused me to take notice, and to write this blog so that there is no question as to the position I fully believe to be accurate. This reader’s remarks were very technical and sourced, so I do take seriously his points, but we will not agree completely in the end.

There Is no Covid and There Is no Pandemic: There Is Only Deception and Tyranny

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”

~ George Orwell

Mask Wearing and ‘Social’ Distancing Compliance Is a Threat to the Individual Sovereignty of All

“Liberty, then, is the sovereignty of the individual, and never shall man know liberty until each and every individual is acknowledged to be the only legitimate sovereign of his or her person, time, and property, each living and acting at his own cost.”

~ Josiah Warren, “Equitable Commerce”. Book by Josiah Warren, 1848.

The essence of freedom is based on individual sovereignty, while the essence of servitude is based on compliance and obedience to false authority. Any claimed authority is illegitimate if it is not voluntary, and therefore administered by force. That means that all government authority is improper unless each and every individual agrees with that governance, and also has the ability to throw it aside, and leave at any time of his choosing. We have never lived under a system that allowed real freedom in this country.
If obedience is weakness we have the weakest military in the world.
You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
All over the world? All at once? That is a little far fetched. Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, reported the unintentional consequences of bad science. But this too convenient event has all the earmarks of purposeful intent.
Yes all over the world. All at once. Just like smallpox, the plague, the Spanish flu, the common cold and basically every transmittable disease. Entire populations have been decimated by disease before the concept of the scientific method was ever developed.

It's not even that this happening hasn't been predicted for decades. Intent has as much to do with it as intent causes the sun to rise.
Right when it was needed too! Boy, that is one for the books. Orwell's books thisat is.
Covid 19 first started in december 2019 11 Months ago. Every 2 years there's an election cycle and every 4 a Presidential election. Hell of a coincidence indeed that a global pandemic breaks out 11 months before something that happens every 4 years. :)
Remember Eisenhower's warning about the military-industrial complex. He was trying to deliver an alert to the people that real power is not in the hands of elected leadership. The real power is much darker. There are forces in this world that have nothing better to do than to develop superweapons.

A biological weapon can be a weapon of control that does not have the collateral damage of a nuclear bomb. It can target special victims and use fear to bring the masses to their knees.

Do you think they wouldn't do it? You better think again.
How is that relevant to anything? You have zero evidence that it's a biological weapon even on it's face its ridiculous. The WORLD not just the US is dealing with this. The WORLD not just the US is suffering through the social economical and humanitarian damage of this virus this includes China by the way.

You are claiming some nebulous group of scientists made a random virus without having a vaccine handy. Loosed in on the world at large, killing millions of people in the process to influence the election of 1 country. Without anything but what you consider the conspicuous timing of it without that timimg even been all that weird. Ray I know it is not going to happen but try to apply reason to your thinking.
You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
All over the world? All at once? That is a little far fetched. Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, reported the unintentional consequences of bad science. But this too convenient event has all the earmarks of purposeful intent.
Yes all over the world. All at once. Just like smallpox, the plague, the Spanish flu, the common cold and basically every transmittable disease. Entire populations have been decimated by disease before the concept of the scientific method was ever developed.

It's not even that this happening hasn't been predicted for decades. Intent has as much to do with it as intent causes the sun to rise.
Right when it was needed too! Boy, that is one for the books. Orwell's books thisat is.
Covid 19 first started in december 2019 11 Months ago. Every 2 years there's an election cycle and every 4 a Presidential election. Hell of a coincidence indeed that a global pandemic breaks out 11 months before something that happens every 4 years. :)
Remember Eisenhower's warning about the military-industrial complex. He was trying to deliver an alert to the people that real power is not in the hands of elected leadership. The real power is much darker. There are forces in this world that have nothing better to do than to develop superweapons.

A biological weapon can be a weapon of control that does not have the collateral damage of a nuclear bomb. It can target special victims and use fear to bring the masses to their knees.

Do you think they wouldn't do it? You better think again.
How is that relevant to anything? You have zero evidence that it's a biological weapon even on it's face its ridiculous. The WORLD not just the US is dealing with this. The WORLD not just the US is suffering through the social economical and humanitarian damage of this virus this includes China by the way.

You are claiming some nebulous group of scientists made a random virus without having a vaccine handy. Loosed in on the world at large, killimg millions of people in the process to influence the election of 1 country. Ray I know it is not going to happen but try to apply reason to your thinking.
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
Will the Planned Coronavirus Second Wave Take Root With the Election Chaos and Nationwide Riots as Distractions?

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

~ C. S. Lewis, Article – “The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment”. (1949)

What in the world lies ahead? We are in the midst of the most incredible attempt by the powerful to take over humanity that has ever happened on earth. These times will determine our fate, as the controllers and enforcers are on a mission to complete the task of total population control without delay. This is always the desire of tyrants, but nothing of this scale or magnitude has ever been attempted, but now this Covid false flag event has caused the possibility of world domination by the few to be dangerously close to being attained. This is our dilemma, and there is little time to reverse this course we are on today. What will the people decide
You would have to be blind to not see the what diseases do to wild animals...If you think that VCOVID-19 is a new phenomena with humans you better do a little more research to find that humans have a never ending job of battling microscopic diseases and viruses....
All over the world? All at once? That is a little far fetched. Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring, reported the unintentional consequences of bad science. But this too convenient event has all the earmarks of purposeful intent.
The plague managed to transverse the globe even during non-industrialed eras..

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